
Chapters/SIGs/Affiliates admin



Official ACBS Chapters
This community is truly international with Chapters in Asia, Europe, South America, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, and North America. Please click a link below to view the ACBS Chapters in an area near you.

What are Chapters?

Affiliated chapters are membership organizations associated with ACBS through their interest in the dissemination and growth of ACBS values. Advancing the values of ACBS has become an international effort as witnessed by the countries represented by our members. Chapters provide an excellent way for members to become involved at the local and regional level. Chapters are established within regions, countries, or localities, or within language communities to promote the work of CBS in a particular language community or geographical area. Chapters are formal entities with an officer structure, membership base, formalized mission and goals, and plan diverse activities in regions within the Chapter (such as workshops, institutes, peer supervision groups, training & dissemination initiatives, research projects, grant collaboration, and small conferences) as well as at the annual World Conferences. While Chapters are formally approved and recognized by the board of directors, Chapters are self-governed entities. 

Interested in Starting a New Chapter? Go here to find out how.

Affiliates: Want a quick start up ACBS group in your area, consider starting an official ACBS Affiliate. Affiliates are smaller & simpler to form than chapters, however Affiliates can do most of the same activities that chapters do. Affiliates can be formally associated within a larger chapter (but they don't have to have any formal sponsorship with the larger chapter). Affiliates may eventually convert to a becoming an ACBS chapter.

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is a current paid member of ACBS is eligible to join -- students, professionals and affiliates -- and who live or work in the language community or geographical region encompassed by the Chapter.

What can Chapters do?

Chapters have many options for activities. Here are a few suggestions.

Calendar of Chapter Events

Click here for the calendar of upcoming Chapter, Affiliate, and SIG events




Argentina Chapter (ENGLISH)

Affiliated 2019

Follow the chapter on Instagram YOUTUBE

Click here to join the Argentina Chapter

Chapter Contact:

2025 Chapter Officers

  • Ariel Farroni, Presidente (2025)

  • Débora Landart Presidenta Electa

  • Victor Fabris, Ex Presidente

  • Carolina Fernández Díaz, Secretaria

  • Agustina Cantón, Member at Large

  • Belén Kaucher, Member at Large

  • Solange Estevez, Member at Large

  • Maira Orive, Member at large

  • Carina Lescano, Member at Large

  • Manuel Tarraf, Representante Estudiantil

Misión / Objetivos

Nuestra misión es asegurar y facilitar el desarrollo y difusión de la Ciencia Conductual Contextual (CBS) en Argentina. Nuestro objetivo es construir una comunidad colaborativa de profesionales, investigadores y estudiantes para difundir la aplicación de CBS en el país.

Posibles actividades del capítulo

  • Coordinar esfuerzos para desarrollar una base de datos que contenga una colección de materiales en español que contribuirá a la difusión de la mejor evidencia científica disponible sobre ACT y RFT
  • Promover la formación y el desarrollo profesional
  • Organizar conferencias sobre ACT en Argentina


Our mission is to ensure and facilitate the development and dissemination of the contextual behavioral science (CBS) in Argentina. We aim at building a collaborative community of practitioners, researchers and students to spread the application of CBS in the country.

Possible Chapter Activities

  • Coordinate efforts to develop a database containing a collection of materials in Spanish which will contribute to the dissemination of the best available scientific evidence on ACT and RFT
  • Promote training and professional development
  • Organize lectures on ACT in Argentina




  • 2024 Chapter Officers
  • Victor Fabris, President
  • Ariel Farroni, President Elect
  • Maria Jose Lami, Past President
  • Carolina Fernández Díaz, Secretary
  • Juan Alberto Gonzalez, Member at Large
  • Maira Orive, Member at large
  • Solange Estevez, Member at Large
  • Carina Lescano, Member at Large
  • David Gabriel Lopez, Student Representative
  • Autoridades del Capítulo 2023
  • Presidenta: Maria José Lami Hernandez
  • Presidente electo: Victor Fabris
  • Expresidenta: Lucía Loureiro
  • Secretaria-Tesorera: Carolina Fernández Díaz
  • Miembro en general: Melisa Quintero
  • Miembro en general: Maria Cecilia Maiojas
  • Miembro en general: Juan Alberto Gonzalez
  • Autoridades del Capítulo 2022
  • Presidenta: Lucía Loureiro
  • Presidenta electa: Maria Jose Lami Hernández
  • Secretaria-Tesorera: Geraldine Panelli
  • Miembro en general: Maria Fernanda Avila Pavan
  • Miembro en general: Melisa Quintero
  • Representante estudiantil: Micaela Herrera
  • Autoridades del Capítulo 2021
  • Presidente: Fabian Olaz 
  • Expresidente: Germán Teti
  • Secretaria-Tesorera: Geraldine Panelli
  • Miembro en general: Maria Fernanda Avila Pavan
  • Miembro en general: Carolina Fernández Díaz
  • Representante estudiantil: Sol Albera
  • Autoridades del Capítulo 2020
  • Presidente: Germán Teti
  • Presidente Electo: Fabian Olaz
  • Secretaria-Tesorera: Gabriela López Elías
  • Miembro en general: María Fernanda Avila Pavan
  • Miembro en general: Carolina Fernández Díaz
  • Representante estudiantil: Juana Taiana






Australia & New Zealand

Australia & New Zealand

Australia & New Zealand ACBS

Affiliated 2009

Click here to join the Australia and New Zealand Chapter- Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

The ANZ Chapter has membership offerings. Click here to find out more.
You must be a current member of ACBS to be eligible for ANZ Chapter membership.

Chapter website:

Contact Information

May Chi

Current Board of Directors

President: Julian McNally
President-Elect:  Lauren Lawson
Immediate Past-President: Michael Swadling
Treasurer: Grant Dewar
Secretary: May Chi
Member-at-large: Brendon Knott
Member-at-large: Renae Kolia
NZ Representative: Vin Allen
NZ Representative: [vacant]
Student Representative: Andrew St Lawrence


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Australia and New Zealand, so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Australia and New Zealand.


The ANZ ACBS website is a great resource for clinicians and researchers. It contains information about upcoming events, training, and peer consultation groups. Be sure to visit the website here:

Chapter Activities


November 23, 2019: Webinar – Evolution, Parenting and ACT with Dr Koa Whittingham

November 23, 2019: Webinar – Evolution, Parenting and ACT with Dr Koa Whittingham

This webinar is being hosted by the Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) Chapter

Tickets are $20 for current ACBS members who have also paid their local Australia-New Zealand Chapter dues
Tickets are $70 for members who have not paid Australia-New Zealand Chapter dues

You can get your tickets here and follow event updates here.


Past Conferences

Past Conferences

The ANZ Chapter has been very active in holding conferences which have been both intellectually and experientially stimulating -- and also lots of fun! 

Check out our past conferences in the links below:

2016 Annual Conference Presentations

2017 Annual Conference Presentations


2008 ACT Oceania II, Christchurch NZ

2008 ACT Oceania II, Christchurch NZ

Presentations will be added as and when I can get them, can find the time to put them up and the site is responding enough to receive them We appreciate your comments either here or on the listserve. Some of these presentations have already been placed on the ANZO files page. Joseph has added his separately. Larger presentations could not be uploaded until recently and I have now loaded all the presentations I have available. David Mellor

David Mellor

2009 ANZ Chapter Conference in Melbourne, Australia a Huge Success

2009 ANZ Chapter Conference in Melbourne, Australia a Huge Success

The Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Chapter of ACBS put on a conference in Melbourne, Australia on November 13-15, 2009 with record turnout.

Over 300 people attended the conference, but more could have been possible as the venue simply could not safely hold more than 300 attendees; and the conference sold out a month in advance. Conference coordinators said that this record attendance rivals that of even much older and more established organizations 'down under'.

What made this conference special? Of note were the diversity of both the attendees and the conference program as well as the sense of community engendered by the conference.

Joseph Ciarrochi, ANZ Chapter President was particularly impressed by the diversity of folks who have become interested and the new frontiers of exploration evident in the conference presentations. “People are coming into ACBS from everywhere: psychology, counseling, education, organizations.” ANZ Chapter Vice-President Russ Harris added that the list of attendees at the conference included “general medical practitioners, psychiatrists, nurses, coaches, counselors, teachers, psychologists, social workers -- and even a physiotherapist.”  

Ciarrochi, among others, was amazed to hear how much was being done.  “People are conducting top research in both ACT and RFT, and people are creating new materials (e.g., ACT comic book for kids, new ACT songs, websites),” Ciarrochi said.  He continues, “people are stepping into some difficult populations with the attempt to reduce suffering and promote caring relationships.”

Although most of the conference workshops and talks were given by ANZ members themselves, conference organizers also welcomed members of the international ACBS community who traveled ‘down under’ to share their knowledge and experience: Patty Bach, JoAnne Dahl, Jason Luoma, Patti Robinson, Kirk Strosahl, and Rob Zettle.

Indeed, Strosahl and Robinson of Mountainview Consulting Group, USA kicked off the conference with a 2-day intensive workshop to help attendees “supercharge” their case conceptualization skills and practice them with many types of clients.

The conference program for the three following days was packed with thoughtfully crafted workshops that branched out into different areas that reflect the creativity and larger work being done.   

Rather than emphasize the application of ACT to a particular circumscribed problem, the ACBS-ANZ conference focused heavily on the process of therapy (e.g., integrating the model, bringing experiential work and psychological flexibility to supervision practices, and approaching termination from an ACT perspective) across problems (e.g., conducting powerful brief psychotherapy, applying case conceptualization skills, using defusion skillfully, and engendering values clarification).  

Even within workshops for ‘typical’ clinical problem areas such as OCD, substance abuse, and social anxiety, there was a focus on a particular aspect of the problem (e.g., compassion and shame in addiction, the importance of mindfulness and self-esteem in social anxiety). Also, areas that are not often typically found in training programs were evidenced at the conference such as sexual functioning, psychosis, chronic pain, multi-problem clients, and working with troubled youth.

The importance of bringing an ACT perspective on mindfulness to general medical practice was evidenced by both formal workshops presented and the informal daily discussion on the topic facilitated by psychiatrist and ANZ member Rob Purssey. Conference presenters also thoughtfully linked ACT to other practices such as the Eight-Fold Path in Buddhism and Gestalt therapy.

Some exciting new work in the area of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) added to the depth of the conference experience. Darin Cairns, ANZ member from Perth, Australia, conducted a workshop Raising a Flexible, Adaptive & Empowered Child: Applications of RFT in Child Development, in which he showed attendees how to apply RFT to healthy child development in a way that Harris described as “simple, interesting and, yes, even entertaining!”  

Even more impressive, Cairns shared astounding results in his work using RFT-enhanced interventions to the children he serves in his clinic with Autism. Ciarrochi excitedly reported that Cairns’ data shows that many of his students go from “not being able to relate at all, to being able to have empathy and connectedness with their parents.” And the clinic appears to be outperforming other (non-RFT) behaviorally-oriented clinics.

Ciarrochi continues, “[Cairns] is changing lives with RFT...and his workshop convinced me that we can absolutely not have ACT without RFT. RFT is (gasp) practical!”
Ciarrochi, not surprisingly, was very excited about both how well Cairns explained RFT to his audience, as well as how clear the application has been to the improvement of the human condition. Much more work is needed, but in the meantime, Ciarrochi and Harris eagerly await Cairns’ published results. They hope that Cairns and the many dedicated RFT researchers in the ACBS community at large will continue to find creative ways to bring RFT further into mainstream behavioral science approaches.

Even beyond the diversity of the conference program, both Ciarrochi and Harris were impressed by the sense of community engendered by the conference.

Harris spoke of the incredible outpouring of helpers to make the conference possible.  “We had far more volunteers to help out with the conference than we could actually utilize; so many folks chipped in to make it all run smoothly, with folks like Julian McNally, Louise Shepherd, Linda Bilich, Shelly McQuade, Carla Walton, David Mellor, and Louise Hayes putting in many hours of tedious work for the greater good.”

Follies nights at ACBS conferences are always great times to build community, loosen up, and practice the art of not taking ourselves or the work too seriously. The first ever ANZ Follies night was no exception; reportedly it was an event of epic proportions. Conference attendee Emma Hanieh reports that Ciarrochi’s “emotional investment in the success of the follies reached new heights”, but it certainly paid off. Skits did not fail in their creativity and reach; setting up Lego role plays, examining the relational frames associated with RFT (ahem, boring? never!), applying ACT to Dog Whispering and reducing the stress in our Feathered Friends, and the ACT/RFT Terminator film cleverly crafted by Luoma's colleagues in Portland, OR, USA. These and the many other skits presented (and perhaps the tears of laughter associated with them) will be fondly remembered by all for quite some time.

However, to borrow a phrase from Gestalt therapy, the whole of the conference was more than the sum of its parts. The camaraderie felt by conference organizers and attendees alike helped some reach a level of connection with the work they didn’t think possible.

Ironically, Ciarrochi was one of them.  He admits, “really, I am in shock. I mean, I always give these idealistic talks at the ACT conferences, but (I am embarrassed to admit) my mind is telling me that there is no way we can really improve the human condition.”  

And yet, in a moment of defusion, Ciarrochi would be the first to let his thoughts do what they will around this issue. His experience (like that of anyone who attended the conference) tells him that the ANZ Chapter, thorough its members’ dedicated work in ACT and RFT, is well on its way to doing just that.

With the shock of a successful conference comes elation -- and a willingness to dive in to plan the next one. We can echo the cry of ANZ member Louise Shepherd: “Bring on Adelaide, 2010!”

Indeed Ciarrochi’s idealism may be more than simply a pipe dream. It appears to already be a reality.

But don’t take my word for it…



2011 ANZACT Conference - video, audio ppts

2011 ANZACT Conference - video, audio ppts

The final 3 day PROGRAM for ANZACT 2011 held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Sept 30 - Oct 2 is attached (and available via the link at the beginning of this line).

ACT “conferences” are unusual – comprising many half day workshops, with a practical clinical and coaching skills-building focus.

Go to to book your best opportunity this year to build your ACT skills, learning directly from the best in the world.

ANZACT 2011 will be a feast of clinically focussed, and coaching oriented, skills building ACT workshops, with sessions for;

ACT beginners; PTSD; ACT for Coaches (many perspectives); Child, Adolescent and Families; Kindness and Self-Compassion – for anxiety, depression, etc; Organisational Behavior Management; Eating Disorders; Self-help – for all disorders; Borderline Personality Disorder; Chronic Pain; Chronic and Terminal Medical Conditions; OCD; Couples; Addictions; Psychoses; ACT and RFT clinical links; Autism and Schizophrenia; ACT and FAP; how the science underlying ACT clarifies how Drugs really work on Human Behavior; and much more!

Lively panel sessions will consider ACT in relation to Traditional CBT; the Triple P program, ACT and RFT; Positive psychology, Coaching, and ACT - Common themes and goals; Contextual Behavioral Supervision; and Research perspectives.

robert purssey

2012 - The 6th annual Australia-New Zealand Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Conference

2012 - The 6th annual Australia-New Zealand Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Conference

Our sixth annual conferene was held at Australian Catholic University from November 30 to December 2, 2012. In contrast to earlier conferences, this comprised a set of two day workshops followed by a single day of seminars and workshops together with a stimulating poster session.

Following is the program of the conference along with links to the presentation materials and handouts provided by the presenters/speakers. Where these are not provided, reasons are noted in the description of the presentation.

November 30 & December 1: Workshops

1. Dr Louise Hayes & Darin Cairns:
The adolescent self: A functional account of their developing self. Handouts

2. Dr Benji Schoendorff:
Clinical Functional Contextualism - Integrating ACT and FAP with the Matrix. Powerpoint and Handouts. Bridging form, Day 1. Bridging form, Day 2.

3. Dr Kirk Strosahl & Dr Patricia Robinson
Brief Interventions for Radical Change: Principles and Practice of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (FACT). 

December 2: Seminars

Rob Purssey: ACT on Drugs - Functional contextual pharmacology. Slides
Darin Cairns: Symbol Wars: The Fight for the Last Word...
Baljinder Sahdra, Sarah Marshall, & Joseph Ciarrochi: Letting Go, Becoming Free: The Role of ACT in Promoting Nonattachment. Slides
Rachel Collis: Using Contextual Behavioural Science in Executive Coaching. Handout
Claire Edwards & Dianne Tucker: Taming the Angry Beast. SlidesResources for working Mindfully and Creatively with children and families.
Mary Sawyer & James Duguid: Rule Governed Behaviour and ACT. Slides- Duguid, RGB
Henry Schmidt III: Chain Analysis in DBT. Slides
Russ Harris: The Reality Slap. Slides
NeLi Martin & Paul Atkins: Buddha As a Contextual Behaviourist. Slides
Jane Morton: Wise Choices: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for People with Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms.
Emma Hanieh: ACT with the Australian Aboriginal Population. To protect the privacy of individuals, no slides were provided, however Dr Hanieh is happy for people with questions to contact her directly:
Matthew Smout: ACT Research in Context. Slides

Julian McNally

2015 ANZACBS Conference Resources

2015 ANZACBS Conference Resources

2015 ANZACBS Conference - Victoria University, Wellington

Conference Resources

Resources that have been given to us by our presenters can be found at this dropbox link.


Conference Overview on Slate

Also, Daniel Farrant shared the following with us:

I was also experimenting with a new way of taking notes at the conference, and spent some time trying to present them in a way that would be engaging and memorable.

After doing that I thought I’d share around what I came up with. If you would like to have a look, please follow the link below.

(Just a tip, it won’t work in the browser Explorer, so you’ll need to use Mozilla, or Google Chrome etc.) 


Peer consultation groups

Peer consultation groups

The ANZ Chapter website (here) contains an excellent up-to-date list of peer consultation groups.  Other information is listed below.


ACT Peer Supervision/ Interest Group Sydney with Mary Sawyer

ACT Peer Supervision/ Interest Group Sydney with Mary Sawyer

I have a monthly ACT peer supervision/interest group meeting at Randwick. This group has been meeting for some years now and we have a core group of clinicians attending regularly.

The meeting usually follows along these lines:

  • I begin with an initial experiential exercise,
  • Practice one of the core ACT skills usually from the Learning ACT text
  • Sometimes watching a DVD with one of the more expert ACT clinicians
  • Role play with someone being a client they are stuck with
  • Some reflective practice and discussion
  • A demonstration with me (Mary) as the ACT therapist General networking with our colleagues
  • Learning about RFT and Functional Contextualism

We are a friendly bunch of people who have a genuine passion for being the best ACT clinicians and meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 6.30-8pm.

If you want to join us, please ring Mary on 02 9388 9669 or email

mary sawyer

Christchurch, New Zealand - ACT Interest / Peer Supervision Group

Christchurch, New Zealand - ACT Interest / Peer Supervision Group

Kia Ora We are group of mental health professionals who meet once a month (3.45pm - 5pm on a Thursday) at the Princess Margaret Hospital for training and peer supervision in ACT. We would love to hear from you if you are in the area and interested in learning more about ACT as we muddle our way through! We welcome new members. Contact What we do:Sessions include experiential exercises, looking at the ACT core processes, discussion of chapters and papers, and peer consultation on cases. We respond to the needs and interests of group members. This group has been meeting for three years (since 2008) in a range of forms, becoming much more ACT focussed in the past year.

Kathryn Whitehead

ACT Focus Group - Nowra, South Coast NSW, Australia

ACT Focus Group - Nowra, South Coast NSW, Australia

We meet once every 4-6 weeks to exchange information, resources, experiences on a particular ACT topic.  You are welcome to join us if you are in our area and have done at least an Intro ACT training.

Call Linda at SESIAHS 4421 8002

Linda Knight

Research in Australia and New Zealand

Research in Australia and New Zealand

Discover more about the thriving research community in Australia and New Zealand. Go to the ANZ ACBS Chapter website to read more.

Joseph Ciarrochi

ACT for Chronic Pain

ACT for Chronic Pain
For the past three years the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Pain Management Cente has run multidisciplinary pain management programmes based on ACT. There are two programmes; three week fulltime and eight weeks part time. Our data shows large, clinically significant gains that are maintained at up to six months follow-up. We will soon have enough data to comment on twelve months follow-up and hope to run an RCT in the next year or so. If you would like more information feel free to email me on
Tony Merritt

ACT research involving Joseph Ciarrochi and his colleagues

ACT research involving Joseph Ciarrochi and his colleagues

We have a thriving research community at the University of Wollongong. Here are some of our current projects related to ACT.

Evaluating the efficacy of ACT with the NSW police. A wait-list control trial (Bilich, Bayliss, and Ciarrochi).

Developing and validating the Survey of Life Principles, a new measure meant to support the values component of ACT (Ciarrochi & Bailey). We have collected substantial data already with adults (Stefanic & Ciarrochi; Frearson & Ciarrochi). We will be collecting a large amount of data with older adolescents (aged 17 or so) by November 2008.

Evaluating a web-based ACT intervention for people diagnosed with cancer (Ciarrochi, Lane, and Blackledge)

Evaluating the personal values questionnaire (Blackledge & Ciarrochi)

An ongoing longitudinal study of the role of mindfulness, experiential avoidance, thought suppression, alexithymia, and other ACT-related variables in predicting social and emotional well-being amongst adolescents. This project is now in its sixth year. It involves many researchers , including Ciarrochi, Heaven, Leason, Jordan, Supavadeeprasit

We have a variety of projects involving couples, and another involving kids in foster care. We do our best to get ACT-relevant variables into the studies

Joseph Ciarrochi

Avoidance and Acceptance Process in the Recovery from Enduring Mental Illness (Vinicius Siqueira)

Avoidance and Acceptance Process in the Recovery from Enduring Mental Illness (Vinicius Siqueira)


AUTHORS: • VINICIUS R. SIQUEIRA, BA (UNIPAR – BR), Specialist (Lato Sensu) in Behavior Analysis and Functional Analytic Therapy (UNIPAR – BR). University of Wollongong, Psychology Masters Research Student.
• LINDSAY G. OADES, B.A.(Hons) Adel, PhD (Woll), MBA with Distinction (Wollongong) - Senior Lecturer (Clinical Psychology). University of Wollongong.

INSTITUTION: School of Psychology & Illawarra Institute for Mental Health, University of Wollongong - AU.

ABSTRACT of Research:
• Objective: The concept of Recovery has been generating significant interest in mental health contexts, as has the new behavioral change approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) within psychotherapy contexts. This study examines the role of psychological acceptance (PA) and experiential avoidance (EA), two core concepts of ACT, in the psychological recovery process of people with enduring mental illness.
• Methods: Forty-five published recovery narratives were analyzed seeking to investigate the frequency and role of EA and PA given by those narrating their recovery journey. Two case studies were used to illustrate how EA and PA occur within narratives and how their use may vary across different stages of psychological recovery.
• Results: Observing the frequency and role of PA in self-reported successful recovery in the publish narratives and its appearance in higher stages of recovery in the case studies, it can be seen a possible corroboration of data that lead to the idea that the prevalence of PA in a person’s recovery seemly correlates with positive developments in ones journey of recovery. Conversely EA is seen through its frequency and role in the publish narratives and case studies as possibly associated with failures when dealing with aspects of mental illness.
• Conclusions: This study showed preliminary data on PA and EA in the recovery process, however further quantitative research is required to support and validate the initial findings of this study.

(For more information on the research please be free to contact: Vinicius Siqueira at

Vinicius Siqueira

Belgium & Netherlands (Dutch-speaking)

Belgium & Netherlands (Dutch-speaking)

ACBS BeNe: Belgian-Dutch Chapter of ACBS

Affiliated 2010

Click here to join the ACBS BeNe Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Contact Information

Register and Learn here:

Current board members & their terms:

Maaike Welfing Wittebrood, President 
Cunie Wolthers, Secretary 
Nelleke van Dam, Treasurer 
Larinda Bok, Board member 
Renate Reijns, Boardmember 


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Belgium and The Netherlands so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being

Specifically, the organization shall:
  • Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Belgium and The Netherlandswho identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.
  • Promote research and scholarship in Belgium and The Netherlands focused on the development of a coherent and progressive science of human action that is more adequate to the challenges of the human conditionthat will.
  • Identify and promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence; of effective prevention and intervention strategies.
  • Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge;
  • Promote the development in Belgium and The Netherlands of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes and in exploring the additional implications of this work, and that emphasizes open and low cost methods of connecting with this work so as to keep the focus on benefit to others;
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Belgium and The Netherlands.
  • Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be ACBS members who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Belgium or the Netherlands. We apply value based dues.

Jacqueline A-Tjak

Belgium & Netherlands (Dutch-speaking) Chapter Information

Belgium & Netherlands (Dutch-speaking) Chapter Information

ACBS BeNe: Nederlandse ondervereniging van de ACBS

Opgericht in 2010

Contact Informatie

Registratie en informatie:


De vereniging heeft ten doel het bevorderen van de wetenschappelijke en klinische praktijk van de contextuele gedragswetenschappen.

Meer specifiek richt de vereniging zich op:
  • Allen in Belgie en Nederland, die wetenschapper, student, of therapeut/coach of anderszinds professioneel bezig met gedragsverandering zijn en die geinteresseerd zijn in de principes en uitvoering van contextuele gedragswetenschap  en geinteresseerden;
  • Diegenen die in Belgie and Nederland wetenschapsbeoefening stimuleren met een focus op de ontwikkeling van coherent en progressief onderzoek naar menselijk gedrag volgens de principes van contextuele gedragswetenschap;
  • het identificeren en stimuleren van de ontwikkeling van nuttige basisprincipes, werkbare toegepaste theorieen die verbonden zijn met deze principes, effectieve toegepaste technieken gebaseerd op deze theorieen en succesvolle wijze van training en disseminatie van deze ontwikkelingen , geleid door de best mogelijk beschikbare wetenschappelijke evidentie; en van effectieve preventie en interventie strategieen;  
  • het stimuleren van een blik op wetenschap die waarde hecht aan een dynamische, doorlopende interactie tussen de basale en toegepaste elementen, en tussen praktische toepassing en empirische kennis;
  • het stimuleren van de otnwikkeling in Belgie en Netherland van een gemeenschap van wetenschappers, onderzoekers, opleiders en uitvoerders, die zullen samenwerken in een collegiale, open, zelf-kritische, niet discriminerende en wederzijds steunende wijze, die effectief is om waardevolle uitkomensten tot stand te brengen en in het exploreren van bijkomende implicaties van dit werk en dat de nadruk legt op open methoden met lage kosten om met dit werk verbonden te zijn, zodat een focus kan vastgehouden worden op het profijt van anderen;
  • het adviseren van openbare lichamen met betrekking tot contextuele gedragswetenschappen in Belgie en Netherland;
  • het organiseren en ondersteunen van forums, congressen, websites, discussiegroepen en andere dergelijke activiteiten ten behoeve van het bereiken van de doelen van de vereniging. 

Informatie voor leden

Mensen die geinteresseerd zijn in functioneel contextuele wetenschap en toepassing in Belgie en Nederland, RFT en ACT en die al lid zijn van de moedervereniging kunnen lid worden. Wij hanteren een waardegerichte contributie.

Met veel genoegen laten wij u weten dat de website van de Belgisch-Nederlandse ACT Vereniging, de ACBS BeNe geheel vernieuwd is. Helaas functioneerde de oude website niet zoals we dat graag wilden. De nieuwe website is veel gebruiksvriendelijker en we hopen dat het een plek wordt waar mensen met interesse in ACT elkaar kunnen vinden en kennis kunnen delen. De website heeft een nieuw adres gekregen: Hiermee laten we duidelijker zien dat de vereniging voor alle Nederlandstaligen is en betrekken wij onze Belgische collega's hopelijk meer.
Wie al lid was van de ACBS BeNe en was ingeschreven via de oude website ( moet zich opnieuw inschrijven op de nieuwe website. We hebben helaas geen gelegenheid om alle gegevens over te hevelen. De nieuwe website heeft immers ook meer functionaliteiten. We hebben zoveel mogelijk wensen en adviezen van leden overgenomen op de nieuwe website.
Wie geen lid (meer) is kunnen wij een mooi aanbod doen: men kan nu gratis lid worden tot 2013. Aan het begin van het nieuwe jaar zullen alle leden een verzoek ontvangen om het lidmaatschapsgeld over 2013 te betalen.
Bent u lid, dan nodigen wij u uit rond te kijken op de website en de mogelijkheden ervan te ontdekken. Zijn er zaken die u er graag op wilt, maar die er nog niet opstaan, dan kunt u deze zelf toevoegen (uw eigen profiel, cursusaanbod voor de agenda, een discussiestuk of therapiemateriaal), of een mail sturen via de website om suggesties door te geven.  Wij hopen met alle leden de website uit te bouwen tot een waardevol geheel.

Jacqueline A-Tjak

Branche Francophone - French-Speaking

Branche Francophone - French-Speaking


french in the world.jpg

Association Francophone pour une Science Comportementale Contextuelle – Branche francophone de l’ACBS 

Affilié depuis 2011

Cliquez ici pour rejoindre la Branche francophone - Chapitre francophone

Follow us on

Chapter website:

Youtube channel: AFSCC Therapie ACT RFT

Bonjour à toutes et à tous!

En juin 2011 nous avons créé une association francophone, branche de l'ACBS internationale et dédiée à la promotion et au développement de la thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement, la théorie des cadres relationnels et plus généralement la science comportementale contextuelle en langue française.


L'Association Francophone pour une Science Comportementale Contextuelle (AFSCC) est la branche francophone de l'Association for a  Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) dédiée à la promotion et au développement de la Thérapie d'acceptation et d'engagement (ACT; à prononcer comme « acte ») et de la Théorie des cadres relationnels (TCR) dans la francophonie. Récemment, avec la publication de plusieurs livres et articles en langue française, ACT a connu un essor considérable dans les pays francophones.

Plusieurs réalisent tout le potentiel de l'ACT et de la TCR en psychothérapie. Les membres de l'AFSCC proviennent de différents pays comme le Canada, la France, la Belgique, la Suisse, la Martinique. Ils viennent des divers horizons thérapeutiques. Certains sont des behavioristes radicaux ou des fervents de la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale, d'autres sont issus de courants orientaux (comme le bouddhisme) ou d'approches existentielles et humanistes.

Ils y coexistent avec des professions distinctes comme celles de psychologue, de psychothérapeute, de médecin, de psychiatre, d'infirmier, d'ergothérapeute, de nutritionniste, de travailleur social, de sexologue, de psychoéducateur et de coach.Tous partagent la même passion pour l'ACT dans leur pratique et comme philosophie de vie...


pour suivre toutes nos actualités et événènements, retrouvez nous sur notre site :


L’AFSCC organise son Congrès annuel à Paris les vendredi 19 et samedi 20 janvier 2024.
Deux journées pour réunir les professionnel(le)s, chercheur(e)s et étudiant(e)s francophones autour des sciences comportementales, contextuelles et fonctionnelles dans un contexte convivial.

Les membres de l’AFSCC de tous les horizons sont invités à participer à ces journées et à présenter une communication sous forme de résultats de recherche, d’études de cas, d’atelier de formation ou de partage d’expériences.

L’objectif de l’AFSCC est de diffuser les thérapies issues des sciences comportementales, contextuelles et fonctionnelles (i.e., Thérapie d’Acceptation et d’Engagement, Pleine Conscience, Thérapie Centrée Compassion, Psychologie Positive...) ainsi que leur rationnel théorique (e.g., la Théorie des Cadres Relationnels) dans la francophonie. Toute communication dans ces champs retiendra notre attention et nous vous sollicitons pour venir animer un atelier ou une communication lors de ces 2 jours de travail ensemble. Le vendredi sera dédié aux ateliers et le samedi aux communications brèves (entre 30min et 1h)
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le formulaire afin de soumettre votre candidature. Si vous souhaitez faire une communication lors de nos journées, il est nécessaire de nous renvoyer ce formulaire avant le 01/07//2023 à l’adresse suivante : Une réponse sera envoyée au mois de septembre 2023.

Le conseil d’administration de l’AFSCC

Les années précédentes :

L’année 2022 était la 10ème année de l’AFSCC.Nous voilà a la dixième année de l’association depuis sa création en 2012 !
Nous avons eu un très beau programme en ligne durant l’année 2022 : les soirées des jeudis de l’AFSCC qui ont rencontrées un vrai succès et nous en sommes ravis.
Nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir :

  • Matthieu Villatte : Théorie des cadres relationnels
  • Pascale Senk : Haiku : l’art de l’essentiel
  • Matthieu Villatte : Théroie des cadres relationnels. Partie 2 application clinique
  • Nicolas Kazmareck : Nouveau regarde sur les valeurs : apport de la théorie de l’auto-détermination
  • Deborah d’Hhostingue et Christine Jausions-Cheymol : ACT avec les jeunes: le modèle DNA-v
  • Caroline Théau-Ethève : ACT et croissance post-traumatique
  • Frédéric Dionne : « ACT et douleur »

Soit + de 330 participants aux soirées conférences/ateliers de l’AFSCC
Toutes les soirées ont été enregistrées et se trouvent sur le site de l’AFSCC . En tant qu’adhérent de l’association vous avez le privilège de les revoir dans votre espace personnel.

L’année 2021 est la Neuvième de notre association depuis sa création en 2012
Une année marquée par une situation sanitaire difficile qui se poursuit et nous oblige à faire preuve de patience.
Nous avons poursuivi les soirées du jeudi de l’AFSCC, soirée en ligne animées par des personnes enthousiastes, motivées et généreuses
Nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir :

  • Isabelle leboeuf : « Activer la compassion pour soi et en thérapie »
  • Olivier Lefèbvre : «La taxonomie dimensionnelle hiérarchique des maladies
  • mentales et ses rapports avec la psychologie contextuelle »
  • Thomas Langlois : « ACT et hallucinations auditives »
  • Fabian Battistoni : « Utilisation dynamique de l’Acceptation et des valeurs »
  • Alexis Vancappel : « La dissociation sour le prisme des théories de la 3eme vague »
  • Frédéric Dionne : « Déjouer la procrastination pour réussir et survivre à vos
  • études »

Les soirées ont été enregistrées et en tant qu’adhérents vous pourrez retrouver les replays dans votre espace personnel sur le site de l’association.



Vous aurez accès aux soirées mensuelles gratuitement, de prix spéciaux sur nos événements et une communauté de professionnels avec qui partager des temps conviviaux :)



Adresse administrative : 544 le logis neuf, 38780 Estrablin, FRANCE 

Présidente : Martial Bouladou

Vis-Présidente : Guillaume David

Trésorière : Suzanne Archawski

Secrétaire : Morgane Osmond

Membre ordinaire: Aude-Sophie Cagnet et Naima Boulet Marcoux

Représentant étudiant: Nais Favre


Anciens membres du CA:

Sabrina Palumbo-gassner (2022)

Yannick Descharmes (France) Président 2020

Cécile Magne (France) Trésorière 2020

Nicolas Kaczmarek (France) 2020-2022

Christophe Cazauvieilh (France) Vice-Président (2014-2015)

Jean-Christophe Seznec (France) Président (2014-2015)

Francis Lemay (Québec) représentant étudiant (2012-2014)

Benjamin Schoendorff (Québec et France) Vice-président, (2011-2012), Président (2012-2013), Vice-président (2013-2014)

Egide Altenloh (Belgique) Vice-président, Président (2013-2014)

Jean-Michel Vincent (France) Membre ordinaire (2011-2014)

David Vandenbosch (Belgique) secrétaire et trésorier (2012-2014)

Jean-Louis Monestès PhD (France) : Président juin-septembre 2011

Matthieu Villatte PhD: membre ordinaire du CA juin-septembre 2011


MISSION ET OBJECTIFS DE l'AFSCC (cliquez pour les lire)


Organisation des pages françaises du site ACBS

Pour contribuer aux pages francophones du site, écrivez-nous.


Pour rejoindre l'AFSCC suivez ce lien :

Click here for info in English

benjamin schoendorff

Journée d'AFSCC à Paris 2013

Journée d'AFSCC à Paris 2013

Documents et power poinds de la journée 

Jana Grand

Journées AFSCC 2016 - Bruxelles

Journées AFSCC 2016 - Bruxelles

Cette année 2016, AFSCC organise ses journées de l'association à Bruxelles les 14-15-16 octobre 2016. 

Notre invité spécial de cette année est Kelly Wilson qui animera un atelier de deux jours sur la thématique du soin personnel et l'autocompassion qui precéde la journée d'échanges sur les pratiques. 

Pour participer à cet évenement, ne tardez pas inscrivez vous. Le flyer et le programme plus detaillé sont en pièces jointes. 

Bureau de l'AFSCC. 


Mission et objectifs de l'AFSCC

Mission et objectifs de l'AFSCC

Le but de l’association est d’œuvrer au développement d’une science comportementale et cognitive contextuelle et fonctionnelle et à son application dans les régions francophones dans le but de promouvoir le bien être et la santé mentale.
Spécifiquement, l’association oeuvre pour:

1. Servir de groupe professionnel et scientifique de référence pour les personnes des régions et des pays francophones qui se reconnaissent en tant que scientifiques, étudiants, ou praticiens de disciplines qui reposent sur les principes et les pratiques de la science comportementale contextuelle, ou pour tout membre du public intéressé par cette science.
2. Promouvoir, dans les régions francophones, la recherche et les connaissances centrés sur le développement d’une science cohérente et progressive de l’action humaine qui soit mieux adaptée aux défis futurs de la condition humaine.
3. Identifier et promouvoir le développement de principes fondamentaux utiles, de théories appliquées et fonctionnelles liées à ces principes, de technologies appliquées efficaces basées sur ces théories, et de moyens d’enseignement et de diffusion efficaces de ces développements guidés par les meilleures preuves scientifiques disponibles ; ainsi que de stratégies efficaces de prévention et d’intervention.
4. Promouvoir le développement d’une approche de la science qui attache de la valeur à l’interaction dynamique et continue entre ses éléments fondamentaux et appliqués, et entre l’application pratique et la connaissance empirique.
5. Promouvoir, dans les régions francophones, le développement d’une communauté d’universitaires, de chercheurs, d’enseignants et de praticiens travaillant de manière collégiale, ouverte, autocritique, sans discrimination et en se soutenant mutuellement afin d’être efficaces dans la réalisation d’objectifs valorisés, l’exploration des applications supplémentaires découlant de ce travail, et privilégiant les méthodes ouvertes et les moins couteuses afin d’en garantir un bénéfice pour tous.
6. Conseiller les responsables politiques, législatifs et exécutifs sur les questions liées à la science contextuelle comportementale dans les pays et les régions francophones.
7. Organiser et soutenir des forums, des conférences, des lettres d’informations, des revues, des sites internet, des listes de diffusion et d’autres activités pour l’accomplissement des objectifs de l’association.

benjamin schoendorff

Premières journées francophones de science comportementale contextuelle Montréal et Paris 2012

Premières journées francophones de science comportementale contextuelle Montréal et Paris 2012


Les premières journées francophones de science comportementale contextuelles vont se dérouler à Paris et Montréal à la rentrée 2012. En tout, c’est plus de 20 présentations et mini-ateliers qui vous seront présentés au cours de ces deux journées.
Ces premières rencontres francophones marquent un moment important dans l’essor de psychologie contextuelle dans le monde francophone et nous espérons qu’elles seront à l’origine d’une longue série de telles rencontres.
Au-delà du contenu des présentations — dont la diversité atteste de la richesse et de l’étendue de la science comportementale contextuelle — ces journées sont une opportunité de réunir toutes les personnes qui travaillent, étudient et recherchent divers aspects de la psychologie contextuelle. Nous espérons vous y rencontrer nombreux.

Frédérick Dionne PhD. Président 2011-2012
Benjamin Schoendorff, MSc président 201-2013

Vous pouvez télécharger les bulletins d'incription pour ces journées ci-dessous (à condition d'être membre ACBS et 'logged in'. Pour télécharger un bulletin d'inscription sans être membre ACBS, cliquez ici). Pour les journées de Montréal, vous pouvez retourner votre bulletin d'inscription au 341 de Ramsay, Mont-Saint-Hilaire J3H 2W4.



9 :00 -9 :15 Ouverture — Benjamin Schoendorff et Frédérick Dionne
9 :15 - 9 :35 La présence attentive en milieu de travail, Simon Grégoire
9 :35 – 9 :55 Utilisation de l’ACT auprès de populations ayant perdu leur emploi, Julie Ménard
9 :55 - 10 :15 Un pas vers l’acceptation avec une jambe qui souffre, Sylvain Bédard
10:15 – 10 :45 ACT, FAP et trouble de la personnalité, étude de cas, Marie-France Bolduc
10 :45 - 11 :15 Pause
11 :15 - 11 :45 L’espoir est-il un renforçateur? Pierre Cousineau
11 :45 - 12 :15 ACT et activation comportementale, Sébastien Hogue et Frédérick Dionne
12 :15 – 12 :45 ACT et TOC, Benjamin Schoendorff
12:45 - 13:00 Clôture, Benjamin Schoendorff


Les bienfaits de la présence attentive en milieu de travail. Simon Grégoire (Montréal). Récemment, certaines initiatives novatrices ont été proposées à l’intérieur des organisations afin d’aider les employés à développer leur présence attentive, soit l’un des six leviers d’intervention que l’on retrouve au sein de la thérapie d’acceptation et d’engagement. Dans le cadre de cette présentation, les résultats d’une étude menée au printemps dernier à l’intérieur d’une institution financière québécoise seront brièvement exposés. De nature quasi expérimentale, cette étude visait à évaluer l’impact d’un programme de méditation sur divers indicateurs individuels (par exemple, la détresse psychologique des employés) et organisationnels (par exemple, la satisfaction de la clientèle).

Utilisation de l’ACT auprès de populations ayant perdu leur emploi. Julie Ménard (Montréal). Les personnes ayant perdu leur emploi font face à de nombreux défis. Un groupe de travailleurs ayant récemment perdu leur emploi suite à une mise à pied ou une restructuration ont été invités à participer à des ateliers ACT complémentaires à leur démarche de transition de carrière dans une firme de psychologie du travail. Trois groupes ont participé à deux ateliers de trois heures, suivis d'une séance de rappel et de suivi trois mois plus tard (Bond & Bunce, 2000). Les participants ont complété des questionnaires mesurant la flexibilité psychologique, (AAQ-II, Bond et al., 2011), leur détresse psychologique (PSI, Ilfeld, 1976), leur vitalité (SV, Ryan & Frederick, 1997) et leurs actions engagées (Monestes & Vilatte, 2011) et ce, avant les ateliers et lors du suivi deux mois plus tard. Leurs réponses ont été comparées à celles d'un groupe témoin faisant appel au même service, sans atelier. Je vous présenterai les résultats préliminaires de notre étude, ainsi que mes observations quant à la viabilité d'une telle démarche auprès des travailleurs ayant perdu leur emploi.

Un pas vers l’acceptation avec une jambe qui souffre. Sylvain Bédard (Montréal) Il s’agit de la présentation du cas d’un jeune homme souffrant d’une algodystrophie réflexe à la jambe qui a été suivi par une équipe de réadaptation avec peu de résultats sur le plan physique, et qui a nécessité un suivi en psychologie en raison de la détérioration de son fonctionnement au quotidien. L’introduction de modalités thérapeutiques inspirées de ACT a marqué un tournant pour cette personne et lui a permis de réinvestir des activités qui avaient de la valeur pour lui.

ACT, FAP et trouble de la personnalité. Marie-France Bolduc (Montréal). Les troubles de l’Axe II, en particulier le trouble de la personnalité borderline, présentent des défis particuliers. Cette étude de cas illustrera comment combiner la focalisation sur la relation thérapeutique selon les principes de la thérapie basée sur l’analyse fonctionnelle (FAP) permet de renforcer la thérapie ACT d’un de ces troubles.

L’espoir peut-il être considéré comme un renforcement ? Pierre Cousineau (Montréal). La tradition comportementale a tenté d’éviter l’utilisation de termes référant à des concepts qui ne peuvent être observés directement. Le concept de besoins est l’un de ces termes qu’on préfère ne pas utiliser. Nous pensons que les termes renforcements primaires et besoins sont les deux côtés de la même médaille : l’un réfère à un comportement observable, l’autre à une expérience subjective.
Pourquoi s’embêter avec un concept comme celui des besoins ? Nous pensons qu’il ajoute des outils à la prévision et à la modification du comportement. Les personnes que l’on qualifie de troubles de la personnalité répondent souvent à des renforcements étranges. Elles semblent persister dans des comportements maintenus par des renforcements qui semblent des punitions. Ces apparentes punitions sont-elles en fait des renforcements, par exemple recevoir de l’attention lorsqu’on est frappé ? Peut-être que l’espoir d’un éventuel changement du comportement de l’autre est le renforcement et que le besoin d’attachement est l’élément fondamental de cette équation.

L’ACT et la Thérapie d’activation comportementale : similarités et divergences. Jean-Sébastien Hogue et Frédérick Dionne (Québec). a Thérapie d’acceptation et d’engagement (ACT) et la Thérapie d’activation comportementale sont deux modèles thérapeutiques très riches et efficaces sur le plan thérapeutique. Ces modèles présentent plusieurs caractéristiques communes et s’intéressent à différents degrés à des processus tels l’acceptation, l’action, la prise de distance face aux pensées, les valeurs, etc. Cet atelier contraste ces deux modèles tant sur les plans théoriques que pratiques tout en suggérant des contextes ou il peut être plus approprié d’utiliser un modèle sur l’autre.

ACT et TOC : Protocole et programme de recherche. Benjamin Schoendorff (Montréal). L’ACT vient d’être reconnue par l’APA comme traitement soutenu par des preuves pour le trouble obsessionnel compulsif (niveau de soutien modéré). Dans cette communication, je présenterai nos recherches en cours autour de l’ACT et du TOC et des processus de changement dans le TOC, ainsi qu’un protocole de traitement utilisé dans la prise en charge du TOC par l’ACT.



9 :00 -9 :30 Ouverture — mot du président, Benjamin Schoendorff
9 :30 - 10 :30 Mini-atelier 1 Arrêter de lutter avec la nourriture avec ACT, Jana Grand et Dr Anne Chablis
9 :30 - 10 :00 P1. ACTion et dissociation post-traumatique, Dr Isabelle Kallert
10 :00 - 10 :30 M1. ACT et tics, Benjamin Schoendorff
10 :30 - 11 :00 Pause
11 :00 - 11 :30 M2. TOC en groupe, Arnault, Detournay, Peyre & Demenois
11 :00 - 12 :30 Symposium ACT et nutrition - ACT et maladies nutritionnelles, Florian Saffer, - ACT et pratique de médecin nutritionniste, Dr Nicole Karsenti
11 :30 - 12 :00 M3. Acceptation et thérapie de couple, François Allard
12 :00 - 12 :30 M4. De l’hypnothérapie à l’ACT, Dr Patrice Kervinio
12 :30 - 14 :00 Déjeuner
14 :00 - 15 :00 Mini-atelier 2. Contextualisme fonctionnel et Théorie des cadres relationnels, Jana Grand et Dr Jean-Michel Vincent
14 :00 - 15 :00 Mini-atelier 3. Techniques de clown dans le travail ACT, Dr Jean-Christophe Seznec
15 :00 - 15 :30 Pause
15 :30 - 16 :30 Mini-atelier 4. ACT et compassion, Egide Altenloh
16 :00 - 16 :30 M5. Autour des sens et de l’instant présent, Dr Patrice Kervinio
à partir de 17 :00 Cocktail dans un bar du quartier


Quatre Mini-ateliers d’une heure vous permettront d’affuter vos habiletés cliniques.

Mini-atelier 1 : ACT et TCA Retrouvez la liberté en vous, Jana Grand (Lyon) et Dr Anne Chablis (Paris). Ce mini atelier consacré aux troubles du comportement alimentaire présentera l'approche ACT comme modèle qui entraîne une plus grand flexibilité psychologique et comportementale face aux émotions, aux pensées difficiles et aux habitudes alimentaires contraignantes. A l'aide de la Matrice nous présenterons et conceptualiserons un cas clinique. Le travail proposé suivra deux axes: 1) travail avec les obstacles émotionnels et cognitifs (défusion, acceptation, prise des perspectives ; 2) élargissement du comportement dans le contexte alimentaire et la vie plus large (action valeurs). L’atelier sera illustré de vignettes cliniques et de jeux de rôles interactifs.

Mini-atelier 2 : Contextualisme fonctionnel, Théorie des Cadres Relationnels et Matrice. Jana Grand (Lyon) & Dr Jean-Michel Vincent (Besançon). Ce mini-atelier présentera dans un premier temps le contextualisme fonctionnel et la théorie des cadres relationnels à travers la matrice. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons des jeux de rôles cliniques autour de la matrice en interaction avec les participants à l’atelier.

Mini-atelier 3 : Techniques de clown dans le travail ACT. Dr Jean-Christophe Seznec (Paris). Travailler à partir des techniques de clown permet de s'inscrire dans le présent à 500%. Dans cette approche on travaille l'à propos, la capacité de trouver la parole ou le geste juste qui, dans l'instant, nous maintient au contact de ce qui est important. L'à propos se nourrit de notre intelligence émotionnelle. Notre cerveau, machine à penser, est trop lent. Le temps d'observer, d'analyser, d'évaluer et de choisir, c'est trop tard! Les techniques de clown en psychothérapie aident à redescendre dans le corps et le présent lorsque l’on est bloqué dans sa tête et la crainte d'un futur imaginaire. En cela, elles sont de proches parentes des techniques expérientielles ACT.

Mini-atelier 4 : ACT et compassion pour soi, Egide Altenloh (Bruxelles). Cet atelier présentera la compassion pour soi : concept, données, instruments de mesure et intérêt thérapeutique. Dans une deuxième partie, l’atelier offrira une approche expérientielle et clinique de la compassion pour soi, avec des opportunités de pratiquer la compassion pour soi.

Série M - Méthodes de prise en charge : Ces communications de 30 minutes éclairent différentes manières d’intégrer l’ACT à sa pratique clinique ou à certaines populations spécifiques.

M1. ACT et tics. Benjamin Schoendorff (Montréal). Une nouvelle prise en charge empiriquement validée des désordres d’habitudes (tics, trichotillomanie, oncophagie, dermatillomanie) propose de réduire la tension dans les groupes musculaires impliqués dans ces troubles. Une partie centrale du traitement vise à apprendre à discriminer tension et relâchement des muscles ainsi que les caractéristiques des situations dans lesquelles l’habitude est engagée. Je montrerai comment l’ACT, comprise sous l’angle de l’entrainement de discriminations fonctionnelles, se marie parfaitement à cette approche et peut permettre d’approfondir le travail et d’en pérenniser les gains.

M2. Psychothérapie cognitive et comportementale en groupe d’une patiente présentant un TOC. Dr Manuela Arnault, Marie-Carmel Detournay, Dr Hugo Peyre, Alizée Demenois (Paris). Les modèles comportementaux du TOC ont permis le développement de thérapies efficaces par l’exposition avec prévention de la réponse (EPR). Dans les modèles cognitifs des TOC, la lutte contre les pensées intrusives occupe une place centrale dans le développement et le maintien du trouble. La conceptualisation de l’action selon ACT permet de valoriser l’EPR. Il ne s’agit pas de proposer de simples expositions à ses peurs mais d’agir dans le sens de ses valeurs malgré la peur. De plus, le modèle ACT correspond bien au modèle cognitif du développement et du maintien des obsessions. Nous décrirons le cas d’une patiente présentant un TOC associé à un perfectionnisme dysfonctionnel, prise en charge en TCC/ACT de groupe et dont l’évolution clinique a été favorable.

M3. L’Acceptation de l’Autre comme Processus de Changement dans les interactions dyadiques en Thérapie Intégrative de Couple. François Allard (Paris). En thérapie de couple comportementale intégrée (IBCT), la technique du langage de l’acceptation de l’autre cible les conditions des contingences naturelles de changement. Verbalement on va changer la fonction d’un stimulus discriminatif aversif, le partenaire, en le reliant à des stimuli plus attractifs : dévoilement de soi, intimité. Cet atelier présentera comment l’acceptation de l’autre constitue un processus central en IBCT.

M4. De l’hypnothérapie à l’ACT ou de l’hypnothérapie dans l’ACT. Dr Patrice Kervinio (Paris). Il est classique de reconnaitre dans la thérapie ACT des éléments que nous utilisons dans les psychothérapies. Pour une hypnothérapeute la première pensée pourrait être « mais c’est de l’hypnose ! ». Nous avons déjà entendu les enfants qui ont l’expérience de thérapies traditionnelles nous dire « Ah c’est ça l’hypnose ! Nous on fait déjà ça chez nous ! ». Et après…

M5. Quelques petites variations autour des sens et de l’instant présent. Dr Patrice Kervinio (Paris). Du grain de raisin en pleine conscience à diverses confiseries :
Grains de praline et Violette de grâce. Ou comment aller de l’instant présent à l’expérience sensorielle de « permettre admettre ». Des sons et des vibrations. Des timbales au Gong agrémenté d’histoire simple. De l’attrape-doigts au modèle pro.

Symposium ACT et nutrition. Ce symposium, présidé par Jana Grand (Lyon) et avec le Dr Anne Chablis (Marseille) en discussante, sera l’occasion d’une discussion sur l’apport de l’ACT dans la prise en charge des troubles du comportement alimentaire.

1. Médecin nutritionniste et ACT : ma pratique clinique au cabinet. Dr Nicole Karsenti (Montpellier). Pour les patients en obésité, souvent associée à un syndrome métabolique, à des troubles des conduites alimentaires, l’abord nutritionnel ne suffit pas dans le suivi de ces pathologies chroniques. Voici comment j’intègre nutrition et ACT.

2. ACT et maladies nutritionnelles. Florian Saffer (Lyon). Les maladies métaboliques chroniques comme le diabète induisent des émotions multiples
(culpabilité, anxiété, colère…). Ces émotions sont des puissants freins au changement dans la mesure où elles induisent des comportements de lutte (restriction, résignation…) éloignant le patient d’une santé optimale. L’utilisation de la matrice est dans ce cas une aide précieuse.

Série P - Partage d’expérience clinique :

P1. ACTion et dissociation post-traumatique. Dr Isabelle Kallert (Montpellier). Un viol 13 ans plus tôt. Sensation de vie bloquée, symptômes clairs de PTSD, elle coterait aussi pour un trouble de la personnalité Borderline. La lecture des symptômes comme réponse au trauma à travers le cadre d'ACT permet une alliance rapide. Un livre, 6 consultations, 10 semaines, une vie métamorphosée.

P2. Comment j’utilise l’ACT « en clandestin » en tant que sophrologue et formatrice, Louise Boyer (Paris). Comment j’utilise les outils de la thérapie ACT (acceptation, pleine conscience, valeurs…) en complément de la sophrologie :
• En échange pré et post vécu de la séance de sophrologie individuelle et collective.
• En accompagnement dans les formations sur la gestion du stress gestion du temps, prise de parole en public.

Vous pouvez télécharger les bulletins d'incription pour ces journées ci-dessous (à condition d'être membre ACBS et 'logged in'. Pour télécharger un bulletin d'inscription sans être membre ACBS, cliquez ici)



benjamin schoendorff

Documents de la journée de Montréal

Documents de la journée de Montréal

Vous toruverez ci-dessous des pdfs des présentations de la journée de Montréal qui s'est tenue en présence de près de 50 personnes à l'UQAM le samedi 10 novembre 2012. VOus devez être membre et 'logged in' pour pouvoir voir et télécharger ces documents.

benjamin schoendorff

Documents de la journée de Paris

Documents de la journée de Paris

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les présentations de la journée AFSCC du 6 octobre 2012 à Paris en format pdf.

Vous devez être membre de l'ACBS et être connecté ("Log in" en haut à droite) pour voir ces documents et pouvoir les télécharger.

benjamin schoendorff



ACBS Brazil: Brazilian Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2017

Click here to join the Brazil Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Contact Information

Erika Leonardo de Souza -

Brazil Chapter Website

Follow the Brazil Chapter Facebook Page

Join the Brazil Chapter Facebook group

Instagram @acbsbrasil

Chapter Officers

President-Elect: Raul Vaz Manzione
President: Erika Leonardo de Souza
Past President: Alan Pogrebinschi
Treasurer: Márcio Barbosa
Members-at-Large: João Martins, Samara Lopes and Ana Katarine

Student Representative: Italo Luiz Ferreira de Lima

Geographic Boundaries of the Chapter

Brazilian or Portuguese speaking people who may be interested in joining the Chapter.


The mission of ACBS Brazil is to facilitate and develop the Contextual Sciences in Brazil. Our first initiatives are:
- bring together professionals in a network;
- centralize and organize the production of material in Portuguese;
- list courses, study groups and trainings.
These initial objectives are intended to bring together interested people and facilitate the study and development of the Contextual Sciences in Brazil.
We believe that Contextual Sciences can improve the way we deal with human suffering and promote transformations toward living with more vitality and meaning.

Chapter Activities

- Annual Conference
- Chapter Special Interest Groups
- Chapter Website with resources in Portuguese
- Facebook and Twitter



Brazil Chapter - SIGs

Brazil Chapter - SIGs

The Brazil Chapter has chapter level special interest groups.


SIG-Mulheres na ACBS


Canada - Atlantic

Canada - Atlantic


Atlantic Canada ACBS

Click here to join the Atlantic Canada Chapter

Join us on Facebook too! We have a closed group called Atlantic Canada ACBS that you can request to join and we will add you.

Contact Information
President: Dr. Sarah Pegrum

to contact the chapter:

Current Board Members:

President (1 year) – Jason Tucker
Past-President (1 year) – Dr. Sarah Pegrum
Secretary-Treasurer (3 years) – Vacant
Student Representative (1 year) – Vacant
Member at Large (2 years) – Vacant - Was filled but was vacated
Chair of Membership Committee – Dr. Sulaye Thakrar
Chair of Election Committee – Mr. Gregor Nielsen


ACBS Atlantic Canada Peer Support: Every 4th Thursday of the month at 4:30 Nova Scotia Time. Open not only to those in Atlantic Canada, but also across Canada.

 You are welcome to join us. Zoom link provided via email or on our Facebook group Atlantic Canada ACBS To sign up visit:

Geographic Boundaries of the Chapter

Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Newfoundland


To build a collaborative community of researchers and clinicians who can support each other and professionals across the region to learn about Contextual Behavioural Science and spread the application of CBS and ACT in the Atlantic Provinces.

Description of Membership

Psychologists, Social Workers, Physicians, Occupational Therapists, and other types of counsellors, as well as students, working in Atlantic Canada


Canada - Ontario

Canada - Ontario

Ontario Association for Contextual Behavioural Science


Affiliated 2011

Click here to join the Ontario Chapter and listserv

Like us on Facebook!

Visit our website

Contact Information

Kayla Hamel

Eli Cwinn

Current Board Members

Eli Cwinn, Chair
Kayla Hamel, Chair Elect
Sarah Walsh, Secretary
Maisha Syeda, EDIB Officer
Stephanie Mathewson, Member at large
Shlomo Radcliffe, Treasurer
Sharon Bae
Betul Alaca
Research Officer - vacant


The purpose of the organisation shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioural science and practice within Ontario, with a focus on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Chapter Activities

Please join us for:

-webinars from ACT leaders just for our Ontario community

-peer meetings where you can learn and practice ACT skills

-presentations from our local experts on everything from pain to parenting!

-local ACT trainings

-holiday parties

Description of Membership

The membership of the Chapter shall be people who are interested in the advancement of contextual behavioural science and practice. It is anticipated that the membership will be comprised of clinicians eg, psychologists, social workers, physicians, psychiatrists and psychotherapists, academics and students practicing and/or studying in Ontario.  


Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS

Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Ottawa, Ontario Affiliate!

The Ottawa Affiliate of ACBS is a group open to professionals in the Ottawa community who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). We welcome clinicians of all levels of experience who share an enthusiasm for third wave approaches. Together, we are working towards the development of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) community in the greater Ottawa area. Through this group, there are opportunities for networking, sharing resources, and peer-led training (including reading groups and peer consultation groups). Please reach out to Sofia Lopoukhine or check us out on Facebook for the date and location of our next meeting or to get more information about our events.

Currently our contact person is:

Sofia Lopoukhine, RP
Ottawa, ON

Facebook Group:




(This webpage was updated on 11/16/2020)

ACBS staff

Canada - Quebec

Canada - Quebec

ACBS Québec

Chapitre affilié à l'ACBS en 2014

Cliquez ici pour rejoindre la section Québec

Join us on Facebook

Colloque annuel!

Le premier colloque annuel d'ACBS-Québec s'est tenu le 16 mai 2015 au Centre Saint-Pierre (1212, rue Panet, Montréal). 

Le second colloque annuel d'ACBS-Québec s'est tenu le 29 octobre 2016 au Centre Saint-Pierre. 

Le troisième colloque annuel d'ACBS-Québec s'est tenu le 18 novembre 2017 au Centre Saint-Pierre. 

Le quatrième colloque annuel d'ACBS-Québec s'est tenu le 24 novembre 2018 au Cégep Garneau (1660, boulevard de l'Entente, Québec).

Le cinquième colloque annuel d'ACBS-Québec se tiendra le 23 novembre 2019 au Centre Saint-Pierre.


Pour nous joindre

Adresse courriel officielle du chapitre

Conseil d'administration 

Présidente : Andrea Velez
Vice-présidente : Isabelle Tremblay
Trésorière : Jonathan Denis
Représentant étudiant : Tayah Morris-Gabriel
Membres réguiers: Christina Jando

Limites géographiques du chapitre

Territoire de la province de Québec


-Promouvoir la recherche, la théorie et la pratique de l'ACT et des sciences contextuelles du comportement au Québec

-Rendre les ressources disponibles aux membres pour ce faire

-Soutenir les thérapeutes et les équipes de recherche et de traitement dans leur application de l'ACT et des sciences contextuelles du comportement

-Promouvoir la supervision et les opportunités de formation.

Activités du chapitre

-Rencontres du CA (toutes les 6 semaines)

-Ateliers, séminaires, conférences (1 ou 2 par année, dates à déterminer)


Description des membres

Tous les psychologues, psychothérapeutes, travailleurs sociaux, conseillers d'orientation, diététistes, sexologues, médecins, massothérapeutes, physiothérapeutes, etc. qui sont membres de l'ACBS, qui s'intéressent aux sciences contextuelles comportementales et qui résident au Québec sont éligibles.


English Quebec Chapter Information

English Quebec Chapter Information

ACBS Québec

Affiliated in 2014

Type of Chapter:

Geographic boundaries of the Chapter
Province of Quebec


-Promote ACT and contextual behavioral science research, theory and practice in Québec
-Make resources available
-Support therapist and teams in applying ACT
-Promote supervision and training opportunities.

Description of Membership

All psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, guidance counselors, dietitians, sexologists, medical doctors, massage therapists, physical therapists (etc) who are members of ACBS, have an interest in contextual behavioral science and reside in Quebec are eligible.


Informations sur la province de Québec

Informations sur la province de Québec


Je me souviens








Langue officielle




7 903 001 (2011)


Présentation générale

Le Québec est une province de l'est du Canada. C'est la seule province du Canada a avoir une population majoritairement francophone et a avoir comme seule langue officielle le français. C'est également la plus grande province du pays, géographiquement parlant. La province se situe à l'est de l'Ontario, à l'ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick et de Terre-Neuve, puis au Nord des états américains suivants: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont et New York.


Canada - Western

Canada - Western

ACBS Western Canada Chapter

Affiliated 2016

Click here to join the Western Canada Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  If there is a chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

(Must be logged in as an ACBS member to join.)

Contact Information
Danielle Peloquin
British Columbia, Canada

Western Canada Chapter Listserv

In the service of making the group as accessible as possible, ACBS has kindly provided us with our own mailing list as of November 2016. Please use it for all communication. It can be accessed here:


Geographic Boundaries of the Chapter

Provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut


The mission of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual behavioral practice, science, and community service within Western Canada.

Chapter Activities

We provide a point of contact for professional membership and host development activities in locations in Western Canada centres where Chapter members are located (currently Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer and Lethbridge). Activities in the future include inviting guest speakers, holding a peer consultation group, and hosting training events.

Description of Membership

Residents of Western Canada who are members of the ACBS.

Paul Brennan



Chile Chapter

Affiliated 2024

Click here to join the Chile Chapter and listserv 

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here

Contact Information 

Chapter's Mission/Objectives

The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of contextual behavioral science in Chile. The ACBS-Chile seeks to embrace a collaborative work among scholars, researchers, educators, students, and practitioners interested in CBS to create value-oriented environments that aid improving well-being and reducing human suffering.




Association for Contextual Behavioral Science: China Chapter

Affiliated 2014

Click here to join the China Chapter and listserv 

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  

If there is a chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Xiaoyu Bai, Ph.D. - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science; Beijing, China

Geographic (or language) Boundaries of the Chapter

People's Republic of China

Chapter Officers 

(2022,Jan ~ 2024,Jan)

President: Prof. Shuanghu Fang
President -elect: Prof. Yan Zong
Past President: Prof. Zhuohong Zhu
Vice-Presidents: Prof. Siguang Chen, Prof. Maorong Hu, Prof.Xingying Li, Prof. ShousenXu
Secretary-General: Dr. Qi Zhang
Deputy secretary-general: Dr. Hui Cao, Dr. Xaioyu Bai
Secretaries: Jing Cao,Yue Chen, Dr.Tao Tu , Fenfen Wang, Xun Wang, Dr.Zhifeng Zhang
Chairman of Supervisors: Prof. Xiaomei Li
Deputy Supervisors: Prof. Liu Jun'e, Prof. Mai Yanhua,Prof. Zhang Benshing
Supervisors: Guo Wenyu, Dr. Yang Lei, Zhang Xuelin
Standing Board Members (37 in alphabetical order by surname):
Xiaoyu Bai, Hui Cao, Xue Jan, Jing Chen,Siguang Chen, Dongyan Ding, Zhuhui Deng,Shuanghu Fang, Zhiqing Gao, Lulu Ge, Jing Han, Shanshan Han, Xianzhong Hao, Caixia Hou,Yu Huang, Maorong Hu,Weidong Ji, Xingying Li, Jian Liu, Xiqing Liu, Min Lu, Houzhu Luo, Zhihong Ren, Junyan Shi, Guangxiao Tian,Tao Tu , Zhen Wei, Shousen Xu, Xianghua Xu,Yingmei Xu,Chi Zhang, Chunqing Zhang, Benshing Zhang, Ruisheng Zhang,Zhifeng Zhang,Zhuohong Zhu,Yan Zong  


The Association may engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including:

  • Email listserv for members to join
  • Peer consultation groups, peer and student supervision, communicating referrals
  • Providing workshops and presentations, translating English publications to Chinese and vice versa
  • Publishing Chinese publications (books, journals, training materials, online-publications, etc.) to introduce contextual behavior science and practices organizing taskforces to contribute to local/global ACBS SIGs
  • Communicating on Chapter Website and Listserv
  • Hosting domestic and international conferences
  • Providing contextual behavioral therapies and presentations to ACBS China Chapter members and citizens at large
  • May provide for the formation and dissolution of any core activities within the Association
  • Association may hold periodic meetings for the transaction of business and presentations regarding developments in contextual behavioral science, application, and the advancement of human welfare
  • Association may promote and provide research opportunities to world-wide practitioners, researchers, and scholars for the cross-cultural contextual behavioral therapies

Chapter Activities

The 3rd Annual China Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Summit is Coming Soon !

The China Chapter of Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (CACBS) will host the 3rd China Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Summit online from January 15th to 16th, 2022. The core theme of this year’s Summit is “Changing Lives Through Action”. ACT experts and practitioners from China and overseas, including Steven C. Hayes, Russ Harris (the author of ACT Made Simple) and Louis Hayes (the founder of the DNA-V model for adolescents), have been invited to deliver theme reports, academic and applicational research results, and workshops to Chinese ACT enthusiasts.

Before the Summit, Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver, the two authors of 100 Key Points and Techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well as Professor Zhuohong Zhu, the chairman of CACBS, will co-run a workshop named “ACT: 100 Key Points and Techniques” before the summit, i.e., from January 13th to 14th, 2022.
“ACT: 100 Key Points and Techniques” Online Workshop

Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver, the authors of 100 Key Points and Techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well as Professor Zhuohong Zhu, the incumbent chairman of CACBS and the first person who introduced ACT into China, will co-run a workshop named “ACT: 100 Key Points and Techniques” from January 13th to 14th, 2022 right before the 3rd Annual China Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Summit.

1.Why running this workshop?

Since the publication of Professor Hayes' first book about ACT 20 years ago, ACT has been offering psychotherapists a new perspective, many methods and tools to solve psychological problems. However, ACT may puzzle some beginners as certain concepts of ACT seem to be obscure. The book of ACT: 100 key Points and Techniques published this year just filled this gap.

The founder of ACT, Professor Hayes himself said, " I’ve read a lot of beginning ACT books… in my opinion this is the best. It’s simple and yet comprehensive… Even experienced ACT people will find it a great refresher."

In the book, Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver used a very novel way to interpret ACT, that is, using "head, hands and heart" to respectively represent the ACT theory, method and practical application. and creatively designed this interactive and fascinating workshop around these three parts. The workshop aims to provide an overview of ACT latest methods and present solutions to various problems a practitioner may encounter on ACT theory and in practice. And the co-speaker, Professor Zhu, will also interpret the 100 key points and techniques within the context of the development of ACT in China, which may help participants to better grasp the essence of this workshop.

2. Highlights of this workshop

The workshop will adopt an interactive format and demonstrate ACT counseling skills on the spot and be telecast live to participants all over the country. The participants are also allowed to revisit the contents of this workshop within one month after its completion.

3. Agenda of this workshop

Day One (January 13th, 2022)
Time Speaker Contents
14: 30-18: 30 Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver 1.The "head" of ACT - philosophy and theory
2.The "hands" of ACT- technique and practice
19: 30-21: 30 Zhuohong Zhu Understanding 100 key points and techniques of ACT within the context of Chinese culture (Part I)
Day Two (January 14th, 2022)
14: 30-18: 30 Richard Bennett and Joe Oliver 1.The "heart" of ACT - context, strategy and process
2.Interaction: technique demonstration and Q&A
19: 30-21: 30 Zhuohong Zhu Understanding 100 key points and techniques of ACT within the context of Chinese culture (Part II)

4. The agenda of the Summit is as follows:

Day One (January 15th, 2022)
Time Speaker Activity Subject
9: 00-9: 15 / Opening ceremony /
9: 15-9: 30 Steven C. Hayes, Russ Harris, Louis Hayes, Richard Bennett, Joe Oliver, and Lisa Coyne Greetings from ACT experts /
9: 30-10: 10 Steven C. Hayes and Lisa Coyne Theme report Dialogue on the research strategy of contextual behavioral science
10: 10-10: 20 Break
10: 20-10: 45 Zhuohong Zhu Theme report The development of contextual behavioral science in China
10: 45-11: 10 Shuanghu Fang ACT intervention for hoarding behavior of college students and the underlying mechanism
11: 10-11: 35 Zhihong Ren Effect and mechanism of ACT on improving mental health
11: 35-12: 00 Shousen Xu Application and practice of ACT in assisting the Chinese Skeleton Racing Team to prepare for the Winter Olympic Games
12: 00-13: 30 Lunch
13: 30-13: 45 Jian Liu Theme reports on ACT’s clinical practice Clinical practice of ACT group training for obsessive compulsive disorder
13: 45-14: 00 Qingchun Zhang The application of ACT in Chinese accomplished athletes
14: 00-14: 15 Yan Zong ACT conceptualized-self clinical technology from the perspective of self-narrative style
14: 15-14: 30 Xiucheng Tang ACT intervention for bipolar disorder
14: 30-14: 45 Xuelin Zhang Application of ACT on chronic heart failure patients and their family members
14: 45-15: 00 Jing Han Study on the effects of ACT group intervention
15: 00-15: 10 Break
15: 10-15: 25 Shanshan Han Theme reports on ACT and children and adolescents Application of DNA-V in adolescents
15: 25-15: 40 Weidong Ji Application of ACT in NSSI for children and adolescents;
15: 40-15: 55 Lijie Liu Adolescents' psychological flexibility and non-suicidal self-injury behavior
15: 55-16: 10 Hui Cao Parental psychological flexibility: parenting from the perspective of ACT
16: 10-16: 25 Bin Yuan Psychological intervention on the parents with autism children
16: 25-16: 35 Break
16: 35-16: 50 Zhiqing Gao Theme reports on ACT’s other research "Think through and be able to do": the application of ACT in sport psychological counseling
16: 50-17: 05 Lulu Ge Applicational research on improving psychological flexibility of the people’s police
17: 05-17: 20 Yiyi Wang Effect of ACT on physical exercise behavior of bilingual international students
17: 20-17: 35 Junyan Shi Process-based cognitive behavioral therapy
19: 30-20: 30 Election of the new CACBS Chairman (closing door)
Day Two (January 16th, 2022)
Time Speaker Activity Subject
9: 00-10: 00 Houyuan Luo Workshop The practice of ACT case conceptualization
10: 00-11: 00 Zhuohong Zhu Single counseling model: introduction, elucidation, transition and closing 

Past Workshops:

2014/03/15 – 16, Beijing, China, 2-day entry level ACT therapy workshop, (Teacher, Dr. Zhu zhuohong)
2014/06/21 – 22, Beijing, China, 2-day mid-level ACT therapy workshop, (Teacher, Dr. Li Yan)
2014/09/20 – 23, Beijing, China, 4-day entry-mid level ACT therapy workshop, (Teacher, Dr. Robyn Walser; Interpreter, Frank Xu)

2015/09/09-10,lanzhou,China,2-day entry level ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/09/17-20,Kaifeng,China,4-day entry level ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/10-11,Chengdu,China,2-day entry level ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/16-18,Zhongshan,China,3-day ACT workshop (Teacher,Dr,Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/20-24,Shanghai,China,5-day ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr. Zhu zhuohong)

2015/10/30-31,Hangzhou,China,5-day ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/11/10,Psychology department,Tsinghua University,Beijing,China,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/11/20,Psychology department, Capital Normal University,Beijing,China,ACT workshop(Teacher, Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/12/5-6,Suzhou,China,2-day ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/12/8,Beijing Normal University,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2015/12/11-14,Midfuleducation Company,Beijing ,China, ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2016/01/2-3,Harbin Engineering University, Harbin,China,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

2016/01/08-10, Beijing,ACT workshop(Teacher,Pro.YanLi)

2016/01/07-11,Henan University,Kaifeng,China,ACT workshop(Teacher,Dr.Zhu zhuohong)

Past Meetings:
2014/09/22, Beijing China, Meeting: Discussion of ACT and contextual behavior therapy’s further development in China (Hosted by Dr. Zhu Zhuohong, and Dr. Robyn Walser)
2014/09/27, Beijing, China, Meeting: The first group meeting for ACBS China Chapter application preparation, and the Chapter Board election. (Hosted by Dr. Zhu Zhuohong)

2016/01/24,Beijing,China,Meeting: Summary of the work in 2015 and discuss the development of  China Chapter of ACBS.

Translation of ACT books:
Learning ACT: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills-Training Manual for Therapists (Chinese Translation in progress)
ACT Made Simple: An Easy-To-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Chinese Translation, in press)

Description of Membership

The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate. For details regarding the types of membership, and the corresponding rights and responsibilities, please refer to the ACBS China Chapter By-laws documentation.

Activities Gallery



Published Papers

Published Papers frankxu




Colombia Chapter (ACBS-CO)

Affiliated 2020

Click here to join the Colombia Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Follow our chapter: 

On Facebook

On instagram

On LinkedIn

On Youtube 


ACBS Colombia was founded in 2020 with the goal of fostering and strengthening the practice of Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) and its related fields.

In Colombia, behavioral science has extensively grown since the 70s. This community of behavior analytic researchers and practitioners has flourished in the middle of a very complex context within a country that have a history of over 60 years of internal conflict. The intricate social and cultural dynamics that converge in Colombia demand analyses and interventions that aid promoting people’s wellbeing and psychological flexibility, foundational aspects of CBS.

The members of the ACBS Colombian chapter (ACBS-CO) have widely diverse interests, going from basic (e.g., RFT, EBA) to applied research (e.g. ACT, FAP, cultural practices), passing through translational and dissemination areas.
ACBS-CO wants to offer a space in which its members can share new knowledge and experiences while finding support to continue growing as practitioners, researchers, and students.

Welcome to your place, welcome to ACBS-CO 

Chapter Contact

President: Alexandra Ávila
Secretary: Diego Leal

Board Officers

  • President: Alexandra Ávila
  • Secretary: Diego Leal 
  • VP Practice: Mónica Sanabria
  • VP Research: Guillermo Aldana
  • VP Diversity: Diana Acuña
  • Student Representative: Ruth Valvuena 



The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of contextual behavioral science (CBS) in Colombia. The ACBS-CO seeks to embrace a collaborative work among scholars, researchers, educators, students, and practitioners interested in CBS to create value-oriented environments that aid improving well-being and reducing human suffering.

Chapter Commitments 2023-2025


  • Organize webinars.
  • Promote community engagement by peer-consultaton groups, meeting at ACBS conference.
  • Support transparent communication among ACBSers in Colombia
  • Organization of the first Colombian regional ACBS Congress
  • Promote the participation of new chapter members in its activities.
  • Consolidate a strong network of students and future professionals in contextual behavioral sciences in Colombia, fostering collaborations and joint projects.
  • Encourage and support research in contextual behavioral sciences among students and professionals.
  • Increase the number of professionals and students with knowledge of contextual sciences, both theoretically and in their various practical applications.
  • Characterization of members through the development and dissemination of the ACBS-Colombia 2024 Characterization Survey.
  • Establish strategic alliances with various institutions to integrate contextual therapies into training and mental health services and promote their adoption as a standard practice.
  • Increase the visibility and impact of research based on contextual behavioral science through various communication channels and events.

Schedule of annual events (past and upcoming).

  • Below, you will find the schedule of upcoming events hosted by the chapter. We hope you can participate in these events, and we will continue working on the dissemination of contextual science.

    Name of the event                               Type of EventSpeakerDate                     Location (Link of access)                                        
    Consultorías de casos en Terapia Dialéctico Conductual - Consultation groupAlexandra Avila25/01/24 
    Consultoría de casos en Activación Conductual y ValoresConsultation groupSebastián González Mazo13/02/24 
    Intervención de procesos transdiagnósticos presentes en diferentes malestares psicológicos, desde la terapia de aceptación y compromiso.WebinarLaura Tolosa28/02/24 
    Perspectiva de género, sexualidad y ciencia conductual-contextualWebinarSofía Santillán 07/03/24 
    Modelo de estrés minoritario aplicado en terapiaWebinarAndrés Lasso 12/03/24 
    Grupo de estudio estudiantes Terapia contextual Study groupPaula Rodríguez  01/03/24 - 28/06/24 
    Entrenamiento en Terapias Contextuales.WebinarÁngel Alonso Sanz 18/04/24
    Consultoria de casos: Abordaje de repertorios interpersonales en la interacción terapéutica desde la psicoterapia análitico funcional Consultation groupOscar Cordoba06/05/24 
    Consultoria de casos: Evocación de Conductas Clínicamente Relevantes en la psicoterapia análitico funcional Consultantion groupDiego Leal13/05/24 
    La importancia de analizar funcionalmente el contenido de los pensamientos en las terapias contextualesWebinar Francisco Ruíz17/05/24
    FACT: Una mirada existencial a los problemas humanosWebinarJuan Jose Macías 23/05/24
    Consultoría de casos: Abordaje de trauma psicológico desde terapias contextualesConsultation groupMateo Bernal 04/06/24 
    Cultivando conexiones autenticas - la importancia de la relación terapéutica en ACTWebinarVicky Ávila Pavan16/06/24
    Explorando la matriz de ACT: Investigación, Experiencia y ReflexionesWebinarYors García20/06/24
    Perspectiva de género y diversidad en la atención en salud mentalWebinarAlejandro Saavedra y Mayra Gómez24/06/24
    Simposio: Más allá de la diversidad sexual: atención a personas trans y diversidad de relaciones sexo/afectivasWebinarDiana Acuña, Dominic Avellaneda y Sara Robayo03/07/24
    Consultorías de casos en Terapia Dialéctico ConductualConsultation groupAlexandra Ávila 04/07/24 
    Mindfulness y terapia de autocompasiónWebinarSebastian Cendales19/07/24
    El cambio terapéutico a través de la relación terapéuticaWebinarAmanda Muñóz06/09/24
    Manejo de casuística compleja desde DBT psicología y psiquiatría Yvonne Gómez, Alexandra Ávila y Gustavo Perdomo13/09/24
    Escuchando nuestro crítico interior Paula Rodríguez20/09/24
    ¿Se puede aprender el contextualismo funcional de forma lúdica? WebinarDaniel granados 09/10/24
    Conversatorio psicología infantojuvenil desde las terapias contextuales.ConversatorioCatalina Velandia, Diana garcia y Jaime Angarita07/10/24
    El rol del terapeuta ACT en el dolor crónicoWebinarMaría José Lami Hernández28/10/24
    ACT y neurodivergenciaWebinarAdriana Hoyos28/10/24
    El rol del terapeuta ACT en el dolor crónicoWebinar Maria José Lami28/10/24
    Consultorías de casos en Terapia Dialéctico ConductualConsultoriaAlexandra Ávila28/10/24 
    ¿Cómo es supervisar y entrenar estudiantes en lenguaje contextual?WebinarJuan Camilo García29/10/24
    Consideraciones desde ACT para la intervención del TDAHWebinarAdriana Hoyos29/10/24
    ¿Cómo es supervisar y entrenar estudiantes en lenguaje contextual?WebinarJuan Camilo García 29/10/24
    Trastorno mental y la cronificación de problemas vitales comunes, la importancia de una terapia contextual adaptada al entorno hospitalario y ambulatorioWebinarJuan Carlos Algecira12/11/24
    Consultorías de casos en Terapia Dialéctico ConductualConsultoria de casoAlexandra Ávila 12/11/24 
    Trastorno mental y cronificación de problemas vitales.WebinarJuan Carlos Algecira12/11/24
    FAP: el motor de la relación terapéuticaWebinarÓscar Córdoba y Verónica Márquez09/12/24
    ¿Podemos mejorar el efecto de ACT en depresión y ansiedad?WebinarFrancisco Ruiz.19/12/24
    Trayectoria de las ciencias conductuales contextuales en ColombiaWebinarAlexandra Ávila, Blanca Ballesteros20/01/25
    Humildad cultural: ¿en qué consiste? y sus implicaciones en la práctica clínicaWebinarAmanda Muñoz20/01/25
    Formación de entrenadores FAP en LatinoaméricaFormación de entrenadores FAP en LatinoaméricaWebinar Renzo Aguilar27/01/25
    ACT en padres: Los valores como el eje central de la terapiaWebinarÁngel Alonso Sanz30/01/25
    Ser ACT en en la relación terapéuticaWebinarJuanJo Macías29/01/25
    Encuentro de experienciasEncuentro/conversatorioDiana Acuña10/02/25 
    Fortaleciendo Vínculos: Introducción a la Terapia de Interacción Padres e Hijos (PCIT)WebinarLina Marcela Cuellar20/02/2025
    Contextualización de intervenciones en trauma psicológico: el papel de la cultura y la diversidadWebinarMateo Bernal21/02/2025
    ACT y su aplicación en la investigación clínicaWebinarYors García27/02/2025
    La Epidemia de la Soledad: ¿Es Colombia parte de este desafío?ConversatorioCatalina Velandia27/02/2025



To share the activities conducted by the chapter and provide updates on upcoming events, we have developed a bulletin. Below, you will find the bulletin organized in chronological order.







To share the activities conducted by the chapter and provide updates on upcoming events, we have developed a bulletin. Below, you will find the bulletin organized in chronological order.

  1. March 2022
  2. December 2024
  3. February 2025



ACBS Suomen jaosto / ACBS Finnish Chapter

Affiliated 2014

Hallitus 2024-2025
Puheenjohtaja: Janna Meunier
Tuleva puheenjohtaja: Anna-Lotta Lappalainen
Väistyvä puheenjohtaja: Katariina Keinonen
Tiedotusvastaava: Katri Schwartz
Sihteeri: Tetta Hämäläinen
Varsinainen jäsen: Henna Asikainen
Varsinainen jäsen: Iina Alho
Opiskelijajäsen: Titta Kärki

Yhteystiedot / Contact Information

Ota meihin yhteyttä / contact us:

Klikkaa tästä liittyäksesi ACBS Suomen jaostoon

Seuraa meitä Facebookissa / follow us on Facebook

Seuraa meitä Instagramissa / follow us on Instagram

Jaostolla on myös WhatsApp-ryhmä keskustelua ja tiedotusta varten. Ota yhteyttä, niin pääset siihen mukaan! 


ACBS Suomen jaoston tavoite / Chapter's mission

ACBS Suomen tavoitteena on inhimillisen kärsimyksen lievittäminen ja ihmisten hyvinvoinnin lisääminen kontekstuaaliseen käyttäytymistieteeseen perustuvan kliinisen työn ja tutkimuksen kautta Suomessa.

Promoting contextual science and creating an ACBS Community in Finland. To foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Finland so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.


Suomen jaoston aktiviteetit / Chapter's Activities

Työpajat, verkostoituminen, työmateriaalien jakaminen, alan tutkimuksesta tiedottaminen.

Workshops, social networking events, sharing materials and research.

Tapahtumat ilmoitamme Facebook-sivulla ACBS Suomi (koulutukset, Hotspot, Vertaistyönohjaus, ACL-tapaamiset, lukupiiri): Facebook


Kuinka liittyä jäseneksi? How to become a member?

Voit liittyä jäseneksi Suomen jaostoon jos olet jo ACBS:n jäsen.

How to become a member? 
You can become a member of the Finnish chapter if you are already a member of the ACBS community.

  • You can become a member of the ACBS community by filling in this form. Remember to choose from the Chapters' list: Finland. The ACBS's membership fee is values-based, a minimum of about 10e/per year. 
  • If you are already a paid member of ACBS, you do not need to pay a separate fee to be part of our chapter.

Jäsenedut / Membership benefits (in Finnish)

1. Pääsy laajoihin materiaaleihin; äänitteet, videot, kliiniset materiaalit, lomakkeet, opetusmateriaalit. Materiaalia on sivustolla myös suomeksi ja sitä lisätään jatkuvasti.
2. Alennusta ACBS:n järjestämien konferenssien ja koulutusten hinnoista.
3. Profiili HOT-terapeuttiluetteloon.
4. Mahdollisuus liittyä jaostoihin (mm. Suomen jaosto) ja ryhmiin (erilaisia painotusalueita, kuten eri ikäryhmät, kivunhoito, johtaminen ja organisaatiot, kriminologia ja teknologia).
5. Mahdollisuus osallistua HOTin vertaistyönohjauksiin.
6. Sähköpostilistojen jäsenyys.
7. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science -julkaisun lukuoikeus.
8. Verkostoituminen ympäri maailma.
9. Järjestön työn tukeminen.
10. Mahdollisuus osallistua vapaamuotoisiin after work -tapahtumiin.
11. Äänioikeus ACBS:n vaaleissa.
12. Mahdollisuus lisätä -sivuille sisältöä.

Tervetuloa mukaan Suomen jaoston toimintaan!


Materiaalit Suomeksi / Materials and resources in Finnish

  • Kirjallisuutta / Literature (books in Finnish, published international and national articles, master's and bachelor's theses)
  • Lomakkeita / Questionnaires (assessment measures)
  • Harjoituksia / Exercises (experiential exercises, metaphors etc)
  • Opetusmateriaaleja (lisätään)
  • Kliinisia materiaaleja (lisätään)
  • Videoita (lisätään)

    For materials in English click here

Finnish material

Finnish material

Suomen ACBS jaoston jäsenet voivat ladata tältä sivulta suomenkielisiä materiaaleja hoidon suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja arvioinnin tueksi.

Mikäli Sinulla on materiaalia, jonka haluaisit jakaa Suomen yhteisön kesken, ota yhteyttä




Tälle sivulle on koottu lomakkeita psykologisten prosessien mittaamiseen. Lomakkeita voidaan käyttää vapaasti tutkimustarkoituksissa ja kliinisessä työssä. Muussa tapauksessa suosittelemme olemaan käyttöluvan saamiseksi suoraan yhteydessä ko. mittarin luojaan. 

Click here for more assesssment measures in Finnish


FFMQ suomeksi

FFMQ suomeksi patir

Raimo Lappalainen: Psykologiset prosessimittarit

Raimo Lappalainen: Psykologiset prosessimittarit

ACBS Suomen Tiede-Zoomin diat marraskuulta 2020.


Harjoitukset ja tehtävälomakkeet

Harjoitukset ja tehtävälomakkeet katariina.keinonen



Updated: August 2018


Kirjat hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiasta suomeksi

Harris, R. suom. Pietikäinen, A (2013). Onnellisuusansa - elinvoimaa hyväksymisen ja omistautumisen avulla. Duodecim. ISBN: 978-951-656-470-1

Hayes, Steven C., Smith, Spencer (2013). Vapaudu mielesi vallasta ja ala elää. Tampere:SKT. ISBN: 9789525157123

Kangasniemi, A (2017). Tavoitteesta tavaksi: tietoisesti kohti terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Kirjapaja.

Lappalainen, R., Lehtonen, T. & Hayes, S.C. (2013). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia käytännön terapiatyössä. Tampere:SKT. ISBN: 9789525157161

Lappalainen, R. Lappalainen, P., & Granlund, A (2014). Hyvää elämää & tietoista painonhallintaa – Tietoisuustaidot ja joustavuus muutosten tukena. Työkirja. Tampere: SKT

Lappalainen, R. Lappalainen, P. (2010). Painon ja mielen psykologiaa – Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia & kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia painonhallinnassa –Ohjaajan opas. Tampere: SKT

Pietikäinen, A. (2014). Joustava mieli tukena elämäkriiseissä. Duodecim.

Pietikäinen, A. (2014). Kohti arvoistasi - suuntaa mielekkäisiin muutoksiin. Duodecim.

Pietikäinen, A. (2011). Joustava mieli parisuhteessa. Duodecim.

Pietikäinen, A. (2009). Joustava mieli.Duodecim. ISBN: 9789516563612

Piironen, T-M. (2010). Jälleen ehyeksi, jälleen - kohti täysipainoista elämää traumaattisten kokemusten jälkeen. Hyvinvointi Sirius. ISBN-13 9789526741307

Tirch, D., Schoendorff, B. & Silberstein, L.R., suom. Hartikainen (2016). Myötätunnon tiede: Psykologisen joustavuuden kehittäminen. Viisas Elämä. ISBN 9789522605122

Tieteelliset artikkelit (kotimaiset ja kansainväliset)


Kinnunen, S. M., Puolakanaho, A., Tolvanen, A., Mäkikangas, A., & Lappalainen, R. (2018). Does mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based intervention alleviate burnout?—A person-centered approach. International Journal of Stress Management. Advance online publication. .doi:10.1037/str0000095

Kyllönen, H. M., Muotka, J., Lappalainen, R., Puolakanaho, A., Keinonen, K., & Astikainen, P. (2018). A brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for depression: a randomized controlled trial with a 3-year follow-up for the intervention group. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Puolakanaho, A., Tolvanen, A., Kinnunen, S. M. & Lappalainen, R. (2018). Burnout-related ill-being at work: Associations between mindfulness and acceptance skills, worksite factors, and experienced well-being in life. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Puolakanaho, A., Tolvanen, A., Kinnunen, S. M. & Lappalainen, R. (2018). Mindfulness-, acceptance-, and value-based skills mediate multiple outcomes in a burnout intervention: Randomized controlled trial. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Puolakanaho, A., Kiuru, N., & Lappalainen, P. (2018). Teknologia ja HOT-interventiot nuoren koulutyön tukena . Käsikirjoitus lähetetty arvioitavaksi.

Hassinen, L., & Lappalainen, R. (2018). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Using Finnish Sign Language: Training Counselors in Signed ACT for the Deaf. A Pilot Study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 8, 74-81. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2018.02.005

Kohtala, A., Muotka, J., & Lappalainen, R. (2018). Changes in Mindfulness Facets and Psychological Flexibility Associated with Changes in Depressive Symptoms in a Brief Acceptance and Value Based Intervention: An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 18 (1), 83-98. Retrieved from

Anclair, M., Lappalainen, R., Muotka, J., & Hiltunen, A. J. (2018). Cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness for stress and burnout : a waiting list controlled pilot study comparing treatments for parents of children with chronic conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32 (1), 389-396. doi:10.1111/scs.12473 Open access

Järvelä-Reijonen, E., Karhunen, L., Sairanen, E., Muotka, J., Lindroos, S., Laitinen, J., . . . Kolehmainen, M. (2018). The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on eating behavior and diet delivered through face-to-face contact and a mobile app : a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2018 (15), 22. doi:10.1186/s12966-018-0654-8 Open access

Langrial, S. U., Oinas-Kukkonen, H., Lappalainen, P., & Lappalainen, R. (2018). Treating Sleep Disorders with an ACT-Based Behavior Change Support System. In S. U. Langrial (Ed.), Web-Based Behavioral Therapies for Mental Disorders (pp. 53-78). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3241-5.ch003


Sairanen, E., Tolvanen, A., Karhunen, L., Kolehmainen, M., Järvelä-Reijonen, E., Lindroos, S., . . . Lappalainen, R. (2017). Psychological flexibility mediates change in intuitive eating regulation in acceptance and commitment therapy interventions. Public Health Nutrition, 20 (9), 1681-1691. doi:10.1017/S1368980017000441

Kohtala, A., Muotka, J., & Lappalainen, R. (2017). What Happens after Five Years? : The Long-Term Effects of a Four-Session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Delivered by Student Therapists for Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6 (2), 230-238. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2017.03.003 Open access


Räsänen, P., Lappalainen, P., Muotka, J., Tolvanen, A., & Lappalainen, R. (2016). An online guided ACT intervention for enhancing the psychological wellbeing of university students: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 78 (March), 30-42. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2016.01.001

Puolakanaho, A., Kinnunen, S., & Lappalainen, R. (2016). Mindfulness-, hyväksyntä- ja arvopohjaisen (MIHA) ohjelman vaikuttavuus työuupumusoireiden lievittäjänä : tutkimusyhteenveto Muupu-hankkeesta. Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä studies in education, psychology and social research, 548. Retrieved from Open access

Mattila, E., Lappalainen, R., Välkkynen, P., Sairanen, E., Lappalainen, P., Karhunen, L., . . . Ermes, M. (2016). Usage and Dose Response of a Mobile Acceptance and Commitment Therapy App: Secondary Analysis of the Intervention Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4 (3), e90. doi:10.2196/mhealth.5241 Open access

Muuraiskangas, S., Mattila, E., Kyttälä, P., Koreasalo, M., & Lappalainen, R. (2016). User Experiences of a Mobile Mental Well-Being Intervention Among Pregnant Women. In S. Serino, A. Matic, D. Giakoumis, G. Lopez, & P. Cipresso (Eds.), Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health : 5th International Conference, MindCare 2015, Milan, Italy, September 24-25, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 140-149). Communications in Computer and Information Science, 604. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32270-4_14


Kohtala, A., Lappalainen, R., Savonen, L., Timo, E., & Tolvanen, A. (2015). A Four-Session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Based Intervention for Depressive Symptoms Delivered by Masters Degree Level Psychology Students: A Preliminary Study. Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43 (3), 360-373. doi:10.1017/S1352465813000969

Lappalainen, R., Kade, K., Niemi, A., & Räsänen, P. (2015). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiapohjaisen verkkointerventio opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen: vaikuttavuus, syyt osallistua ja kokemukset. Käyttäytymisanalyysi ja -terapia, 2015 (4), 11-28.

Vierimaa, M., & Lappalainen, R. (2015). Pariterapia kognitiivisen käyttäytymisterapian sekä hyväksyntä ja arvopohjaisten menetelmien näkökulmasta: esimerkkejä, tuloksia ja pohdintaa. Käyttäytymisanalyysi ja -terapia, 2015 (4), 29-33.

Sairanen, E., Tolvanen, A., Karhunen, L., Kolehmainen, M., Järvelä, E., Rantala, S., . . . Lappalainen, R. (2015). Psychological Flexibility and Mindfulness Explain Intuitive Eating in Overweight Adults. Behavior Modification, 39 (4), 557-579. doi:10.1177/0145445515576402

Kangasniemi, A., Lappalainen, R., Kankaanpää, A., Tolvanen, A., & Tammelin, T. (2015). Towards a physically more active lifestyle based on one’s own values: the results of a randomized controlled trial among physically inactive adults. BMC Public Health, 15 (March), 260. doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1604-x Open access

Kuonanoja, L., Lanqrial, S., Lappalainen, R., Lappalainen, P., & Oinas-Kukkonen, H. (2015). Treating Depression with a Behavior Change Support System without Face-to-Face Therapy. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 7 (3), 192-210. Retrieved from

Lappalainen, P., Langrial, S., Oinas-Kukkonen, H., Tolvanen, A., & Lappalainen, R. (2015). Web-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depressive Symptoms With Minimal Support : A Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Modification, 39 (6), 805-834. doi:10.1177/0145445515598142


Lappalainen, P., Granlund, A., Siltanen, S., Ahonen, S., Vitikainen, M., Tolvanen, A., & Lappalainen, R. (2014). ACT Internet-based vs face-to-face? A randomized controlled trial of two ways to deliver Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for depressive symptoms: An 18-month follow-up. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 61 (October), 43-54. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2014.07.006

Sairanen, E., Lappalainen, R., Lapveteläinen, A., Tolvanen, A., & Karhunen, L. (2014). Flexibility in weight management. Eating Behaviors, 15 (2), 218-224. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2014.01.008

Langrial, S., Oinas-Kukkonen, H., Lappalainen, P., & Lappalainen, R. (2014). Influence of persuasive reminders and virtual rehearsal on information systems for sleep deprivation. In PACIS 2014 Proceedings (pp. 228). Association for Information Systems. Retrieved from Open access

Kangasniemi, A., Lappalainen, R., Kankaanpää, A., & Tammelin, T. (2014). Mindfulness skills, psychological flexibility, and psychological symptoms among physically less active and active adults. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 7 (3), 121-127. doi:10.1016/j.mhpa.2014.06.005

Lappalainen, R., Sairanen, E., Järvelä, E., Rantala, S., Korpela, R., Puttonen, S., . . . Kolehmainen, M. (2014). The effectiveness and applicability of different lifestyle interventions for enhancing wellbeing: the study design for a randomized controlled trial for persons with metabolic syndrome risk factors and psychological distress. BMC Public Health, 14 (310). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-14-310 Open access


Lappi, M., & Lappalainen, R. (2013). Hyväksymis- ja Omistautumisterapia lasten ja kasvattajien hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä. Käyttäytymisanalyysi ja -terapia, Vol. 18 (1-2), 38-45.

Nevanperä, N., Lappalainen, R., Kuosma, E., Hopsu, L., Uitti, J., & Laitinen, J. (2013). Psychological flexibility, occupational burnout and eating behavior among working women. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 3 (4), 355-361. doi:10.4236/ojpm.2013.34048 Open access

Langrial, S., Oinas-Kukkonen, H., Lappalainen, P., & Lappalainen, R. (2013). Rehearsing to control depressive symptoms through a behavior change support system. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 385-390). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/2468356.2468425

Kangasniemi, A. M., Lappalainen, R., Kankaanpää, A., Kulmala, J., Hakonen, H., & Tammelin, T. (2013). Towards a physically more active lifestyle based on one's own values: study design of a randomized controlled trial for physically inactive adults. BioMed Central Public Health, 13 (671). doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-671 Open access


Lappalainen, R., Järvisalo, S., Räsänen, P., & Lappalainen, P. (2012). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan pohjautuvan verkkointervention vaikuttavauus yliopisto-opiskelijoiden psykologiseen hyvinvointiin. Käyttäytymisanalyysi ja -terapia, 17 (3-4), 20-32.

Sairanen, E., Lappalainen, R., Lapveteläinen, A., & Karhunen, L. (2012). Perceptions, motives, and psychological flexibility associated with weight management. Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy, 2 (135). doi:10.4172/2165-7904.1000135 Open access

Lappalainen, R., Ahonen, S., Vitikainen, M., & Lappalainen, P. (2012). Verkko- ja mobiiliteknologian soveltaminen psykologisten ongelmien hoidossa. Käyttäytymisanalyysi ja -terapia, 17 (1 - 2), 9-19.


Sairanen, E., & Lappalainen, R. (2010). Laihduttamiseen ja pysyvään painonhallintaan liittyviä psykologisia tekijöitä. Käyttäytymisanalyysi- ja terapia, 15 (1-2), 10-20.

Lappalainen, R., & Lappalainen, P. (2010). Painon ja mielen psykologiaa: Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia & kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia painonhallinnassa. Ohjaajan opas. Suomen Käyttäytymistieteellinen Tutkimuslaitos Oy. SKT:n julkaisusarja: Hoitomenetelmien julkaisuja, 9.1.


Sarkkinen, E., & Lappalainen, R. (2009). Ruokavalintoihin ja painonhallintaan vaikuttavia psykologisia tekijöitä. Käyttäytymisanalyysi- ja terapia, 14 (3-4), 26-36.


Lappalainen, R. (2007). Kognitiivisen käyttäytymisterapian vaikuttavuudesta. Käyttäytymisanalyysi ja -terapia, 12 (3-4), 11-18.

Lappalainen, R. (2007). The impact of CBT and ACT models using psychology trainee therapists: A preliminary controlled effectiveness trial. Behavior Modification, 31 (4), 488-511.


Pro gradu -tutkielmat


Mäenpää, M., Peltola, K. (2018). Psykologisen joustamattomuuden tietoisuustaitojen ja tehtyjen sanavalintojen yhteys opiskelijoiden kokemaan stressiin ja sen muutoksiin verkkovälitteisen hyvinvointohjelman aikana. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto. (tulossa)


Herrala, A. & Luoma, H. (2017). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan pohjautuva verkkointerventio opiskelijoille : psykologisen joustavuuden kasvun merkitys ja vaikutukset hyvinvointiin sekä yhteydet opittuihin taitoihin ja muutoskokemuksiin. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Vainio, S (2017). Itsesäätelytaidot elämäntapamuutoksessa. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Liikunta- ja terveystieteet, terveyskasvatus. Jyväskylän yliopisto..

Ventelä, S. (2017). Hyvää elämää ja tietoista painonhallintaa: hyväksymis-ja omistautumisterapiaan pohjautuvan painonhallintaohjelman toimivuus ja hyväksyttävyys. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto. In English: Good life and conscious weight-management : the functionality and acceptability of an acceptance and commitment therapy based weight-management program.


Ahldfors, E. & Sirkiä, L. 2016. Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan perustuva tuettu verkkointerventio hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi yliopisto-opiskelijoilla: Ohjelmaan käytetyn ajan yhteys hoitotulokseen. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Tuovinen, E. (2016). Opiskelijan Kompassi: käytettävyyden ja käyttökokemuksen parantaminen. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Tietojärjestelmätiede. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Doğan, U. (2016). Mindfulness-acceptance-commitment program for athletes and exercisers: an action research case study. Master's thesis. Liikunta- ja terveystieteet, terveyskasvatus. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Wargelin, E. M. (2016). Psykologisen joustavuuden ydinprosessien kokemukselliset muutokset työuupumusintervention aikana. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Ristolainen, E., Räihä, E. (2016). Ryhmämuotoisen hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapian vaikutukset tyypin 1 diabetesta sairastavien nuorten hoitotasapainoon ja hyvinvointiin : pilottitutkimus. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Hämäläinen, T., Vuojolainen, T. (2016). Verkkopohjaisen hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaintervention muutosta välittävät mekanismit unettomuuden hoidossa. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Finnholm, A. (2016). Masennuksen hoidon tehokkuutta välittävät mekanismit lyhyessä verkkomuotoisessa hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiassa. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Kiviö, M. & Kesti, H-R. (2016). Minduflness-, hyväksyntä- ja arvopohjaisen intervention vaikutukset työn imuun ja sen ulottuvuuksiin sekä psykologinen joustavuus välittävänä tekijänä. Master’s thesis of Psychology.

Trifoglio, V. (2016). Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on experienced job characteristics: Comparing the intervention group and the control group. Master’s thesis of Psychology. University of Jyväskylä. See


Järvisalo, S. (2015). The effectiveness of internet-delivered therapist supported acceptance and commitment therapy intervention in the treatment of depression, anxiety and stress on university students. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Nuorva, J. (2015). Effects of a short psychological intervention on social attention in depression : an eye-tracking study. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Vehkanen, L. (2015). Gender differences in usage and user experience of Oiva App. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Pekkonen, A., Holopainen, R. (2015). Portti väkivallattomaan elämään : hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapeuttinen verkkointerventio lähisuhdeväkivallan tekijöille. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Hakio, T., Savolainen, H. (2015). Values clarification work in a mindfulness- and acceptance-based intervention. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Luodelahti, M. (2015). Mobile-based intervention based on acceptance and commitment therapy: the effectiveness on work ability and perceived stress for individuals with symptoms of metabolic syndrome and psychological stress. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Kettunen, A., Tarkiainen, J. (2015). The change of well-being: mediator and moderator effects of depression in Muupu intervention. Pro gradu -tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Kortelainen, R. & Yltiö, N. (2015). Muupu-tutkimuksen satunnaiskoeasetelman toteutuminen, koeryhmien väliset erot sekä tutkimuksesta poisjääminen. Master’s thesis of Psychology. University of Jyväskylä. See in Finnish

Kuitunen, M. & Rantala, M. (2015). Mindfulness, acceptance and value-based intervention for burnout – Mediational roles of learning the elements of the intervention on outcomes. Master’s thesis of Psychology. University of Jyväskylä. See

Lipsanen, R. (2015). The changing relationship between personality traits and acceptance skills. Master’s thesis of Psychology. University of Jyväskylä. See

Mikkilä, E. (2015). Työuupuneiden henkilökohtaiset tavoitteet Muupu-tutkimuksessa. Master’s thesis of Psychology. University of Jyväskylä. See in Finnish

Mäkinen, K. (2015). Intervention vaikuttavuutta koskevat odotukset ja hyvinvoinnin muutokset tietoisuustaitopohjaisessa työuupumusinterventiossa. Master’s thesis of Psychology. University of Jyväskylä. See in Finnish  


Kandidaatin -tutkielmat


Arasalo, V. & Peurala, E. (2016). Hyvinvointivalmentajan palautteen merkitys HOT-verkkointerventiossa: Satunnaistettu kontrolloitu tutkimus. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto

Di Baldo, M. & Karjalainen, L. (2016). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiapohjainen verkkointerventio opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen – Koettujen ongelmien yhteys psykologiseen joustavuuteen. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Tarsia, S. (2016). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapia -pohjainen verkkointerventio opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä: Palautteen antaminen ja hyvinvoinnin kehittyminen. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto


Ala-Keturi, T. (2015). HOT-pohjaisen lyhytaikaisen verkkohoidon vaikutus mindfulness-taitoihin sekä tunne-elämään, sosiaaliseen ja psykologiseen hyvinvointiin suomalaisilla yliopisto-opiskelijoilla: Jatkuvuus ja muutos intervention jälkeen sekä seurantatutkimuksen aikana. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Finnholm, A. (2015). Lyhyen hyväksyntä- ja arvopohjaisen tuetun verkkointervention vaikuttavuus opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin. Kandidaatintutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

Kade, K. & Niemi, A. (2015). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiapohjainen verkkointerventio opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen: Opiskelijan Kompassi –ohjelman vaikuttavuus, syys osallistua, toiveet ja kokemukset. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.


Mäkinen, R. & Puustinen, J. (2014). Opiskelijan Kompassi Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan perustuva verkkointerventio opiskelijoille: Tapaustutkimus verkko-interventiosta eniten hyötyneistä koehenkilöistä. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto


Lehtonen, R. (2013). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan perustuva verkkomuotoinen lyhytinterventio opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi. Tukihenkilön merkitys verkkointerventiossa asiakkaan näkökulmasta. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.


Kipponen, T & Koskinen, K. (2012). Hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaan perustuva verkkomuotoinen lyhytinterventio opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin parantamiseksi – Hoitovasteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Kandidaatin tutkielma. Psykologian laitos. Jyväskylän yliopisto.



Lindfors, M. (2018). Asiakkaan luomat kuvalliset metaforat kognitiivisen käyttäytymisterapian asiakastyössä: menetelmällinen kokeilu ja teoreettinen tausta. Psykoterapeuttikoulutuksen opinnäytetyö, Itä-Suomen yliopisto



Tiede-Zoom: Materiaalit

Tiede-Zoom: Materiaalit

Tälle sivulle koostamme Tiede-Zoom-tapahtumien materiaaleja sen mukaan, mitä kukin vieras haluaa jakaa osallistujille. 



Videomateriaalit katariina.keinonen

ACBS Finland Kevätkokoontuminen 2020 materiaalit

ACBS Finland Kevätkokoontuminen 2020 materiaalit

ACBS Finland 18.4.2020 Kevätkokoontumisen koulutusosuuden powerpointit

Sanna Turakka - kouluttajapsykoterapeutti

Katariina Keinonen - psykologian tohtori

Tiina A. Tuominen

Steven Hayesin TEDx-puhe "Psychological flexibility: How love turns pain into purpose"

Steven Hayesin TEDx-puhe "Psychological flexibility: How love turns pain into purpose"

Suomeksi tekstitetty video psykologisen joustavuuden merkityksestä.

Kirsikka Kaipainen




German-Speaking Association for Contextual Behavioural Science
(Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Kontextuelle Verhaltenswissenschaften)

Affiliated 2012

Click here to join the German-Speaking Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Contact Information

Marilena Bertacco & Daniel Teichmann


Board (2024)

Daniel Teichmann, President, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024
Marilena Betracco, President-Elect, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024
Frank Mutterlose, Secretary, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024
Sebastian Josfeld, Treasurer, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024
Theresa Witting, Student Representative, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024
Corinna Nebel, Member-at-large, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024
Karin Schraml, Member-at-large, 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024


The purpose of the organization is to foster the science and practical clinical application of the contextual approach to cognitive and behavioral science within the German language community. The goal of the organization is to alleviate human suffering and advance human wellbeing.

Chapter Activities

The chapter will:

  • Serve as a scientific and professional platform for German-speaking scientists, students, or practitioners, who are committed to the principles and processes of contextual behavioral science. This organization shall also be available to the interested public.
  • Spur research and scholarship into the direction of developing of a coherent and progressive science of human behavior, that measures up to the challenges of the human condition.
  • Promote the scientific development of useful basic principles and useful theories based upon these fundamental principles. Also promoted will be effective applied technologies based on these theories, as well as successful methods of learning and disseminating these technologies. The best available scientific evidence shall provide guidance.
  • Promote the development of an understanding of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between basic and applied sciences as well as between practical application and research.
  • Promote the development of a German-speaking community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, and mutually supportive way, thereby effectively producing valued outcomes and further exploring the their theoretical and practical implications. Low cost methods of this work will be emphasized, so as to keep the focus on benefit to all.
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science.
  • Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, website, Facebook group and similar activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.
  • DGKV Kongress

Description of Membership

Any individual person or entity interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and its application, who is also a member of the Association of Contextual and Behavioral Sciences (ACBS), may become a member of this organization.

Jan Martz

German Speaking Chapter Newsletters

German Speaking Chapter Newsletters Community

German-speaking Chapter Information

German-speaking Chapter Information

German-Speaking Association for Contextual Behavioural Science

Affiliated 2012

Type of Chapter:
Language Community

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:


The purpose of the organization is to foster the science and practical clinical application of the contextual approach to cognitive and behavioral science within the German language community. The goal of the organization is to alleviate human suffering and advance human wellbeing. Please refer to attached by-laws at the bottom of the page for full description of mission/objectives.

Description of Membership

Any individual person or entity interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and its application, who is also a member of the Association of Contextual and Behavioral Sciences (ACBS), may become a member of this organization.

Jan Martz

Greece & Cyprus

Greece & Cyprus

Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter.                               

Affiliated 2014

Click here to join the Greece and Cyprus Chapter 

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

Greece and Cyprus ACBS local representative


We are proud to announce the formation of the Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter.

Greek thinkers began speculating about the nature of the universe. They believed that through observation and clear thinking, they might be able to find natural rather than supernatural explanations for the workings of the world and the human being.

Greek philosophers had begun to ask the ultimate questions of our existence. First, Epicurus (341–270 B.C.), noted the therapeutic nature of values declaring that “Living honestly brings the greatest peace of mind, and a correct understanding of nature can help free a person from needless fears and anxieties.” Epicurean philosophers believed that we should abandon our restraints and live for the moment and its origin of the word ‘Epicurean’ came to describe the core value of contemporary contextualism, someone who lived for pleasures and follow its inner values.

Expanding our ancestors' ideas (and those of new thinkers ), the Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter was created to cover and further develop the gap of CBS-related knowledge in the Mediterranean European region


Chapter Board - 2023-2025

President- Vasilis S. Vasiliou
President-Elect- Stavroula Sanida
Secretary- Evi Neofotistou
Treasurer- Alexandra Chrysagi
Student representative- 
Member at large 1- Maria Karekla 
Member at large 2- Marianna Zacharia
Member at large 3- Danai Papageorgiou


Our mission and commitment to the ACBS community is to enhance the development of Functional Contextual Behavior therapies within the South-eastern part of Europe. Both Greece and the Republic of Cyprus sharing the same nation, customs, tradition, language and ethics, can contribute to both the local Mental Health Professions and the larger ACBS community in the following ways:

  • Adapt, modify, create, and use contextual-based scales, measures, and other related tools in conducting research, experiments, community studies, and clinical protocols
  • Disseminate the therapeutic methods, clinical processes, techniques, and exercises of ACT-based protocols for a wide range of clinical and non-clinical populations
  • Organize workshops, conferences, newsletter, websites, and other related networking activities with the aim of spreading the word about ACT both in the region
  • Establish collaborations with other European and international countries in research-based studies, workshops, clinical trials, and special interest groups

Chapter Activities

  • Identify and promote the development and dissemination of interventions that are firmly rooted in functional contextual science
  • Support our members in their efforts to gain ongoing training and further develop their competencies
  • Organize and sponsor workshops, conferences, newsletters, websites, listservs, and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization
  • Promote local and interritorial cooperative workshops in Greece and in the island of Cyprus for local Mental Health professionals
  • Advertise any local conference, workshops, and initiatives in both Greece, the Republic of Cyprus, and in the Pan-Europe area

Description of Membership

We are creating a local network of a multidisciplinary community of scholars, researchers, educators, and clinical practitioners in both Greece and the Republic of Cyprus who will work in a collegial, open, and mutually supportive way to develop and further promote the contextual behavior science and its applications.


Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter Information

Greece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter Information

Penn_State_Capital_Building.jpgGreece & Cyprus ACBS Chapter

Affiliated 2014

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Greece and the Republic of Cyprus

Our mission and commitment to the ACBS community is to enhance the development of Functional Contextual Behavior therapies within the South-eastern part of Europe. Both Greece and the Republic of Cyprus sharing the same nation, customs, tradition, language and ethics, can contribute to both the local Mental Health Professions and the larger ACBS community in the following ways:

  • Adapt, modify, create, and use contextual-based scales, measures, and other related tools in conducting research, experiments, community studies, and clinical protocols
  • Disseminate the therapeutic methods, clinical processes, techniques, and exercises of ACT-based protocols for a wide range of clinical and non-clinical populations
  • Organize workshops, conferences, newsletter, websites, and other related networking activities with the aim of spreading the word about ACT both in Greek and English language
  • Establish collaborations with other European and international countries in research-based studies, workshops, clinical trials, and special interest groups

Description of Membership:
We are creating a local network of a multidisciplinary community of scholars, researchers, educators, and clinical practitioners in both Greece and the Republic of Cyprus who will work in a collegial, open, and mutually supportive way to develop and further promote the contextual behavior science and its applications.


Greece & Cyprus Chapter - Miscellaneous

Greece & Cyprus Chapter - Miscellaneous

Other Information

The University of Cyprus and the Department of Psychology established its first ACT-Based lab. Director of the lab is Assistant Prof. Maria Karekla, Lecturer, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and ACT Trainer. Our lab, namely ACTHealthy, consists of a highly committed team of undergraduates, graduates, and Ph.D. students from the BSc in Psychology and the two applied graduate programs (M.A. in School Psychology and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology programs). For further information join us on Facebook - ACTHealthy and ALGEA

Also, in 2012 the first Greek Blog dedicated exclusively to ACT related material, was created from a group of Ph.D in Clinical Psychology students. To view, click on the following:


Meet the members of the Greece- Cyprus ACBS Chapter (2014)

Meet the members of the Greece- Cyprus ACBS Chapter (2014)

August 2014


Κλινικό υλικό στα Ελληνικά- Clinical Material in Greek language

Κλινικό υλικό στα Ελληνικά- Clinical Material in Greek language

Σε αυτή την σελίδα μέσα στην Ελληνικό- Κυπριακή ομάδα του Οργανισμού Πλαισιακών Επιστημών της Συμπεριφοράς (Greece- Cyprus ACBS chapter) θα αναρτάται κλινικό υλικό μεταφρασμένο στα Ελληνικά προς χρήση απο τα μέλη της ομάδας.

Το υλικό αυτό:

- θα αποτελείται απο εμπειρικές ασκήσεις της Θεραπείας Αποδοχής και Δέσμευσης (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; ACT),

- ασκήσεις απο την Θεωρία συσχετιστικών πλαισίων (Relational Frame Theory;RFT),

- Οδηγίες για διεξαγωγή συγκεκριμένων κλινικών διαδικασίων (π.χ. αποδοχής μέσω εμπειρικών ασκήσεων συνειδητότητας κλπ),

Με αυτό το τρόπο, τα μέλη θα μπορούν να χρησιμοποιούν τις εφαρμογές της ΘΑΔ στην  κλινική τους πράξη.




Assessment Measures in Greek

Assessment Measures in Greek

Assessment Measures in Greek

  • AAQ-II - Greek
  • AFQ-Y - Greek
  • AIS - Greek
  • BI-AAQ - Greek
  • Brief COPE - Greek
  • Bulls Eye - Greek
  • CAMM - Greek
  • CAQ-8 - Greek
  • CFQ - Greek
  • COPE - Greek
  • CPAQ - Greek
  • DERS - Greek
  • MAAS - Greek
  • PIPS - Greek
  • Psy-Flex - Greek
  • SCS - Greek
  • SCS-Y - Greek
  • TAS-20 - Greek
  • VLQ - Greek
  • VQ - Greek

Greek AAQ-II

Greek AAQ-II mkarekla

Greek Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire

Greek Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire mkarekla

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Chapter (ACBS-HK Chapter)

Affiliated 2019

Click here to join the Hong Kong Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Follow the chapter on Facebook

Contact Information
Anthony Tong

Chapter Committee Members :
Chair: Dr. TONG, Kwok Kwun Anthony
Chair-elect: Dr. WONG, Oi Yin Jessica
Secretary: Dr. YUEN, Nga Yee Ada
Treasurer: Dr. WONG, Chi Ming Tony
Membership and External Affairs, Officer 1: Dr. CHAO, Puihan Joyce
Membership and External Affairs, Officer 2: Ms. LEUNG, Kin Shan, Shelly
Training and Education, Officer 1: Ms. CHEUNG, Wing Yun Rebecca
Training and Education, Officer 2: Dr. POWELL LING, Yuet Man
Training and Education, Officer 3: Mr. WONG, Cheuk Yin Henry
Research and Development Officer: Dr. CHEUNG, Amanda Kingsze

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:

ACBS-HK Chapter aims to serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Hong Kong who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.

Possible Chapter activities:
ACBS-HK Chapter aims to sponsor training, conferences, newsletters, listservs and other such activities that help promote the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public. There will be regularly scheduled executive committee meeting, general annual meeting, and subcommittee meetings.

Description of Membership:

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.

Pictures of Hong Kong:

Let us share with you some beautiful pictures of Hong Kong!


Hong Kong Chapter Annual Reports

Hong Kong Chapter Annual Reports Community

Hong Kong Chapter Information

Hong Kong Chapter Information

Hong Kong Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Type of Chapter:

Geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
Hong Kong

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
ACBS-HK Chapter aims to serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Hong Kong who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.

Description of Membership:
Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.




ACBS Hungary

Affiliated 2015

Click here to join the Hungary Chapter

Follow us on Facebook

Contact Information

Karoly Kornel Schlosser
Associate lecturer, Institute of Management Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Current Board of Directors

Karoly Kornel Schlosser, Executive President -2021, March to 2023, March
Nikolett Eisenbeck, Vice President - 2021, March to 2023, March
Dr. Linda Kuhn - Secretary/Treasurer

Members at large:
Mate Szondy
Tamas Szekeres
Gabor Fazekas

Geographic (or language) Boundaries of the Chapter

Those who reside in Hungary or speak Hungarian.


o Promote the better understanding of human condition and suffering based on the principles of functional-contextual science.
o Disseminate the functional-contextual approach in Hungary.
o Support Hungarian researchers, practitioners and students in their interest to develop effective applied theories linked to principles.
o Develop coordination among researchers in Hungary to establish effective research groups to disseminate scientific developments in the international scientific community.
o Emphasize the connection between basic research in respect of the role of contingencies, transformation of functions and applied research in applications of human domains.
o Organize the formation of and supervise Hungarian professionals in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science.
o Coordinate efforts in order to create a database with Hungarian test materials that can contribute evidence-based practice of acceptance and commitment therapy.
o Promote the dissemination of Third-Wave Therapies both in the private area and public context, encouraging the development of a better working model of mental health in Hungary.
o Translate, adjust and implement existing international therapy material to improve the mental health of Hungarians in both public and private sectors.

Chapter Activities

  • Meetings (at the ACBS world conference)
  • Workshops in Hungary to promote contextual science

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Hungary.

Affiliated Website

Nikolett Eisenbeck

Hungary Information

Hungary Information

ACBS Hungary

Affiliated 2015

Type of Chapter:
Language Community

Geographic (or language) Boundaries of the Chapter:
Those who reside in Hungary or speak Hungarian.


  • Promote a better understanding of the human condition and suffering based on the principles of functional-contextual science, disseminating this functional-contextual approach in Hungary.
  • Support the interests of researchers, practitioners and students in Hungary on basic principles of experimental analysis, workable applied theories linked to these principles and effective applied technologies.
  • Promote the coordination among researchers in Hungary in a way that is effective in disseminating their scientific developments in the international scientific community.
  • Promote the connection between basic research on the role of contingencies and the transformation of functions and applied research and applications in human domains.
  • Promote the formation and supervision of Hungarian professionals in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science.
  • Coordinate efforts in order to create a database with Hungarian materials that contributes disseminating the best available scientific evidence on ACT and RFT.
  • Promote the dissemination of Third-Wave Therapies both in the private arena and the public context, encouraging a new model of Mental Health in Hungary.

Description of Membership:
Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Hungary.

Nikolett Eisenbeck



India Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Click here to join the India Chapter and listserv. 

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  If there is a chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Sindhu BS

Current Board Members
President: Sindhu BS
Member-at-large: Gitanjali Natarajan
Member-at-large: Veera Balaji Kumar

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:

  • Disseminate ACT/RFT/contextual science literature to professionals and general public in India.
  • Run reading groups, peer supervision groups, and help members become ACT trainers.
  • Contribute to ACT/RFT/contextual science literature with an Indian cultural perspective.

Possible Chapter activities:

  • Chapter will meet via Skype/Zoom and communicate through email, as it covers a wide geographical region.
  • Yearly meeting will be held at the ACBS World Conference.
  • Will have an email listserv

Description of Membership:

  • Anyone who is an ACBS member from India and interested in chapter objectives can become a member.

India Chapter Information

India Chapter Information

India Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
* Disseminate ACT/RFT/contextual science literature to professionals and general public in India.
* Run reading groups, peer supervision groups, and help members become ACT trainers.
* Contribute to ACT/RFT/contextual science literature with an Indian cultural perspective.

Description of Membership:
Anyone who is an ACBS member from India and interested in chapter objectives can become a member.


India Chapter Resources

India Chapter Resources office_1

Intro to RFT workshop with Lou Lasprugato

Intro to RFT workshop with Lou Lasprugato

Clinical RFT with Lou Lasprugato - Session 1:

Clinical RFT with Lou Lasprugato - Session 2:

Clinical RFT with Lou Lasprugato - Session 3:

Clinical RFT with Lou Lasprugato - Session 4:

Clinical RFT with Lou Lasprugato - Follow-up Q&A:


Meeting minutes - 2020-23 Board

Meeting minutes - 2020-23 Board

The India ACBS board meets online once in three/four weeks. Please find attached the minutes from our meeting.

- Sindhu BS

President of the India ACBS chapter, 2020-23


Israeli and Hebrew

Israeli and Hebrew

The Israeli and Hebrew Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2013

Click here to join the Israeli and Hebrew Chapter

Contact Information

Karin Stern - President
Orin Gerstenhaber - Secretary

Board Information

Ami Wiezel - Board member 

Keren Nissan-Ilssar - Board member

Elad Livne - Board member

Limor Atar - Board member

Yasmin Folder Hed - Board member

Tami Rosen - Board member

Orna Stater - Board member


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Israel and other Hebrew speaking communities so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Elad Livneh

Israeli and Hebrew Chapter Information

Israeli and Hebrew Chapter Information

The Israeli and Hebrew Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2013

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
State of Israel or Hebrew speaking Therapists

The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Israel and other Hebrew speaking communities so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Description of Membership:
Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice.

The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate. Professional members and Fellows shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association without restriction. The minimum standard for election to professional membership shall be completion of a terminal degree relevant to the purposes of the Association. Student members shall be currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level in an area of relevance to the purposes of the Association. Affiliate members are any member of the public with interests in the purpose of the Association. Standards for Fellow Status in the Association shall be set by the Board of Directors.

All members of the Israeli chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science must be members in good standing of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Membership dues are set by the Board of Directors of the Association and paid to the Association annually. Members shall be regarded without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.


Resources in Hebrew

Resources in Hebrew

AAQ 10-item scale in Hebrew - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire

"Getting Hooked" in Hebrew - להיתפס בחכה

Bull's Eye in Hebrew - עין השור / בול פגיעה




ACT Italia: The Italian Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2009

Click here to join the Italy Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

ACT Italia Website

Contact Information

Board of Directors 

Giovambattista Presti President, beginning and end date, 23/05/2023 - 23/05/2027
Anna Bianca Prevedini Past President beginning and end date, 23/05/2016 - 23/05/2025
Giuseppe Deledda President elect beginning and end date, 23/05/2018 - 23/05/2026
Nicola Maffini Secretary beginning and end date, 23/05/2018 - 23/05/2025
Laura Casetta board member beginning and end date, 23/05/2023 - 23/05/2025
Stefania Galbiati board member beginning and end date, 23/05/2023 - 23/05/2025
Nicola Lo Savio board member beginning and end date, 23/05/2023 - 23/05/2025
Simone Napolitano board member beginning and end date, 23/05/2023 - 23/05/2025
Agnese Novelli board member beginning and end date, 23/05/2018 -23/05/2025
Antonio Zagarese student presentative beginning and end date, 23/05/2023 - 23/05/2025



The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Italy so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. 

Description of Membership Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Italy. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.

Francesca Scaglia

Italy Chapter Information

Italy Chapter Information

ACT Italia: The Italian Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2009

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Italian national boundaries.

The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Italy so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being Specifically, the organization shall:

a) Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Italy who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.
b) Promote research and scholarship in Italy focused on the development of a coherent and progressive science of human action that is more adequate to the challenges of the human condition that will.
c) Identify and promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence; of effective prevention and intervention strategies.
d) Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge;
e) Promote the development in Italy of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes and in exploring the additional implications of this work, and that emphasizes open and low cost methods of connecting with this work so as to keep the focus on benefit to others;
f) Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Italy.
g) Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.

Description of Membership Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Italy. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.

Douglas Long



ACT Japan: The Japanese Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2010

Click here to join the Japan Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

ACT Japan website:

Contact Information

Tomu Ohtsuki
Associate Professor
Waseda University

Current Board of Directors

Tomu Ohtsuki, President
Mie Sakai, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors
Aiko Oya, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors, March 2024
Kazuya Inoue, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors, March 2024
Yuki Shigemoto, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors, March 2024
Natsumi Tsuda, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors,  March 2024
Hironori Yanagisawa, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors

Taiki Shima, Members-at-Large of the Board of Directors


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Japan so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Specifically, the organization shall:

  1. Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Japan who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.
  2. Promote research and scholarship in Japan focused on the development of a coherent and progressive science of human action that is more adequate to the challenges of the human condition that will.
  3. Identify and promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence; of effective prevention and intervention strategies.
  4. Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge.
  5. Promote the development in Japan of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes and in exploring the additional implications of this work, and that emphasizes open and low cost methods of connecting with this work so as to keep the focus on benefit to others.
  6. Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Japan.
  7. Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Japan.


ACT Related Measures in Japanese

ACT Related Measures in Japanese

The ACBS Japan Chapter website has accessment tools.

  • Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II
  • Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (7 項目版)
  • Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth
  • Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire
  • Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
  • Personal Values Questionnaire II
  • TSSQ
  • Values of Younger Ages scale(VOYAGE)
  • Values Clarification Questionnaire
  • Valuing Questionnaire

International RFT Meeting: ACT Japan Annual Meeting, Kyoto, 2012

International RFT Meeting: ACT Japan Annual Meeting, Kyoto, 2012


ACT Japan (The Japanese Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) will hold the International RFT Meeting as its first Annual Meeting.

General Conference Schedule
March 12th 2012 RFT/IRAP Meeting (9:00am-17:30pm)
March 13th 2012 RFT/IRAP Meeting (9:00am-17:30pm)
March 14th 2012 RFT/IRAP Meeting (9:00am-14:00pm)
* A dinner is planned for 7.30pm Tuesday 13th to give researchers the opportunity for informal discussion and exchange of ideas.

Conference Venue
Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan

The conference will provide a forum for leading RFT researchers (Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Ian Stewart, and many others) to discuss recent findings and applications of RFT in differing research and applied domains, as well as their work with other active RFT researchers.

The aim of the meeting is to stimulate continued refinement and development of RFT research.

ADDITIONAL EVENTS: An Introduction to RFT: A One-Day Workshop with Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Yvonne Barnes-Holmes and Ian Stewart. (each date is the same lecture; please register for only one)

  • March 11th 2012 (9:30am-16:30pm) at Doshisha University in Kyoto
  • March 17th 2012 (9:30am-16:30pm) at Tokyo office of Doshisha University in Tokyo

act japan pic.jpg

 CALL FOR PAPERS (for the main event, March 12-14):

Submissions must be received by January 31, 2012.

To submit a paper for consideration, please fill out the application form and send the following information: 

A) Title of Presentation

B) Name and Affiliation of principle author

C) Name and Affiliation of co-authors

D) 200 Word Summary including objective, design, method, results, and conclusion.



Individuals interested in attending but not presenting at the meeting are encouraged to attend! 

Anyone can participate in the event free of charge. Those attending the meeting, however, must arrange their own travel, accommodation, and meals.



ACBS Members: Download the full-length interactive brochure (attached in a compressed zip folder, containing a pdf file). 

Naoko Kishita

Japan Chapter Information

Japan Chapter Information

ACT Japan: The Japanese Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2010

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
The activities of the Chapter is limited to Japan.


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Japan so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Specifically, the organization shall:

  1. Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in Japan who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.
  2. Promote research and scholarship in Japan focused on the development of a coherent and progressive science of human action that is more adequate to the challenges of the human condition that will.
  3. Identify and promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence; of effective prevention and intervention strategies.
  4. Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge.
  5. Promote the development in Japan of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes and in exploring the additional implications of this work, and that emphasizes open and low cost methods of connecting with this work so as to keep the focus on benefit to others.
  6. Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Japan.
  7. Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Japan.

Douglas Long



Malaysia Chapter

Affiliated 2021

Click here to join the Malaysia Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information
Email: ACBS MYS team 

Officers (2023-2025)

President: Lim Sue-Anne
President-Elect: Wan Kah Mun
Secretary: Erica Woo
Treasurer: Amni Izam
Student Representative: Izleen Mahmud
Nor Jannah Nasution
Nicholas Pang
Marina Sabri

Past President: Eugene Koh 


The chapter's purpose is to foster the development of functional contextual, cognitive, and behavioral science. The chapter will serve as a scientific and professional group in Malaysia for scientists, students, and practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science.

Description of membership
Members of the Malaysia Chapter shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, who are currently practicing or residing in Malaysia. This includes clinicians, researchers, students and any other related field practitioners. 


Malaysia Chapter Information

Malaysia Chapter Information

Malaysia Chapter

Affiliated 2021

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Within the country of Malaysia 

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Malaysia so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human wellbeing.

Description of membership:
Members of the Organisation shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice and currently practicing/residing in Malaysia. This includes clinicians, researchers, students and any other related field practitioners.

Chapter By-Laws: See attachment


México - Sur

México - Sur

México Sur Chapter

Affiliated 2023

Click here to join the México - Sur Chapter and listserv 

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Fabiola Margarita Santiago-García

Board Members

President: Fabiola Margarita Santiago-García (2024-2025)
President-Elect: Addalid Sánchez-Hernández (2025-2026)
Secretary-Treasurer: Anabel Contreras-Martínez (2024-2027)
Student representative: Humberto Morales-Casillas (2025-2026)
Member-at-Large: César Corona-Palma (2025-2027)
Member-at-Large: Herson Noguez- (2025-2027)
Member-at-Large: Tania Del Río-Bernal (2023-2025)
Member-at-Large: Xareni Pamela Romero-Flores (2023-2025)
Member-at-Large: Laura Adriana Bautista-Hernández (2023-2025)
Member-at-Large: Edgar Omar Aguilar-Morales (2023-2025)
Member-at-Large: Saira Bernardita Osorio-Gómez (2023-2025)
Member-at-Large: Aída Monserrat Reséndiz-Barragán (2023-2025)
Member-at-Large: Osvaldo García-Escalante (2023-2025)


To build a supportive community that fosters personal growth and professional development through active participation and mutual aid among members, in such a way that we can contribute to the alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of the personal well-being of the population in general, making use of the best scientific evidence currently available and strengthening contextual behavioral science with our actions.

Construir una comunidad solidaria que favorezca el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo profesional mediante la participación activa y la ayuda mutua entre los miembros, de tal manera que podamos contribuir al alivio del sufrimiento humano y la promoción del bienestar personal de la población en general, haciendo uso de la mejor evidencia científica actualmente disponible y fortaleciendo con nuestras acciones la ciencia conductual contextual.

Description of membership

Those who realize professional activities in the south of Mexico may participate in the membership.

Chapter Activities

Continuous training and support for affiliates and non-affiliates among peers and with experts.

Disseminate contextual behavioral science in electronic media.

Annual congress of the Chapter in the month of November.

Monthly meeting of the chapter members on the third Saturday of each month at 8:45 PM Central Time in Mexico.


Desarrollamos un Programa Regional de Formación Continua  y Acompañamiento, para afiliados y no afiliados entre pares y con expertos.

Realizamos actividadesde Difusión de la ciencia conductual contextual en medios electrónicos.

En el mes de Noviembre de cada año realizaremos el congreso Anual del Chapter.

Desarrollamos una reunión mensual para los miembros del Chapter el tercer sábado de cada mes a las 20:45 Tiempo del Centro de México



México - Sur Chapter Information

México - Sur Chapter Information

México - Sur Chapter

Affiliated 2023

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter (or specific Language Community):
States located in the South of Mexico

Chapter mission/objectives:
To build a supportive community that fosters personal growth and professional development through active participation and mutual aid among members, in such a way that we can contribute to the alleviation of human suffering and the promotion of the personal well-being of the population in general, making use of the best scientific evidence currently available and strengthening contextual behavioral science with our actions.

Description of membership:
Those who realize professional activities in the south of Mexico may participate in the membership.

Describe chapter activities (meetings, workshops, publications, etc.). Include meeting dates and time of year of publications.

  • Develop integration activities as a community
  • Continuous training and support for affiliates and non-affiliates among peers and with experts
  • Translation and dissemination of outreach materials on contextual behavioral science
  • Influence public policies related to our professional work
  • Disseminate contextual behavioral science in electronic media.
  • Create study groups
  • Annual congress of the chapter in the month of November.

Chapter By-Laws: See attachment




Persian ACBS

Affiliated 2013

Click here to join the Persian Chapter

(You MUST BE LOGGED IN to your ACBS member account to use the link above.)

Contact Information

Sajad Bahrami

Chapter Leaders (2025)

Abdollah Omidi - President
Sajad Bahrami - President-Elect
Peyman Dousti - Secretary-Treasurer
Morteza Keshmiri - Member at Large
Narges Piryaie - Student Representative


The mission of the Persian ACBS shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Iran and neighboring Persian speaking countries including Afghanistan,…. so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well-being. Also, to produce a certified and skilled treatment that meets the needs of the above Persian speaking communities and populations, by applying ACT protocols in a cost effective and in a safe way.


  • To Establish the Persian ACBS webpage.
  • To Disseminate Contextual Behavior Science CBS principles among health professionals and other related professions.
  • Providing a forum for health practitioners/ researchers to share information and resources
  • Developing awareness activities designed to highlight the need for utilizing ACT model and processes.
  • To conduct research studies and apply the ACT model and processes within Persian speaking populations.
  • To translate books and resources of ACT and contextual behavior sciences to Persian language.

Chapter Activities

The chapter will:

  • Create a forum for discussion
  • Organize workshops
  • Publish research articles and a newsletter
  • Translate ACT books and resources
  • Provide consultations

Description of Membership

Membership is open to Persian speaking people from a variety of educational backgrounds and professions relevant to the purpose of the chapter. We anticipate that members will be involved in clinical practice, research, teaching and organizational activities, from both academic and non-academic backgrounds and from both private and public sectors.

ACT Resources in Farsi/Persian


Farsi Version of "Making Sense of Spirituality"

Farsi Version of "Making Sense of Spirituality"

The attached file is a Farsi translation the very first paper on ACT and RFT: Hayes, S. C. (1984) Making sense of spirituality. Behaviorism, 12, 99-110.

It was written just two years after the transformational experience described in Steve's TEDx talk on the origins of ACT ( and one year after the first ACT works. In it you can see much of the future that will unfold. It is a difficult text and is demanding to read (especially for those not steeped in behavior analysts). That make it hard to translate but the translators, Seyed Ali Kolahdouzan (President of the Persian chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) and Peiman Rezaie Maram (Research Deputy of the Chapter) have worked very hard to make sure it is accurate, understandable and clear. We are proud to have it available in Farsi for the first time here -- on the ACBS website in the Persian Chapter area. 


Steven Hayes

Persian-Speaking Chapter Information

Persian-Speaking Chapter Information

Persian ACBS

Affiliated 2013


The mission of the Persian ACBS shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Iran and neighboring Persian speaking countries including Afghanistan,…. so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well-being. Also, to produce a certified and skilled treatment that meets the needs of the above Persian speaking communities and populations, by applying ACT protocols in a cost effective and in a safe way.


  • To Establish the Persian ACBS website.
  • To Disseminate Contextual Behavior Science CBS principles among health professionals and other related professions.
  • Providing a forum for health practitioners/ researchers to share information and resources
  • Developing awareness activities designed to highlight the need for utilizing ACT model and processes.
  • To conduct research studies and apply the ACT model and processes within Persian speaking populations.
  • To translate books and resources of ACT and contextual behavior sciences to Persian language.
  • To organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the Chapter.

Chapter Activities

The chapter will:

  • Organize an annual meeting
  • Create a forum for discussion
  • Organize workshops
  • Publish research articles and a newsletter
  • Translate ACT books and resources
  • Provide consultations

Description of Membership

Membership is open to Persian speaking people from a variety of educational backgrounds and professions relevant to the purpose of the chapter. We anticipate that members will be involved in clinical practice, research, teaching and organizational activities, from both academic and non-academic backgrounds and from both private and public sectors.




Perú Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

ACBS Perú 2024-2025


¡Perú, la primera civilización de América! encierra situaciones que hasta parecen mágicas, es que la riqueza cultural que nuestros ancestros atesora tanta sabiduría como el puente de Q'eswachaka, que representa esas raíces sólidas que nos sostienen frente a contextos que pueden llegar a ser adversos y difíciles pero que esas raíces nos sirven como bases sólidas donde pisar para de ahí poder acceder a espacios como la creatividad, la innovación, el esfuerzo, el trabajo cooperativo en busca del bien común con el propósito de interactuar con otras realidades y en esa interacción poder abrirnos a posibilidades de cambio y crecimiento. 

El Logo de Perú Chapter esta inspirado en el puente llamado  Q´eswachaka ubicado en el río Apurímac, en la región Cusco, a 3.700 m s. n. m., El Puente Q´eswachaka es un importante legado inca que permanece vigente tras más de seis siglos. El puente Q'eswachaka, una espectacular obra de ingeniería de 30 metros de largo, hecha a base de paja y de piedra, que se preserva hasta hoy y que en 2013 fue designada como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial por la Unesco.

Haga clic aquí para unirse al Capítulo Perú

Siga el capítulo en instagram

Contacto del Capítulo

Margot Osorio




Bienvenidxs todxs:

Lxs miembrxs de la nueva junta directiva del Capítulo Perú de la ACBS, tienen el agrado de expresarles sus saludos y al mismo tiempo manifestarles su disposición de sumar esfuerzos en el desarrollo de la ciencia conductual contextual.

Board Officers 

President: Margot Osorio

President-Elect: Corina Wong

Past President: Vanessa del Aguila

Member at Large: Sandra Mendoza

Student Representative: Jaime Marreros

Secretary: Paola Bravo


La misión del Capítulo Perú es apoyar el desarrollo personal y profesional de sus afiliados a través de la facilitación de espacios para el entrenamiento de habilidades y actividades acordes con el modelo de la Ciencia Conductual Contextual (CBS), y al hacerlo, hacer nuestra propia pequeña contribución al alivio del sufrimiento humano.

Posibles actividades del capítulo:

  • Facilitar espacios que fomenten el entrenamiento de habilidades y crecimiento profesional
  • Promover y facilitar los espacios que incentiven el intercambio con la comunidad internacional para el crecimiento.
  • Promover el trabajo cooperativo para la traducción y creación de recursos en español para contribuir a la comunidad de la CBS


Información útil para la inscripción:

Para ser miembro del capítulo Perú (Profesionales médicos, psicólogos, docentes, investigadores, estudiantes y público en general) debes estar afiliado a la ACBS (
Si quieres inscribirte como miembro, el valor mínimo y único pago inscripción anual es de US$ 13 dólares y puedes inscribirte en el siguiente link:

Para encontrar recursos ACT en español: haga click aquì

Aquí te dejamos un video tutorial que puede ayudarte para la inscripción


Peru Chapter Activities

Peru Chapter Activities

Any member of ACBS  are invited to join our Chapter (you do not have to live in Perú).

The spaces we are offering are for free for members of  ACBS:

- Reading & Discussion (in English)

  • All levels of English are very welcome.
  • Description: Here we discuss interesting articles and books related to CBS in a friendly group.
  • To register: send us an email
  • Subject: reading and discussion and Name registered in the ACBS.

- Portland Model Group ( in Spanish )

  • Descripción: Aquí practicaremos las habilidades ACT en un contexto clínico a través de juego de roles o casos personales .
  • Para inscribirte debes enviarnos un correo a
  • Nombre como te registraste en la ACBS


  • Descripción :Aquí nos centraremos en vivir los procesos ACT desde adentro, enfatizaremos en experimentar los procesos ACT en nosotrxs mismos "hacer lo que profesamos"
  • Para inscribirte debes enviarnos un correo
  • Nombre como te registraste en la ACBS

- GRUPO DE ESTUDIOS (in Spanish)

  • Descripción :revisaremos libros relacionados con la teoría, filosofía e intervención en terapias contextuales 
  • Para inscribirte debes enviarnos un correo

Note: La hora y las fechas de las reuniones se coordinarán directamente en cada grupo /  Meeting times and dates are coordinate directly with each group  


Peru Chapter Information

Peru Chapter Information

ACBS Peru: Peruvian Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Peru logo

Affiliated 2016

Type of Chapter:

Geographic Boundaries of the Chapter
Peruvians or those living in Peru


a) Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for Peruvians or those living in Peru who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.
b) Promote research and scholarship in Peru focused on the development of a coherent and progressive science of human action that is more adequate to the challenges of the human condition.
c) Identify and promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence of effective prevention and intervention strategies.
d) Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge;
e) Promote the development in Peru of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes and in exploring the additional implications of this work, and that emphasizes open and low cost methods of connecting with this work so as to keep the focus on benefit to others;
f) Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Peru.
g) Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.

Description of Membership:
Peruvians or those living in Peru who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines which embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science, or for the interested public.

Manuel Garayar

Peru Chapter Resources

Peru Chapter Resources

Conversation with Kelly Wilson/ Conversación con Kelly Wilson/ Conversação com Kelly Wilson

Day: 30 de Abril
Time: 7pm Peru time
Available in:  English/Español/Português

ALL APPETITIVE ALL THE TIME - Grounding Psychological Interventions in Appetitive Contingencies /Fundamentación de la Intervención Psicológica en las Contingencias Apetitivas/Fundamentos da Intervenção Psicológica em Contingências Apetitivas - Presented by Emily Sandoz PhD., 23 de Abril (Available in:  English/Español/Português)


Los primeros pasos como terapeuta ACT en el abordaje de la sexualidad - presented by Lic. Vicky Avila Pava on the 15th of March.  Zoom info -

 "La violencia Doméstica desde la Ciencia Conductual Contextual: Nuevas Formas de Prevenir y Tratar la Violencia Doméstica en las Comunidades, Familias e Individuos". Presented by Amie Zarling,Ph.D on 9 January, 2024 

Helping beyond frontiers/Ayudando mas alla de las fronteras – presented by Dr. Ross White and Lic. José Villanueva on the 9th of August 2023.  Zoom information -

José Villanueva - "You will know the approach from FACT in the refugee population, having the contextual and cultural view in the face of mass migrations. In addition, you will know the vision from Latin America and the United Kingdom, having as an axis the humanitarian treatment and the access of mental health services to that kind of population.

Dr Ross White - Dr White has researched mental health across the globe, including questions of culture and language and inequality and inequity regarding service provision. This work has led to collaborations with the World Health Organisation and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Here is the link of the Perú Chapter YouTube channel -

  • We have uploaded the videos of the presentations authorized by the Presenters of the Creating Compassionate Communities event.



Association for Contextual Behavioral Science Polska (ACBS Polska)

Affiliated 2016

Click here to join the Poland Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Poland Chapter website:

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

Bartosz Kleszcz


President: Bartosz Kleszcz
Vice president: Maria Chełkowska-Zacharewicz
Members at Large: Julia Bilarzewska, Magdalena Dziedziak-Wawro, Marcin Nowacki
Members of the Review Committee: Paulina Danielak, Ewelina Miłota, Mateusz Fudali
Secretary/Treasurer: Diana Singh
Student Representative: Gabriela Wilk


Chapter mission is to alleviate human suffering and improve the quality of human life. Intermediate objectives that support the achievement of the main objective are to support the development of research in Poland and practice within a functional contextualism, in accordance with the fields of cognitive psychology and behavioral therapy.

Description of Chapter Activities

1) Follow our work on: YouTube, Facebook, website.
2) Conferences: International Scientific and Educational Conference "Curiosity builds bridges" 
3) An initiative to adapt ACBS questionnaires to Polish:
    Polish Version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II)
    Psychological flexibility. Polish adaptation of measurement tools for practitioners and researchers.
4) Polish language materials


Description of Membership

To become a member a person must complete a form on the website of the Association and pay the annual membership fee. To remain a member, a person must not fall behind with any contributions or debts, both in the ACBS Polska, as well as the ACBS. The members of the ACBS Polska may be individuals interested in the development of functional contextualism in the field of science and practice.

The types of membership: Professional Member, Student Member, Associate Member, Honorary Member. Membership fees are determined annually by the Commission Board and paid to the ACBS Polska.

Fee: minimal - 60PLN, recommended - 100PLN.


Message to ACBS members regarding WC in 2021

ACBS Newsletter Article June 2018: III Poznańska Konferencja ACT i CBS: International Collaboration Made This European Conference a Success


Poland Information

Poland Information

Polski Oddział Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (The Polish Chapter of ACBS)new england.JPG

Affiliated 2016

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
The area of Republic of Poland.

Chapter mission is to alleviate human suffering and improve the quality of human life. Intermediate objectives that support the achievement of the main objective are to support the development of research in Poland and practice within a functional contextualism, in accordance with the fields of cognitive psychology and behavioral therapy.

Description of Membership:
To become a member a person must complete a form on the website of the Association and pay the annual membership fee. To remain a member, a person must not fall behind with any contributions or debts, both in the Polish Chapter of ACBS, as well as the ACBS. The members of the Polish Chapter of ACBS may be individuals interested in the development of functional contextualism in the field of science and practice.

The types of membership: Professional Member, Student Member, Associate Member, Honorary Member. Membership fees are determined annually by the Commission Board and paid to the Polish Chapter of ACBS. The fee for Student Members is 15 zł and 40 zł for all other Members.




Romania Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Click here to join the Romania Chapter

Chapter Website:

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information
Silvia Nicolescu

Chapter Leaders 

Amfiana Botez

Eugen Secară

Raluca Dumitrache

Mădălina Costin

Vlad Ionescu

Geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:

Those who reside in Romania and/or who speak Romanian.

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:

The purpose of the ACBS Romania is to ensure and support the development and dissemination of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Romania so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

The Romanian chapter aims to be a platform for sharing information in this approach and to create a Contextual Behavioral Sciences Community in Romania in order to improve the quality of human life.

Specifically, the organization shall:

  • Support Romanian researchers, practitioners and students in their interest to develop effective applied theories linked to principles.
  • Develop coordination among researchers in Romania to establish effective research groups to disseminate scientific developments in the international scientific community.
  • Emphasize the connection between basic research in respect of the role of contingencies, transformation of functions and applied research in applications of human domains.
  • Organize the formation (training) of and supervise Romanian professionals in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science.
  • Coordinate efforts in order to create a database with Romanian test materials that can contribute evidence-based practice of acceptance and commitment therapy.
  • Promote the dissemination of Third-Wave Therapies both in the private area and public context, encouraging the development of a better working model of mental health in Romania.
  • Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Romania.
  • Translate, adjust and implement existing international therapy material to improve the mental health of Romanians in both public and private sectors.


Chapter Activities:

  • Organize workshops, social networking events, conferences, meetings, newsletters, websites, and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization (e.g. reading book club)
  • Organize trainings and peer-supervision groups (e.g. annual ACT workshop presented by a peer reviewed trainer or expert with the ACBS with discounts to ACBS members)
  • The Romanian chapter will ensure that the connection with ACBS is strengthened, arrange training opportunities and bring training opportunities to public knowledge, serve as a meeting place for like-minded people, inspire, inform, and support research, translate concepts in Romanian, help clients to find ACT therapists, and more. The chapter will encourage its members to contribute with chapter activities, and support initiatives as far as possible.
  • The activities would be posted on the website. Every year an annual general meeting will be held discussing the assignments of the chapter’s board and so forth.
  • Members of ACBS Romania will get a newsletter including relevant education and training activities and also access to a website. For future activities, the chapter aims to present information about new books and CBS research. Members will be able to form different groups (e.g. peer supervision groups, special interest groups and the likes) using ACBS Romania meetings and website.

Description of Membership:

  • The members of the Romanian Chapter of ACBS shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, and specifically Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Romania. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.
  • Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Romania.
  • To become a member a person must complete a form on the website of the Association and pay the annual membership fee. To remain a member, a person must not fall behind with any contributions or debts, both in the Romanian Chapter of ACBS, as well as the ACBS.
  • Membership fees are determined annually by the Administrative Group (The Board) and paid to the Romanian Chapter of ACBS.
  • Updated information on fees and membership will be available soon.



Resources in Romanian

Resources in Romanian

Assessment Measures in Romanian


Books in Romanian

  • Hayes, S. C. (2019). A liberated mind: How to pivot toward what matters. New York: Penguin/Avery.

Romanian translation: Hayes, S. C. (2020) O minte libera. (Trans. Daniela Preda). Curtea Veche.

  • Harris, R. (2008). The Happiness Trap: How to stop struggling and start living. Boston, MA: Trumpeter.

Romanian translation (2020): Capcana Fericirii. (Trans. Oana Damian). Asociatia de Stiinte Cognitive din Romania, ASCR.

  • Hayes, S. C., & Smith, S. (2005). Get out of your mind and into your life: The new Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Romanian translation: Hayes, S. C., & Smith, S. (2013). Ieși din scenariile minții și trăiește-ți viața. (Trans. K. Szabo). Lași, Romania: Editura Poliram.


Publications in Romanian


ACBS TEDx Talks Translation Project


Romania Chapter Information

Romania Chapter Information

Romania Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Those who reside in Romania and/or who speak Romanian.

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
The purpose of the ACBS Romania is to ensure and support the development and dissemination of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Romania so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

The Romanian chapter aims to be a platform for sharing information in this approach and to create a Contextual Behavioral Sciences Community in Romania in order to improve the quality of human life.

Specifically, the organization shall:

  • Support Romanian researchers, practitioners and students in their interest to develop effective applied theories linked to principles.
  • Develop coordination among researchers in Romania to establish effective research groups to disseminate scientific developments in the international scientific community.
  • Emphasize the connection between basic research in respect of the role of contingencies, transformation of functions and applied research in applications of human domains.
  • Organize the formation (training) of and supervise Romanian professionals in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science.
  • Coordinate efforts in order to create a database with Romanian test materials that can contribute evidence-based practice of acceptance and commitment therapy.
  • Promote the dissemination of Third-Wave Therapies both in the private area and public context, encouraging the development of a better working model of mental health in Romania.
  • Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in Romania.
  • Translate, adjust and implement existing international therapy material to improve the mental health of Romanians in both public and private sectors.


Description of Membership:

  • The members of the Romanian Chapter of ACBS shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, and specifically Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Romania. The types of membership shall be professional, student, and affiliate.
  • Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice in Romania.
  • To become a member a person must complete a form on the website of the Association and pay the annual membership fee. To remain a member, a person must not fall behind with any contributions or debts, both in the Romanian Chapter of ACBS, as well as the ACBS.
  • Membership fees are determined annually by the Administrative Group (The Board) and paid to the Romanian Chapter of ACBS.
  • Updated information on fees and membership will be available soon.



South Africa

South Africa

South Africa Chapter of ACBS

Affiliated 2015

Click here to join the South Africa Chapter

Contact Information

Hannes Wessels

Chapter Officers

Hannes Wessels (Chair)
David Rosenstein (Chair-Elect)
Bertus Swanepoel (Member at large)
Cheryl Malek (Board member)
Nevern Subermoney


The objective of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the Republic of South Africa so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Chapter Activities

The chapter will:

1) Have a monthly peer supervision group
2) Have an annual ACT workshop presented by a peer reviewed trainer or expert with the ACBS with discounts to ACBS members

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be members of ACBS who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. We anticipate that members will be involved in clinical practice, research, teaching and organizational activities, from private and public work places.

Other Information

Although South Africa has 9 official languages all communication will be in English.

Bertus Swanepoel

South Africa Information

South Africa Information

South Africa Chapter of ACBS

Affiliated 2015

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
he boundaries of the Chapter is the Republic of South Africa.

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
The objective of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the Republic of South Africa so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Description of Membership:
Members of the Association shall be members of ACBS who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. We anticipate that members will be involved in clinical practice, research, teaching and organizational activities, from private and public work places.

Other Information:
Although South Africa has 9 official languages all communication will be in English.

Bertus Swanepoel




ACBS Sweden

Svenska avdelningen av Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2012

BOKCIRKEL våren 2025:

Terapi pågår, av Isabel Petrini och Niklas Möller


Nu startar vi nästa bokcirkel. Det här gången kommer vi att läsa Terapi pågår av Isabel Petrini och Niklas Möller. 

2 mars börjar vår bokcirkel där vi tillsammans tar oss igenom ett kapitel/vecka och skriver våra reflektioner. Ni som har varit med tidigare vet hur det går till. Ni som inte varit med förut- det är lätt att komma in i det!

Anmäl dig här för att vara med: 
Vi har även för denna bok en rabattkod:
Koden: ACBS25
ger 30% rabatt på boken på (Natur och Kulturs hemsida)
Väl mött i cirkeln!


Vid förra årsmötet togs det inte fram någon valberedning och vi i styrelsen vill gärna bredda oss utanför våra egna kretsar. Därför söker vi två (eller fler) personer som kan tänka sig att ställa upp som valberedning. Arbetet behöver inte vara så betungande, det innebär att inventera om nuvarande styrelsemedlemmar vill (och är lämpliga) fortsätta och ta fram förslag på ersättare, nya eller gamla namn. Oftast brukar valberedningen hitta bra namn i sitt kontaktnät. 

Om du är intresserad av att ingå i valberedningen alternativt har tips på bra namn att förslå till nästa styrelse (inkl. Dig själv ;)) hör av dig till ordförande Thor Bengtsson.



BOKCIRKEL hösten 2024: 

Processbaserad terapi - färdighetsträning för kliniker, av Stefan G. Hofman, Steven C. Hayes och David N. Lorscheid. 

Nu är det dags att starta upp höstens bokcirkel. Tillsammans läser vi ett kapitel i veckan och skriver en reflektion var i bokcirkelns Facebook-grupp. Sedan reflekterar vi på varandras tankar. Modellen är tänkt att vara ett stöd i läsandet och en möjlighet att fördjupa våra tankar eller ställa frågor till andra medlemmar. 

Anmälan till bokcirkeln gör du via det här formuläret

Första incheckning/postning av reflektion är senast 3 november.

Den här gången har vi även fått möjlighet att köpa boken till rabatterat pris från Natur & Kultur. Gå in på hemsidan: och använd koden: processbaserad24 (gäller till 31/12-24).

Mer förhoppning om en givande och rolig läsning tillsammans i höst!


Click here to join the Sweden Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.


Välkommen till den Svenska avdelningen av Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Medlemskapet är gratis för alla dem som är medlemmar i ACBS. Markera "Sweden" i rutan "Desired chapter membership". Direktlänk till sidan där existerande medlemmar kan önska medlemskap i föreningen.  Kort video om hur du gör för att bli medlem.

ACBS Sweden på Facebook

ACBS Sweden på Youtube

Om ACBS Sweden:

Organisationen är en fristående ideell organisation som organiseras enbart för utbildnings- och vetenskapliga ändamål. ACBS Sweden är en dotterorganisation till Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS). Organisationen agerar fristående men nära och i samarbete med moderorganisationen ACBS. Som en dotterorganisation till ACBS så delar vi moderorganisationens uttryck som nås via följande länk:

Utöver dessa så har ACBS Sweden följande syften som är specifika för den svenska organisationen:
Att främja utvecklingen av funktionell kontextuell beteendevetenskap och dess praktiska tillämpningar i Sverige och på svenska.
Att engagera medlemmar över hela Sverige.
Att vara en naturlig samlingspunkt för svensktalande medlemmar av ACBS.
Att uppmärksamma kulturella perspektiv på funktionell kontextuell beteendevetenskap och dess praktiska tillämpningar.

Har du frågor om ACBS Sweden eller önskar engagera dig? Du är supervälkommen, kontakta Thor på

Thor Bengtsson: President (ordförande)
Cecilia Engblom Rosengren: Treasurer (kassör/sekreterare)
Elsa Dufmats: Member-at-large (studeranderepresentant)

Nina Bendelin: Member-at-large (styrelsemedlem)
Sam Stiernerbielke: President-Elect (vice ordförande) 

MÖTEN: (denna del kommer att uppdateras under hösten 2024)

Årsmöte 2017
Det bjöds på spännade diskussioner, paneldebatt och föreläsningar. Du hittar mer program och föreläsingskopior här

Svenska mötet på ACBS World Conference Seattle 2016
Fredrik Livheim presenterade SvACBS och styrelsens arbete, på ACBS World Conference i Seattle. Du hittar åhörarkopiorna här

Vi i svenska avdelningen av ACBS (föreningen för kontextuell KBT, t.ex ACT) har bestämt oss för att ge ut ett Nyhetsbrev 2 ggr per år. Här kommer vårt allra första nyhetsbrev som summerar mycket om vad som händer på området.

2017 Nyhetsbrev Juni här.

2016 Nyhetsbrevet här.


Smärtövning för barn
Du hittar Jenny Thorsell Cederbergs filmatiserade smärt (acceptans) övning för barn på SvACBS sida för kliniska hjälpmedel här

PAUS kortet- ett nytt svenskt stress- och symptomhanteringsverktyg
Du hittar det nyligen utvecklade verktyget på SvACBS sida för kliniska hjälpmedel här.

Svenska inspelade ACT mindfulenessövningar
Kroppsscanning, andningsvägen, utforska din smärta... Flera nya svenska inspelade ACT mindfuleness mp3 övningar finns nu tillgängliga på SvACBS sida för kliniska hjälpmedel här.

Fallkonceptualisera ACT som Steven Hayes!
Du hittar det svenska nyligen översatta materialet på SvACBS sida för kliniska hjälpmedel här.



Letar du efter svenska ACT skattningsskalor och formulär?
Här finns en sammanställning med svenska validerade ACT mätinstrument, samt referenser.

SvACBS är en dotterorganisation till ACBS. Du hittar föreninges stadgar här.  Du blir medlem i SvACBS genom att önska det när du blir medlem i ACBS. När du fyller i formuläret för att bli medlem var noga med att kryssa för Sverige under Desired Chapter Membership. Då kommer du med på vår mailinglista och får info om de aktiviteter som SvACBS håller i. Gå direkt till medlemsformuläret här.

Vad kostar det?
ACBS tillämpar en ”värderingsbaserad” medlemsavgift, dvs du betalar vad du själv tycker att ditt medlemskap är värt. Minsta avgift är dock 10 dollar för ett år. När du blir medlem i ACBS får du tillgång till hela ACBS hemsida där du hittar massor med information om ACT, RFT och kontextuell beteendevetenskap. När du är inloggad kan du även ladda ner instrument och annat som finns översatt till svenska på SvACBS sidor.

Contact Information
For comments or suggestions concerning this Swedish chapter webpage, please contact Thor Bengtsson:


Links to swedish sister organizations

Links to swedish sister organizations

Beteendeterapeutiska Föreningen (BTF)

Swedish Association of Behavior Analysis (SWABA)


Meetings and activities

Meetings and activities

Årsmöte den 14/5 hölls på plats i stockholm med digital uppkoppling för den som ville närvara på distans.

Här skriver vi om presentationerna som presenterades.
Kristoffer Pettersson:
Kontextuella faktorer som påverkar anpassningsbeteenden
Beskrivning: Diskussioner som rör följsamhet kontra anpassning är vanligt förekommande i forskning om psykosociala interventioner. Denna presentation kommer att belysa olika aspekter av följsamhet och anpassning utifrån ett pågående forskningsprojekt på Mälardalens universitet. Resultat från en studie som undersöker antecedenter till anpassningar vid tillämpning av föräldrastödsprogram kommer att presenteras. 

Liria Ortiz pratade om ACT och hopp

Thor Bengtsson: Verbal Aikido.
Verbal Aikido är en kraftfull intervention från de sex stegen av ACT Matrix, ett program som utvecklats av Polk, Shoendorff och Olaz.
Thor Bengtsson har arbetat med ACT Matrix på svenska i ungefär fem år i olika kontexter och har utarbetat ett kraftfullt sätt att ge Verbal Aikido, med en ny metafor, komprimerat i en "app".
Vi tränar Verbal Aikido tillsammans och ni får tillgång till "appen".

Protokollet laddas upp i bilaga nedan.


2018: lunchmöte den 15 November i Köpenhamn i samband med Nordic ACBS.

2018: vi har börjat med en ny modalitet, vi ska ha möte varje månad, fortfarande via Skype eftersom föreningen har ingen ekonomi för att bekosta våra resor ÄN!

Styrelsemöte 30 april 2017
Spännande aktiviteter diskuterades! ACBS Nordic, ett anorlunda möte i Sevilla som du INTE vill missa, ett medlemsträff till hösten och maffiga nyheter som ska ut i medlemsbrevet... om du läser protokollet nedan för du lite försmak! Håll dig up-to-date!! och du, om du har projekt som du vill informera oss all om, kontakta någon av oss (du hittar oss där uppe!)
Läs och njut....

Årsmöte 2017
SvACBS har haft årsmöte för 2017. Det bjöds på spännade diskussioner, paneldebatt och föreläsningar. Du hittar mer program och föreläsingskopior här.

Svenska mötet på ACBS World Conference Seattle 2016
Fredrik Livheim presenterade SvACBS och styrelsens arbete, på ACBS World Conference i Seattle. Du hittar åhörarkopiorna här

Vi i svenska avdelningen av ACBS (föreningen för kontextuell KBT, t.ex ACT) har bestämt oss för att ge ut ett Nyhetsbrev 2 ggr per år. Här kommer vårt allra första nyhetsbrev som summerar mycket om vad som händer på området.

2017 Nyhetsbrev Juni här.

2016 Nyhetsbrevet här. 



Årsmöte lördagen den 4:e februari i Stockholm - boka!
Varje år anordnar Svenska ACBS en halvdagskonferens gratis. I samband med denna håller vi även vårt årsmöte. Vi kommer att avsluta med en enkel gemensam middag till ett självkostnadspris om 100:-, maten betalar man på plats.

Lördag 4:e 2017. Klockan 12.00-18.00

Centrum för Psykiatriforskning, Norra Stationsgatan. 69, plan 6, 90-salen, Stockholm

Temat för konferensen är ”Mångfald – ACT i olika sammanhang, även utanför terapirummet”. Här hittar du programmet.

SvACBS ordförande Fredrik Livheim hälsar välkommen.

Paneldebatt, SWABA, BTF & Svenska ACBS
Paneldebatt: Syfte, likheter och skillnader med de olika föreningarna och vad vi vill framöver. Medverkande är föreningarnas ordföranden Dag Strömberg Linda Jüris & Fredik Livheim. Modererar gör SvACBS tillträdande ordförande Senada Zilkic.

12.40 - 15.30
20 minuters föredrag på temat ”Mångfald – ACT i olika sammanhang, även utanför terapirummet”

ACT för elithockeyspelare
Tobias Lundgren, enhetschef för kompetenscentrum för psykoterapi och forskargruppsledare på KI, kommer att hålla en presentation där du som deltagare får följa med på en resa. Från hur ACT implementeras som träningsmetod för elitishockeyspelare till vetenskaplig utvärdering av den implementeringen. Under presentationen kommer såväl forskningsresultat som faktiskt arbetssätt med ACT och elitidrottare att beröras.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

ACT och BA inom akut slutenvårdspsykiatri
Vi får spännande rapporter från pågående forskningsprojekt där ACT och BA studeras i den akuta heldygnspsykiatrin. Mårten Tyrberg och Fredrik Folke kommer att beskriva hur ACT och BA kan användas i direkt behandlingsarbete med patienter men också hur det fungerat att träna och utbilda omvårdnadspersonal utan tidigare kunskaper i psykologi. Styrkorna i ACT och BA som ”akuta metoder” kommer att belysas tillsammans med de svåra utmaningar som man stöter på i implementeringsarbetet.

Fredrik Folke är psykolog/psykoterapeut i Landstinget Dalarna och doktorand vid Uppsala Universitet. Han genomför kliniska studier inom allmänpsykiatriska heldygnsvården och Centrum för Klinisk Forskning, Dalarna. Mårten Tyrberg är psykolog/psykoterapeut i Landstinget Västmanland och doktorand vid Stockholms universitet. Hans forskning handlar om implementering av ACT i olika former i psykiatrisk slutenvård i Västerås.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här

ACT vid sjukskrivning för återgång i arbete
Anna Finnes som doktorerar vid KI kommer att berätta om sitt spännande forskningsprojekt där ACT testas för sjukskrivna.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

ACT som dataspel för att få ungdomar att må bättre
Fredrik Livheim, som doktorerar vid KI, vill få ungdomar att må bättre genom att skapa ett data spel. Fredrik Livheim kommer att visa exempel på hur det kan komma att se ut och berätta sin storslagna idé och om utmaningar på vägen.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

ACT vid självskada
Johan Bjurberg som doktorerar vid KI kommer att berätta om sitt unika forskningsprojekt kring ERGT vid självskadebeteende (ERGT är utvecklat utifrån ACT och DBT).
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

ACT för hemlösa
Hemlösa är en av de grupper i samhället som har allra sämst fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Trots det är endast ca 4-10% motiverade att genomgå behandling. Många hemlösa personer har tidigare traumatiska och diskriminerande erfarenheter bakom sig, gällande sjukvård, missbruksvård och psykiatri. Det finns inget vetenskapligt stöd för att erbjuda missbruksbehandling innan bostad. Internationellt rekommenderas att man erbjuder ”vid behov” vårdinsatser för hemlösa, som de kan söka frivilligt då de själva upplever att de behöver det.

Olof Molander är leg psykolog, doktorand vid Karolinska Institutet och knuten till Ersta Diakoni och Enheten för hemlösa i Stockholms stad. Olof kommer att berätta om en drop in mottagning för hemlösa som använt behandlingsmetoderna Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (FACT) och Motiverande Samtal (MI).
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

Psykiatriska symptom som kausala nätverk, ett alternativ till den medicinska modellen
Behaviorister förkastar idén att ett konstrukt som depression kan vara orsaken till depressionssymptom, eftersom detta är en cirkulär förklaring. Men, en får då problem med att förklara varför symptom tenderar att dyka upp i kluster. En ny diagnostisk modell, perfekt lämpad för beteendeterapeuter, är att istället se symptom som orsakade av… varandra!

Lars Klintwall är leg psykolog och vikarierande lektor på psykologiska institutionen Stockholms universitet. Lars kommer att berätta om olika metoder för att kartlägga patienters individuella kausala nätverk, vilka symptom som är centrala och därmed bör prioriteras som terapimål.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

Fredrik Livheim presenterar styrelsens arbete. Du hittar den presentaionen här

Diskussionsfråga: vill vi anordna NordicACBS 2017/18?

Svenska ACBS, vad vill vi som grupp? Magnus Johansson faciliterar.

Nya orföranden Senada Zilkic avslutningsord.

Enkel middag på plats. Avslutande pubkväll för de som önskar. 


Lördag 6 februari kl 13:00 – 17:00
Lokal: Centrum för Psykiatriforskning, Norra Stationsgatan 69, 6 tr.

13:00 SvACBS ordförande Andreas Larsson hälsar välkommen.


Föredrag: Patienters upplevelse av multimodal rehabilitering vid långvarig smärta
Karin Nilsson gör forskar-PTP på Rehabcenter Mösseberg, Bräcke Diakoni i samarbete med Ersta Sköndal högskola.

Föredrag: Portlandmodellen - en kollegial handledningsmodell utifrån ACT
Rebecka Andersson leg. psykolog, handledare & Mike Kemani leg. psykolog, med dr.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

Föredrag: Sektionen för beteendemedicinsk smärtbehandling, Karolinska universitetssjukhuset
Vid Portland Psychotherapy Clinic har man sedan 2005 utvecklat en modell för kollegial handledning utifrån ACT. Denna modell betonar upplevelsebaserat lärande och fungerar som ett alternativ till traditionell ärendehandledning. Centralt i modellen är att göra ACT istället för att prata om ACT. Vi kommer att beskriva modellen och dela med oss av våra erfarenheter och tankar om fortsatt utveckling.
Se föreläsningen längst ned på sidan eller här.

Föredrag: RFT och perspektivtagande
Ida Mälarstig, Leg Psykolog, Ersta.
Vem är jag om du är här? Ida presenterar nya och lite kontroversiella data angående RFT-inspirerat mått på Perspektivtagande.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.
Se föreläsningen längst ned på sidan eller här.

14:30 Fika

15:00 Medlemsmöte/Årsmöte (se kallelse/dagordning)

16:00 Fredrik Livheim: styrelsens arbete enligt Prosocial principerna
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

16:10 Grupparbeten inkl redovisning
16:45 Ordförandes avslutningsord.

17:00 Vi går ut och äter tillsammans och avslutar med Pubkväll



Lördag den 7:e februari 2015, kl 13.00 - 17.00
Lokal: Centrum för Psykiatriforskning, Norra Stationsgatan 69, 6 tr.

Lokal: Karolinska sjukhuset.
Anmälan: Maila till anna.finnes(a) senast den 4 februari.
Kostnad: 100 kr (student 50kr).

Välkomna till årsmöte för alla medlemmar i Svenska avdelningen i ACBS!

Vi i svenska avdelningen av ACBS, hälsade alla som var intresserade av CBS välkommna
till vårt första årsmöte. När vi har fått det mesta av de formella parametrarna på plats har vi
kunnat börja med det roliga: Att utveckla och tillämpa teori och praktik för att förstå och
förändra mänskligt beteende i former som passar svenska förhållanden.

Vi lyssnade på föredrag kring hur teorier inom CBS kan förändra världen och
fick även höra mer om ett ambitiöst projekt som vill göra just detta.

Lördag den 7:e februari 2015, kl 13.00 - 17.00
Lokal: Centrum för Psykiatriforskning, Norra Stationsgatan 69, 6 tr.

13:00 SvACBS ordförande JoAnne Dahl hälsar välkommen.

13:15 Föredrag : Kan funktionell kontextualism göra världen till en bättre plats?
Den vetenskapsfilosofiska grunden till ACT och RFT finns inom kontextualism och behaviorismen,
närmare bestämt i den del som har utvecklats till funktionell kontextualism. Väldigt förenklat kan
sägas att denna filosofiska syn antar att alla beteenden, även inre som t.ex. tankar, har en funktion
som upprätthåller dem och att betendena har en nära koppling till det sammanhang som de utförs i.

Magnus Johansson, leg psykolog, tar oss igenom grunderna i funktionell kontextualism
och diskuterar om vi med hjälp av den kan göra världen till en bättre plats.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.

14:15 Mingel och förfriskningar

14:45 Medlemsmöte/Årsmöte

15:45 Föredrag: Att tänka stort – Hur hjälpa många samtidigt?
Psykisk ohälsa och stress ökar bland unga och vuxna i Sverige. Alla är överens om att man behöver
börja göra något åt dessa snabbt ökande problem. Under detta seminarium kommer vi att ge exempel
på hur vi jobbar med att sprida ACT-interventioner genom att utbilda nya behandlare som håller grupper
inom bl a företagshälsovård, studenthälsa och institutionsvård.

Fredrik Livheim, är leg. psykolog, författare och internationellt erkänd ACT-trainer.
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här
Se föreläsningen längst ned på sidan eller här.

Mer om Fredriks forskning och utbildningar finns på:

16:45 Ordförandes avslutningsord.



Den svenska underavdelningen till ACBS verkar för att främja utvecklingen av kontextuella beteendevetenskaper i Sverige. Välkommen på höstmöte den 15 november i Stockholm!

När? Lördag 15 november kl 13:00 – 17:00
Var? Centrum för psykiatriforskning. Norra Stationsgatan 69, 6 tr. Stockholm
Anmälan: Maila till senast onsdag 12 november
Kostnad: 100 kr (student 50kr)

Föredrag : RFT: Voldermortteori eller kliniskt relevant? 
Ta del av föreläsningens åhörarkopior här.
Andreas Larsson, är privatpraktiserande leg. psykolog och PHD, 




Här finner ni protokoll från styrelsemöten. Se bifogade dokument i listan nedan. 

Nuvarande styrelsemedlemmar:

Ordförande: Thor Bengtsson
Kassör/sekreterare: Robert Johansson
Ledamot: Marie Blom




Om Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) är en empiriskt grundad psykologisk metod där man använder acceptans- och mindfulnesstrategier i kombination med principer för beteendeförändring. Målet inom ACT är att öka psykologisk flexibilitet, vilket innebär att vara medvetet närvarande i stunden, och utifrån en given situation, antingen ändra på eller upprätthålla ett beteende i syfte att leva mer i enlighet med egna värderingar. ACT har sin teoretiska förankring i Relation Frame Theory och sin vetenskapsfilosofiska förankring i Funktionell kontextualism.

Med sin teoretiska bas i Relation Frame Theroy belyser ACT hur vårt verbala språk kan trassla in oss människor i lönlösa bataljer med våra inre tankar och känslor. Genom metaforer och upplevelsebaserade övningar kan klienten lära sig ett hälsosamt förhållningssätt till egna upplevelser såsom tankar, känslor, minnen och kroppsliga förnimmelser. Vidare har ACT utvecklats inom det vetenskapsfilosofiska paradigmet funktionell kontextualism. Detta innebär ett radikalt pragmatiskt fokus på funktionen av olika beteenden, vilka alltid tolkas utifrån den kontext de uppstår i. Inom ACT innefattas kontexten kring olika beteenden av de upplevelser och förhållningssätt vi har. Genom att förändra sitt förhållningssätt till egna upplevelser, och på så sätt öka sin psykologiska flexibilitet, kan man utföra de beteendeförändringar som krävs för att leva ett vitalare och mer meningsfullt liv.




Relational Frame Theory (RFT) är en psykologisk teori om mänskligt språk och tänkande. Det är en empiriskt grundad teori utvecklad som ett pragmatiskt verktyg för analys av komplext mänskligt beteende. RFT utgör en viktig länk mellan de traditionellt disparata perspektiven inom kognitiv och beteendeinriktad psykologi.
För mer information om RFT på svenska, se ”Relation Frame Theory – Teori och klinisk tillämpning” av Niklas Törneke.


Resources in swedish

Resources in swedish

Här kommer vi att samla mätinstrument och annat material på svenska. Om du har något som du tycker ska upp här maila till molander.olof(at)


Kliniska hjälpmedel

Kliniska hjälpmedel olofmolander



Steven Hayes ACT fallkonceptualisering
Översatt till svenska av Fredrik Livhem. Du hittar materialet här

PAUS kortet- svenskt stress- och symptomhanteringsverktyg
Kortet är en anpassning till svenska av STOP-verktyget, utvecklat av Russ Harris. Kortet har utvecklats av Mårten Tyrberg för att användas dels som ett stresshanteringsverktyg för personal i psykiatrisk slutenvård, dels som ett sätt för patienter i slutenvård att hantera sina symtom. Du hittar verktyget här. För frågor eller synpunkter, kontakta marten.tyrberg(a)




Smärt (acceptans) övning för barn. 
Filmen/övningen har tagit fram av psykolog Jenny Thorsell Cederberg som en del av ett forskningsprojekt, en behandlingsstudie för barn med smärta. Klicka på bilden för att se filmen.


Mindfuleness övningar

Mindfuleness övningar

Inspelade mindfulenessövningar (mp3) från Vitalis 2
Övningarna spelades in inom ramen för behandlingsstudien Vitalis 2 på ArbetsRehab/Akademiska sjukhuset. Studien prövade ACT behandling för långtidssjukskrivna patienter med psykisk ohälsa och/eller smärtproblematik som utförsäkrats. 
Inläsare: Anna Löfgren, leg. psykolog. Inpelning & redigering: Olof Molander, leg. psykolog. 
Övningarna får användas och spridas inom forskning och klinisk verksamhet. För mer info kontakta molander.olof(a)

Kroppsscanning (beteendetest & beteendeanalys)
Hel kroppsscanning: du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Halv kroppsscanning: du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Kroppsscanning del 1: du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Kroppsscanning del 2: du hittar den inspelade övningen här

Andningsvågen (defusion): du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Ljusa rummet (defusion): du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Löven på strömmen (defusion): du hittar den inspelade övningen här

Att möta sig själv som 90 åring (värderingar): du hittar den inspelade övningen här

Utforska din smärta (exponering & acceptans): du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Uforska känslan (exponering & acceptans): du hittar den inspelade övningen här

Stilla sig (expoerning med responsprevention): du hittar den inspelade övningen här
Ta en paus (återhämtning): du hittar den inspelade övningen här



Det här är en förteckning över mätinstrument för forskning eller klinisk utvärdering som är relevanta för ACT och som finns översatta till svenska. Sidan uppdateras kontinuerligt med fler instrument. Instrumenten är validerade. Om du känner till instrument som ännu inte ligger uppe kan du maila detta, information och referenser till molander.olof(a) Längst ned finns instrumenten i pdf-format för nedladdning. 
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ)

Hayes et al utvecklade den första versionen av AAQ med 10 frågor. Den har senare översatts till svenska och förkortat till 6 frågor av Tobias Lundgren och Thomas Parling vid Uppsala Universitet. Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Tobias Lundgren & Thomas Parling (2016): Swedish Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SAAQ): a psychometric evaluation, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Du kan läsa artikeln i fullängd här:
[2]  Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., Baer, R. A., Carpenter, K. C., Guenole, N., Orcutt, H. K., Waltz, T. and Zettle, R. D. (2011). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II: A revised measure of psychological flexibility and acceptance. Behavior Therapy, 42, 676-688. Se artikeln här
[3] Hayes S.C., Strosahl K.D., Wilson K.G., Bissett R.T., Pistorello J., Toarmino D., Polusny M.A., Dykstra T.A., Batten S.V., Bergan J., Stewart S.H., Zvolensky M.J., Eifert G.H., Bond F.W., Forsyth J.P., Karekla M, McCurry SM. Measuring experiential avoidance: a preliminary test of a working model. The Psychological Record 2004;54:553–78. Se artikeln här
[4] Otto, N. (2010). Den svenska versionen av Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. En psykometrisk utvärdering. Opublicerad psykologexamensuppsats, Institutionen för psykologi, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala.

Avoidance Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y)

Detta test mäter det psykologiska konstruktet ”psykologisk inflexibilitet”, eller dess motsats ”psykologisk flexibilitet” om man vänder på numreringen. Testet är framtaget för ungdomar 12-18 år. Men har även visat sig fungera bra för vuxna. Både AFQ-Y8 samt den längre versionen, AFQ-Y17 finns validerade för svenska förhållanden. I denna artikel finns testets psykometriska egenskaper beskrivna. En konklusion i denna artikel är att AFQ-Y8 är att föredra. I denna artikel summeras även all forskning internationell forskning som är gjord och vetenskapligt publicerad på AFQ-Y till och med januari 2016. Både forskning på unga och vuxna. Du hittar AFQ-Y8 här och AFQ-Y17 här.

[1] Livheim, F., Tengström, A., Bond, F. W., Gerhard Andersson, G., Dahl, J. & Rosendahl, I. (2016). Psychometric Properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth: A Psychological Measure of Psychological Inflexibility in youth, Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, Available online 19 April 2016, ISSN 2212-1447. 
Se länk till artikeln här

Bull's Eye Values Survey (BEVS)

Utvecklat av Tobias Lundgren m fl. Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Lundgren, T., Luoma, J.B., Dahl, J., Strosahl, K., Melin, L. (2012). The Bull's-Eye Values Survey: A Psychometric Evaluation. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 19, 518-526. 

Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnarie (CPAQ)

The Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) avser att mäta acceptans av långvarig smärta och inkluderar två skalor: Activities engagement och Pain willingness. Activities engagement handlar om att utföra betydelsefulla aktiviteter oavsett smärtan. Formuläret är utvecklat av Lance McCracken och medarbeteare. Den svenska versionen är översatt av Rikard Wiksell och medarbetare. Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Wicksell RK, Olsson GL & Melin L . (2009) The Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ)-further validation including a confirmatory factor analysis and a comparison with the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia. European Journal of Pain, 13, 760–768. Se artikeln här.
[2] McCracken, L.M., Vowles, K.E. & Eccleston, C. (2004). Acceptance of chronic pain: component analysis and a revised assessment method. Pain, 107, 159-66. Se artikeln här.

8-Item Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnarie (CPAQ-8)

Utvecklad av Graciela Rovner mfl, vid Göteborgs Universitet. Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Rovner, G.; Årestedt, K.; Gerdle, B.; Börsbo, B. & McCracken, LM, (2013). Psychometric properties of the 8-item Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ - 8) in a Swedish Chronic Pain Cohort. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 45: 00–00. Se artikeln här.

Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS)

Instrumentet mäter psykologisk inflexibilitet vid smärttillstånd och är utvecklat av Rikard Wiksell och medarbetare vid Sektionen för Beteendemedicinsk Smärtbehandling, Smärtcentrum, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Wicksell RK, Ahlqvist J, Bring A, Melin L, Olsson GL. Can exposure and acceptance strategies improve functioning and life satisfaction in people with chronic pain and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD)? A randomized controlled trial. Cognitive Behavior Therapy 2008;37(3):169- 182. Se artikeln här.
[2] Wicksell RK, Lekander M, Sorjonen K, Olsson GL. The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS) – statistical properties and model fit of an instrument to assess change processes in pain related disability. European Journal of Pain, 2010; 14, e1-e14Se artikeln här.
[3] Wicksell RK, Olsson GL, Hayes SC. Psychological flexibility as a mediator of improvement in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for patients with chronic pain following whiplash. European Journal of Pain, 2010; 41, 1059.e1-1059.e11Se artikeln här.
[4] Wicksell RK, Renofalt J, Olsson GL, Bond FW, Melin L. Avoidance and cognitive fusion-central components in pain related disability? Development and preliminary validation of the Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS). European Journal of Pain 2008;12(4):491-500. Se artikeln här.

Voices Acceptance and Action Scale (VAAS)

Utvecklad av David Copolov mfl. Den svenska översättningen är gjord av Mårten Tyrberg, vid Psykosmottagningen Öster, Västmanlands Sjukhus, tillsammans med Sandra Bates och Tobias Lundgren.
Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Shawyer, F., Ratcliff, K., Mackinnon, A., Farhall, J., Hayes, S. C., & Copolov, D. (2007). The voices acceptance and action scale (VAAS): Pilot data. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63(6), 593–606. Se artikeln här.

Weight Acceptance and Action Questionnarie (AAQ-W)

Utvecklat av Jason Lillis. Den svenska översättningen är gjord av Sandra Weineland och Lotta Fornwall. 

[1] Weineland, S., Lillis, J., & Dahl, J. (2013). Measuring experiential avoidance in a bariatric surgery population‚ psychometric properties of AAQ-W. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2012.06.002

[2] Lillis, J., & Hayes, S. C. (2008). Measuring avoidance and inflexibility in weight related problems. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 4, 348-354. Se artikeln här.

Work Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ)

Utvecklat av Frank Bond. Den svenska översättningen är gjord av Rikard Wiksell och medarbetare vid Sektionen för Beteendemedicinsk Smärtbehandling, Smärtcentrum, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Den svenska översättningen valideras för närvarande i en pågående studie (ht 2013) av Wiksell och medarbetare. Du hittar instrumentet här.

[1] Holmberg, J. et al (2019). Evaluating the psychometric characteristics of the Work-related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a sample of healthcare professionals. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 103-107. Se artikeln här.

More Measures

Du hittar instrumenteten här.


Samtal som förändrar - en guide till ACT i praktiken - av Rikke Kjelgaard

Samtal som förändrar - en guide till ACT i praktiken - av Rikke Kjelgaard

Hur kan vi samtala om och ta oss an de livserfarenheter och svårigheter som gör att människor söker psykologisk hjälp? Och hur kan vi hjälpa våra klienter att släppa taget om kampen mot lidande och i stället välja att sträva efter ett rikt och meningsfullt liv? Det finns en stor mängd böcker om Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Samtal som förändrar är dock den första boken i Sverige som presenterar ACT som modell och som är skriven direkt för svenska läsare. Här får du som behandlare en introduktion till ACT och rikligt med kliniska exempel och övningar. De grundläggande begreppen introduceras och de bärande principerna beskrivs. Du får en genomgång av kärnprocesserna i ACT samt exempel på hur dessa processer utspelar sig i den terapeutiska verkstan. Du får också följa med i olika samtal som demonstrerar kärnprocesserna, lära dig att konceptualisera, att skapa flexibilitetsprofiler, hur du använder metaforer samt en rad tumregler för att få dina samtal att fungera. Författaren ger en mängd förslag på vad du ska göra - och vad du ska undvika - när du vill skapa samtal som förändrar. Boken vänder sig till terapeuter och behandlare men också till alla som i sin professionella roll arbetar med samtal som förändrar. Just Rikkes personliga och levande stil gör boken till givande läsning även för den som redan är väl bekant med ACT. Här finns många, ibland överraskande, sätt att illustrera mänskliga dilemman.” - Niklas Törneke ur bokens förord.


The ACT Matrix på svenska, by Thor Bengtsson

The ACT Matrix på svenska, by Thor Bengtsson

ACT-matrisen är ett sätt att ge ACT. För att läsa mer om ACT-matrisen rekommenderas “The ACT Matrix” och “The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix”. Den senare boken har fått stå som förlaga till denna svenska anpassning. Thor Bengtsson är alltså inte upphovsman till The ACT Matrix men har stått för denna översättning och anpassning till svenska. Det kan vara svårt att förstå denna svenska bearbetning helt och hållet om man inte läst åtminstone den senare boken. Utöver ovanstående läsrekommendationer är det viktigt att behärska ACT i allmänhet och även vara förtrogen med patient/klientgruppen. Handledning föreslås till den osäkre och även ibland för den säkre.

I sex steg ger vi deltagarna kraftfulla verktyg att själv kunna relatera till och hantera till sina problem. De sex stegen är som följer:

  1. Presentation av matrisen, en sortering av beteenden i en fyrfältare med axlarna “Till och Från” och “Inre och Yttre”.
  2. Funktionell analys av problembeteenden (Att jämföra med, ABC, T-K-H eller SORK)
  3. Medvetandegörande av problembeteenden (Metafor: Att inte bita på krokar)
  4. En modell med verbala hjälpmedel för att applicera svåra situationer på ACT-matrisen och inte fastna i problembeteenden (Metafor: Verbal Aikido)
  5. Self-Compassion (här har det blivit störst förändringar mot förlagan)
  6. Träning i perspektivtagande (Att ta perspektiv med sig själv vid andra tidpunkter)

Materialet finns nedan
Observera att uppdateringar sker löpande, har du några frågor eller förslag på förbättringar är du varmt välkommen att kontakta Thor.


Sweden Chapter Information

Sweden Chapter Information
Swedish Chapter

Affiliated 2012

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
The geographic boundary is Sweden, and the official language will be Swedish. However, Persons from other Scandinavian countries may also become members of the chapter, since there is a common linguistic base and a lack of chapters in Scandinavia.

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:

The objective of the Swedish chapter is to facilitate the development and dissemination of the principles and practice of contextual behavioral science.

Description of Membership

The chapter is comprised of persons in Sweden who are committed to the advancement of knowledge in the scientific foundations of CBS and the application of this knowledge to human endeavors. Persons from other Scandinavian countries are also welcome to become members of the chapter, since there is a common linguistic base, and a lack of chapters in Scandinavia. Membership is open to persons from a variety of educational backgrounds and professions -- such as those involved in clinical practice, research, teaching, as well as organizational activities. The Swedish chapter’s main focus is to promote education and training relevant to CBS for its members, including peer supervision and consultation.


Hur blir man medlem i SvACBS?

Hur blir man medlem i SvACBS?

SvACBS är en dotterorganisation till ACBS och du blir medlem genom att önska det när du blir medlem i ACBS. När du fyller i formuläret för att bli medlem var noga med att kryssa för Sverige under Desired Chapter Membership. Då kommer du med på vår mailinglista och får info om de aktiviteter som SvACBS håller i. Gå direkt till medlemsformuläret här

Vad kostar det?
ACBS tillämpar en ”värderingsbaserad” medlemsavgift, dvs du betalar vad du själv tycker att ditt medlemskap är värt. Minsta avgift är dock 10 dollar för ett år. När du blir medlem i ACBS får du tillgång till hela ACBS hemsida där du hittar massor med information om ACT, RFT och kontextuell beteendevetenskap. När du är inloggad kan du även ladda ner instrument och annat som finns översatt till svenska på SvACBS sidor.


Protokoll från årsmöten

Protokoll från årsmöten

Se lista med bifogade dokumnet här nedan:



Stadgar olofmolander

Årsmöte 2022

Årsmöte 2022

Årsmötet hölls på plats i Stockholm den 14/5. 

Protokoll finns som bilaga för inloggade medlemmar. 




Türkiye Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2013

Click here to join the Türkiye Chapter

Contact Information

Merve Terzioğlu

Current board members:

Şengül İlkay, Past President, 2021-2023
Merve Terzioğlu, President, 2023
Zülal Çelik, President Elect, 2023
İlker Aktürk, Student Representative, 2023
Şerife Önal, Secretary/Treasurer, 2024
Arca Adıgüzel, Member at Large, 2024

Şengül İlkay - Past President



To foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Türkiye so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. Due to this mission, Türkiye chapter will promote researches, workshops, trainings, meetings and publishing documents about contextual cognitive and behavioral sciences.

Chapter Activities

*Conducting researchs

*Organizing trainings and meetings

*Organizing peer-supervision groups

*Organizing social networking events

*Organizing CBS Congress in Türkiye

Description of Membership

Mental health or related professionals interested in RFT and ACT research and practice.

For Türkish web site:


ACBS Newsletter Article January 2018: The Journey From Pain to Change! The ACBS Türkiye Chapter Hosts Its First Congress

Fatih Yavuz

The Journey from Pain to Change!

The Journey from Pain to Change!

By Ahmet Nalbant, M.D.

In the fall of 2016, the ACBS Türkiye chapter came together to decide whether we would organize a CBS congress in Türkiye. “This is serious business, think carefully!” was the statement that struck me most, when I try to recall those days. Yes, creating a CBS congress is a serious business, so why were we doing it? What were the reasons that made us, on one hand, bear all that effort, disappointments, and hopelessness and on the other hand, made us spend long hours of planning and decision making? Reasons seemed to date back to years ago.

In 2013, a group of devoted people who had already been in ACT, decided to establish a CBS community in Türkiye, and so the ACBS Türkiye chapter was formed. It was not only about being known and it was not only for disseminating. In fact, there was a considerable risk of being rejected, humiliated or neglected. Frankly speaking, all of these happened as years went by, and even today we must face that pain. However, we are a bigger community now, and through the years we met people who are willing to share the pain with us. We met people who really value our works, encourage us, and make contributions. We have found that this journey was all about sharing with people in the first place. We want to thank all those people for sharing with us.

What about organizing a congress? Why did we need that? I think it was more or less for the same reason. Then again, something was different. It was time for change and to push the boundaries a bit further. We wanted to reach more people and this time, we wanted not only to share pain, but also our values: bringing pain and change together where science and human life meets.

I would like to mention the congress more. First of all, this was a very risky step for us. I do not know how many of us were truly aware about it, but I guess deep down inside nobody cared. Beyond financial difficulties, there were other risks that could have spoiled the organization. No one among us had experience, even a little bit, in holding such an event. Every detail brought new problems and as problems were solved, bigger ones came forward. I think we understand the importance of cooperation more now.

One of the most important issues with which we dealt was getting the word out about the event. Even if that were possible, how would we persuade people that had never heard of or were not familiar with ACT/RFT/CBS to come to the event? I remember day and night counting every single registration in the last month. We heavily used social media to publicize the congress. Thanks to widespread usage of social media, we even had requests from teachers, high school students, engineers and even an Imam. For the persuasion part, we spent the previous year organizing workshops and seminars, translating ACT books, and inviting well-known speakers such as Kelly Wilson, Niklas Törneke, and Louise McHugh. We would like to thank them once again.

In terms of sharing values, we might say that this was not a simple “go and listen to some lectures” event, but rather this was “come and make it together”. We were very surprised when we heard from attendees phrases like “Do you need any help?” or “I wish I could help you more.” As a thoroughly independent organization, based solely on volunteer efforts, this feeling of togetherness helped us to continue.

Today, we are very happy to inform you that we succeeded to reach hundreds of people on 22-24th of September 2017 in Istanbul at Türkiye’s and our region’s first CBS Congress. It was fabulous to see hundreds of people who were willing to share the same values with us. We want to thank all those people. Also, we would like to thank dear Robyn Walser and Louise McHugh, whose support, kindness, and willingness made enormous contributions to the event. We would like to thank the whole ACBS community for guiding us all these years. We invite you to join us for the next regional congress in 2019. I, personally, want to thank all my friends, as it was a privilege to be with them all.

This was the story of our “Journey from Pain to Change”. In the end, it is not a story just about us, it is about all of us.

Ahmet Nalbant, M.D. is a psychiatrist in Istanbul.  He is currently the President of the ACBS Türkiye Chapter.


Türkiye Chapter Information

Türkiye Chapter Information

Türkiye Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2013

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Turkish, Istanbul, Türkiye

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
To foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within Türkiye so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. Due to this mission, Türkiye chapter will promote researches, workshops, trainings, meetings and publishing documents about contextual cognitive and behavioral sciences.

Description of Membership:
Mental health or related professionals interested in RFT and ACT research and practice, flexibility, mindfulness and contextiual sciences.

Fatih Yavuz

United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland Chapter

United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland Chapter

ACBS UK and Republic of Ireland Chapter

Affiliated 2011

Click here to join the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Chapter and listserv

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.


Current Board

President: Louise McHugh 

President Elect: Nick Hooper

Past President: Elizabeth Burnside

Secretary: Helen McGillivary

Treasurer: Jim Lucas

Student Representative: Anna Ryan

Member at Large: Natalie Savage

Member at Large: Dawn Johnson

Member at Large: Mark Oliver

Member at Large: Jonathan Williams

Student Representative: Conor McCloskey

To email the board directly send a message to:

To email the entire Chapter Membership, please join the listserv using the instructions at the top.


David Gillanders

United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland Chapter Election - Candidate Information

United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland Chapter Election - Candidate Information

Ballot closes 4 November 2024. 
Please vote here.

You will be able to vote to confirm the candidate for President Elect.

President Elect

Dawn Johnson

Professionally I would be described as a Clinical Psychologist. I now work in private practice offering therapy, supervision, workplace away days, university teaching, and ACT training which I co-deliver with Dr Richard Bennett via our training platform 

That always feels like useful information, although, it also tells people very little about who I am. That feels a lot harder to sum up in a few words, however, it feels worth trying to do so, after all, it is my ‘me-ness’ that is being nominated for election, not simply the training days of my Doctorate course that resulted in the above title. 

So, who am I? Well, this is a bunch of stories I have about myself that help me make sense of my world. 

I am someone who feels more at home in water than on land. I feel better in my body, I get a sense of freedom, and I appear to have endless energy until I hit land again. I also enjoy being outside in nature closer to home, walking my bouncy two-year-old Collie cross in woodlands and over countryside fields. 

I am also someone who aims to live in line with my values. This can mean being willing to do something hard, over what is easy. I like that quality about myself as it feels that I live the work I invite others to do. One of my superpowers is my connection to my “super-feeler” skills. Whilst this can feel exhausting at times, I love that it also makes me empathic, compassionate and that I hold a great deal of genuine care about others. 

Whilst my love of swimming may not offer much to a Presidential role, I notice my mind having the thought that my other skills could offer something of use to the UK&ROI Chapter Board. I am willing to lead and to be guided and work in collaboration. I am willing to undertake difficult tasks in the service of something greater. I am willing to learn and be humble, and to step up and take responsibility. I am open to feedback and making changes, as well as using my voice and speaking up for things I see and believe in. It is these skills and qualities that I would like to offer to the ACBS community and would be honoured to be considered to serve as President Elect and future President for the upcoming term. 


Vision for the next Presidential term

I have had the honour of being a UK&ROI Chapter Board ‘Member at Large’ for the last two and a half years. During this time, I have contributed to many initiatives that the Board have organised to grow the community of people interested in contextual behavioural sciences in the UK&ROI Chapter. Growth feels like a value that the Board have consistently held with lightness and excitement. It feels an important thing to also hold onto for any future President role. I would like to do this by continuing to expand the offering the Board can make to its UK&ROI and international audiences, both in terms of accessible training, networking events, live conferences and growing a connected community of people that share their knowledge, wisdom and resources. 

In addition to growth, it also feels important to nurture the community of people we already are. Whilst the above events also encompass our existing community, I would like future work to focus on a sense of nurturing and welcoming in voices that currently feel under-heard, under-represented or unseen. This work will partly be supporting the recently appointed specialist EDI role that Dr Lynn Farrell has taken, ensuring that we invite feedback and act based on what our community is asking for more of. 

There are so many committed existing Board members, and I would love to offer a Presidential term where people feel willing and able to share their ideas, express their views, feel heard and empowered to take actions that they perceive to serve the community. My view in taking a voluntary role is that we offer our time for free in the service of a value of contribution, commitment, development and compassion. I would like to offer those qualities myself, as well as encourage them in other Board members, other ACBS volunteers, and the wider community that we aim to serve. 


ACBS UK&ROI Privacy Notice

ACBS UK&ROI Privacy Notice

29 May 2018

Privacy Notice
The Association of Contextual and Behavioural Sciences United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Chapter (ACBS UK&ROI) are committed to serving its members fairly and diligently. We respect each member’s right to privacy and so it is important to us that you understand how your personal information is stored and used by the chapter board. This privacy notice explains what data we hold about you, how it is processed, and how you can affect the processing of your data.
1. How your data is collected
Who collects your data?
Your personal data is provided to us by the Association of Contextual and Behavioural Sciences (ACBS), when you indicate on their website that you would like to join the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Chapter. We do not collect any personal data directly ourselves.
A log of any posts that you have made to our email group, the UK and Republic of Ireland Listserv is also held on ACBS website. You should be aware that posts you make will also be received by some members into their personal email inboxes. We are unable to monitor or delete this information once it has been received by other members in this manner.

2. What data do we hold?
The only personal data we have access to are your name, email address, city of residence, state/county of residence, ACBS membership expiry date, and details of which other ACBS groups you are a member of. The lawful basis by which we hold and process this information is known as ‘legitimate interest’ under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

A log of any posts that you have made to our email group, the UK and Republic of Ireland Listserv is also held on ACBS website.
3. How your data is stored
Your data is only stored on the ACBS website. Please refer to ACBS privacy policy for further information
From time to time, the membership list is downloaded as a Microsoft excel spreadsheet so that we can verify and process membership requests or carry out other membership tasks. When this work occurs, the spreadsheets are stored securely on personal computers of board members and destroyed immediately after use.
4. Who has access to your data?
We do not share your personal data with any third parties. Only the UK & Republic of Ireland Chapter Board members have access to your personal data. If you are a member of the Chapter email group, (the ACBS UK and Republic of Ireland chapter listerv) then other members of that group are able to communicate with you via group e mails, but they do not have access to your personal data. Occasionally, the board is asked to pass on advertisements from providers of training related to Contextual Behavioural Science. We do not share your data with them, though we do pass on adverts and member offers that the board deems are consistent with the purposes of the chapter.
5. How do we use your data?
We use your data primarily for communication purposes. Our main method of communication to our membership is by using the ACBS UK and Republic of Ireland Chapter Listserv. If you opt into this communication channel, then we will use your data to add your name and email address to that group. We will use that group to communicate in a variety of ways including the following:
• Informing you about upcoming chapter related events
• Informing you about chapter-related activities
• Informing you of opportunities to become involved in chapter activities
• Informing you about board elections
• Informing you about activities of the chapter board, such as board meetings and matters relating to our bylaws.
• Passing on adverts and member offers that the board deems are consistent with the purposes of the chapter.

Other members of the chapter listserv are invited to contribute to the email group within the parameters described here:
We also have a chapter email address that you can use to contact the chapter board. We may communicate with you directly as an individual from that address regarding your membership, or to respond to any queries or complaints that you’ve raised with us.
In addition to communication, we may occasionally look at our membership personal data to examine any trends in the membership as a whole, for example, geographical representation. We do not engage in any individual profiling of members.
If required to do so, we would work with authorities in cases of fraud or criminal investigations.
6. How can you affect how we communicate with you?
When new members join the chapter, they will be invited to opt into the chapter listserv. Members of this group can unsubscribe using the ‘my membership’ link on the listserv page:
Alternatively, you can email us at to request that we unsubscribe you from the listserv and/or remove your name and details from the chapter membership list. If you ask to be removed from the chapter membership list, we will send you a confirmation email to let you know that you are no longer a member of the chapter.

Elizabeth Burnside

UK ACT Materials

UK ACT Materials

This page is to post up any materials developed in the UK, particularly where metaphors or techniques have been adapted to a UK audience.

David Gillanders

ACBS UK & ROI Chapter event March 2018 - slides

ACBS UK & ROI Chapter event March 2018 - slides

As promised here are the materials and slides etc from the chapter relaunch that was held on 28th march 2018, In London.

David Gillanders

ACBS UKROI 22 Plenary: Dr Karen Salt

ACBS UKROI 22 Plenary: Dr Karen Salt

What's in your piping?

Many people have dedicated their lives and energies to fighting for inclusion and greater diversity. Organisations and individuals now talk about biases, think about ways of making hiring practices more accessible and work to augment any gaps in their knowledge about the histories of people from down the road and across the oceans.

Yet, as much as there has been attention on processes and policies, there have been areas left out of this consideration that isn't just about diversity and inclusion but good practice, good governance and good work.

This talk will navigate that terrain and ask participants to critically consider the piping in their practices and organisational and institutional frameworks.

About the Speaker:

Dr Karen Salt has over 27 years’ worth of experience engaging and co-creating solutions with communities, organisations, charities and governmental bodies. An expert on governance, systems and transformative change, she has led and managed interdisciplinary research centres, collaborative research teams and large research projects, including those focused on producing evidence-informed interventions and policies. She is currently the Deputy Director of R&I System Diversity and Security within UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the UK’s largest public funder of research and innovation. She has the challenging but rewarding task of driving UKRI’s cross-organisational strategic thinking and policymaking on system diversity and Trusted Research and Innovation. A sought after thought-leader and speaker, Salt works closely with leaders across Government, academia, civil society and industry and contributes to numerous international initiatives focused on embedding inclusive policymaking.


ACBS: Fractured or Fractal Community? By Jacob Martinez

ACBS: Fractured or Fractal Community? By Jacob Martinez

ACBS UK & Ireland Conference 2022 in Liverpool

In this keynote presentation ACT Therapist Jacob Martinez explores the nature of participation and complaint in the ACBS community. You'll learn about fractal organisations, the commodification of communities and how to help an organisation thrive.

Educational Objectives:

1. Describe common DEI related complaints within ACBS.
2. Define fractal mode of organisation and how it applies to ACBS.
3. Apply a model of variation, selection and retention to participation in ACBS.


Chapter Logo

Chapter Logo David Gillanders

Peer Supervision Networks across the UK & Republic of Ireland

Peer Supervision Networks across the UK & Republic of Ireland

Learning ACT or other CBS approaches is very hard on your own. We encourage the development of communities of practice at a local level, to meet regularly, to use experiential methods to practice skills and give and receive feedback. 

Here is a link to an editable google doc with details of the peer networks we know about. If you set up a group and are happy for people to join you, please post the details in this document

UK & Ireland Peer Networks

David Gillanders

Recording of mind train defusion exercise

Recording of mind train defusion exercise

This is a recording of the mind train defusion exercise. It is the version that I use with mental health clients with personality disorder diagnoses, and I've modified it in the following ways:

1. It involves a fair amount of description of the physical aspects of the bridge over the track (particularly the solid brickwork), to help people who are particularly prone to fusion and dissociation to at least start the practice with a sense of being on the bridge, and to have something solid to return to during the practice.

2. Most of my clients have histories of suicide attempts, so the description of the bridge includes a high wall that they can just rest their chin on, to reduce the chances of them immediately having images of throwing themselves off. Without this kind of modification, this client group can get so dysregulated by the format of defusion exercises like this, that they don't actually manage to get on with the practice. Of course, it's not possible to stop such images showing up, and nor would you want to necessarily, as it would be helpful for people to cultivate a more defused relationship with these images. However, it's also not helpful for people to become overwhelmed emotionally before they have even started the practice!

3. The exercise has been simplified - it involves practicing defusion just with thoughts/images/memories, unlike some versions of the exercise where people are invited to picture three different trains - for thoughts, emotions and sensations. My experience is that most people find that too complicated.

4. This version of the exercise included descriptions that are likely to be meaningful to people living in the UK.

My experience is that generally clients with complex, mixed Axis I and Axis II presentations find it possible to engage with this practice and find it helpful.

Anonyme (not verified)

USA - Arizona

USA - Arizona

Arizona Chapter

Affiliated 2020

Click here to join the Arizona Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  If there is a chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

We plan to use the listserv to send information about future meetings, trainings/conferences, resources, and referrals. We welcome you to engage with one another and share resources or request assistance as needed. Please take a moment to also review the ACBS listserv guidelines to learn other ways to use this communication platform.

Follow us on Instagram @acbsarizonachapter

We are pleased to announce members of the 2024 Board.

President: Dr. Brandon Scott
President-Elect: Nicholas James
Past President: Katrina Warriner
Secretary-Treasurer: Justin James
Research Committee Chair: Dr. Kate Jansen

Chapter Contact

Justin James:

Phoenix, Arizona


The mission of the Arizona chapter of ACBS is to foster the expansion of a transdisciplinary community of functional contextual scientists and practitioners focused on advancing human well-being guided by the values of compassion, science, service, and connection


  • Chapter meetings 
  • Research Committee
  • Peer Consultation Group 
  • Reading Group 
  • Email Listserv
  • Instagram

USA - Arizona Information

USA - Arizona Information

Arizona Chapter

Affiliated 2020

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
The geographic boundaries of the state of Arizona will delineate membership eligibility.

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
The mission of the Arizona chapter of ACBS is to foster a transdisciplinary community of functional contextual scientists and practitioners focused on advancing human well-being guided by the values of compassion, science, service and connection.

Description of membership:
Membership is available to ACBS members residing in Arizona, including Psychologists, Behavior Analysts, Counselors, Social Workers, and other licensed professionals, as well as undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in a pertinent field.


USA - Chicago, IL

USA - Chicago, IL


Click here to join the Chicago Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Click here to join the Chicago Chapter and listserv, and fill out form 

Visit our chapter website at



Chapter Contact Information
Pam Katz, MSW, LCSW. - Chapter President
Board of Directors
Pam Katz President 9/2022-8/2025
Kat Johnson Vice President 9/2024-8/2027
Jamie Cooper Secretary 9/2021-8/2024
Ginny Nikiforos Member at Large 9/2022-8/2025
Tim Lo Treasurer 9/2022-8/2025
Deanna Tuttle 11/2023-8/2025
Abby Hurley Past President



2012 Chapter Conference Documents

2012 Chapter Conference Documents

Chicago Chapter of ACBS


ACBS Chicago First Conference (2012) pdfs are available for download... please login to see attachments below.


2014 Chapter Conference Info and Documents

2014 Chapter Conference Info and Documents

Program Presentations Included:

Turner, N. & Welches, P. - Mindfulness Based Sobriety: A clinician’s guide for integrating ACT, Motivational Interviewing, and Relapse Prevention Therapy in addiction and mental health recovery

Georgescu, S. & Hurley, A. - ACT, Diversity & Stigma

Brock, M. - Acting with Compassion (Part I)  Participants will learn to: 1. Help clients better regulate and tolerate anxiety through the activation of their evolved capacity for mindful compassion

Salstrom, S., Holly, A., & Gartner, R. ACT with Children and Adolescents

Thomson, R. - Mindfulness for Therapists: Establishing and deepening your practice

Brock, M. - Acting with Compassion (Part II) See above

Millner, S. & Meyer, B. - Understanding and Working with Grief from an ACT Perspective 

Niolon, R. & Georgescu, S. - Informed Consent in Modern Contextual CBTs (3 hrs)

Walser, R. - ACT and the Therapeutic Relationship: Bringing compassion, love, and fun into the therapy session

Sherrill, A., Holmberg, N., Orbon, S., Miron, L., & Knoll, R.  - The Willingness Model of Group Experiential Learning: How to develop an effective peer learning group  Ballroom A

Brock, M. - The 9 Mistakes New ACT Therapists Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Walser, R. - Living in a Disorderly World: Acceptance and compassion in the treatment of trauma Participants will be able to: 1. Describe the psychopathological impact of experiential avoidance and its relationship to trauma - Ballroom


2017 Conference Information

2017 Conference Information

ACBS Chicago Spring Conference  -  April 29,2017

Location: 525 S. State St, Chicago, IL 

Full details available at

Whitney Skold Graff



The ACBS Chicago Chapter Board presented a virtual conference on Friday, April 29. This virtual conference offered trainings on psychological trauma in healthcare providers, Emotion Efficacy Therapy, and Relational Frame Theory.  Links to the recording of sessions are included below:

Psychological Trauma in Healthcare Providers - Presented by Lindsey Harrington, PsyD

Emotion Efficacy Therapy - Presented by Abby Hurley, PsyD

Relational Frame Theory - Presented by Steven Topper, LCPC



Chicago Chapter Bylaws

Chicago Chapter Bylaws


Chicago, IL, USA Chapter Information

Chicago, IL, USA Chapter Information

ACBS Chicago

Affiliated 2010

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Chicago-land area (includes suburbs of Chicago)


  • Serve as a scientific and professional reference group
  • Promote research and scholarship
  • Identify and promote the development and dissemination of principle based interventions that are firmly rooted in functional contextual science
  • Advise interested bodies of the work that we do
  • Support our members in their efforts to gain ongoing training and further develop their competencies
  • Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list serves and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization

Description of Membership:

  • Members of the Association shall be persons committed to advance the mission of ACBS Chicago chapter, which serves the Chicago-land area (includes suburbs of Chicago).
  • The types of membership shall be Professional and Student.
  • The minimum standard for election to professional membership shall be completion of a terminal degree (Masters and/or Doctoral level) relevant to the purposes of the Association.
  • Student members shall be currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level in an region of relevance to the purposes of the Association.
  • All members of the ACBS Chicago chapter must be members in good standing of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
  • Members shall be regarded without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

Chapter By-laws




This section contains news and updates from the ACBS Chicago Chapter. To view a news item, click on the links listed below.

Douglas Long

Looking back on a successful first three years

Looking back on a successful first three years

Looking back on a successful first three years
by Sandra Georgescu

And the Chicago Chapter was born…..

It is common clinical practice that the presence of 2 people (clients) makes for a “group” …. In our case, it seemed that 3 people made for a consultation group whereas 5 people made for a whole chapter board. And so, it formally began in early 2010.

From its inception, our Chapter’s mission has been to establish a place where ACT/ACBSers can come together locally to socialize, network, develop intellectually and support students from Chicago’s many graduate programs. In essence, we wanted to scale the spirit of the national organization to local dimensions. We therefore created a community that is inclusive, supportive, connected and that can provide some of the advantages of ACBS (fondly referred to as “the mothership”) at a local level. Rather than trying to create an organization with its own identity, we conceptualized and organized our Chapter to be an extension of ACBS, its mission and values.

With this clear path ahead of us, the members of the Chicago Chapter have somehow been either involved or directly responsible for thelocal professional consultation group, local trainings, seasonal dinners, social, and networking meetings (this fall with Steve & almost Kelly!) and more recently the development of an informal student led consultation group. In addition, our First Annual Conference was held March 30-31st 2012 with approximately 100 individuals in attendance. In typical ACBS tradition, the program included a 1 day pre-conference experiential workshop led by Patty Bach Ph.D. On the second day, three tracks featured a wide variety of presentations mostly led by local talent and one international speaker. Jonathan Kanter Ph.D. visited us from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and closed the conference with a spectacular keynote address on depression.

Behind the scenes, we have maintained a (simple yet useful) website, incorporated a non-for-profit organization and worked through numerous organizational kinks and hurdles. We have repeatedly been reunited and realigned by our mission and our service to our over 150 subscribers of which approximately half are dues paying members. The Chapter’s goal is to expand the social, educational and professional growth opportunities for Chicago and the surrounding areas. Like proud parents, we are excited to watch the chapter mature (though we are dreading it’s teenage years).

Visit us at
and if you’re in the area, please join us!


USA - Hawai’i

USA - Hawai’i

Hawai’i Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Click here to join the Hawai’i Chapter

Follow us on Facebook

Chapter Contact

Cynthia J'Anthony, PhD

Board Members
President (1 year): Cynthia J’Anthony
Out-going President (1 year): Yukie Kurumiya
Vice- President / Elect (1 year): Jason Stauffer
Treasurer (3 years): TBD
Secretary (3 years): TBD
Student Representative (1 year): Monet Meyer
Member-at- Large (2 years): Molly Winterrowd LaVere


The Hawai’i Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (HACBS) is founded to advance the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and to create an impact within Hawai’i in an effort to alleviate human suffering an advance human wellbeing.


Click here for more information about the Hawaii Chapter


Hawai’i Information

Hawai’i Information

Hawai’i Chapter

Affiliated 2019

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
The chapter will meet in the state of Hawai’i. Currently, the primary language spoken will be English. If more opportunities arise for members to join who speak more languages, we are interested in expanding to clients who speak diverse languages, including Native Hawaiian.

The Hawai’i Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (HACBS) is founded to advance the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and to create an impact within Hawai’i in an effort to alleviate human suffering an advance human wellbeing.

Description of membership:
Members will be professionals/students who have earned a proper degree to be called as a(n), administrator, (b) applied behavior analyst, (c) coach, (d) consultant, (e) counselor/ therapist/clinician, (f) educator, (g) nurse, (h) occupational therapist, (i) physician, (j) physiotherapist, (k) psychiatrist, (l) researcher, (m) social worker, (n) student, (o) university faculty, and others who express interest in CBS.


USA - Michigan

USA - Michigan

Michigan Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2025

Click here to join the Michigan Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join, you will be added as a member to the chapter and also to the chapter's email listserv. Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Brendan Skinner


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice across the state of Michigan, as to alleviate human suffering and advance human wellbeing.

Chapter Activities

  • Peer/individual/group supervision/consultation
  • Trainings/workshops
  • Panel discussions
  • Research colloquiums
  • Reading/discussion groups
  • Social events
  • Statewide/regional conferences
  • Community outreach events

USA - Mid-Atlantic Region

USA - Mid-Atlantic Region


Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Affiliated 2011

Click here to join the Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Mid-Atlantic Chapter Website:

Contact Information

Aimee Caramico

2024-2025 Mid-Atlantic Board
President - Hannah Gold
President-Elect - Christina Fox
Past President - Amanda Rhodes
Member-at-Large - Naomi LeVine
Member-at-Large - Erin Pressman
Secretary - Simoné Jalon-Main
Student Rep - Darian Weaver

We are always looking for MAC members to serve on various committees. Most committee work is not time consuming, and we have found that involvement is a great opportunity for networking! We have the following committees established and will be providing more information about them soon. If you have any questions or are interested in them, please send Simoné Jalon an email!

1.) Membership
2.) Training
3.) Communications 



To foster the development of functional contextual behavioral practice, science, and community service within the Mid Atlantic region (e.g, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, and Delaware).
• Promote research, scholarship, education and training in Contextual Behavioral Science.
• Identify and promote the development and dissemination of interventions that are firmly rooted in functional contextual science.
• Support our members in their efforts to gain ongoing training and further develop their competencies.
• Organize and sponsor workshops, conferences, newsletters, websites, listservs and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization. 

Description of Membership

Practitioners, scientists, and others residing or practicing in Maryland, DC, Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware who are committed to practice and/or research in contextual behavioral science.





Mid-Atlantic Region, USA Chapter Information

Mid-Atlantic Region, USA Chapter Information

Mid-Atlantic Chapter of ACBS (MAC-ACBS)

Affiliated 2011

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
The Mid Atlantic region of the US including Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, and Delaware.

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
To foster the development of functional contextual behavioral practice, science, and community service within the Mid Atlantic region (e.g, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, and Delaware).
• Promote research, scholarship, education and training in Contextual Behavioral Science.
• Identify and promote the development and dissemination of interventions that are firmly rooted in functional contextual science.
• Support our members in their efforts to gain ongoing training and further develop their competencies.
• Organize and sponsor workshops, conferences, newsletters, websites, listservs and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization.

Description of membership:
Practitioners, scientists, and others residing or practicing in Maryland, DC, Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware who are committed to practice and/or research in contextual behavioral science.



USA - North Carolina & South Carolina - Affiliate of Mid-Atlantic Chapter

USA - North Carolina & South Carolina - Affiliate of Mid-Atlantic Chapter

Click here for information about the North Carolina & South Carolina Affiliate


USA - NYC & Greater NY Region

USA - NYC & Greater NY Region

ACBS Greater New York Metropolitan Region (NYC - ACBS)

Affiliated 2010

Join us on Facebook and Instagram

Click here to join the NYC & Greater NY Region and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information
Chapter Website

Brian Mundy - president 1/1/25-12/31/26
Jonathan Kaplan - past president 1/1/25-12/31/25
Ashley Wiscovitch - member at large 1/1/24-12/31/25
Bethany Bahl - member at large 1/1/25-12/31/26
Liliane de Aguiar-Rocha - Manager 1/1/24-12/31/25
Abu Nasim - Treasurer 1/1/24 - 12/31/25
Nicholas Dynan - Student Rep 1/1/25 - 12/31/25

Michael Femenella, PhD
Yosef Gurevitch, LCSW
Michael Maher, PhD
Donald Marks, PhD
Mark Sisti, PhD
Laura Silberstein-Tirch, PsyD
Dennis Tirch, PhD

Vision Statement

NYC-ACBS is dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and the empowerment of all people, recognizing humans' psychological inflexibility as the source of oppression, bias, discrimination, stigma, and structural inequity.

Mission Statement

Beginning with a focus on our organization, and looking more broadly to society at large, NYC-ACBS is a local community of practitioners, scholars, researchers, educators, and others, committed to:
● Providing dynamic trainings in ACT, RFT, and related disciplines for our community;
● Disseminating contextual behavioral science;
● Respecting and valuing diversity, and creating an environment that is inclusive of all;
● Eliminating policies and practices that have negative impacts on marginalized and/or
vulnerable groups, as defined by members of those groups; and
● Creating and advocating for more equitable and inclusive social policies and practices.

Values Statement

Throughout the NYC-ACBS community, we work in a collegial, open, generous, self-critical, non-discriminatory, accepting, critically conscious, and mutually supportive way.

Description of Membership

Members of the association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of memberships shall be professional, student, and affiliate.  

Chapter Activities

The association may hold periodic meetings for the transaction of business and presentations regarding developments in contextual behavioral science, application, and the advancement of human welfare.  The association may engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including:

  • Maintain an open monthly study & practice group with rotating facilitators
  • Promote and encourage a variety of mutual ACT peer supervison groups (please contact us about joining these groups)
  • Affiliate, coordinate & sponsor NYC regional and interstate chapters & affiliates with startup and mutual ventures (e.g., NY, NJ, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Long Island)
  • Newsletters, virtual bulletin board, journals, and other publications
  • Maintaining a website, social media (NYC-ACBS Facebook Group and Instagram), and email listserv  ACBS-NYC listserv group
  • Promoting ACT, CBS & RFT professional & public education 

You can also join the "Rochester, New York" area Affiliate group of ACBS! If you are interested, please find more information here.

You can also join the "Long Island" area Affiliate group of ACBS! If you are interested, please find more information here.

MarK Sisti

NYC & Greater NY Region, USA Chapter Info

NYC & Greater NY Region, USA Chapter Info


Affiliated 2010

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
New York City and surrounding boroughs and counties.

Foster the development of functional contextual behavioral science and practice within greater NY metropolitan region so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well-being.

Description of Membership:
Members of the association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of memberships shall be professional, student, and affiliate.

MarK Sisti





This group is meant to serve as a place where individuals of all levels of experience and backgrounds can learn more about Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) & Relational Frame Theory (RFT). It is open to anyone interested in learning more about ACT, RFT, and CBS. It will meet on a regular monthly basis beginning on Thursday May 16th from 7:00-8:45, and thereafter regularly the third Thursday of every month.

SPEAKERS & PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Michael Femenella will be leading and/or hosting the group. Mike has been using ACT as his exclusive treatment modality since 2001 and has received extensive training in ACT, including attending numerous workshops given by Steve Hayes, Kelly Wilson, Robyn Walser, Kirk Strossahl, and other notable ACT trainers. Since 2009 he has been an ACT consult for the Veterans Administration and has been involved in the training and supervision of clinicians integrating ACT into their clinical work. Other experienced ACT speakers will be rotated over the course each month over of the year.

This group compliments the ACT peer-to-peer supervision groups in the NYC area which may be “closed” to new members (ACT-NYCE), by providing participants the opportunity to flexibly attend (or not) on any given month. We also hope to draw a very diverse group of participants, from the very ACT experienced attendee, to those who may know little to nothing about ACT, from out of town ACT leaders and experts, to local ACT notorieties, from those who are from the ACT community, to our CBT colleagues, and to any and all psychotherapeutic orientations.


· Presenters from the board of the ACBS-NYC who will rotate every month, providing the opportunity to learn from individuals with multiple perspectives

· A brief talk or didactic presentation on ACT material

· Peer supervision and discussion of a case as conceptualized through ACT

· Discussion of reading materials such as articles or book chapters
· Opportunities for experiential learning

Most importantly, we want this group to meet your needs! Therefore, we will be counting on your feedback at the end of the first meeting and future meetings in order to help us create an ongoing, collaborative event that is meaningful, enriching, and resonant with you. In addition to being educational, we hope this group will help foster our local ACT community and provide existing members of ACBS-NYC, as well as non-members, with the opportunity to meet each other and potentially develop new relationships or network with other professionals.

FEES: We will be collecting a values-based fee, with a suggestion of $25, for attendance at this meeting in order to help fund ACBS-NYC. This contribution will help develop the local community by providing our chapter with more resources to offer events, training, and social activities in the future.


Village Community School

272-278 West 10th Street

New York, NY 10014

For directions to the Village Community School:

Phone: 212-691-5146

WHEN: Thursday May 16th (7:00-8:45)

Third Thursday of each month thereafter

RESERVATIONS & ATTENDANCE: If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to our membership chair, Brian Pilecki, at Although you are not required to RSVP in order to attend, your notification will aid us in preparing for your arrival. You can also feel free to contact Brian with any questions about the group.

VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION: Before during and after discussions and readings may be taking place on ACBS-NYC google group and our listserv (available to ACBS-NYC members only). Please check our google page: - !forum/ACBS-NYC-Study-Group


MarK Sisti

USA - New England

USA - New England

New England Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciencenew england.JPG

Affiliated 2010

Click here to join the New England Chapter

Contact Information

Carmine DiChiara


Current Board of Directors
Carmine Dichiara: president
Nate Gruner: secretary
Gabe Gruner: member at large 

Description of Membership

  • Practitioners, scientists, and others residing or practicing in New England states, comprised of: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, who are committed to practice and/or research in contextual behavioral science.

New England, USA Chapter Information

New England, USA Chapter Information

New England ACT Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciencenew england.JPG

Affiliated 2010

Type of Chapter:

The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the northeastern region of the United States so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. 

Specifically, the organization shall:

  • Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those in the northeastern region of of the United States who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of contextual beahvioral science, or for the interested public. 
  • Promote research and scholarship in the northeastern region of the United States focused on the development of a coherent and progressive science of human action that is more adequate to the challenges of the human condition. 
  • Identify and promote the development of useful basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence; of effective prevention and intervention strategies. 
  • Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its basic and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge. 
  • Promote the development -- in the northeastern region of the United States -- of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes and in exploring the additional implications of this work, and that emphasizes open and low cost methods of connecting with this work so as to keep the focus on benefit to others. 
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to contextual behavioral science in the northeast region of the United States.
  • Organize and sponsor forums, conferences, newsletters, journals, websites, list servs and other such activities for the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization. 

Description of Membership
Members of the organization shall be members of ACBS who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, and specifically Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

Douglas Long

USA - Ohio

USA - Ohio

Ohio Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2012

Click here to join the Ohio Chapter email listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Chapter Contact

Matthew Moore

2024-2025 Chapter Officers

President: Matthew Moore, MA
Secretary/Treasurer: Ashley Braun-Gabelman, Ph.D.


To serve as a community of individuals working together to promote research, scholarship, and practice of the principles of contextual behavioral science in Ohio.

Chapter Activities

Chapter activities are in progress and will be announced through the listserv. 

Description of Membership

All people in Ohio interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, including professionals, students, and affiliates.


Ohio Chapter Information

Ohio Chapter Information

Ohio Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2012

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Ohio, including Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and the areas between.

To serve as a community of individuals working together to promote research, scholarship, and practice of the principles of contextual behavioral science in Ohio.

Description of Membership:
All people in Ohio interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, including professionals, students, and affiliates.



USA - Pennsylvania

USA - Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Association for Contextual Behavioral SciencePenn_State_Capital_Building.jpg

Affiliated 2011

Click here to join the Pennsylvania Chapter and listserv

Please note, that by selecting to join the chapter listserv, you will be added as a member to the chapter and to the chapter's email listserv (if applicable).  Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

For the chapter listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Steve Bisgaier:


President: Steve Bisgaier, PsyD, BCB
Vice President: Kate Deatrich, PsyD
Secretary & Treasurer: Alisa Kamis-Brinda, LCSW, LCADC
Member at Large: Jason Janosov, MS, LPC
Member at Large: Frank Masterpasqua, PhD
Past President: John Armando, LCSW


To establish a statewide chapter in Pennsylvania that will serve to promote the overall mission of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Chapter Activities

- Host ACT workshops in Pennsylvania and surrounding area
- Promote networking among regional professionals
- Meeting at annual ACBS world conference
- Email listserv
- Chapter website

Description of Membership

The membership will be inclusive and diverse, attracting members from different career fields. We are interested in developing an eclectic and multicultural chapter. All chapter members must be current members of ACBS.


You can also join the "Erie, PA" area Affiliate group of ACBS! If you are interested, please find more information here.

You can also join the "Delaware Valley" area Affiliate group of ACBS! If you are interested, please find more information here.


Pennsylvania Chapter Newsletter

Pennsylvania Chapter Newsletter Community

2021 Spring Newsletter

2021 Spring Newsletter


Pennsylvania, USA Chapter Information

Pennsylvania, USA Chapter Information

Penn_State_Capital_Building.jpgPennsylvania Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2011

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
State of Pennsylvania (USA).

To establish an statewide chapter in Pennsylvania that will serve to promote the overall mission of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Description of Membership:
The membership will be inclusive and diverse attracting members from different career fields. We are interested in developing an eclectic and multicultural chapter. All chapter members must be current members of ACBS.

Douglas Long

Student Committed Action Fuels Growth of ACBS Pennsylvania Chapter and Delaware Valley Affiliate

Student Committed Action Fuels Growth of ACBS Pennsylvania Chapter and Delaware Valley Affiliate

By John Armando, Pennsylvania Chapter President

In 2013, Alisa Kamis-Brinda organized a series of ACT consultation groups that met at her office in the Rittenhouse Square section of Philadelphia. Those first meetings were small- maybe four or five people at most. There were a couple of students, and the rest of us were clinical social workers.

At that time, there was no easily accessible way for Philadelphia area therapists to learn about how to practice ACT with fidelity. Under Alisa’s leadership, we began to come together and form the early foundation of a community. We were clearly learners: curious, inspired, and in search of a path forward toward using ACT with more confidence and competence.

In 2014, a small group of us found each other at the ACBS World Conference in Minneapolis, and laid out our plans to create an affiliate to the Pennsylvania Chapter. In the following year, we began to host planning meetings, and then annual training events.

For the Delaware Valley Affiliate’s first actual training event, we were able to catch Steven Hayes while he was in Philadelphia for the ABCT convention. We offered him a ride from the convention hotel to the airport, with a planned stop at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) where, it turns out, he was born. Steven Hayes riffed and improvised for an hour or two to the delight of a group of about 40 local clinicians. The talk was titled, “ACT in Communities: Utilizing Prosocial Principles” (November 23, 2014). In true ACBS fashion, we asked folks for values based donations to help cover the cost of Steve’s limo. The largest donation dropped into the basket was by Steve himself. The ACBS Delaware Valley Affiliate was off to a decent start!

Not long after that, we started providing training opportunities by our members. Yaacov Kravitz, Ed.D., and Andy D’Amico, Ph.D. did the first one called, “Experiential Mindfulness and ACT workshop” (February 22, 2015). As the title suggests, this was an experiential workshop which provided a rich and direct exposure to ACT processes. The opportunity to come into direct contact with vulnerable feelings in the exercises was an important step forward for many of us. This created the conditions for psychological flexibility necessary for us to begin forming as a community. We now had a shared sense of mission, feelings of excitement, and a developing belief that we had everything necessary to teach ourselves how to be effective ACT therapists. The fear and frustration that no one was going to lead us by the hand into ACT expertise was something that we were now beginning to accept. We were beginning to notice the feeling of moving toward our values with a willingness to bring our distress along for the ride.

Our annual spring events since then have included presentations by DJ Moran, Frank Masterpasqua, James Herbert, Dennis Tirch, Joseph Trunzo, Matthew Boone, and Lisa Coyne. This spring, on May 21, 2020, we will host Emily Sandoz. In the spring of 2021, we will host Robyn Walser. In between these events, we’ve had regular talks and presentations by our members, most notably frequent meetings hosted by Frank Masterpasqua, Ph.D., Professor at Widener University’s Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology. Within the past year we’ve also started a Portland Model Peer Supervision Group held online monthly.

We were having some real success in introducing ACT to the many curious clinicians in our region, but almost invisibly and without planning it, student involvement and attendance were beginning to drive our growth.
James Herbert and Evan Forman had been teaching ACT at Drexel University. Frank Masterpasqua (whose totally awesome hip hop nick-name among his students is “Master-P”) was generating an ACT movement at Widener University. The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s master in counseling program and LaSalle College’s programs were also igniting enthusiasm for ACT.

Our goals as a chapter and affiliate were to become better ACT therapists and to promote ACT among local clinicians and clients. When we realized that our events were heavily attended by students, we fully embraced the additional goal of supporting the growth of ACT and ACBS by serving and also involving students. With this new goal in mind, we found sharply discounting student fees to our events a useful step.

In 2015 Joanna Kaye, at that time a doctoral student from Drexel University, became our first Student Representative. Joanna was a force to be reckoned with. She had leadership skills! She saw opportunities to make valuable contributions and got things done. In particular, she helped us improve our process for managing the attendee feedback data for our APA approved training events.

When Joanna graduated, she recommended another Drexel University doctoral student, Lauren Johnson. Lauren had been one of the Pennsylvania Chapter Student Representatives since 2018. Lauren has followed in Joanna’s footsteps as an essential contributor to all of our events.

Lauren says that she had some knowledge of ACT and CBS when she first became involved with our group, but found that getting into action with our steering committee and interacting with experienced clinicians prepared her for an upcoming practicum where ACT was being practiced. She explains that, after spending time in our community, she “really began to have a much better understanding of process based therapy.” Her participation with us allowed her to attend diverse training events, ask questions of a range of clinicians, and significantly enhance her confidence in utilizing ACT when heading into her practicum.

Anecdotes from those that attended the ACBS World Conference in Montreal in 2018 sparked Laurens’ interest in attending the 2019 conference in Dublin. She applied for and was awarded a student scholarship from ACBS and also received a 20% conference registration discount as a student spotlight award winner. In retrospect, Lauren says, “Going to the World Conference in Dublin was the best decision I’ve made.”

For the past two years, Lauren has arrived early at each one of our events, greeted attendees with a welcoming smile, and found ways to be helpful and make everyone’s experience more seamless. She has attended many steering committee meetings and kept us tuned-in to the student perspective. She was one of the founding members of our Portland Model Peer Clinical Consultation Group, and was bravely willing to do the first role play as therapist/skills builder. That was a bold move!

Lauren recently matched at Joint Base Andrews, Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery Center. She will serve both as an Air Force Officer and clinical psychology resident, providing outpatient mental health services primarily to active duty military service members. As she embarks on her career as an Air Force psychologist, she expressed her passionate interest in utilizing a CBS approach to make a difference in the lives of military personnel.

The Pennsylvania Chapter and Delaware Valley Affiliate have, through the example and leadership of Joanna; Lauren; Steve Bisgaier, PsyD, our current Pennsylvania Chapter Vice President, and psychology fellow at the CBT Center for Anxiety and OCD; and steering committee members Kate Detrich, PsyD and Rachel Steen, LPC, grown to over 350 members of our Delaware Valley Affiliate group. Moreover, on March 1, 2020, Steve, Kate, and Rachel will be presenting a free Introduction to ACT training at Widener University to 150 registrants.

We’re both proud of and inspired by the impact our students and early career professionals have made to our chapter’s growth, and for helping to spread ACT and RFT widely in our region. We appreciate them all. In recognition of her outstanding contributions, we are awarding Lauren Johnson a scholarship that can help cover registration, travel, and lodging so that she has the opportunity to present her exciting dissertation research at the 2020 ACBS World Conference in New Orleans.

As Lauren stated, “ACBS is unlike any other organization. The level of support and compassion, the impact on my research, my leadership skills, and my professional network has been truly tremendous.”

Thanks for all you’ve done Lauren, and we’ll see you in New Orleans!

Learn more about the ACBS Pennsylvania Chapter:

Learn more about the ACBS Delaware Valley Affiliate (greater Philadelphia region):

ACBS has more than 40 Chapters and 25 Affiliates worldwide:

What is the difference between a chapter and an affiliate?

  • Chapters are membership organizations associated with ACBS.  Chapters are established within states, regions, countries, or within language communities to promote the work of CBS. Chapters plan diverse activities within its geographical area such as training workshops, peer supervision groups, networking events, and small conferences. Chapters are formal entities with an officer structure, membership base, formalized mission, and goals. Chapters must be formally approved and recognized by the board of directors. Chapters are self-governed entities.
  • Affiliates are smaller & simpler to form than chapters, but can do most of the activities that chapter may do. Affilaites are established within cities, states, or countries. Affiliates plan activities such as peer supervision groups, training workshops, and networking events. Affiliates don't need formal sponsorship with a chapter.
  • Chapters and Affiliates provide an excellent way for ACBS members to become involved at the local, state, or regional levels.

USA - San Francisco Bay Area, CA

USA - San Francisco Bay Area, CA

San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

Affiliated 2010

Click here to join the San Francisco Bay Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

Chapter Website:

Contact Information

Mai Manchanda, Psy.D.

Chapter Board

Shane O’Neil-Hart, President
Mai Manchanda, Vice President
Michael Vurek, Past President
David Montgomery, Treasurer
Ellen Ross, Secretary
Erik Bromberg, Member At Large
Kari Killianey, Member At Large
Sharon Stovesky, Student Representative

Joining our Chapter

Becoming a member is easy!  If you are an ACBS member in good standing, please visit our website,  select the "Join" menu, determine your level of membership, pay the assoicated dues (ranges from $10 - $40), and submit your application.

Upcoming Events

Click here for the list of upcoming events


To create a supportive community for clinicians and researchers that will foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the San Francisco Bay Area.


  • Establish and maintain a website.
  • Disseminate information to professionals, students, and the public through workshops, trainings, and conferences. 
  • Provide peer consultation to members. 
  • Support members in learning and discussing contextual behavioral science theory and clinical applications. 

Chapter Activities:

Meetings, trainings, and workshops.

Description of Membership

Members are persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, and who reside or work in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

The types of membership are professional, student, and affiliate. 

The minimum standard for election to professional membership is completion of a graduate degree relevant to the purposes of the Chapter. Student members are currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level in any area of relevance to the purposes of the Chapter. Affiliate members are any member of the public with interests in the purpose of the Chapter. 

All members must be members in good standing of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Members are regarded without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability. 

Joining our Chapter

Becoming a member is easy! If you are an ACBS member in good standing, please visit our website, select the "Join" menu, determine your level of membership, pay the assoicated dues (ranges from $10 - $40), and submit your application.

Michael Vurek LCSW

San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA Chapter Information

San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA Chapter Information

San Francisco Bay Area Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2010

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
San Francisco Bay Area Counties: Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco.


To create a supportive community for clinicians and researchers that will foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the San Francisco Bay Area.

Description of Membership

Members are persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice, and who reside or work in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

The types of membership are professional, student, and affiliate. 

The minimum standard for election to professional membership is completion of a graduate degree relevant to the purposes of the Chapter. Student members are currently enrolled at the undergraduate or graduate level in any area of relevance to the purposes of the Chapter. Affiliate members are any member of the public with interests in the purpose of the Chapter. 

All members must be members in good standing of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. 

Members are regarded without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability. 


USA - California - Sacramento - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - California - Sacramento - Affiliate of ACBS

Contact Name: Robin Taylor Kirk, LMFT
Sage Anxiety Treatment Program
Contact Email Address:

Reading Group

Join us on the fourth Friday of each month as we meet to discuss the book selection and share experiential exercises. Please contact Robin Kirk for details about location and title of the book we are currently reading. People are free to join at any time.

ACBS staff

USA - Southern California

USA - Southern California

Southern California Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2013

Click here to join the Southern California Chapter - Some chapters have additional requirements to join, in that case, you will be sent an email with more information.

ACBS Southern California Chapter website:

Click HERE to Learn More About Becoming a VIP SoCal Chapter Member! Or become a SoCal Chapter Member by signing up on our SoCal Chapter Official Website to subscribe to our mailing list and community listserv and be the first to know about upcoming events and chapter happenings! 

Contact Information:

2025 Board Members

President: Max Maisel, PhD

President-Elect: Talin Hovsepian, PsyD

Past-President: Ashley Ebbert, PhD

Secretary-Treasurer: Timothy Encinas, LCSW

Member at Large: Matthew Roberts, LMFT 

Member at Large with Diversity-Equity-Focus (DEI): Samantha Munson, PhD



The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within southern California so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Description of Membership

SoCal Chapter Members shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The Southern California region includes the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, Riverside, Kern, and Imperial.

ACT Book Club Meetings & Peer Consultation Groups

The Southern California Chapter offers Book Club Meetings (beginning in February 2024) and Peer Consultation Groups (TBA). Check out our EVENT CALENDAR for more details! 

ACBS SoCal Chapter's Commitment to Diversity

Please learn more about our Commitment to Diversity on our SoCal Chapter's Website. As members of the contextual behavioral science community and as clinicians, behavior analysts, coaches and researchers, we are in a unique position to influence change. We want to use our expertise and understanding of prosocial evolution to incentivize and create meaningful and lasting transformation. As such, we believe that we must engage in sustained values-based action in the service of justice, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our recent addition of the DEI-Focused Member at Large, Board Member Position, will continue to oversee, support, and promote our chapter's commitment to diversity. 

To our community, are are here to support you and we are listening! Please let us know what more we can do to help and to continue to support our community. Thank you to our chapter and community for all of your work and support!

With all of our hearts,

ACBS SoCal Chapter Board


Southern California Chapter ACT Peer Consultation Groups and Book Clubs

Southern California Chapter ACT Peer Consultation Groups and Book Clubs
  • Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) focused Book Club will be held on the last Monday of July and August 2021 from 7-8pm via Zoom. Contact Dr. Natalia Baires at for more up to date information.
  • ACT Peer Online Consultation Group new schedule begins in August 2021. Contact Dr. Jessica Borushok at for more up to date information.


(This webpage was updated on June 21, 2021)


Southern California Chapter Information

Southern California Chapter Information

Southern California Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2013


The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within southern California so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Chapter Activities

The association will hold meetings for the transaction of business and presentations regarding developments in contextual behavioral science, application, and the advancement of human welfare. The Association will engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including: 1) Maintaining a webpage, and 2) Promoting education and training regarding professional development and public awareness and education.

Description of Membership

Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The Southern California region includes the counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Son Luis Obisbo, Kern, San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial, San Diego, and Orange.


USA - Texas

USA - Texas

Texas Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2012

Join Us on Facebook

Visit our chapter website at

Contact Information



The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the state of Texas, so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Possible Chapter Activities

Peer supervision groups, study groups, workshops and professional trainings, social networking events, and Facebook group.

Description of Membership

Members of the association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of memberships shall be professional, student, and affiliate.




This section contains news and updates from the Texas Chapter of ACBS. To view a news item, click on the links listed below.

Douglas Long

Austin Mindfulness Center blends ACT and yoga in values-driven organization

Austin Mindfulness Center blends ACT and yoga in values-driven organization

November 2012

“I like to think of our center as kind of an ACT incubator,” explains Jiovann Carrasco, founder of the Austin Mindfulness Center and President of the recently formed Texas ACBS chapter. The Austin Mindfulness Center offers a wide range of services which incorporate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), yoga, meditation, and self-compassion practices. In this interview with ACBS, Jiovann (pictured below) tells the story of how the Austin Mindfulness Center got started, and explains how ACT informs this values-driven organization.

Doug: It looks like you’ve assembled quite the team of counselors and yoga instructors. How did you get started creating a wellness center with this blend of expertise?

Jiovann: It actually started with the idea of creating a space for my interns to see private clients. At first they were just sharing my office when I wasn't there and also they were not all doing ACT. Then that got too crowded and I needed a separate office for my interns to use so we moved next door where we had more space. That was a little over a year ago. I had been learning ACT and my supervision was looking more and more ACT-specific, so I started only accepting interns who were wanting to learn ACT. From there we decided to offer groups and workshops, but we needed yet a larger space to provide these services, so we moved downstairs this Summer where we now have a group room, the Avocado Room as we call it. It's green. That's when I took on two more yoga instructors, one who specializes in trauma-sensitive yoga and another one from the Phoenix Rising school of yoga therapy. I think it blends well with our wellness philosophy. So it has just evolved from sort of a non-specific, run of the mill counseling center into a community resource for mindfulness-based wellness.

Doug: Your center appears to be busy with all kinds of groups, workshops, and therapy services. Which of your services have been most popular? What are your plans for the future?

Jiovann: Our bread and butter has always been individual counseling. We try to have a workshop once a month. We just did a mindful eating workshop last weekend and next month two of my graduate interns, a husband and wife team, are leading a Baby-Proof Your Relationship workshop for expectant and first year parents. They'll be using some of Russ Harris' stuff. Groups have been challenging to get started, to be honest, and we haven't really been too successful with them. Although we haven't given up, we are going to be trying something new in January. We are now putting together some workbook-based classes. I'm thinking Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workbook, Non-Violent Communication, and of course Get Our of Your Mind. A lot of people who come to our website are not looking for therapy, but they are interested in learning mindfulness. So we thought this would be a good way to reach this crowd. We also have free mindfulness meditation every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and I have plans to throw that up on the web as a live stream for anyone to join in wherever they are. In fact, I'd like to create an online community to support people in their mindfulness practice.

Doug: How does ACT inform your work? Do you draw from other therapies as well?

Jiovann: I like to think of our center as kind of an ACT incubator. I've modeled my supervision after Jason Luoma's role play-based peer consultation model, which I learned about at WC10. Loved that workshop! And also Robyn Walser's ACT supervision workshop. All of my interns are learning and doing ACT and we try very diligently to keep it ACT consistent. We joke about having a "CBT Jar" and anytime there's even a hint of cognitive restructuring you have to drop in a quarter. Proceeds will fund our ever-growing ACT library. I don't even accept interns who are not specifically asking for ACT training. ACT Made Simple is required reading, and then we utilize anything else we can get our hands on like videos and podcasts. There are not a lot of ACT trainings here, surprisingly, which is why I decided to organize a state chapter. We're starting an online book club to reach out to more folks who are showing interest in ACT as well.

Doug: What challenges have you faced in building your center?

Jiovann: I feel pretty lucky. Each year we've needed more space and it just so happens that an adjacent office suite becomes available when we need it. Ask and you shall receive, I guess. I think our name is attractive to lots of new therapists, so it hasn't been difficult getting it staffed. I get to be pretty picky. I guess that's a challenge.

Doug: Do you have any advice for people in other cities who might want to create a similar center?

Jiovann: Be creative and hire good people. I learn a lot from the folks I employ and they have a good deal of input into how we do things, what we provide. This wasn't planned out, you know. It just kind of shaped itself around our passions. It's values-driven. Is there such a thing as an ACT-based business? If I've learned anything about ACT, it's that it isn't just what you do, in session for example, it's how you do it as a therapist. So even at the organizational level, this has to be the case, too, right? 

Douglas Long

Texas Chapter Information

Texas Chapter Information

Texas Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2012

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic boundaries of the Chapter:
The great state of Texas.

The purpose of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual cognitive and behavioral science and practice within the state of Texas, so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being.

Description of Membership:
Members of the association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of functional contextual science and practice. The types of memberships shall be professional, student, and affiliate.


USA - Washington State

USA - Washington State

Washington State Association for Contextual Behavioral Science

Affiliated 2009

Click here to join the Washington State Chapter

To join the Chapter's google listserv: simply send an email, without a subject or message, to  Joining this WACBS listserv makes you a chapter member!

Contact Information

Christeine Terry
Seattle, WA 

Current Board Members
Christeine Terry, President
Russell Kolts, Secretary
Brandy Gillihna, Treasurer


The mission of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual behavioral practice, science, and community service within Washington State.

Description of Membership

Washington State practitioners and scientists committed to practice and research in Contextual Behavioral Science.




This section contains news and updates from the Washington State Chapter. To view a news item, click on the links listed below.

Douglas Long

Researcher tackles smoking with largest ACT study ever: Jonathan Bricker interview

Researcher tackles smoking with largest ACT study ever: Jonathan Bricker interview

In this interview, Bricker discusses ACT and smoking, how ACBS members can help, as well as exciting plans for the ACBS World Conference in Sydney. Jonathan Bricker, PhD, is founder and leader of the Tobacco & Health Behavior Science Group in the Division of Public Health Sciences at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. A licensed clinical psychologist, he is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington. 

Doug: Congratulations on your new grant! What can you tell us about the research you will be conducting?

Jonathan: Thanks Doug. Certainly happy to tell you about it. Quit smoking programs delivered by the web generally don’t work well. Over 90% of people who try them do not quit smoking. That is sad. That is sad because over 4 million people in the United States, and millions more worldwide, go the web seeking help for quitting smoking so it’s a huge missed opportunity to offer effective help. And it is sad because it so discouraging to the people who try these websites. And it sad because quitting smoking is the number one way to prevent premature death, disease, and human suffering.

I believe that ACT might help to solve this problem. So our research team has been incredibly fortunate to receive over 3.2 million US dollars from the National Cancer Institute (an institute within the National Institutes of Health) to conduct arguably the largest randomized trial of ACT to date. Our planned sample size for this five year study is over 2500. We are going to randomize US residents who want to quit smoking to either ACT or a current standard website. Then we are going to follow them for a year to learn about whether our ACT program changed core processes of acceptance and commitment. Most importantly, we are going to learn whether ACT has higher quit rates than the control group.

If ACT works better, we will have an incredible opportunity to disseminate ACT around the world as a new model for helping people quit smoking. Right at their computer. The potential impact of the ACT website could be enormous.

Doug: What attracted you to ACT as an approach to smoking cessation?

Jonathan: That is a very personal story that I plan to share in Sydney at the ACBS World Conference. I will just say for now that it’s an ACT story of finding my core passions while living past obstacles both real and imagined. For my work life, I learned to jump.

Doug: I understand that your work uses very brief ACT interventions over the phone and the internet. Did you face any difficulty in adapting ACT to these formats? Are people still able to connect with the material?

Jonathan: Yes, as I will talk about in Sydney, we have now come full circle on “treatment delivery wheel.” Going around each spoke of the wheel, we have now developed ACT quit smoking protocols being tested in trials for delivery by in person one-on-one, in groups, by phone, by web, and most recently, by smartphone.

About the phone, in the quit smoking world, the phone is a fairly common way to deliver treatment. Reaches over half a million people a year in the US alone. Every state in the US and most developed countries have quit smoking hotlines. Quitlines are really an unsung hero of delivering behavioral treatments on a broad scale. Most of what we do in therapy is face-to-face—myself included. So quitlines are a great model for how we can expand the reach of therapy beyond our offices and clinics.

Regarding phone adaptation, back in late 2007, I pretended I was blind as a first guide for how to see the world of voice from an ACT point of view. And I discovered, as many people who are blind can attest, is that you can hear much better that way. You hear subtleties in language. You hear the music inside a person’s story. And once I was able to live inside that world, the possibilities for adaptation opened up to me. Pragmatic issues and ways of addressing them became clearer. And we are planning a symposium for Sydney where we will share how well it went for folks who enrolled in our latest phone trial.

As for the web adaptation, an inspiration was the testimonial. We video-recorded testimonials from actual former smokers who talked about how quitting smoking changed their lives in deep and meaningful ways. So without ever using the word “values,” we showed web viewers intuitively what values were and how people just like them were living them now in a smokefree life. So the invitation was to take a cue from the testimonials to consider how viewers might put to words what quitting smoking is all about for them. Did it work? Well, I can certainly say that our pilot randomized trial (which we presented in World Con Washington DC last year), showed that the ACT website folks had over double the quit rate (23%) than the quit rate for the website folks (10%). These results were a key impetus for our new trial of web-delivered ACT for quitting smoking.

Doug: Your lab has looked at smoking both with longitudinal studies and intervention studies. How have these different lines of research influenced each other? Do your longitudinal findings inform your ideas for interventions?

Jonathan: For me, both study designs inform the basic research. For example, we were thinking that young adults (i.e., age 18) who avoid their emotions might be at risk for taking up smoking. They may use smoking as one way to avoid noticing aversive thoughts, emotions, and sensations, in a manner that leads to a continuous feedback loop: aversive emotional state→smoking in order to avoid aversive emotional state→paradoxical increase in aversive emotional state→smoking in order to avoid aversive emotional state. Indeed, we found in a recent study of 3300 youth that the avoiders, who at baseline never smoked, were over two and half times more likely to become daily smokers a mere two years later. These kinds of findings are basic science that stimulates our search for treatments that target avoidance. ACT is really ideal in that regard.

We can complete the picture by showing how much the ACT interventions actually change avoidance by increasing acceptance. In all of our randomized trials, we examine the extent to which our ACT interventions increase willingness to experience cues to smoke, and in turn, how much willingness impacts quitting smoking. That is example of how our treatment trials have basic science embedded within them.

So whether basic research takes the form of a longitudinal study or a randomized trial, both provide opportunities to inform our fundamental understanding of what makes people smoke and how to help them quit.

Doug: What do you feel are the biggest challenges for smoking cessation research? And, how could the ACBS community help to address these – either with research or clinical work?

Jonathan: There are huge challenges for smoking cessation—both the clinical and the research side. On the clinical side, about 60% of therapists do not even ask their clients if they smoke. So every single clinician in ACBS can help by simply asking their clients if they smoke. Without doing any ACT intervention, merely informing clients that quitting is the single most powerful action they can take for preventing premature death and suffering can speak volumes. As clinicians, we often have deep and meaningful relationships with our clients. Just the mere fact that we see our clients far more often than our counterparts in medicine makes our relationships so important to our clients. So hearing that message from us can spark change within our clients and stimulate them to act—now.

On the research side, dissemination is a big challenge. Treatments that work rarely get out further than the journal articles they are reported in. So if our ACT protocols do work, we certainly will want to disseminate them. And the ACBS community can be a big help in spreading the word, putting the protocols into action. Until then, we are all having to impatiently wait until these big trials make their way through the rigorous processes. I often say that science moves at iceberg speed.

Doug: Any plans for the ACBS World Conference in Sydney this summer?

Jonathan: We have exciting plans for ACBS World Conference. I will share my personal story of how I became an ACT researcher. Broadly, the message will be about using ACT to find meaning in work.

And our research team members will present a symposium on several of our ACT for quit smoking studies. Currently, we are planning to present results from our pilot randomized telephone trial and share two new developments fresh the lab: a prototype of the very first ACT smartphone intervention for quitting smoking and our in-person protocol for ACT for bipolar disorder smoking cessation. Lots to share.

Doug: Is there anything else you’d like to share with the ACBS community?

Jonathan: I am so grateful for this worldwide community for its support, enthusiasm, creativity, value of rigorous science, and willingness to take risks.


Interview by Douglas Long


Douglas Long

Washington State, USA Chapter Information

Washington State, USA Chapter Information

Washington State Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciencebuildings,cities,cityscapes,dusk,high-rises,landmarks,lights,office buildings,photographs,Seattle,skies,skylines,skyscrapers,Space Needle,towers,twilights

Affiliated 2009

Type of Chapter:

Describe the geographic (or language) boundaries of the Chapter:
Washington State

Chapter's Mission/Objectives:
The mission of the organization shall be to foster the development of functional contextual behavioral practice, science, and community service within Washington State. Specifically: a) Regarding practice, provide a Washington State context for practicing clinicians and students to support each other, provide referrals, share knowledge, consult, supervise, network, and learn about contextual behavioral therapies (e.g., Acceptance & Commitment Therapy). b) Regarding science, provide a Washington State context for scientists and students to support each other, share findings, consult, network, and learn about the latest scientific developments in contextual behavioral therapies (e.g., Acceptance & Commitment Therapy). c) Regarding community service, provide Washington State citizens contextual behavioral therapies (e.g., Acceptance & Commitment Therapy) at both clinical (e.g., individual therapy) and public health (e.g., public information) levels.

Description of Membership:
Washington State practitioners and scientists committed to practice and research in Contextual Behavioral Science.

Douglas Long

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups

Official ACBS SIGs
The official ACBS SIGs are listed as links at the bottom of this page. Information about joining a SIG is available on each SIG's page. 

What are SIGs?

SIGs are a group of individuals who have come together to further a particular topic of interest in scholarship, intervention development, or to promote a particular scholarly agenda within the society. SIGs provide an excellent way for members from all over the world to become involved based on their specific interests. SIGs typically form to develop, promote, and enhance the study of a particular topic or the treatment of a particular population, but SIGs can also be formed to help groups of members who may require special attention within the society, such as the Student SIG.

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is a current paid member of ACBS is eligible to join -- students, professionals, and affiliates.

What can SIGs do?

Each SIG has an email listserv on which SIG members can post messages.

SIGs have many options for activities, such as webinars, peer consultation groups, book clubs, monthly meetings, and activities at the annual ACBS World Conference. Here are a more suggestions.

Interested in Starting a New SIG? Click here to find out how. 

Calendar of SIG Events

Click here for the calendar of upcoming SIG, Chapter, and Affiliate events


ACT and Autism SIG

ACT and Autism SIG

ACT and Autism Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2017

Click Here to Join the ACT and Autism SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information


SIG Leaders

Ezaeza Gaby Sanz Galvan

Amanda Silva

Stephanie Sokolosky


SIG Mission/Objectives

To connect people who work with people on the autism spectrum and have a passion for ACT and RFT. Given how niche the area is, we often struggle to find colleagues with whom to debrief and learn. It is vital that we are able to connect with each other to network and share resources. Of course, our ultimate goal is to assist and therefore decrease unnecessary suffering for the families we see.

Description of SIG membership

Any person who works, researches or has an interest in learning more about using ACT and/or RFT with autism spectrum conditions.

SIG Activities

We really just want to connect and share ideas. The SIG created its own listserv to share resources. The SIG will maintain a webpage of resources. We will also consider creating occasional worldwide teleconferencing for peer networking. There is very little available in this area but as we amalgamate our combined knowledge and experience, it is hoped we could eventually have more clinical trials to formally support the use of ACT/RFT with autism.


ACT and Buddhism SIG

ACT and Buddhism SIG

ACT and Buddhism Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2024

Click Here to Join the ACT and Buddhism SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

SIG Officers

Andy Santanello - President
Brent Hogarth - Vice President 
Michael Eisen - Secretary
Robert Johansson - Member-at-Large
John Freese - Member-at-Large

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

Areas of convergence and divergence between Buddhist practice and philosophy and the theory and practice of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as well as Contextual Behavioral Science in general.


The ACT and Buddhism Special Interest Group's mission is to foster and maintain a community for anyone interested in facilitating an ongoing conversation among SIG members about the areas of convergence and divergence between Buddhist practice and philosophy and the theory and practice of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Furthermore, we aim to provide resources, support, and a platform for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners to explore how these two approaches can complement each other and contribute to the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. In addition to this, we strive to organize events, workshops, and seminars that enable direct interaction and learning opportunities for our members.

SIG Activities

We hope to explore possibilities for SIG members to interact with each other and the greater ACBS community.
● The Buddhism and ACT SIG will facilitate an ongoing discussion via the SIG's email listserv.
● Other activities might include SIG meetings, an annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference, and opportunities to engage in Buddhist practice together (e.g., meditation).

The Buddhism and ACT SIG aims to foster a deeper understanding of the common ground shared between Buddhist philosophy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). For example, we plan to host online discussion groups that delve into the theoretical and practical synergies between Buddhism and ACT, examining how principles like mindfulness, compassion, and acceptance play out in both contexts. 

Description of Membership

We welcome any ACBS member from any religious, ethnic, cultural, or racial background as well as individuals from the LGBTQIA+ and Neurodivergent communities with an interest in participating in conversations about Buddhism and ACT including:
● Non-Buddhist professionals working with Buddhism clients who wish to learn more about ways to integrate ACT into their work with these clients.
● Buddhist professionals who are interested in developing a greater sense of integrity between their personal Buddhist practice and the practice of ACT in their professional lives.
● Researchers who are curious about specific questions related to the relationships between Buddhist concepts/practices and ACT/CBS.
● CBS enthusiasts who wish to engage in in-depth conversations about the areas of philosophical compatibility between Functional Contextualism and Buddhist philosophical traditions.
● Professionals, researchers, and students with a casual interest in Buddhism who are curious and want to learn more.



ACT and Judaism SIG

ACT and Judaism SIG

ACT and Judaism SIG

Affiliated 2020

Click Here to Join the ACT and Judaism SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Simcha Charnas
New Jersey, USA

SIG Leaders

Simcha Charnas
Jonathan Feiner


Our mission is to create a community for anyone interested in incorporating Judaism and ACT into their professional practice including:

  • Professionals working with religious clients. These clients may face unique issues. These include the congruity of ACT with traditional Judaism. Also, unique to this population is how to apply ACT to religious practices.
  • Professionals working with all Jewish clients. These clients may benefit from incorporating concepts from the rich Jewish traditions. This may include the purpose of human suffering and the concept of a soul among many others.
  • Professionals working with Jewish or non-Jewish clients who wish to enhance their practice from the wisdom of millennia of Jewish traditions.
  • Researchers and students are also welcome.

Possible SIG Activities

  • SIG Listserv
  • Annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference
  • Maintain a list of SIG resources

ACT for Health SIG

ACT for Health SIG

ACT for Health Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2015

Click Here to Join the ACT for Health SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Go here to join the ACT for Health SIG Facebook Group

2023 SIG Officers

Scott Charlton

SIG Mission/Objectives

The Special Interest Group (SIG) "ACT for Health" promotes the development of scientific evidence based protocols in the health context, in the oncological and in the palliative context, in the neurological setting (e.g. headache disorders, Alzheimer’s diseases), in the bariatric treatment, cardiac treatment, and in the surgical context. Moreover this approach has been successfully used for the training of the health workers.

Description of SIG membership 

Experts who are willing to share their knowledge and develop protocols in order to increase knowledge about the application in the field ACT of Health.

SIG Activities

• Annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference.
• Sponsor relevant presentations for the World Conferences.
• Maintain the ACT for Health Facebook group.
• Maintain the ACT for Health SIG listserv.
• Consider collaboration with other ACBS SIGs, to further develop research and clinical directions from this conceptual basis.


ACT for Military SIG

ACT for Military SIG

ACT for Military SIG

Affiliated 2018

Click Here to Join the ACT for Military SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Tommy Parry

SIG Board 

Tommy Parry, President
Aaron Keating, Member-at-large
Rivka Edery, Member-at-large
Ryan Hissong, Active-Duty Military Representative
Doris Curry, Past-President

President Emeritus: Andy Santanello, Psy.D., Wyatt Evans, Clinical Psychologist; David Tubman, Clinical Health Psychologist; John Blue Star, Clinical Health Psychologist


The ACT for Military SIG’s mission is to promote clinical practice, clinical training, and research of ACT and other CBS consistent therapies to alleviate suffering and promote wellbeing internationally among active duty military members and their families. The SIG seeks to do this through creating an open, collegial, and supportive environment for international clinicians and researchers with experience and/or interest in this area to learn, practice, and study ACT/CBS.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

The research and application of ACT/CBS for international active duty military members and their families.

SIG Activities

Listserv, meetings at ACBS World Conference, and a list of SIG resources.

Monthly ACT Case Consultation - 2nd Fridays of each month, from 12 - 1 PM Eastern.

Description of Membership

Anyone with experience and/or interest using ACT/CBS with this population.


ACT for the Christian Client SIG

ACT for the Christian Client SIG

ACT for the Christian Client Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2015

Click Here to Join the ACT for the Christian Client SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

SIG Leaders Contact Information:

Chris Dowdeswell
Saskatchewan, Canada

Wendy D. Shoesmith
Sabah, Malaysia


"The purpose of the ACT for the Christian Client SIG is  to support both religious and non-religious ACT practitioners who are seeking to attend to their Christian clients' unique spiritual values; to conceptually integrate ACT with Christian teaching, and to identify ways to apply ACT in a manner that is consistent with sound scientific and theological principles."

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

1) ACT as a means of treating clients
2) Integrating ACT with Christian teaching (e.g., identifying ways in which ACT is congruent to concepts within Christianity)
3) The clinical application of ACT in a manner that is acceptable to Christian clients and leaders
4) Supporting ACT practitioners who are working with Christian clients

SIG Activities
1) Review and discussion of literature
2) List of resources
3) Symposia, workshops, posters, etc., at ACBS world conferences

Description of Membership

Membership is open to ACBS Members, both Christian and non-Christians, who wish to learn more about how to help their clients. Researchers and academics are also welcome.


ACT in Education SIG

ACT in Education SIG

ACT in Education Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2020

Click Here to Join the ACT in Education SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

SIG Leaders

  • Ben Sinclair (Researcher, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Jonathan Weinstein (Clinical Psychologist, New York)


To share and explore the ways in which CBS/ACT can service the users of the various education settings (schools, colleges, universities, adult learning providers, etc.). This encompasses a vast array of ages, institutions, stakeholders and needs, but is unified in its focus on the unique practical and ethical considerations that such educational environments present.

General interest area to be specifically addressed by the SIG:

There are two approaches in using ACT in educational settings: reactive and pro-active. Group members may be interested in the approaches that may be considered ‘reactive’ such as in the counselling of adolescents through their difficulties, or in emotional/behavioural interventions for students. Others may be concerned with ‘proactive' approaches such as continued professional development (CPD) for educators so that they may embed psychological flexibility skills and mindsets in their teaching, or in technologies that support learners. The group with regularly revisit clearer distinctions and unifications.

This SIG may be of interest for:

  • Researchers or practitioners that have experience in an education setting, or those who plan to;
  • Education stakeholders (learners, teachers, counselors, support staff, senior leadership, principals/governors/superintendents) who wants to learn, teach or use ACT;
  • Anyone who values Education, Social Justice and Inclusivity.

SIG Activities


ACT in Perinatal SIG

ACT in Perinatal SIG

ACT in Perinatal Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2020

Click Here to Join the ACT in Perinatal SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Anna Barbano & Shiloh ("Lola") Eastin

SIG Leaders

Anna Barbano, Co-Chair
Shiloh ("Lola") Eastin - Co-Chair
Katie (Craft) Landrum - Member at Large

Monthly Clinical Consultation Meetings

These meetings are held the first Friday of every month at 3PM EST. This is an informal space for community building and case discussions. As such, these meetings are not recorded. All are welcome!


The mission of the ACT in Perinatal SIG is to share and explore ways that ACT could be applied to helping individuals in the perinatal period, as well as collating/developing an evidence base for the use of ACT with perinatal disorders. Group members could consider preventative approaches (i.e. at a service level) to enhance psychological flexibility skills for staff, as well as women/birth partners. Whereas others might be interested in implementing ACT as a postpartum treatment.

General interest area to be specifically addressed by the SIG:

The perinatal period is from conception to 2 years old.

Possible SIG Activities


ACT in Primary Care SIG

ACT in Primary Care SIG

ACT in Primary Care Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2014

Click Here to Join the ACT in Primary Care SIG and its Listerv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

2023 SIG Leaders
Dan Rosen

SIG Mission/Objectives

To connect professionals working or interning in primary care, and to incorporate ACT principles.

Description of SIG membership 

Professionals working or interning in primary care and incorporating ACT principles (e.g., medical providers, behavioral health specialists)

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

ACT as it applies to health related and primary care issues in the unique context of the primary care office. Coordination of care with medical and mental health consultants. Dissemination of information to medical providers about human nature, behavior change and a values based approach to patient care.

SIG Activities

  • SIG listserv
  • Meeting at annual ACBS World Conference
  • List of SIG Resources

ACTing with Technology SIG

ACTing with Technology SIG

ACTing with Technology Special Interest Group



Affiliated 2014

Visit our website!

Click Here to Join the ACTing with Technology SIG and its Listserv!

Where the appreciation for ACT and Tech enabled clinical interventions come together. 


You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join our Slack group to connect, share resources, and discuss


2024-2025 SIG Leaders

Dr. Erika Torres & Timothée Basson 


Dr. Erika Torres is a bilingual licensed psychologist in California who specializes in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She provides clinical consultation and supervision to licensed clinicians and trainees. And, also provides clinical program and product development consulting for building digital and analog evidence-based interventions. 


Former System&Control engineer, Timothée Basson is now a clinical psychologist working in private practice in the South West of France. He has an integrative approach, rooted in Process-Based Therapy, and uses Mindfulness based interventions such as MBSR/MBCT, CBT, ACT, and EMDR.


Anyone else interested in taking an active role in the SIG can contact us, as we can surely use any expertise and input.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by the SIG
Technology that has an ACT component as part of improving health/wellbeing. This includes, but is not limited to internet-based interventions, mobile technology (phone, tablet and apps) and dedicated devices.


1. Promote collaboration, discussion and sharing of ideas between researchers and practitioners with an interest in applying technological solutions in the field of contextual behavioral science (ACT, FAP, CFT).
2. Informing the ACBS community of existing technology (e.g., Internet interventions, mhealth, apps, devices), and clarifying which of those are currently supported by research.
3. Promote the use of evidence-based technology, and inspire researchers and practitioners to reach larger groups of people with ACT.


Meetings Cadence
Meetings are currently held on a variable schedule. We strive to have quarterly meetings and encourage our membership guide topics and event types. See our website to access the meeting schedule and Zoom link!


SIG Activities
- Annual meeting at the ACBS world conference.
- Email listserv
- ACTing with Technology SIG website


Description of Membership
Membership is available to all ACBS-members, and is particularly relevant to:
- professionals who would like to use technological tools within their existing ACT-informed practice.
- researchers developing technology for treatment.
- students developing/testing technology.

Tim Batink

Aging in Context SIG

Aging in Context SIG

Aging in Context Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2017

Click Here to Join the Aging in Context SIG and its Listserv!

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Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

Susan McCurry
University of Washington
Research Professor
Seattle, WA, USA

SIG Leaders

Susan McCurry
Lynn Northrop

Description of Interest Area

Assessment, treatment, and advocacy for older adults in a whole person context.

SIG Mission

Our mission is to foster the use of contextual behavioral science to alleviate human suffering and promote wellbeing among older adults, including:

• Critically evaluating and challenging myths and stereotypes about aging and late life issues;

• Promoting whole-person assessments to understand aging in its historical, physiological, cognitive, and psychosocial context;

• Developing interventions and training tools linked to these assessments, grounded in scientific methodology and empirical evidence; and

• Encouraging social/political advocacy to stimulate consideration of geriatric issues in psychological research, training, and contextual science.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) study of successful/resilient aging, diversity and cultural influences on aging outcomes, efficacy of psychological treatments for elderly populations, the role of mindfulness and compassion in care and treatment of older adults, issues related to age-related psychological changes along the cognitive continuum, family and professional caregiving for older adults, late-life residential care transitions and adjustments, aging and homelessness, health equity for older persons, aging and spirituality, and death and dying. We acknowledge the broad and complex contextual factors that influence the aging process and welcome interdisciplinary perspectives and participation.

Description of SIG membership

Consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of work with older adults, we hope to attract a mix of colleagues from diverse clinical backgrounds including psychology, family counseling, nursing, and medicine. We also anticipate interest not only from persons directly working with older adults currently, but also from individuals who have aging friends and family members, who have experience with caregiving or late-life bereavement, who are concerned about social/political marginalization of older persons, or who are themselves not getting any younger and want to know more!

SIG Activities

We have a listserv and facebook page for communication with potentially interested members. Activities that have been discussed to date as being of interest for future SIG activities include: planning aging-focused presentations or symposia; facilitating aging-related workshops; participating in suggesting speakers for the annual meeting; coordinating grant efforts to sponsor a student award to reinforce interest in aging; developing on-line trainings; promoting research collaborations; sharing innovations related to assessment, training, care, or advocacy for older persons, and maintaining a webpage for research/publications.


Applying ACT to Addictions SIG

Applying ACT to Addictions SIG

Applying ACT to Addictions Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2013

Click here to join the Applying ACT to Addictions SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook (AAA-sig) where we have a less active (but still fun) presence. 

SIG Leaders

Cordelia Kraus, President
Deirdre Waters, President-Elect
Ali Cooper, Roster Manager
Gabriella Svanberg, Facebook Manager

Contact Information

Cordelia Kraus, LPC, CADC1
Consultant, Therapist
Private Practice
Portland, OR, USA

Mission Statement

The mission of the Applying ACT to Addictions SIG is to foster the application of ACT and CBS to the understanding and treatment of harmful substance and activity addictions leading to their alleviation.

Topics of Interest

We will develop and share better skills and techniques for the application of ACT specifically to problems of abuse and dependence on substances, and compulsive engagement in harmful activities. We will certainly keep abreast of current research and trends in the field of addictions. We plan to dedicate some energy to updating the practices used in addiction rehabilitation programs (both inpatient and outpatient) and addiction therapy and support groups to include applications of contextual science as well as other science-based techniques and practices.

Description of SIG membership

We are an international group of researchers, teachers, and therapists who see a rather clear connection between having addictions and attempts to avoid private internal experiences, fusing with some very unhelpful thoughts/ideas, and a disconnect from one's values.

SIG Activities

• The SIG has met together at every ACBS World Conference since 2013. 

• The SIG holds at least one online community gathering a year, often a few weeks after World Con. 

• We have established both a Listserv and a Facebook group for community connection and support and encourage all AAA-SIG members to introduce themselves and share their thoughts! 

• The AAA-SIG maintains a webpage of protocols and research resources and encourage our members to add their resources. A recordeing of our October 2024 panel on using ACT in Groups for addiction available on this page!

• AAA SIG  provides a process for sponsorship for World Con submissions related to addictive behaviors and can offer up to three sponsorship designations per conference. 

Henry Steinberger

Asian Culture and CBS SIG

Asian Culture and CBS SIG

Asian Culture and CBS SIG

Affiliated 2017

Click Here to Join the Asian Culture and CBS SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

SIG Executive Committee Members

Kenneth Fung, Ph.D., committee member
Cao Hui, Ph.D., committee member,
Yim-wah MAK, Ph.D., committee member,


Asia is the largest continent with the largest population in the world. There is so much going on in this land and lots of contextual behaviors to be discovered and experienced. Due to some barriers, we may have difficulty finding like-minded colleagues within the ACBS. It is vital that we are able to connect with each other to network, share resources and, ultimately, make our land a better place to live.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

Facilitating to connect CBS researchers and practitioners who work in Asia or with clients who have Asian cultural heritage.

SIG Activities

We want to connect and share ideas with SIG meetings and presentations. The SIG will create its own listserv and webpage to share resources. 

Membership Requirements -

Any person who works, researches, or has an interest in learning more about the integration of CBS in Asian cultural context.

Houyuan Luo

Asian Culture and CBS SIG Executive Committee

Asian Culture and CBS SIG Executive Committee

Executive Committee Leaders (2022)

University of Toronto, Canada

Cao Hui, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the Beijing Institute of Education.
Majored in psychology and got the Ph.D. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Research interests include ACT in the education context, such as improving students’ social emotional competence, and enhancing teachers’ mental health and reducing their job burnout.
Contact information: 

Yim-wah MAK, Ph.D. 

Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Yim-wah MAK is a registered nurse and registered midwife and obtained fellowship of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing in Education in 2012 and Community Health in 2014. She is also a former chairperson of the Society for Hong Kong Nursing Education. Dr Mak has been a member of Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) since 2012 and is a founding member and leader of the Asian Culture SIG, ACBS. Dr Mak has over 17 years’ experience in providing psycho-social support to people with suicidal ideations. In the past 10 years, she has conducted training to parents, teachers and people who are interested in managing stress and promoting mental health. Her main work is clinical research in the areas of promoting psycho-social health and healthy lifestyle for healthy people and people with chronic diseases. Recently, most of her research is based on psychological flexibility.
Tel: +852 2766 6421

Houyuan Luo

CBS and Cancer SIG

CBS and Cancer SIG

CBS and Cancer Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2021

Click Here to Join the CBS and Cancer SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

Amanda Rhodes (

SIG Leaders

Amanda Rhodes, President
Gaby Lopez Elias, Past President
Ana B. Bautista Girona, President Elect
Caitlyn Loucas, Student Representative
Sebas Ortiz, Media & Communications Liaison
Casey Walsh, Member-at-Large,
Matthew Dwyer, Student representative

Find CBS & Cancer SIG Training and Collaboration Opprotunities Here! (Email Amanda to add or update the list)


The mission of the CBS for CANCER SIG is to facilitate collaboration and exploration between all professionals, researchers, and trainees interested in the area of psycho-oncology. The SIG aims to further both clinical and research agendas by sharing materials and experience in working with cancer patients and their families while also designing, collaborating, and promoting novel research in CBS and cancer. The SIG intends to aid dissemination of these evidence-based approaches in psycho-oncology to CBS as well as the global community to relieve and provide quality support to cancer patients around the world.

General interest area to be specifically addressed by the SIG:

Psycho-oncology, contributions that we can provide from the development of writings, research, and everything that contributes to the study of this area of the clinic from CBS.

Possible SIG Activities

  • SIG Listserv
  • Maintain a webpage of relevant resources and information
  • Meet each year at the ACBS World Conference!
  • Sponsor and Promote at least one cancer related session at the ACBS World Conference
  • Promote workshops/webinars open to SIG members and the larger ACBS community
  • Promote spaces for writing, research, and collaboration in psycho-oncology.

Children, Adolescents & Families SIG

Children, Adolescents & Families SIG

Children, Adolescents & Families Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2010

Click Here to Join the Children, Adolescents & Families SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Love social media?  You can also join the CAF SIG Facebook group.

Contact Information

2023 Officers

Chris McCurry, President
Sean O’Dell, Vice-President 
Leigh Swanson, Communications Coordinator

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

Research and clinical applications of ACT/RFT with children, adolescents, parents, at home and in school settings


  • To promote rigorous empirical investigation of both basic processes and applications of ACT- and RFT-based work to children, adolescents, and their families and teachers
  • To encourage collaboration and mutual support of work with children, adolescents, and families through the development of an international community of researchers and clinicians in the ACT community
  • To foster communication between researchers and clinicians who are interested in working with youths and families through an active listserv and therapy consultation groups
  • To link this work to public health initiatives to foster nurturing communities for children, teens, and families

SIG Activities

Description of Membership

Researchers, clinicians, and students interested in applications of ACT and RFT to children, adolescents, parents and caregivers/teachers. 


Climate Justice and Action SIG

Climate Justice and Action SIG

Climate Justice and Action Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2020

Click Here to Join the Climate Justice and Action SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Daria Suchilina

2024 SIG Leaders

Daria Suchilina - President
Martin Wilks - Vice President
Lucy Dorey - Treasurer


Climate change and ecological emergency, in the light of the degradation of the environment, extinction of species, and the expected mass climate migration, is one of the most important and pressing issues of our time. The contextual behavioral sciences can join the call to action by promoting theory and practice of behaviour change relevant to our climate emergency and its fallout. Our mission is to create a forum for discussion and action on the contributions CBS can make toward supporting sustainability, reduced consumption, climate justice, and action in the service of reducing climate change through individual, organizational, and public policy action. As such, the CJA will work to develop a perspective in CBS that understands global ecology as the context within which human (sapient) and sentient behaviour emerge and adapt.


1. Develop and inform our respective members of ACBS and the public about the climate crisis and its redress; performed in ways allowed by ACBS policy and emphasizing scientific research and consensus on its causes and short- and long-term harms, including climate justice concerns, and the need for immediate personal and societal action;
2. Collaborate with other organizations interested in similar work, with ACBS Board approval, working with indigenous and other marginalized communities threatened by the climate crisis, using the principles of CBS, advocating for their rights, mitigating the negative physical and mental health impacts of climate change, increase community resilience, and activate hope through action.
3. Encourage ACBS members and other mental health leaders to be vocal advocates concerning the necessary preparatory and responsive adaptations to the climate crisis and to invest more in research and practice in this area, including a focus on eco-anxiety and other mental health fallout; 
4. Advocate for universities and other entities to include the formation of CBS research and projects related to societal challenges due to climate crisis;
5. Use CBS to explore the development of public awareness campaigns to encourage individuals and communities to adopt behaviors to help prepare for, recover from, and adapt to gradual climate change and acute climate crisis events; Further, as a part of this campaign, support workshops, training, and contemplative practices related to climate change and the interrelationships of organisms and their environment (e.g., climate migration and mental health, “the ecological self,” etc.);
6. Encourage, whenever possible and through multiple avenues (including prosocial design initiatives), governmental, educational, health, and corporate leaders to use more psychological science in designing policies that promote sustainable, mitigating, and regenerative climate action. 


Forthcoming and Ongoing SIG Activities


Climate Justice and Action SIG Newsletters

Climate Justice and Action SIG Newsletters office_1

Clinical Behavior Analysis SIG

Clinical Behavior Analysis SIG

Clinical Behavior Analysis SIG (CBA SIG)

Affiliated 2019

Click Here to Join the Clinical Behavior Analysis SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

President: Emily Sandoz
Secretary: Troy DuFrene

SIG Mission/Objectives

Applications of CBS (e.g., ACT and FAP) have historically been referred to as specific forms of Clinical Behavior Analysis (CBA). Over time, however, they have developed as treatment packages in their own right, sometimes implemented and described in ways consistent with a behavior analytic perspectives (e.g., philosophical, theoretical, strategic) and sometimes not. The ACBS Clinical Behavior Analysis (CBA) SIG explores the ways in which behavior analysis can be applied to understanding, designing, and evaluating interventions that are primarily language-based (i.e., "talk therapies”) with limited appeal to middle-level terms or treatment packages. In short, the CBA SIG aims to support clinical work that focuses the systematic establishment of functional relations between context and behavior.

Applications of CBS (e.g., ACT and FAP) have historically been referred to as specific forms of Clinical Behavior Analysis (CBA). Over time, however, they have developed as treatment packages in their own right, sometimes implemented and described in ways consistent with a behavior analytic perspectives (e.g., philosophical, theoretical, strategic), and sometimes not. The ACBS Clinical Behavior Analysis (CBA) SIG explores the ways in which behavior analysis can be applied to understanding, designing, and evaluating interventions that are primarily language-based (i.e., "talk therapies”) with limited appeal to middle-level terms or treatment packages. In short, the CBA SIG aims to support clinical work that focuses the systematic establishment of functional relations between context and behavior.

The CBA SIG serves as a nexus for psychotherapist, counselors, behavior analysts, and other professionals (or aspiring professionals) invested in developing CBA as a basis for clinical conceptualization, intervention, and evaluation independent of particular treatment packages. The CBA SIG connects individuals with this common interest, supports the synergy of research projects in this area, and strengthens our common commitment to CBA as a progressive and important part of the behavioral health profession.

Description of SIG membership:

CBA SIG membership consists of behavior analysts, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other behavioral health professionals and students training for these fields who share a common commitment to behavior analysis as a primary clinical intervention for language-able individuals. Members will be connected through the website

Describe SIG activities:


Coaching SIG

Coaching SIG

Coaching Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2012

Click Here to Join the Coaching SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook


Contact Information

Michael Herold

Aprilia West


Mission Statement

The Coaching SIG will provide opportunities for coaches to access relevant resources and materials and to network within the ACBS community in all areas, including research, education, job opportunities, consultation, program development, and supervision. In this SIG, coaches who have integrated ACT principles and practices into their work or are interested in learning how to do so can come together to share information, ask questions, receive support, and strengthen their practice. An additional focus of this SIG will be to ensure that ACT-based coaching is addressed in symposia, panels, workshops, and trainings at ACBS world, regional, and local conferences.


Description of SIG membership

This SIG will be comprised of ACBS members in good standing who are interested in coaching and are committed to integrating ACT principles and practices in their work.


SIG Activities

• Virtual Networking Meetings
• Virtual Workshops and Masterclasses
Coaching SIG Listserv
Facebook group
• Hold Coaching SIG meetings at ACBS Annual World Conference
Coaching SIG Resources webpage


Promotions via this SIG

This SIG is not in favor of promotions, especially self-promotion (aka "buy my course", "register for my workshop"), through it's platforms.
However, the SIG also recognises the need to spread information about new products, training abilities, resources, etc.
As a workable compromise, we therefore ask that any promotional posts or messages
a) be limited to Mondays
b) must be related to ACT or Coaching (preferably both)

Anonyme (not verified)

College/University Student Mental Health SIG

College/University Student Mental Health SIG

College/University Student Mental Health Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2014

Click Here to Join the College/University Student Mental Health SIG!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Megan Mayo, Vermont, USA

SIG Mission/Objectives

Our mission is to establish a community of professionals who share an interest in a) ACT/RFT/CBS and b) college/university student and/or college/university campus mental health for the purpose of mutual consultation on clinical, research, and educational matters.

We are working to achieve the following objectives:
a) Create a supportive, respectful, and fun international community of professionals to foster discussions and collaborations.
b) Increase our effectiveness in the delivery of ACT/mindfulness to college/university students.
c) Improve our methodology in researching college/university students/college campuses.
d) Remain abreast of new developments in the area of ACT/RFT/mindfulness with college/university students.
e) Have a deeper understanding of how ACT/RFT/CBS can contribute to preventing mental health problems and increasing resilience in college students or bettering their lives.
f) Have a deeper understanding of how ACT/RFT/CBS can be applied specifically to the developmental and cultural perspectives of college/university students in the current campus climate.

Both the mission and the objectives are reviewed on an annual basis, in order to keep the document alive and applicable to the changing context of mental health issues in higher education.

Description of SIG membership 

The SIG is composed of clinicians, researchers, and educators who:
a) work at a College/University Counseling Center or Health Center and/or
b) work with college students in other Student Affairs offices and/or
c) conduct research on the mental health of college students and/or
c) primarily work with college students in their private practice and/or
d) consult regularly with college campuses on mental health issues

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

College/University students' mental health and/or mental health issues impacting higher education campuses across the world

SIG Activities

- Listserv
- Annual Meeting at the ACBS conference
- Maintaining a list of SIG Resources on the ACBS website.
- Organize presentations on this topic at the ACBS annual conference

Jacqueline Pis…

Compassion Focused SIG

Compassion Focused SIG

Compassion Focused Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2013

Click Here to Join the Compassion Focused SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

Laura SIlberstein-Tirch, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist, The Center for Mindfulness and Compassion Focused Therapy
New York, NY, USA

SIG Leaders

Laura Silberstein-Tirch, co-chair
Dennis Tirch, co-chair 
Russell Kolts, co-chair 

Description of Interest Area

The main focus of this SIG parallels the ACBS mission statement in that it is dedicated to the advancement of compassion focused science and practice so as to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being. It is clear that the Contextual Behavioral Science movement, functional contextualist philosophy, RFT research and ACT and FAP clinical applications all can expand and refine our science of compassion. The account of perspective taking, empathy and compassion that continues to evolve within the CBS community can allow us to understand compassion with increasing clarity, which allows us to frame scientific, testable questions. This can allow us to develop more effective ways to shape and train compassion and compassion in the context of therapy. Beyond this, the idea of applying CBS and EvoS principles to the creation of more functional and compassionate groups and societies continues to grow within the ACBS community.

SIG Mission

To promote the alleviation of human suffering through the continued scientific investigation, understanding and application of compassion via:

1. Creating an accepting, active, values based compassion focused group of “researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way that is effective in producing valued outcomes”.
2. Helping to identify researchers and others who have a specific interest in the scientific study of compassion and its underlying processes, and facilitate communication and interchange between them, while balancing “practical application and empirical knowledge.”
3. Supporting research and teaching of the compassion focused approaches to human difficulties with the continued use and “development of basic principles, workable applied theories linked to these principles, effective applied technologies based on these theories, and successful means of training and disseminating these developments, guided by the best available scientific evidence”
4. Facilitating open discussion on how to further promote a compassionate focus in many domains of the ACBS community and further dissemination and training by conducting workshops, research and sponsored talks about compassion focused research and therapy.

Description of SIG membership 

In the interest of fostering inclusion, as a part of the values of ACBS, this is SIG open to any ACBS members, including students, researchers, clinicians, scientists and trainers.

SIG Activities

Business meeting at annual World Conference, sponsor sessions or posters at annual World Conference, listserv, Facebook group, and the SIG Resources webpage.


Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG

Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG

Contextual Philosophy of Science Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2016

Click Here to Join the Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Conor McCloskey

SIG Leaders

President Elect - Jose Moreno

President - Conor McCloskey

President Emeritus - Hugh Simonich



The Contextual Philosophy of Science Special Interest Group (CPOS SIG) seeks to alleviate human suffering and advance human well being by actively fostering discussion and learning opportunities for the CBS community on the topic of how the processes, practices, and products of philosophy interact with and set a context for human activities – particularly those activities involved in progressive knowledge development, scientific inquiry, and evidence-based psychosocial practices.


To promote education, dialogue, and publication regarding the role of philosophy in human inquiry and psychosocial practices, explore interpretations and implications of functional contextualism and related worldviews, build bridges with communities and scholars who share an interest in pragmatism and contextualism.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

Philosophy of Science, generally, and Functional Contextualism, specifically.

SIG Activities

Description of Membership

Membership in the CPOS SIG is open to all interested members of the ACBS community.

Leadership Structure

SIG leadership operates on a rolling basis with a new President Elect being elected by SIG members anually each summer

Chris Dowdeswell

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG

Affiliated 2019

Click Here to Join the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Read the DEI SIG blog

Contact Information


Current SIG Leaders
Melissa Connally - Chair


ACBS is an international organization which values understanding human behaviour within contexts. In order to fulfill this vision, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) SIG aims to help members with different backgrounds share their perspectives within the organization through
different channels, including but not limited to access to leadership, organizing and/or attending professional activities (e.g., World Conference, regional conference, etc.), communicating with people with different backgrounds, and initiating DEI-related activities. We endorse a broad definition of different backgrounds, including but not limited to nationality, professional discipline and setting, age and generational influences, gender identity and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion and spiritual orientation, and disability.

Definition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity - psychological, physical, and social differences that occur among any and all individuals. Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, encompassing the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, age, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, veteran status, genetic information and learning styles. Our definition also includes diversity of thought: ideas, perspectives, and values. We recognize that individuals affiliate with multiple identities. A diverse group, community, or organization is one in which a variety of social and cultural characteristics exist.

Equity - The guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of marginalized groups.

Inclusion - Authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power.

General interest area to be specifically addressed: 
We would like to create a more inclusive community that is sensitive to diverse personal and professional backgrounds and their perspectives, experiences, and insights. To do this, we will engage with as many members as possible and work together.

SIG activities:
We have created our own listserv, Youtube channel, blog, Voice & Values podcast and resources webpage to share resources and perspectives.  Some of our activities include sponsoring symposium or panel discussion at the ACBS World Conference, conducting surveys on underrepresented members, engaging with underrepresented members, and initiating DEI-related activities throughout the year, especially during the World Conference.

Describe the SIG's membership:
Any person who has an interest in facilitating diversity, equity, inclusion, and related justice concerns within ACBS. This SIG works closely with the DEI Committee and will further engage with the larger community to include more members. We expect the membership will increase steadily in the future.

Houyuan Luo

DEI SIG Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

DEI SIG Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Houyuan Luo

DEI SIG Newsletters

DEI SIG Newsletters Community

DEI Trainer/Researcher/Guest Directory

DEI Trainer/Researcher/Guest Directory

The diversity, equity, and inclusion committee of the ACBS has created a directory where trainers, researchers, and otherwise knowledgeable folks in the field who offer services such as workshops, trainings, consultations, podcast interviews, etc. can be found. We want this space to highlight the typically underrepresented members of the ACBS community. This directory is welcoming and inclusive.


List of DEI Resources & Trainers

List of DEI Resources & Trainers

The DEI SIG has put together a list of resources and professionals who offer DEI related work.

If you are looking for a professional to provide DEI help for your group or program this list may help orient you to an individual or service. We do not specifically endorse any listed person or program on this list, and encourage you to research & inquire more about specific services provided.

Resources List:

Jacob Martinez

Evolution Science SIG

Evolution Science SIG

Evolution Science SIG          

Affiliated 2012

Click Here to Join the Evolution Science SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

What happens in EvoSSIG?

Many things

We have worked to put EvoSci into the day to day thinking of members of ACBS.

For a recent example look at the recommendations of the the ACBS Task Force on the Strategies and Tactics of Contextual Behavioral Science Research ( which is chock full of EvoSci linked recommendations.

Another is that each year for many years we have helped to recruit major speakers from the Evolutionary Sciences to present at the ACBS World Conference. 

Example include Eva Jablonka on epigenetics (Sydney, July 2013). Find some information here==>Christine Caldwell on cultural evolution (Dublin, 2019), Peter Turchin on cultural evolution (Montreal, 2018); Paul Gilbert on compassion and evolution (Seville, 2017), Frans de Waal on the evolution of cooperation in primates (Seville, 2017), David Sloan Wilson on evolution for everyone (Seattle, 2015; Minneapolis, 2013), Susan Schneider on the evolutionary impact of operant learning (Minneapolis, 2013) and many others.

ACBS is a partner with The mission of the Evolution Institute is to use evolutionary science to improve the human condition and solve real-world problems – bringing together experts from various fields to inform public policy with the latest research.

Contact Information:



Please click here to access some EvoS SIG resources.


Forensic and Corrections SIG

Forensic and Corrections SIG

Forensic and Corrections SIG

Affiliated 2015

Click Here to Join the Forensic and Corrections SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information

Amie Zarling, Ph.D.
Research/University Faculty
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, USA 

SIG Mission/Objectives

The Forensic and Corrections SIG is a professional workgroup dedicated to using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as the core therapeutic approach to treating behavioral health problems in forensic and corrections settings. The mission of the group is to (a) generate knowledge of effective care, treatment, and services in the context of forensic and corrections settings and individuals’ characteristics, culture, and preferences; (b) apply knowledge to provide quality care, treatment, and services to help individuals achieve values-based outcomes in a supportive environment; (c) integrate knowledge of complementary care, treatment, and services to promote whole-person recovery, wellness, and growth; (d) translate knowledge into professional practices and ACT programs responsive to the needs of individuals; and (e) communicate knowledge through educational programs that provide understanding of ACT, develop and prepare human service providers to deliver ACT-informed care, treatment, or services in forensic and corrections settings.

General interest area to be specifically addressed by this SIG:

The International Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS) estimates more than 10.2 million people worldwide are currently incarcerated as pre-trial detainees/remand prisoners, or sentenced prisoners. This staggering number is even more poignant when you consider half of the world’s prisoners are in the United States (2.24 million), China (1.64 million), and Russia (0.68 million). If the number of pre-trial/ “administrative” detainees in China and North Korea were included, world total would exceed 11 million (2013).

In spite of the staggering number of incarcerates and the escalating costs to governments worldwide, the issue of treating mental illness in forensic and correctional settings becomes a solemn focal point. When you consider the prevalence of psychiatric disorders inherent in this population (e.g., psychosis, depression, personality disorders, and substance abuse) and increased suicide rates (Fazel & Seewald, 2010), the need to address mental illness in these settings becomes a global concern for the mental health community.

The belief that “nothing works” in treating incarcerates (Martinson, 1974) has permeated many correctional and forensics staff who feel any change efforts are pointless based on a client’s deeply rooted cognitive distortions and maladaptive coping strategies shaping criminal behavior. Consequently, incarcerates with mental illness are often under-served and the stigmatization of those with mental illness has continued costs.

Evidence is mounting that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) represents an intervention that is well suited to address the wide variety of mental health needs of individuals in forensic and correctional settings (Villagrá Lanza, P. & González Menéndez, A., 2013; Villagrá Lanza, P. et al., 2014; Brillhart, 2010).

Description of SIG membership 

This SIG will target the membership of individuals working in forensic settings such as jails, hospitals (and other forms of civil commitment), prisons, and community corrections. In addition, it will include public safety professionals (e.g., police officers, service members, veterans, firefighters, EMTs, correctional officers, paramedics, etc.). Those ACBS members simply interested in the areas above and want to learn more will be welcomed to join, as well.

SIG Activities

To begin with, a listserv will be created in order to carry-out the mission statement described above. The listerv will foster communication across individuals that share a common interest which will generate support and the dissemination of practices.  The SIG also has a SIG Resources webpage.


Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) SIG

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) SIG

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) SIG

Affiliated 2013

Click Here to Join the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information
Daniel Maitland – President

Mission Statement
To contribute to the alleviation of human suffering through providing a forum in which practitioners and researchers interested in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) can share in their research, teaching, learning and practice of FAP.

1. Build and connect a community of FAP-interested therapists, researchers, and trainers within ACBS. Encourage the community to work together in a way that embodies awareness, courage, love and behaviourism. (i.e., being collaborative and supportive, whilst aiming to bring out the best in each other).
2. Increase awareness of FAP within ACBS. Assist in highlighting FAP research and work to provide opportunities for FAP training and consultation.
3. Provide opportunities to explore the overlap and integration of FAP with other therapies and theories, with a particular emphasis on ACT/RFT.
Description of SIG membership
Any member of ACBS who has an interest in FAP is welcome to join.
SIG Activities
1. Hold an annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference.
2. Submit FAP SIG news items to the ACBS newsletter.
3. Stimulate interest in FAP research.
4. Continue to encourage a strong FAP presence at the ACBS World Conference; assist in organising submissions for workshops, panel discussions, symposia, etc.
5. Maintain a list of FAP SIG Resources

Are you looking for FAP supervision or case consultation?

Check the list of Certified FAP trainers

Stavroula Sanida

Gender and Sexual Diversity SIG

Gender and Sexual Diversity SIG

Gender and Sexual Diversity SIG

Affiliated 2013

Click Here to Join the Gender and Sexual Diversity SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.


SIG Leaders

Austin Burkett (SIG contact)

Charlie Giraud

Juan Ignacio Marine

Nick Mattos

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

The Gender and Sexual Diversity (GSD) SIG will focus on the following areas but is not limited to, building a supportive environment for GSD providers, researchers, scholars, and students within ACBS; to better understand issues of sexual orientation, gender diversity, and sexual minority communities including queer and trans people of color; applying contextual science to increase understanding of contexts that foster acceptance and alleviate heterocentrism, cissexism, transphobia, racism, and white supremacy. The group will also work to cultivate and maintain a safe atmosphere for GSD individuals to network, meet, and discuss their work at the annual conference of ACBS. Future goals include creating spaces for education, connection, and active projects to promote social change.

Mission Statement

The GSD SIG is oriented to better understand the role of contextual behavioral science in the unique experiences of GSD people and the role it can play in fostering acceptance, self-compassion, and well-being. We are also focused on using contextual behavioral science to promote values-directed change and recognizing the discomfort of our own experiences of heterosexism, transphobia, cissexism, racism, classism, ableism, and white supremacy. We plan to work at the intersection of several identities to dismantle and challenge the structures that continue to oppress and maintain the marginalization of GSD people from all communities and nationalities.

GSD people are often exposed early in life to cisgender, heterocentric cultures that marginalize, shame, and criminalize gender diversity and sexual diversity. Successful advocacy, activism, training, and research are required to help develop cultural humility and dismantle systems of oppression against GSD people. These competencies are broad and require considerable training and resources. The function of this special interest group is to help facilitate professional growth of GSD people and their allies who are also member of ACBS. This SIG will focus on the professional development of its members as well as the use of CBS technologies in this area. Contextual behavioral science offers a unique, non-pathologizing lens to better examine the concerns and barriers for GSD people in living a full life in a valued direction, as well as training allies and GSD people in recognizing how we all are a part of and perpetuate systems, and how to dismantle and actively disrupt these systems.

In this group, GSD providers, researchers, and scholars within ACBS will interact to mutually support and cultivate cultural humility and dismantling of oppression for GSD people. 

Description of SIG membership 

Membership in this group is oriented to GSD providers, researchers, scholars, and students who are ACBS members. This SIG welcomes members of all sexual and gender identities.

SIG Activities

A SIG meeting and evening outing occur each year at the World Conference. The SIG encourages panels, symposia, and workshops related to GSD concerns; sponsors presentations; and promotes collaboration with other SIGs. Further, the SIG creates a space for socialization and connection within the community. There is also a GSD SIG Resources webpage.

Matthew Skinta PhD

Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG

Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG

Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG

Affiliated 2012

Click Here to Join the LOPP SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

If you're a LOPP-SIG member, please feel free to join us on: Facebook (COMING SOON)

SIG Leaders

Gabrielle Trapenberg Torres
Amy Serafini
Carmella Tress


Our social world is built on the past decisions of others trying to solve the problems of particular contexts. Some of those past decisions have had unintended and toxic effects. But everything that was built by people can be rebuilt by people. If we are to design and implement new systems of social cooperation in organizations, policies and social institutions, we need the psychological flexibility to make sure that what we build reflects and embodies our shared values. Concurrently, to work effectively at this scale, we need to address psychological toxicity in the environments we wish to influence.

The mission of the Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG is to scale the psychological flexibility model up to the level of organizations, public policy, and social institutions more generally. We believe it is especially important to consider the interrelationship between environment (toxic or nurturing) and psychological flexibility in our efforts to provide something of value to the world.

SIG Activities

This group will draw upon its membership for ideas, collaboration, research design, and strategic development of new knowledge, practice, and dissemination. We will interact via a dedicated SIG listserv and have an annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference.  We will maintain a LOPP SIG Resources webpage.

Description of Membership

Our group includes but is not limited to those who are interested in basic and applied research, coaching, prevention science, public health, public policy, ACT, ACTraining, and the design of new ways to promote psychological flexibility at a societal level.


Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG

Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG

Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG

Haga clic aquí para español

Affiliated 2024. Formed via sprint group. Read more about the sprint group process here.

Click Here to Join the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG! You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

The SIG aims to:

  • Build a supportive and accepting community that cultivates a sense of belonging among its members
  • Provide continuing education that promotes neurodiversity-affirming research and practice
  • Develop/collate and disseminate resources that support neurodiversity-affirming research and practice
  • Increase visibility, inclusion, and representation of neurodivergent perspectives and needs within the ACBS community
  • Advocate for inclusive, affirming research on topics of importance to neurodivergent people
  • Address discrimination and ableism inside and outside ACBS, and foster reconciliation

The SIG further aims to establish open avenues through which members can provide feedback on the SIG/its activities and create opportunities for members to lead SIG-supported initiatives. The SIG will collaborate with existing ACBS SIGs to ensure neurodiversity-themed content does not become split across multiple groups (i.e., to streamline content for ACBS members and reduce administrative burden on existing SIGs).

Importantly, this SIG (and indeed the sprint that formed it) can only ever be a product of its members. It is imperative to identify, acknowledge, and address the barriers people face to participating, particularly in the context of a neurodiversity-themed SIG. The Steering Committee is dedicated to increasing pathways to participation and invites ACBS members to contact them via email with any comments or requests for ways the SIG could support their involvement. Steering Committee member email addresses are listed here.

This SIG is in its infancy and there is a lot of work to be done. We ask for members’ patience and support as we work towards our shared goals.

SIG Activities
The SIG is comprised of three core pillars: 

  • Advocacy and system-level pillar. Tasks include:
    • Sponsoring neurodivergence-focused and neurodiversity-affirming submissions at the annual ACBS World Conference.
    • Working alongside relevant Committees, and the Board as appropriate, to advance neurodiversity-affirming research and practice within ACBS.
    • Facilitating reconciliation, acknowledgment, and redress for harm done to neurodivergent people through CBS therapies and related approaches.
    • Improving accessibility of ACBS events.
  • Community engagement pillar. Tasks include:
    • Establishing open avenues for member feedback, facilitating regular community-based events.
    • Hosting events for members’ professional development, and supporting member-led initiatives.
  • Resource development and research dissemination pillar. Tasks include:
    • Producing/compiling and disseminating neurodiversity-affirming resources for clinicians/researchers/other professionals.
    • Amplifying neurodivergent perspectives and experiences in ACBS spaces.

Description of Membership
We welcome all members of ACBS with an interest in neurodiversity-affirming research and practice.

Guiding Values

Authenticity and safety – Being genuine and true to yourself. Cultivating a sense of closeness and connection through unmasking. Fostering safe, attuned disclosures of neurodivergence. Respecting and supporting personal autonomy and decisions not to disclose/not disclose.

Contribution – Striving to make a positive difference for neurodivergent people and the fields of neurodiversity-affirming practice and contextual behavioral science more broadly.

Collaboration and supportiveness – Working with community members in a mutually-supportive way. Honoring strengths and accommodating challenges associated with different neurotypes. Cultivating compassion, fairness, and an openness to others’ perspectives. Being willing to turn to others to achieve optimal outcomes for the group.

Dissemination – Promoting research, training, and practice that addresses the needs and priorities of neurodivergent people.

Inclusion and representation – Striving for an expansive and compassionate community that embraces all aspects of neurodiversity and intersectionality. Centering neurodivergent voices; “nothing about us without us.” Attending to equity and equality of opportunities. Finding ways to listen, support, and amplify the voices of those who have greater barriers to participation.

Justice and advocacy – Courageously challenging neuro-normative standards, ableism, and epistemic injustice. Advocating for reform and accommodations. Seeking avenues to redress harm and increase pathways to effective, neurodiversity-affirming support. Leveraging privilege in solidarity.

Learning – Acquiring knowledge, skills, and insights through an ongoing commitment to growth, self-improvement, listening to neurodivergent perspectives, and acknowledging the validity of lived experience.

Pragmatism: Seeking novel and innovative solutions while recognizing the inherent need for compromise in a neurodiverse group. Seeking practical, achievable, and incremental change. Being willing to take small, imperfect steps rather than getting stuck striving for unattainable ideals.

Transparency and integrity: Being open and honest in communication and decision-making processes. Following through on commitments and seeking help when needed.


Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG Frequently Asked Questions

Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG. This page will be updated as further questions arise.

How was the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG formed?

In August 2023, members of ACBS became aware of independent, parallel efforts to form a SIG related to neurodiversity-affirming research and practice. Recognizing the need to (i) engage as many stakeholders as possible in the SIG formation process, (ii) consolidate ongoing formation efforts, and (iii) leverage existing SIG resources within ACBS to broaden pathways to participation, a sprint group was formed.

Open calls for participation in the sprint group were posted across ACBS listservs. In addition, sprint group coordinators (Jennifer Kemp and Dr. Alison Stapleton) emailed ACBS members in leadership positions of related SIGs and Committees and requested that they share the call for participation with their members. All members of ACBS were welcome to join the sprint group.

The final sprint group was comprised of 32 ACBS members from around the world who communicated in English and/or Spanish.

The sprint group consisted of four phases:

  Phase 1: Group Formation. Outcome: Group Agreements (establishing emotional safety and identifying accommodations)

  Phase 2: Values Formation. Deliverable: List of Proposed Values for the new SIG

  Phase 3: Identifying Activities. Deliverable: List of Proposed Activities for the new SIG

  Phase 4: SIG Formation. Deliverable: Nominees and SIG election processes

There were three opportunities for sprint group members to provide input on each phase’s deliverable. Members could choose to engage via one or all of these avenues. Specifically:

  An initial survey captured individual thoughts on the topic.

  Live meetings were held to review survey results for Phase 1, 2, and 3, expand on the ideas in the survey, and formulate a completed draft of the deliverable.

  The draft deliverable and meeting minutes were emailed to sprint group members for a final round of feedback.

Throughout the process, written materials were translated from English to Spanish by Lic. Valeria Pschepiurka. Given the range in members’ time zones, two live meetings were held at differing times for each topic. At live meetings, either consecutive translation (by Gaby Sanz) or Zoom-translated captions were used. 

At the request of members, to accommodate executive functioning needs, reminder emails were scheduled for all deliverables, and clear deadlines were provided. At the same time, flexibility was offered around deadlines such that any input received from a sprint group member was incorporated into the final deliverables.

In January 2024, eight members of the sprint group agreed to join a Steering Committee to lead the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG, with Dr. Alison Stapleton acting as a temporary coordinator.

Why is a separate neurodiversity-themed SIG needed?

There are over 15 existing ACBS SIGs that are likely to have leaders and members who are interested in neurodiversity-affirming approaches. Without a “home” for neurodiversity-themed content, it may become split across multiple groups, making it less accessible to members. 

Given its enormous scope, the work entailed in running a neurodiversity-themed SIG is likely to overwhelm the capacity of existing SIGs that must also meet other member needs and/or focus on one particular form of neurodivergence.

The SIG will collaborate with existing SIGs to co-sponsor events and other activities. This will both (i) streamline content for members of these SIGs and (ii) reduce the administrative burden on existing SIGs.


Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG Online Events

Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG Online Events

Welcome Events

Session 1 held on 2 September, 2024 - You will find the recording here

Session 2 held on 2 September, 2024 - You will find the recording here 

Community Engagement Events

30 October, 2024 - Helping neurodivergent clients unmask to find self-acceptance, self-compassion, and a cohesive sense of identity - presented by Jennifer Kemp, MPsych(Clinical) and Dr Alison Stapleton. You will find the recording here

28 November, 2024 - Towards Neuroaffirmative Support and Care: Attending to Feedback & Assent and Meaningful Choice - presented by Jose M. Fernandez Mateos and Teresa Mulhern. You will find the recording here

16 December, 2024 - Supporting Eating Challenges in the Context of Neurodivergence - presented by Sandi James and Sam Sharpe.  You will find the recording here

30 January, 2025 - Burnout prevention among neurodivergent people - presented by Kerry Makin-Byrd.  You will find the recording here

26 February, 2025 - Shaping Bravery with ACT & ERP: Supporting Neurodivergent Young People & Their Families - presented by Dr. Lisa Coyne. You will find the recording here


Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG Steering Committee

Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG Steering Committee

Steering Committee

The SIG uses a Steering Committee structure. Each Steering Committee member is responsible for undertaking tasks related to their pillar. Below are Steering Committee members’ bios. Some Steering Committee members are open to receiving emails from ACBS members, whether it's support for their work, guidance around how the SIG can better accommodate you/other members, or an offer to assist with ongoing activities. ACBS members are welcome to email Steering Committee members with listed email addresses about the SIG.

SIG Coordinator: Dr. Alison Stapleton (she/her)



Advocacy and System-Level Pillar

Dr. Courtney Pflieger (she/her; term ending March 2027)

Courtney Pflieger photo

I'm a US-based Licensed Psychologist and Nationally Certified School Psychologist who also has late-diagnosed ADHD. I work in a private therapy practice and I also supervise graduate students at my local University. My primary focuses are assessment and therapy for neurodivergent clients and I work with ages 9 and up, with most of my current clients being young adults. My professional life is all about making evidence-based treatments more accessible and affirming for people with developmental differences. My personal life is all about mountains, family, reading, and a border collie.



Lic. Valeria Pschepiurka (she/her; term ending March 2027)

Valeria Pschepiurka photo

Valeria is a clinical psychologist with a late neurodivergence diagnosis, bringing nearly 20 years of experience working with clients in Argentina. For several years, she has dedicated her practice to couples therapy, utilizing evidence-based therapies. Valeria is certified as a neurodiverse couples therapist and is strongly committed to neurodiversity-affirming practices.



Ms. Xenia Angevin (she/her; term ending March 2027)

Xenia Angevin photo

Xenia Angevin, MBA, is a Coaching Psychologist who advocates for an expansive definition of coaching psychology as a “contextual scientific study of supporting personal self-determination & capacity for meaningful membership in groups and organisations”.

Xenia is in the process of pursuing masters-level education in neurodevelopment, ADHD and autism. A proponent of the process-oriented paradigm and contextual behavioural science, Xenia is a Principal consulting psychologist at Shimmer, directing a coaching portfolio for adults with ADHD, Autism and other neurodevelopmental presentations.

In the past 20 years, Xenia has focused on the professional application of non-directive approaches including coaching, mentoring, mediation, supervision, facilitation, organisational development, and policy work in support of these. In L&D, Xenia’s interests are in diversity and inclusion at a team level. Xenia promotes a dialogue within the Helping and People professions and across the scientific domains; and believes in embedding evidence-based practice and research as key capabilities in these professions.



Community Engagement Pillar

Dr. Naomi Malone (she/her; term ending March 2027)

Naomi Malone Photo

As a counselling psychologist, working for over 20 years in rural Australia has provided me the privilege of a diverse range of clinical experience, and a deep understanding of resilience in the face of isolation and adversity. My therapeutic approach is founded in ACT, and is passionately neurodiversity-affirming, client-centered, trauma-informed care, also drawing from IFS,  family therapy, EMDR, and narrative therapy. I strongly believe in the power of the therapeutic relationship, in which those who share the space with me can feel seen, understood and accepted as their true authentic selves. As a late-identified Autistic/ADHDer, I also have a deep understanding of redefining identity as an experienced and passionate clinician. I am now honored to be focussed on supporting and mentoring other clinicians in NDA, trauma-informed care, both those who are neurodivergent themselves, as well as those who are allies to the ND community. My particular passion is for assisting early career ND clinicians, as well as experienced clinicians and professionals who themselves have experienced or are experiencing the journey of late autistic/ADHD identification.



Ms. Sandi James (she/her; term ending March 2026)

Sandi James Photo

Sandi James is a registered Psychologist with more than 15 years working in mental health, eating disorder, and addiction treatment. She is a lived experience clinician and dedicates her career to working with clients who feel let down by current systems of care and treatment approaches. Her primary focus includes mental health and trauma recovery, with a particular focus on co-occurring presentations including substance use or food and compulsive exercise-related difficulties. Sandi has extensive experience working with individuals and families to heal and recover from trauma, addictions, eating disorders, and mental health conditions. She is dedicated to working with clients and families from an inclusive and person-centered approach to improving quality of life from a harm reduction perspective. She is a passionate and committed clinician, working alongside and guiding clients in the recovery process. Sandi is building a practice integrating joyful movement and somatic healing approaches to treatment as well as working towards her PhD conducting qualitative research looking at experiences of eating disorder treatment: identifying, responding to, and addressing harm experienced throughout the treatment process.



Dr. Sarah Cassidy (she/her; term ending March 2025)

Sarah Cassidy Photo

I am an Educational, Child & Adolescent Psychologist, a Peer-Reviewed ACT Trainer, Founder and Director of Smithsfield Clinic, and Co-Founder and Co-Director of New England Centre for OCD & Anxiety, Ireland Branch.  I have also co-founded a university-based campus company conducting cutting-edge RFT ed-tech research using SMART training which I designed during my PhD. I am a Chartered Psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland, and a serving Council Member of PSI.  I’m in the working group for the development of best practice guidelines for assessment of Autism.  Member of the Division of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologists (APA). In ACBS, I am on the Foundation Board, was formerly Chairperson of the Membership Committee, currently chair the Fellows Sub-committee, active SIG member. Involved in numerous national and international research projects.  Have published numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles, book chapters, and most recently, two best-selling ACT children’s books.



Resource Development and Research Dissemination Pillar

Lic. Carolina Fernández Diaz (she/her; term ending March 2026)

Carolina Fernández Diaz Photo

Neurodivergent psychologist specializing in trauma and gender violence from second- and third-wave therapies including ACT, DBT, and mindfulness. Certified in EMDR. Further specializing in neuropsychological evaluation. Teacher. PhD student at Maimonides University. Researcher in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Director of Cepyen Member of ACBS. Secretary of the Argentine Chapter of the ACBS.



Ms. Kirsty Robinson (she/her; term ending March 2025)

Kirsty is a Child and Family Psychologist trained and practicing in Otautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand. Late-diagnosed as an ADHD'er she has both a personal and professional interest in neuro-affirming research and practice. Drawing primarily on ACT, alongside positive psychology, interpersonal neurobiology, and a bioecological framework, she is a passionate advocate for young ND people who sets out to support growth and development at the individual level as well as within the systems and institutions young people inhabit. Kirsty feels most alive when she can act with humor, creativity, curiosity, compassion, zen-like wisdom, and perspective to create small ripples of positive and neuro-affirming change.



SIG Investigación y Práctica Afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad

SIG Investigación y Práctica Afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad

SIG Investigación y Práctica Afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad

Afiliado 2024. Formado a través de un grupo sprint. Más información sobre el proceso del grupo sprint aquí.

Haga clic aquí para unirse al SIG de Investigación y Práctica Afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad. Se le añadirá como miembro del SIG y se le suscribirá a  la lista de correo electrónico del SIG. Recibirá los mensajes en forma de resumen diario (por defecto). Si desea cambiar sus preferencias de envío de correo electrónico, puede hacerlo aquí.


Los objetivos del SIG son:

  • Construir una comunidad solidaria y acogedora que cultive el sentimiento de pertenencia entre sus miembros.
  • Proporcionar formación continua que promueva la investigación y la práctica afirmativa de la neurodiversidad.
  • Desarrollar/recopilar y difundir recursos que apoyen la investigación y la práctica afirmativas de la neurodiversidad.
  • Aumentar la visibilidad, inclusión y representación de las perspectivas y necesidades neurodivergentes dentro de la comunidad ACBS.
  • Defender la investigación inclusiva y afirmativa sobre temas de importancia para las personas neurodivergentes.
  • Abordar la discriminación y el capacitismo dentro y fuera de la ACBS, y fomentar la reconciliación.

Además, el SIG pretende establecer vías abiertas a través de las cuales los miembros puedan proporcionar información sobre el SIG y sus actividades y crear oportunidades para que los miembros dirijan iniciativas apoyadas por el SIG. El SIG colaborará con los SIG existentes de la ACBS para garantizar que el contenido sobre neurodiversidad no se reparta entre varios grupos (es decir, para racionalizar el contenido para los miembros de la ACBS y reducir la carga administrativa de los SIG existentes).

Es importante destacar que este SIG (y, de hecho, el sprint que lo formó) sólo puede ser un producto de sus miembros. Es imperativo identificar, reconocer y abordar las barreras a las que se enfrenta la gente para participar, especialmente en el contexto de un SIG dedicado a la neurodiversidad. El Comité Directivo se dedica a aumentar las vías de participación e invita a los miembros de la ACBS a que se pongan en contacto con ellos por correo electrónico para hacerles llegar sus comentarios o peticiones sobre las formas en que el SIG podría apoyar su participación. A continuación se indican las direcciones de correo electrónico de los miembros del Comité Directivo.

Este SIG está dando sus primeros pasos y queda mucho trabajo por hacer. Pedimos a los miembros paciencia y apoyo mientras trabajamos en pos de nuestros objetivos comunes.

Actividades del SIG

El SIG consta de tres pilares básicos:

  • Pilar de promoción a nivel de sistema.  Las tareas incluyen:
    • Apoyar presentaciones centradas en la neurodivergencia y que afirmen la neurodiversidad en la Conferencia Mundial anual de la ACBS.
    • Trabajar junto con la Junta Directiva y los comités pertinentes para hacer avanzar la investigación y las prácticas que afirmen la neurodiversidad dentro de la ACBS.
    • Facilitar la reconciliación, el reconocimiento y la reparación del daño causado a las personas neurodivergentes a través de las terapias de las ciencias contextuales y del comportamiento  y enfoques afines.
    • Mejorar la accesibilidad de los eventos de la ACBS para las personas neurodivergentes.
  • Pilar de participación comunitaria. Las tareas incluyen:
    • Crear canales abiertos para recibir comentarios de los afiliados, facilitando  eventos comunitarios periódicos.
    • Organizar eventos para el desarrollo profesional de los miembros y apoyar  iniciativas lideradas por ellos.
  • Pilar de desarrollo de recursos y difusión de la investigación. Las tareas incluyen:
    • Producir/compilar y difundir recursos informativos y educativos que afirmen la neurodiversidad para clínicos/investigadores/otros profesionales.
    • Ampliar las perspectivas y experiencias neurodivergentes dentro de la ACBS.

Descripción de la afiliación

Damos la bienvenida a todos los miembros de la ACBS interesados en la investigación y la práctica afirmativa de la neurodiversidad.

Valores rectores

Autenticidad y seguridad: ser auténtico y fiel a uno mismo. Cultivar un sentimiento de cercanía y conexión a través del desenmascaramiento. Fomentar un espacio seguro y receptivo para la autorevelación de las neurodivergencias. Respetar y apoyar la autonomía personal y las decisiones de revelar o no revelar información personal.

Contribución - Esforzarse por marcar una diferencia positiva para las personas neurodivergentes y los campos de la práctica afirmativa de la neurodiversidad y la ciencia contextual del comportamiento en general.

Colaboración y apoyo - Trabajar con los miembros de la comunidad de forma que se apoyen mutuamente. Respetar los puntos fuertes y tener en cuenta los retos asociados a los distintos neurotipos. Cultivar la compasión, la justicia y la apertura a las perspectivas de los demás. Estar dispuesto a recurrir a los demás para lograr resultados óptimos para el grupo.

Difusión - Promover la investigación, la formación y la práctica que aborden las necesidades y prioridades de las personas neurodivergentes.

Inclusión y representación - Luchar por una comunidad expansiva y compasiva que abarque todos los aspectos de la neurodiversidad y la interseccionalidad. Centrar las voces neurodivergentes; "nada sobre nosotros sin nosotros".

Atender a la equidad y la igualdad de oportunidades. Encontrar formas de escuchar, apoyar y amplificar las voces de aquellos que tienen mayores barreras para participar.

Justicia y defensa: desafiar con valentía las normas neuronormativas, el capacitismo y la injusticia epistémica. Abogar por reformas y adaptaciones. Buscar vías para reparar el daño y aumentar las vías para un apoyo eficaz que afirme la neurodiversidad. Aprovechar los privilegios en solidaridad.

Aprendizaje - Adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y percepciones a través de un compromiso continuo con el crecimiento, la superación personal, la escucha de las perspectivas neurodivergentes y el reconocimiento de la validez de la experiencia vivida.

Pragmatismo: Búsqueda de soluciones novedosas e innovadoras al tiempo que se reconoce la necesidad inherente de compromiso en un grupo neurodiverso. Buscar cambios prácticos, factibles y graduales. Estar dispuesto a dar pequeños pasos imperfectos en lugar de estancarse en ideales inalcanzables.

Transparencia e integridad: Ser abierto y honesto en la comunicación y en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Cumplir los compromisos y buscar ayuda cuando sea necesario.

Comité de Dirección

El SIG utiliza una estructura de Comité Directivo. Cada miembro del Comité Directivo es responsable de llevar a cabo las tareas relacionadas con su pilar. A continuación figuran las biografías de los miembros del Comité Directivo. Algunos miembros del Comité Directivo están abiertos a recibir correos electrónicos de los miembros de la ACBS, ya sea para apoyar su trabajo, orientar sobre cómo el SIG puede adaptarse mejor a usted/otros miembros, o una oferta para ayudar con las actividades en curso. Los miembros de la ACBS pueden enviar correos electrónicos sobre el SIG a los miembros del Comité Directivo cuyas direcciones de correo electrónico figuren en la lista.

Coordinadora del SIG: Dra. Alison Stapleton (ella/ella) Correo electrónico:

Pilar de promoción a nivel de sistema

Dr. Courtney Pflieger (ella; mandato hasta marzo de 2027)
Soy una psicóloga licenciada en los Estados unidos y psicóloga escolar certificada a nivel nacional, con un diagnóstico tardío de TDAH. Trabajo en consulta privada de terapia y también superviso a estudiantes de posgrado en mi universidad local. Me centro principalmente en la evaluación y terapia de clientes neurodivergentes y trabajo con personas de 9 años en adelante, aunque la mayoría de mis clientes actuales son adultos jóvenes. Mi vida profesional consiste en hacer que los tratamientos basados en la evidencia sean más accesibles y afirmativos para las personas con diferencias de desarrollo. Mi vida personal gira en torno a las montañas, la familia, la lectura y    un border collie.
Correo electrónico:

Lic. Valeria Pschepiurka (ella; mandato hasta marzo de 2027)
Es una psicóloga clínica con diagnóstico tardío de neurodivergencia, con casi 20 años de experiencia trabajando con consultantes en Argentina. Hace varios años dedica su práctica a la terapia de pareja, utilizando terapias basadas en evidencia. Valeria está certificada como terapeuta de parejas neurodiversas y tiene un fuerte compromiso con las practicas afirmativas de la neurodiversidad
Correo electrónico:

Sra. Xenia Angevin (ella/él; mandato que finaliza en marzo de 2027)
Xenia Angevin, MBA, es una psicóloga y coaching que aboga por una definición amplia de la psicología del coaching como "estudio científico contextual del apoyo a la autodeterminación personal y la capacidad de pertenencia significativa a grupos y organizaciones". Xenia está cursando un máster en neurodesarrollo, TDAH y autismo. Defensora del paradigma orientado a procesos y de la ciencia contextual del comportamiento, Xenia es psicóloga consultora principal en Shimmer y dirige una cartera de coaching para adultos con TDAH, autismo y otros trastornos del neurodesarrollo. En los últimos 20 años, Xenia se ha centrado en la aplicación profesional de enfoques no directivos, como el coaching, la tutoría, la mediación, la supervisión, la facilitación, el desarrollo organizativo y el trabajo político en apoyo de estos enfoques. En L&D, los intereses de Xenia se centran en la diversidad y la inclusión a nivel de equipo. Xenia promueve el diálogo dentro de las profesiones de Ayuda y Personas y a través de los dominios científicos; y cree en la integración de la práctica basada en la evidencia y la investigación como capacidades clave en estas profesiones.
Correo electrónico:

Pilar de participación comunitaria

Dra. Naomi Malone (ella; mandato que finaliza en marzo de 2027)
Como psicóloga consejera, trabajar durante más de 20 años en la Australia rural me ha proporcionado el privilegio de una amplia gama de experiencia clínica, y una profunda comprensión de la resiliencia frente al aislamiento y la adversidad. Mi enfoque terapéutico se basa en ACT, y es apasionadamente afirmativo de la neurodiversidad, centrado en el cliente, el trauma informado, también se basa en la IFS, la terapia familiar, EMDR, y la terapia narrativa. Creo firmemente en el poder de la relación terapéutica, en la que aquellos que comparten el espacio conmigo pueden sentirse vistos, comprendidos y aceptados como su verdadero y auténtico yo. Como Autista/TDAH de identificación tardía, también tengo una profunda comprensión de la redefinición de la identidad como clínica experimentada y apasioanda. Ahora tengo el honor de centrarme en el apoyo y la tutoría de otros profesionales clínicos en la atención NDA e informada por el trauma, tanto los que son neurodivergentes como los que son aliados de la comunidad ND. Mi pasión particular es ayudar a los clínicos que empiezan su carrera, así como a los clínicos experimentados y a los profesionales que han experimentado o están experimentando el camino de la identificación tardía del autismo/ADHD.
Correo electrónico:

Sra. Sandi James (ella; mandato que finaliza en marzo de 2026)
Sandi James es psicóloga titulada y lleva más de 15 años trabajando en salud mental, trastornos alimentarios y tratamiento de adicciones. Es una clínica con experiencia de vida y dedica su carrera a trabajar con clientes que se sienten defraudados por los actuales sistemas de atención y enfoques de tratamiento. Su enfoque principal incluye la salud mental y la recuperación del trauma, con un enfoque particular en las presentaciones co-ocurrentes incluyendo el uso de sustancias o alimentos y dificultades relacionadas con el ejercicio compulsivo. Sandi tiene una amplia experiencia de trabajo con individuos y familias para sanar y recuperarse de traumas, adicciones, trastornos de la alimentación, y las condiciones de salud mental. Se dedica a trabajar con clientes y familias desde un enfoque inclusivo y centrado en la persona para mejorar la calidad de vida desde una perspectiva de reducción de daños. Es una terapeuta apasionada y comprometida, que trabaja junto a sus clientes y los guía en el proceso de recuperación. Sandi está construyendo una práctica que integra el movimiento alegre y los enfoques de curación somática para el tratamiento, así como trabajando hacia su doctorado realizando una investigación cualitativa que analiza las experiencias del tratamiento de los trastornos alimentarios: identificando, respondiendo y abordando los daños experimentados a lo largo del proceso de tratamiento.
Correo electrónico:

Dra. Sarah Cassidy (ella; mandato que finaliza en marzo de 2025)
Soy psicóloga educativa, de niños y adolescentes, formadora de ACT revisada por expertos, fundadora y directora de la Smithsfield Clinic y cofundadora y codirectora del New England Centre for OCD & Anxiety, Ireland Branch. También he cofundado una empresa universitaria que lleva a cabo investigación de vanguardia en tecnología educativa RFT utilizando la formación SMART que diseñé durante mi doctorado. Soy psicólogo colegiado por la Sociedad Psicológica de Irlanda y miembro del Consejo de la ISP. Estoy en el grupo de trabajo para el desarrollo de directrices de mejores prácticas para la evaluación del autismo. Miembro de la División de Psicólogos Clínicos de Niños y Adolescentes (APA). En la ACBS, estoy en la Junta de la Fundación, fui Presidente del Comité de Membresía, actualmente presido el Subcomité de Fellows, miembro activo de SIG. Participo en numerosos proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales. He publicado numerosos artículos científicos revisados por pares, capítulos de libros y, más recientemente, dos de los libros infantiles más vendidos de ACT.
Correo electrónico:

Pilar de desarrollo de recursos y difusión de la investigación

Lic. Carolina Fernández Diaz (ella/ella; mandato que termina en marzo de 2026)
Psicóloga neurodivergente especializada en trauma y violencia de género desde terapias de segunda y tercera ola incluyendo ACT, DBT y mindfulness. Certificada en EMDR. Especializada además en evaluación neuropsicológica. Profesora. Estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad Maimónides. Investigadora en colaboración con el Ministerio de Sanidad. Director del Cepyen Miembro de la ACBS. Secretario del Capítulo Argentino de la ACBS.
Correo electrónico:

Sra. Kirsty Robinson (ella/él; mandato que finaliza en marzo de 2025)
Kirsty es una psicóloga infantil y familiar formada y que ejerce en Otautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa Nueva Zelanda. Con un diagnóstico tardío de TDAH, tiene un interés personal y profesional en la investigación y la práctica de la neuroafirmación. Basándose principalmente en ACT, junto con la psicología positiva, la neurobiología interpersonal, y un marco bioecológico, es una apasionada defensora de los jóvenes ND que se propone apoyar el crecimiento y el desarrollo a nivel individual, así como dentro de los sistemas e instituciones que habitan los jóvenes. Kirsty se siente más viva cuando puede actuar con humor, creatividad, curiosidad, compasión, sabiduría zen y perspectiva para crear pequeñas ondas de cambio positivo y neuroafirmativo.
Correo electrónico:


Preguntas frecuentes

Estas son algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el SIG de Investigación y Práctica afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad. Esta página se actualizará a medida que  surjan nuevas preguntas.

¿Cómo se formó el SIG de Investigación y Práctica Afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad?

En agosto de 2023, los miembros de la ACBS tomaron conciencia de los esfuerzos independientes y paralelos para formar un SIG relacionado con la investigación y la práctica afirmativa de la neurodiversidad. Reconociendo la necesidad de (i) involucrar al mayor número posible de partes interesadas en el proceso de formación  del SIG, (ii) consolidar los esfuerzos de formación ya en curso, y (iii) aprovechar los recursos de los SIG existentes dentro de la ACBS para ampliar las vías de participación, de este modo se  formó un grupo sprint.

Las convocatorias abiertas para participar en el grupo sprint se publicaron en los las listas de distribución de la ACBS. Además, las coordinadoras del grupo sprint (Jennifer Kemp y la Dra. Alison Stapleton) enviaron un correo electrónico a los miembros de la ACBS con cargos directivos en los SIG y comités relacionados y les pidieron que compartieran la convocatoria de participación con sus miembros. Todos los miembros de la ACBS están invitados a unirse al grupo de trabajo.

El grupo final del sprint estaba formado por 32 miembros de la ACBS de todo el mundo que se comunicaban en inglés y/o español.

El grupo sprint constaba de cuatro fases:

  • Fase 1: Formación del grupo. Resultado: Acuerdos grupales (establecer seguridad emocional e identificar adaptaciones).
  • Fase 2: Formación de valores. Resultado: Lista de valores propuestos para el nuevo SIG
  • Fase 3: Identificación de actividades. Producto: Lista de actividades propuestas para el nuevo SIG
  • Fase 4: Formación de SIG. Resultado: Candidaturas y procesos de elección de los SIG

Los miembros del grupo sprint tuvieron tres oportunidades de hacer aportaciones a  los entregables de cada fase. Los miembros podían elegir participar a través de una o todas estas vías. En concreto:

  • Una encuesta inicial recogió las opiniones individuales sobre el tema.
  • Se celebraron reuniones en directo para revisar los resultados de la encuesta de las fases 1, 2 y 3, ampliar las ideas de la encuesta y formular un borrador completo del entregable.
  • El borrador del entregable y el acta de la reunión se enviaron por correo electrónico a los miembros del grupo del sprint para una última ronda de comentarios.

A lo largo del proceso, los materiales escritos fueron traducidos del inglés al español por la Lic. Valeria Pschepiurka. Dada la variedad de husos horarios de los miembros, se celebraron dos reuniones en directo a distintas horas para cada tema. En las reuniones en vivo se utilizó traducción consecutiva (a cargo de Gaby Sanz) o subtítulos traducidos por Zoom.

A petición de los miembros, se programaron correos electrónicos recordatorios para todos los entregables y se fijaron plazos claros. Al mismo tiempo, se ofreció flexibilidad en cuanto a los plazos, de modo que cualquier aportación recibida de un miembro del grupo sprint se incorporara a los entregables finales.

En enero de 2024, ocho miembros del grupo sprint acordaron unirse a un Comité Directivo para dirigir el SIG de Investigación y Práctica Afirmativa de la Neurodiversidad, con la Dra. Alison Stapleton como coordinadora temporal.

¿Por qué es necesario un SIG específico sobre neurodiversidad?

Existen más de 15 SIG de la ACBS que probablemente cuenten con líderes y miembros interesados en enfoques afirmativos de la neurodiversidad. Sin un "hogar" para los contenidos relacionados con la neurodiversidad, éstos podrían dividirse en varios grupos, lo que los haría menos accesibles para los miembros.

Dado su enorme alcance, es probable que el trabajo que conlleva la gestión de un SIG sobre el tema de la neurodiversidad desborde la capacidad de los SIG existentes, que también deben satisfacer otras necesidades de los miembros y/o centrarse en una forma concreta de neurodivergencia.

El SIG colaborará con los SIG existentes para copatrocinar eventos y otras actividades. De este modo (i) se agiliz rá el contenido para los miembros de estos SIG y (ii) se reducirá la carga administrativa de los SIG existentes.


OCD and Related Disorders SIG

OCD and Related Disorders SIG

OCD and Related Disorders Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2021

Click Here to Join the OCD and Related Disorders SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have quite a few opportunities to become involved with the OCD and related disorders SIG on all committees (Executive, Clinical Training, Communications, Diversity/Advocacy, and Research and Dissemination). The types of opportunites and time commitments (hours per month and length of commitment) vary, so you can find out more information on our volunteer opportunities page:


The mission of this SIG is to promote awareness and improve access to care for individuals who suffer from OCD and related disorders.

This SIG will broadly focus on obsessive compulsive disorder and related conditions, including, but not limited to, body dysmorphic disorder, hoarding disorder, perfectionism, illness anxiety disorder, body-focused repetitive disorders (e.g. trichotillomania and excoriation disorder), and common comorbid presentations. Clinical applications and research based in contextual behavioral science as related to these psychiatric illnesses will be central to this SIG. 

The OCD and Related Disorders SIG aims to:

  • Build a diverse and inclusive community of professionals that fosters connection, collaboration, and growth towards shared values.
  • Increase awareness of and decrease stigma related to OCD and related disorders by educating professionals and the public.
  • Disseminate evidence-based treatment and training for OCD and related disorders, including the use of acceptance and commitment therapy as an independent treatment approach or integrated with exposure and response prevention or other behavioral treatments.
  • Contribute to the reduction of current barriers to care for communities with health disparities due to race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, religion, language, socioeconomic status, or region of residence, as well as mitigation of further gaps in health and healthcare for marginalized groups as a result of the ongoing climate crisis.
  • Support basic and applied research related to the understanding and treatment of OCD and related disorders through the lens of contextual behavioral science. 

Current SIG Activities

  • Hosting the ACT and OCD Special Topics Series featuring SIG members presenting on the topic of their choice (recordings and materials available here)
  • Connecting with members via the SIG Listserv
  • Maintaining a webpage of relevant resources
  • Compiling and evaluating the research literature on ACT for OCD and related disorders
  • Developing a training program with focus on ACT for OCD 
  • Holding SIG meeting at ACBS World Conference (or virtually shortly before or after the World Conference)
  • Launching a peer consultation group

Contact Information
Kristin Fitch
Louisiana, USA

SIG Leaders
Executive Committee Members
Kristin E Fitch 
Marla W Deibler 
Yvette Fruchter
Rebecca Schneider 
Erica Silberstein 

Clinical Training Committee Co-Chairs
Charles Galyon 
Jordan Cattie 
Jody Hoffman 

Communications Committee Co-Chairs
Alison Sagon 
Katy Rothfelder 

Diversity/Advocacy Committee Chair
Sheeva Mostoufi 

Research and Dissemination Committee Co-Chairs
Michelle Miller 
Eric Lee 

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The ACT and OCD Special Topics Series

The ACT and OCD Special Topics Series

Missed one of the ACT and OCD Special Topics Series presentations? Click on the links below for the recording and slides.

January 2023 Presentations

Consent over Compliance: Using Functional Analysis to transform function and reduce coercion in ERP practice presented by Katy Rothfelder, MA, LPC-Associate

Fantasy-Focused Repetitive Behaviors - A proposed ACT approach for the treatment of maladaptive daydreaming (MD) presented by Matt Roberts, MS, LMFT

February 2023 Presentations

ACT, CBS and OCD and Related Disorder Research Speed Round presented by Morgan Browning, MA 

Application of ACT with tics and Tourette’s Syndrome presented by Charles Galyon, PhD, HSP 

April 2023 Presentation

Scrupulosity OCD and values-based exposures presented by Annabella Hagen, LCSW 

May 2023 Presentations

Exposure Through the Lens of the Hexaflex presented by Brian Thompson, PhD

The use and misuse of ACT skills during exposures presented by Rebecca Schneider, PhD and Allison LoPilato, PhD

June 2023 Presentation

Multicultural case formulation & exposure planning using ACT presented by Sheeva Mostoufi, PhD & Jordan Cattie, PhD

September 2023 Presentation

Introduction to Contemporary Practices in the Treatment of Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors presented by Marla Deibler, PsyD, ABPP & Renae M. Reinardy, PsyD

November 2023 Presentations

Applying ACT-based ERP for Adolescents presented by Alyssa Faro, PhD & Rebecca Schneider, PhD (see slides below)


Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG

Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG

Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG (OT-SIG)

Affiliated 2018

Click Here to Join the Occupational Therapy and ACT SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Follow us on Facebook

SIG Leaders

Tania Del Rio

Carlyn Neek 

Rachel Pecter


The mission of the OT-SIG includes the following:
1. To promote collaboration within a growing community with an interest in how Contextual Behavioral Science informs Occupational Therapy Practice and how Occupational Therapy Practice may inform Contextual Behavioral Science.
2. Collaboration may include efforts to support clinical application, education, research, resource development, and/or publication specific to the application of Contextual Behavioral Science to Occupational Therapy.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

Quality of life with a focus on daily Occupation (Self-care, Productivity and Leisure) is the core of Occupational Therapy Practice. This group would focus on the performance components of Occupation which are Volition (Values, Interests, Personal causation), Performance Patterns (Habits, Roles, Routines) and Performance Capacity (Mental and physical attributes including lived experiences) and how this relates to psychological flexibility in daily practice.

SIG Activities

The group is having a great start as new members are becoming members of ACBS and OT-SIG!  The OT-SIG has a listserv and a webpage containing a list of resources.  The SIG has an annual meeting at the ACBS World Conference.

Description of Membership

All members of ACBS are welcome.


Pain SIG

Pain SIG

Pain Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2012

Click Here to Join the Pain SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Go here to join the Pain SIG Facebook Group

Contact Information

Skye Ochsner Margolies, Ph.D.
UNC School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Pain SIG Officers

Heather Poupore-King, President
Lauren Hollrah, Secretary
Tracy Protti, Communications and Technical Director
Skye Ochsner Margolies, Past President

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

• Research and clinical applications of ACT/RFT with patients and families struggling with physical pain.

Mission Statement

• To promote rigorous empirical investigation of both basic processes and applications of ACT- and RFT-based work patients and their families struggling with physical pain.
• To encourage collaboration and mutual support of work with patients and families through the development of an international community of researchers and clinicians in the ACT community
• To foster communication between researchers and clinicians who are interested in working with patients and families struggling with physical pain through an active listserv and therapy consultation groups
• To support public health and public policy initiatives to improve the care of patients and families struggling with physical pain
• To network with other professional and lay organizations serving patients and families struggling with physical pain

Description of SIG membership

• All membership categories in ACBS are welcome to join.

SIG Activities

• Online collaboration
• Online peer consultation group
• Maintaining a list of Pain Resources on the ACBS website
• Dedicated email listserv
• Active participation at the World Conference through formal business meetings, poster sessions, panel discussions, or workshops

Process-Based Therapy SIG

Process-Based Therapy SIG

Process-Based Therapy Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2021

Click Here to Join the Process-Based Therapy SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information
Ben Spaloss

SIG Leaders

Ben Spaloss

Jonas Foehr


We are dedicated to the advancement of Process-Based Therapy (PBT) research, education, and clinical practice.

The PBT SIG aims to:

  • Develop a diverse, inclusive, and value-guided social network of researchers, educators, and practitioners who commit to advance PBT science and practice.
  • Foster collaboration to facilitate basic and applied PBT research with the overall goal of advancing clinical practice, lowering human suffering, and supporting people to live a meaningful life.
  • Support educational activities (e.g., workshop, learning collaborative) as a way to further disseminate PBT.
  • Develop and disseminate tools and materials to facilitate successful implementation of PBT in clinical practice.

Possible SIG Activities


Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG

Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG

Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG

Affiliated 2016

Click Here to Join the Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

Temple Morris

Maura Tunney

Current SIG Leaders

Temple Morris (co-chair)
Maura Tunney (co-chair)


The mission of the Psychedelic/Non-Ordinary of Consciousness SIG is to seriously engage with the accumulating body of scientific data regarding the therapeutic and human growth potential for psychedelic drugs and non-ordinary states of consciousness from a functional contextual perspective.

This will be achieved by:
1) De-stigmatizing the use of psychedelic agents for scientific and clinical purposes. This may include fearlessly promoting dialogue with other ACBS members, creating publications that examine current scientific knowledge from a functional contextual perspective, and building bridges with others doing this work.
2) Promoting scientific investigation of non-ordinary states for the purposes of basic and applied behavioral science.
3) To create a contextual conceptualization for the effects of the experience of non-ordinary states and their potential therapeutic benefits.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

Interest in the scientific study of psychedelic drugs and the associated non-ordinary states of consciousness that they evoke has grown tremendously in the past decade. Once considered a highly promising class of drugs for therapeutic and personal benefit, cultural taboos and legal restrictions effectively ended their study for over 30 years. As those sanctions begin to lift, many questions are left under investigated, and no form of behavioral psychology has ever attempted to study or explain the positive psychological benefits that are strongly suggested by current evidence.

SIG Activities

1. Annual meeting at the World Conferences.
2. Maintain an email listserve to promote conversation and support between SIG members.
3. Author publications examining the existing data on non-ordinary states of consciousness from a functional contextual perspective, including questions that could potentially be experimentally investigated.
4. Develop collaborations with other groups working on the scientific investigation of psychedelic states.
5. SIG Resources webpage

Description of Membership

The membership is open to all ACBS members, of all categories, interested in these issues from the perspective of contextual behavioral science.


Psychodynamic CBS SIG

Psychodynamic CBS SIG

Psychodynamic CBS SIG

Affiliated 2019

Click Here to Join the Psychodynamic SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information
Jill Bresler
New York, USA

SIG Leaders
Jill Bresler
Sheri Turrell

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

This SIG includes all models of contextual behavioral science and therapy, and all models of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic research and therapy and as such, includes a broad and diverse range of therapeutic approaches. This would include, and not be limited to: CBS approaches such as: ACT, FAP, DBT, and CFT, and psychodynamic and attachment-based approaches, especially in their more recent versions, such as Relational Psychoanalysis and Mentalization-Based Treatment; we also want to include briefer forms of psychodynamic therapy, such as STDP & AEDP.


The mission of this SIG is to provide an inclusive, open, and curious space to:
i) Build a community of clinicians interested in exploring the possibilities for integration, in the context of clinical work and/or research.
ii) Promote understanding and increased breadth and depth of knowledge in both CBS and psychodynamic ways of thinking and working.
iii) Explore ACT /RFT coherent descriptions of psychodynamic terms and concepts, and vice versa
iv) Consider points of integration / overlap, uniqueness, and complementarity between and amongst the approaches.
v) Enhance integrative clinical skills through discussion of anonymized clinical case material.
vi) Consider the role of mindfulness, relational (including transference-countertransference) dynamics, and overt behavior change across modalities.
vii) Explore infancy/developmental theory and research and implications for theory and practice
viii) To promote dialogue, collegial relations, and community amongst clinicians with diverse theoretical models, both within and beyond ACBS.
ix) Encourage exposure to, and open-minded reflection on research that arises out of contextual science and psychodynamic traditions.
x) Expand the field through support for written publications, creation of podcasts, videos and other endeavours.
xi) Consider how CBS (e.g., work done with IRAP and N=1 studies) can contribute to process- and outcome-research in psychodynamic approaches and the value of traditional psychodynamic research models for CBS.

Possible SIG Activities

We envision networking meetings at the ACBS World Conferences, and online forums for discussion and sharing of resources and reading groups with online discussion. We hope to share videos, podcasts and written material, and create such materials from within our group. We hope to engage in symposia and other forms of dialogue, sharing, and integration of thinking at the ACBS World Conferences.  We will have a reading group, in which we will read one book chapter or article per month and discuss it.  We will maintain a webpage of SIG resources.


Psychosis SIG

Psychosis SIG

Psychosis SIG

Affiliated 2015

Click Here to Join the Psychosis SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter @ACBSPsychosis

Contact Information

Mårten Tyrberg, Ph.D.

SIG Mission/Objectives

- Facilitating contact between people from ACBS who work with psychosis
- Spreading/sharing material (protocols, stand-alone sessions, latest publications, ...) and experiences (do’s and don’t’s) on psychosis
- Linking ACT/CBS/RFT-perspectives on psychosis with other approaches

General interest area to be specifically addressed by this SIG:

Building/expanding a functional contextual approach for research on and working with psychosis/serious mental illness.

Description of SIG membership 

SIG members are ACBS members with an interest in research and practice in understanding helping people with serious mental illness.

SIG Activities

- Email listserv
- Twitter @ACBSPsychosis
- Facebook page
- SIG Resources webpage
- Sponsoring submissions to the ACBS World Conference

If there are other activities that you would like the SIG to engage in, please post on the email listserv and connect with others interested. 

Eric Morris



Relational Frame Theory (RFT) Special Interest Group

Values and Mission: The members of this group value generous and respectful collaboration in the spirit of contributing to a diverse, inclusive community. We hope for our community to be a nurturing one, aligned with a value of kindness, and offering support, empowerment, friendship, playful fun, responsibility, and exploration. We also hope to support members of our community to take on ambitious, creative, and progressive projects that build competency, disseminate RFT, and have an impact on the field and on human affairs, all while supporting cross-cultural and international research efforts across labs.

Affiliated 2022

Click Here to Join the Relational Frame Theory (RFT) SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

And if you are not sure what RFT is, well just Click here to learn more about RFT


The RFT SIG holds regular community networking meetings as well as reading group discussions. The RFT SIG developed "Top 10" lists of research articles for beginning and advanced learning about RFT research. We are in the process of developing further projects that are aligned with our mission as well as developing the guidelines for SIG operation. SIG members are encouraged to join the RFT Listserv.

RFT SIG Steering Committee

The RFT SIG Steering Committee is comprised of three positions, ultimately each holding three-year terms. These positions are as follows:

Patrick Smith (3 year term ending August 2026): Community Engagement Lead. This role involves efforts directed toward co-creating and maintaining an inclusive and nurturing community that fosters positive growth among RFTers within and beyond ACBS. Projects aligned with this role include (i) hosting regular community-based events, (ii) establishing channels of communication between RFTers, and (iii) supporting members in exploring and extending beyond ACBS. This role exists to co-create spaces for members to discuss their work, share resources, and collaboratively problem-solve, regardless of their familiarity and fluency with RFT. Patrick will be inviting everyone in the SIG to support these efforts as best they can and shape the space into one that best serves all its members. Please feel free to reach out to Patrick at with ideas and feedback on community engagement activities.

Sebastian Garcia-Zambrano (3 year term ending August 2027): Resource Development and Research Dissemination Lead. This role involves engaging the community in creating and sharing resources and platforms to encourage the consumption and production of RFT research. As a foundational theory underlying third-wave behavioral therapy and training approaches, it is essential that members have the opportunity to access the historic and ongoing research in a safe space and have the resources to conduct this research if desired. Projects that will occur within this role are (i) developing a list of key papers to guide novice and advanced consumers, (ii) supporting the development of research information and protocols, and (iii) assisting members to connect with researchers in the field to support both research and practice. Each of these projects will actively involve interested SIG members. Please feel free to reach out to Sebastian at with ideas and feedback on resource development and research dissemination activities.

Siri Ming (3 year term ending August 2025): Training, Mentoring and Professional Development Lead. This role is responsible for supporting members in building competency in research and application of RFT, by maintaining and increasing the accessibility and diversity of RFT training materials, mentorship, and professional development opportunities. I will be reaching out to the SIG community for assistance in projects such as increasing the accessibility of training materials, developing peer mentoring opportunities, and connecting students with potential research committee members and advisers, as well as creating an RFT track at World Conferences. Please feel free to reach out to Siri at with ideas and feedback on training, mentoring, and professional development activities.

Past RFT SIG Steering Committee Members

  • Alison Stapleton, Community Engagement Lead (2022-2024)
  • Jordan Belisle, Resource Development and Research Dissemination Lead (2022-2024)

2024 RFT Steering Committee - Candidate Information

2024 RFT Steering Committee - Candidate Information

Ballot closes 1 May 2024. 

Please vote here.

You will be able to vote for 1 candidate.

Sebastian Garcia

Bio: My name is Sebastian Garcia-Zambrano, I am a Colombian researcher living in the U.S. My academic training includes a Ph.D. degree in psychology in 2022, an M.S. degree in behavior analysis and therapy in 2018, both from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, and a B.S. degree in psychology in 2011 from Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz (Colombia). As a professor, I taught undergraduate and graduate courses of behavior analysis at Southern Illinois University, and undergraduate courses of child development at Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. My research has centered on three key areas: the development of the self and PT skills, the adaptation of behavioral services with cultural sensitivity, and the implementation of interventions in underserved communities. In addition, I have been regularly invited to conduct peer review for journals, organizations, and conferences in the field, including “The Psychological Record,” “Behavior Analysis in Practice,” and the “American Psychological Association”. Currently, I am one of the Guest Editors for the special issue “Impactful Leaders - Latin American Women in Behavior Analysis” in Behavior Analysis in Practice”, in which we highlight women’s contributions and encourage cross-national and cross-cultural collaboration among behavior analysts.

Statement: As the Resource Development and Research Dissemination Lead, my candidacy is dedicated to creating the Consortium for Open Science in Contextual Behavioral Science (COS-CBS), aligning with the Task-force's recommendations for open science practices in CBS (Hayes et al., 2021). By creating a collaborative platform, COS-CBS will facilitate the dissemination of research resources and foster international collaboration to advance the understanding of behavior change.

In this role, I will promote the development of COS-CBS, ensuring it serves as a comprehensive resource hub for researchers and practitioners in contextual behavioral science. I will leverage my expertise in behavior analysis to curate a list of key papers spanning foundational and cutting-edge research, oriented to both novice and advanced consumers. These resources will provide essential guidance and support to members seeking to deepen their understanding of behavior change principles and methodologies.

Additionally, I will support the creation of research information and protocols within COS-CBS, providing members with practical tools and frameworks for conducting rigorous CBS research. By fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, we will uphold the principles of open science and ensure the reproducibility and reliability of research findings.

Furthermore, I will facilitate connections between COS-CBS members and researchers in the field, promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange. Through virtual meetings, online platforms, and targeted outreach efforts, we will create opportunities for members to engage with leading experts in CBS research, fostering innovation and advancing the field.

By establishing COS-CBS and serving as the Resource Development and Research Dissemination Lead, I am committed to empowering members with the resources and support they need to contribute to the collective growth and impact of CBS research worldwide. Together, we will advance our understanding of behavior change and address pressing societal challenges through rigorous research and collaboration.

Lynn Farrell

Bio: I graduated with a BA in Psychology from Maynooth University where I was introduced to Relational Frame Theory (RFT) and discovered new ways to explore social psychological phenomena such as stereotypes and bias. I went on to complete my PhD as an Irish Research Council postgraduate scholar at University College Dublin (UCD) where I explored the nature and malleability of implicit bias towards women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) through the lens of RFT as part of the UCD Contextual Behavioural Science (CBS) lab. I received the ACBS Student Spotlight award for my work on gender bias and previously served as a student representative on the Women in ACBS SIG during its establishment. After completing my doctoral research, I took up a Research Fellow position at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) where I continued to empirically explore how to improve gender equality efforts in STEM as part of the EPSRC funded Inclusion Matters project. I was awarded the QUB Engineering and Physical Sciences Faculty Postdoctoral Outstanding Engagement award for my work on that project. I am currently an Assistant Professor in Psychology at National College of Ireland where I am establishing a CBS research lab with my colleagues. My research interests and publications to date have focused mainly on understanding and influencing stereotypes and bias particularly related to gender, improving gender equality initiatives, and applying RFT to address social issues.

Statement: It’s an honour to be included on this ballot. If elected, I would build on the work completed by the committee to further develop a resource-rich space for SIG members to explore and discuss RFT-based work and to brainstorm and pursue further important work. My interest in RFT stems from its implications for social justice issues and so I would additionally aim to spotlight work that has grappled with such issues, expanding engagement with work across levels of behavioural scientific research. Relatedly, I would aim to develop a supportive platform/space with the SIG committee where members could come together to collaborate on projects and contribute to the work and materials promoted by the SIG. This collaborative space could present opportunities for those new to RFT-based research as well as those with experience seeking to further develop and diversify their research teams/networks. These opportunities would align with and expand on existing SIG networking events and could provide the basis for regular research spotlights/newsletters. I would seek to establish an RFT research toolkit to complement and expand on the existing resources where relevant resources such as data collection tools, and guides could be made freely available. These actions aim to create opportunities for community members to engage with, collaborate on, and contribute to the consumption, dissemination, and production of RFT research. 

Finally, I would seek to diversify the knowledge shared and the researchers highlighted by the SIG to represent the global ACBS and RFT community. I would work to promote this SIG as an inclusive space for all, aligning with the SIG’s mission and my own values. I am committed to listening to and trying to honour the needs of the membership, drawing from the innovation and skills within our community to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment. 

Stu Law

Bio: As a PhD student at the University of Nevada, Reno, my roughly 15-year journey in human services began with supporting adults with disabilities with a wide breadth of service needs, progressing to diverse clinical roles in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Notably in my early work I soon began to utilize Precision Teaching and free operant approaches to RFT-informed curricula and was inspired by the impact on children's cognitive skills that I observed with regularity at Fit Learning.

For the past eight years, I've been instrumental in developing the genArete assessment, aimed at revolutionizing behavioral assessment by emphasizing individual goals over comparisons to conventional norms and averages. Our ambition extends to broadening functional analysis, moving beyond the four widely applied classes of broad functions (attention, automatic, escape, and tangible) by leveraging our knowledge or relational networks in terms of putative reinforcement systems which could provide more precision for learners with relational repertoires. Said another way, I see issues of dignity-of-risk, assent-informed teaching practices, sensitivity to the needs of neurodiverse populations, and person-centered planning, as issues which could be informed by how relational classes alter reinforcing functions.

This journey has also led me to champion idionomic approaches within the ACBS community. These approaches could give voice to the time series designs which have been held dear by behavior analytic research, but which have not yet found appreciation with broader audiences. My diverse experience uniquely equips me to contribute meaningfully as behavior science evolves, potentially shifting paradigmatically in response to modern technology, modern statistical models, and modern sensibilities which may seek to serve individual learners with greater precision, and in service of their unique skills and abilities and with respect to the stated goals and values of the person and their support network.

Statement:  I am committed to utilizing my expertise and resources to enhance the engagement of SIG members with the latest research trends in the RFT community, and potential applications. My experiences in my lab have highlighted the significance of staying up with ongoing research activities, rather than solely relying on published literature, which often trails the forefront of discoveries in language and cognition. To foster a culture of transparency and collaboration, I plan to establish platforms that enable SIG members to exchange insights about their ongoing projects.

My objective extends to cultivating a framework where SIG members can form synergistic partnerships, capitalizing on each other's strengths to address the pressing challenges in our field. By promoting focused collaboration that offers mutual benefits, we can create an environment of continuous growth and innovation. This collaborative ethos aims to steer our SIG toward a path of open intellectual engagement, moving away from the necessarily slow and restrictive practices that have hindered progress in related disciplines like psychology and applied behavior analysis.

In embracing this role, I aspire to not only advance professionally but also to contribute to the professional growth of others, guiding our collective efforts to probe the intricacies of human language and cognition. By doing so, we can collectively push the boundaries of our understanding and make significant contributions to our field and continue to advance the skillsets of professionals afield.




Member-Led Initiative: Dissemination and Implementation of RFT in Behavior Analysis

Member-Led Initiative: Dissemination and Implementation of RFT in Behavior Analysis

As part of the RFT SIG Steering Committee’s ongoing efforts to support member-led initiatives, we are excited to introduce the "Dissemination and Implementation of RFT in Behavior Analysis" series. This monthly discussion aims to advance the integration of relational frame theory (RFT) into behavior analytic practice. Each session will feature guest speakers who will share insights and strategies for ensuring the effective dissemination and implementation of RFT in behavior analysis settings. Together, we will take actionable steps to enhance the use of RFT in clinical, educational, and organizational contexts. Let’s collaborate to bring RFT to the forefront of behavior analysis!


RFT SIG Online Events April 2023 - March 2024

RFT SIG Online Events April 2023 - March 2024

Types of Event

Reading Group - Attendees will be invited to read an RFT journal article and come together to learn and share their thoughts. When possible, corresponding authors of selected articles will attend and present a brief overview of their paper.

Discussion Group - These sessions will involve a research presentation delivered by an RFTer/group that showcases ongoing advances, developments, and innovations in the field, followed by optional breakout rooms and large-group discussions in the main room.

Session 10 - Discussion Group 5 with a presentation from Dr. Ian Hussey

This session was held 21-Feb 2024. Attendees discussed the IRAP (implicit relational assessment procedure) including current data-based critiques of the method and findings. A recording of the session can be viewed here.

Session 9 - Discussion Group 4 with a presentation from Dr. Freddy Jackson Brown and collaborators

This session was held on 17-Jan 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed artificial intelligence and relational frame theory. Here are links to Tovar et al. (2023) and Edwards et al. (2022).

Session 8 - Reading Group 5 with a presentation from Dr. Teresa Mulhern

This session was held on 13-Dec 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Facilitating relational framing of classification in young children". Slide deck available here.

Session 7 - Reading Group 4 with a presentation from Dr. Colin Harte

This session was held on 15-Nov 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Analyses of relational coherence and rule-following: Consistent liars are preferred over occasional truth tellers". Slide deck available here.

Session 6 - Discussion Group 3 with a presentation from Dr. Dana Paliliunas

This session was held on 18-Oct 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed RFT analyses of the values component of the hexaflex model of psychological flexibility.

Session 5 - Discussion Group 2 with a presentation from Dr. Francisco Ruiz Jiménez

This session was held on 27-Sep 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed RFT analyses of the self-as-context component of the hexaflex model of psychological flexibility. Note, there are some sound quality issues in the recording. So, we recommend using headphones to view the recording.

Session 4 - Reading Group 3 with a presentation from Dr. Elle Kirsten

This session was held on 16-Aug 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Assessing the Development of Relational Framing in Young Children".

Session 3 - Reading Group 2 with a presentation from Dr. Jordan Belisle

This session was held on 21-Jun 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Coherence and the merging of relational classes in self-organizing networks: Extending Relational Density Theory". 

Session 2 - Discussion Group 1 with a presentation from Dr. Ian Tyndall

This session was held on 17-May 2023 and no recording is available. Attendees discussed RFT analyses of the defusion component of the hexaflex model of psychological flexibility.

Session 1 - Reading Group 1 with a presentation from Dr. Jamie Cummins

This session was held on 19-Apr 2023 and no recording is available. Attendees discussed "On the structure of relational responding".


Speakers/topics have been selected based on SIG member requests and what we (Alison Stapleton & Patrick Smith) think is likely to be of interest to the RFT SIG membership. We will be evaluating these events and whether they serve our members based on attendance and feedback from the community. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to backchannel and email Patrick ( any feedback so your voice can be heard, whether it's support for this type of work or guidance around how we can facilitate your attendance at a future event.


13-Dec 2023 - Facilitating relational framing of classification in young children

13-Dec 2023 - Facilitating relational framing of classification in young children

Dr Mulhern's slide deck is available below.


15-Nov 2023 - Analyses of relational coherence and rule-following: Consistent liars are preferred over occasional truth tellers

15-Nov 2023 - Analyses of relational coherence and rule-following: Consistent liars are preferred over occasional truth tellers

Here is a pre-print of the article discussed at the 15-Nov 2023 Reading Group. Dr Harte's slide deck is also below.


Top 10 RFT Research Articles (Spring, 2023)

Top 10 RFT Research Articles (Spring, 2023)


This year, the RFT SIG took on the task of developing an unofficial list of top RFT research articles to help people know where to start diving into the literature! The categories were “Just Getting Started” and “Contemporary and Advanced”. The first step involved SIG members nominating articles for consideration in both of those categories. Then, nominated articles were sent out to SIG members for the change to rank the articles. Rankings were then used to locate the Top 10 articles in each category to generate this list. Happy Reading!
* Note, the purpose of these lists is to provide a starting point for consuming the literature and is not a ranking of the worth or scholarly impact of any given article. The lists were prepared by and for the RFT SIG membership and will be updated over time.

Just Getting Started
1. Hayes, S. C., Law, S., Assemi, K., Falletta-Cowden, N., Shamblin, M., Burleigh, K., ... & Smith, P. (2021). Relating is an operant: A fly over of 35 years of RFT research. Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento, 12(1), 5-32.
2. Cassidy, S., Roche, B., & O’Hora, D. (2010). Relational frame theory and human intelligence. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 11(1), 37-51.
3. Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Cullinan, V. (2000). Relational frame theory and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A possible synthesis. The Behavior Analyst, 23(1), 69-84. Note. The authors also recommend reviewing Perez (2023).
4. Ming, S., Moran, L., & Stewart, I. (2014). Derived relational responding and generative language: Applications and future directions for teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 15(2), 199-224.
5. Blackledge, J. T. (2003). An introduction to relational frame theory: Basics and applications. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3(4), 421.
6. Stewart, I., McElwee, J., & Ming, S. (2013). Language generativity, response generalization, and derived relational responding. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 29(1), 137-155.
7. Pelaez, M., & Monlux, K. (2018). Development of communication in infants: Implications for stimulus relations research. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 41(1), 175-188.
8. McEnteggart, C. (2018). A brief tutorial on acceptance and commitment therapy as seen through the lens of derived stimulus relations. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 41(1), 215-227.
9. Healy, O., Barnes‐Holmes, D., & Smeets, P. M. (2000). Derived relational responding as generalized operant behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 74(2), 207-227.
10. Stapleton, A., & McHugh, L. (2021). Healthy selfing: Theoretically optimal environments for the development of tacting and deictic relational responding. Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento, 12(1), 125-137.

Contemporary and Advanced
1. Kirsten, E. B., & Stewart, I. (2021). Assessing the development of relational framing in young children. The Psychological Record, 72(1), 221-246.
2. Belisle, J., & Dixon, M. R. (2020). Relational density theory: Nonlinearity of equivalence relating examined through higher-order volumetric-mass-density. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 43(1), 259-283.
3. Cummins, J., Nevejans, M., Colbert, D., & De Houwer, J. (2023). On the structure of relational responding. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 27(1), 16-25.
4. Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (2020). Updating RFT (more field than frame) and its implications for process-based therapy. The Psychological Record, 70(1), 605-624.
5. Hayes, L. J., & Fryling, M. J. (2019). Functional and descriptive contextualism. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14(1), 119-126.
6. Foody, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., Törneke, N., Luciano, C., Stewart, I., & McEnteggart, C. (2014). RFT for clinical use: The example of metaphor. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(4), 305-313.
7. Delabie, M., Cummins, J., Finn, M., & De Houwer, J. (2022). Differential Crel and Cfunc acquisition through stimulus pairing. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 24(1), 112-119.
8. Mulhern, T., Stewart, I., & McElwee, J. (2018). Facilitating relational framing of classification in young children. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 8(1), 55-68.
9. Kirsten, E. B., Stewart, I., & McElwee, J. (2022). Testing and training analogical relational responding in children with and without autism. The Psychological Record, 72(1), 561-583.
10. Stewart, I., Barnes‐Holmes, D., Roche, B., & Smeets, P. M. (2002). A functional‐analytic model of analogy: A relational frame analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 78(3), 375-396.


RFT SIG Member-Led Initiative - Moreno et al. Reading Group

RFT SIG Member-Led Initiative - Moreno et al. Reading Group

What is this member-led initiative?

Part of the role of the RFT SIG Steering Committee is to support member-led initiatives. In line with this, we are delighted to announce that, in collaboration with the RFT SIG Steering Committee, Jesse Moreno will be hosting a monthly reading group. Each month, attendees will be invited to read and discuss a journal article in a fun, low-stakes environment. Articles will be drawn from the list of papers identified by the RFT SIG membership as useful for those who are “Just Getting Started” and those who are looking for something “Contemporary and Advanced":

These events are open to all RFTers, regardless of their familiarity and fluency with RFT. The first set of sessions will focus on articles for those who are "Just Getting Started", so beginners are particularly welcome :-)

To register your interest and join these sessions, email Jesse at

Session 10 - Reading Group

This session was held 02-July 2024 and the recording is available here.  Attendees discussed "Healthy selfing: Theoretically optimal environments for the development of tacting and deictic relational responding." Pdf available here.

Session 9 - Reading Group

This session was held 03-September 2024 and the recording is available here.  Attendees discussed "Derived relational responding as generalized operant behavior." Pdf available here.

Session 8 - Reading Group

This session was held on 07-May 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "A brief tutorial on acceptance and commitment therapy as seen through the lens of derived stimulus relations." Pdf available here.

Session 7 - Reading Group

This session was held 06-August 2024 and the recording is available here.  Attendees discussed "Development of communication in infants: Implications for stimulus relations research." Pdf available here.

Session 6 - Reading Group

This session was held on 05-Mar 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Language generativity, response generalization, and derived relational responding." Pdf available here.

Session 5 - Reading Group

This session was held on 06-Feb 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "An Introduction to relational frame theory: Basics and applications."

Session 4 - Reading Group with a presentation from Dr. Siri Ming

This session was held on 09-Jan 2024 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Derived relational responding and generative language: Applications and future directions for teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorders." Pdf available here.

Session 3 - Reading Group with a presentation from Jose (Jesse) Moreno

This session was held on 05-Dec 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Relational frame theory and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A possible synthesis." Pdf available here.

Session 2 - Reading Group with a presentation from Dr. Sarah Cassidy 

This session was held on 07-Nov 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Relational Frame Theory and Human Intelligence." Pdf available here.

Session 1 - Reading Group with a presentation from Stu Law, PhD student

This session was held on 03-Oct 2023 and the recording is available here. Attendees discussed "Relating is an Operant: A Fly Over of 35 Years of RFT Research." 


Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative SIG

Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative SIG

Affiliated 2010

Click Here to Join the Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join our Facebook group

SIG Leaders
Dustin Cox
Michelle Drapkin


The Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative is designed to bridge the gap between clinical practice and applied science. Our mission is to help members gather data that informs clinical decision making and that contributes to research. Members of this SIG will contribute their unique expertise, clinical experience, research questions, and skills in order to

  • facilitate practical implementation of research practices,
  • monitor treatment progress,
  • implement evidence-based-practices,
  • and generate practice-based-evidence.

We plan to empower and support clinicians in utilizing research methods in their practice (through single case design, case formulation, and treatment progress monitoring), the goals of which are to improve client outcomes and contribute to treatment development efforts.

Description of Membership

Those who identify themselves as clinical practitioners, organization managers, students, and/or basic or applied scientists who value the principles and practices of contextual behavioral science. 

Members shall be in good standing with the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science, and will be included without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or physical or mental disability.

Zhuo Chen

Social Work SIG

Social Work SIG

Click here to join the Social Work SIG and our Listserv

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

You can also find us on Facebook

Mission Statement

The Board of the ACBS Social Work SIG commits to a grassroots approach to sharing ACT and contextual behavioral modalities with social workers in and beyond the ACBS in a way that is inclusive, accessible, generous, friendly, and warm. 

Vision Statement

We are committed to:

(1) offering professional development opportunities ranging from social work theory to macro and micro-niche social work practice;

(2) organizing in-person and virtual events for community engagement and social connection;

(3) affirming social work as a discipline within ACBS and centering social work in SIG activity and knowledge-gathering. 

SIG Volunteer Opportunities

Present a Webinar

Social Work SIG Webinar Series

The ACBS Social Work SIG is now accepting submissions to fill out the remainder of our 2024 webinar schedule.  Our aim is to provide a format where we can learn how other social workers from around the world are using ACT/CBS in their work. In service of expanding our range of offerings, we are hoping to fill out our 2024 schedule with webinars that focus on working with transgendered individuals, families in addiction and treating psychosis from an ACT/CBS perspective. We would also be especially interested in webinars that provide instruction on the use of a unique CBS/ACT intervention, experiential exercise, etc. that has proven to be effective for you. 

Webinars are:

  • Provided via Zoom
  • 1-1.5 hours in length 
  • Hosted by very supportive ACBS SW SIG Board members 
  • Submissions are reviewed by the SW SIG training and development committee to ensure the presentation integrates models of CBS (ACT, RFT, etc.) and is a good fit with the ACBS SW SIG platform. 

If presenting a webinar would be beneficial to you in career, practice, service, or connection to the social work community, please send your proposal our way by clicking the link below and join us as we offer a dynamic learning environment for the ACBS and social work communities at-large.

For additional information or questions you can contact Neal Vernon at or (803) 238-9417.

Previous Webinars are included on the ACT and Social Work Resources Page



To express interest in volunteering your time and skill for the SWSIG as Board Member in 2025, please connect with our 2024 Board Co-Chairs:

Olga Montgomery, LCSW 
Helen Dempsey-Henofer, LCSW, MBA

2024 Board Members

Olga Montgomery, Co-Chair
Helen Dempsey-Henofer, Co-Chair
Hannah Gold, Member at Large
Evelyn Goldstein, Member at Large
Jessica Jacoby, Member at Large
Janice Keeman, Member at Large
Anastasia Sfiroudis, Member at Large
Alexander Simmons, Member at Large
Hania Tran, Member at Large
Neal Vernon, Member at Large

SIG Founders
Matt Boone
Julie Hamilton
Paul Sorenson

Past Board Chairs
John Armando, US
Caroline Martin, Canada
Maggie Stewart, Canada
Sarah Cheney, US 


Link for Social Work Resources

Maggie Stewart

2022 Social Work SIG Board

2022 Social Work SIG Board

Olga Montgomery, chair
Sarah Cheney, past chair
Helen Dempsey-Henofer
Evelyn Goldstein
Jack Jacobsen
Kat Johnson
Pam Katz
Levin Schwartz
Andrea Siegel
Hilary Stein
Kristi Stuckwisch

Sarah Cheney, MSW

I was introduced to ACT in 2012 at a weekend workshop in Ann Arbor, Michigan with Steve Hayes. Since then I have attended World Conferences in Minneapolis, Montreal, Dublin and virtual ones too! I am a private practitioner and owner of Modern Mind Psychotherapy in northern Michigan. I also work with people with chronic pain in a rural health clinic. I earned a master’s from Columbia University’s School of Social Work with a focus on clinical mental health. I also have a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I am committed to helping people in my rural and remote community as a clinical social and a community gardener – my other passion is the community garden I founded over 14 years ago and now serve as co-director. My specialties include grief, eating disorders, anxiety, OCD, and chronic pain. I use ACT with other exposure-based treatments including Maudsley Family-based Treatment (FBT) for eating disorders and Prolonged Grief Therapy. 

Jack Jacobsen, LCSW

Jack has been a clinician in private practice for the last five years, working with individuals and couples in distress. For the decade prior, he was a therapist within several local non-profit and government settings, including work with the VA and the national rollout of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT). In addition to his clinical work, Jack also provides consultation and training to other mental health professionals in ACT and IBCT. He is an adjunct instructor at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis.

Pam Katz, LCSW

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing for 20 years. I began developing my passion for working with individuals with educational, social, and emotional needs as a school social worker for 15 years. I transitioned to private practice 5 years ago, where I work with children, adolescents, adults, families, and couples. I specialize working with individuals with anxiety, depression, ADHD, learning challenges, and trichotillomania.

I attended my first Acceptance and Commitment Therapy workshop with Steven Hayes during the fall of 2012. The training resonated with my personal and professional values. After the two day training, I continued to educate myself on the ACT framework and began applying my learnings to my professional practice and personal life. I began to teach clients to become more present to their moment to moment experience, and use interventions that were less verbal and more experiential. Since attending my first ACT workshop, I have attended several other ACT trainings and workshops to expand my skills. In addition to the Praxis trainings, I participated in a year long contextual behavioral fellowship at the University of Chicago. Furthermore, I participate in a weekly ACT mindfulness collaborative comprised of mental health therapists and occupational therapists, a twice a month ACT peer consultation group, the monthly ACT Social Work SIG book group, and the monthly ACT Social Work SIG Trainers Peer Consultation group. My desire is to participate on the SW ACT Sig Board to help recruit and support social workers in their journey, be a voice for social workers needs, and take on a larger role within the ACBS organization.

Olga Loraine Montgomery, MSS

Olga is a palliative medicine social worker residing and practicing in Richmond, Virginia. She holds a Master of Social Service degree from the Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. She has clinical experience to include palliative oncology, medical oncology, and hospice, as well as neurology research experience assessing patients diagnosed with Frontotemporal Degenerative conditions. Olga employs ACT in context of chronic and terminal illness as well as grief and bereavement; she has been a member of the ACBS learning ACT since 2019. Olga is passionate about whole-person clinical practice, social work ethics grounded in dignity and worth of the person, and radical self-care.

Levin Schwartz, LICSW

Levin Schwartz, LICSW received his primary training at Smith College’s MSW program and at the Veterans Administration on the Specialized Inpatient PTSD Unit. Levin’s clinical work focuses on using DBT and ACT in treating trauma and addiction. Besides his clinical practice, Levin is a musician and educator using mindfulness and acceptance skills as tools for accessing creativity and providing a vehicle to explore living in the moment and recognize barriers to valued living. Levin currently holds multiple positions in the greater community of Western Massachusetts: Assistant Deputy Superintendent at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, consultant to the Greenfield District Court’s Drug Court, adjunct professor at Westfield State University, Human Services Program Advisory Board at Greenfield Community College, Department of Mental Health Site Board, Transitions from Jail to Community Core Task Force and Mental Health & Public Safety Board of Franklin County.

Andrea Siegel, Ph.D., MSW Candidate

Andrea earned her Ph.D. in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies at Columbia University in 2011 with a focus on Hebrew literature, Holocaust poetry, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Experiences as a family caregiver led her to study integrative health and chaplaincy at University of Michigan, and pursue an MSW degree at Louisiana State University (graduating July 2021). Andrea has taught at University of Michigan, Pepperdine University, and State University of New York Purchase College. She was Acting Director of the Jewish Communal Leadership Program at University of Michigan's School of Social Work. She served as Director of Jewish Learning for young adults at JDC, the largest Jewish humanitarian organization in the world. Through JDC, she has taught in Ethiopia, Georgia, Estonia, Israel/Palestine, Latvia, Turkey, and elsewhere. Interests include moral injury, medical humanities, spiritually-integrated psychotherapy, caregiver support, and MHPSS in humanitarian settings. Her MSW field placement with Helping Children Worldwide focused on capacity building in Sierra Leone's child welfare sector. During her field placement, she also authored a tool that borrows techniques from Motivational Interviewing and ACT to forward the global church orphanage deinstitutionalization movement.


ACBS Social Work Award

ACBS Social Work Award


2022 ACBS Social Work Award

2022 ACBS Social Work Award

The ACBS Social Work SIG Board is delighted to announce Jennifer Shepard Payne, PhD, LCSW, as the recipient of the 2022 ACBS Social Work Award. Dr. Payne’s innovative work covers all three of the award areas: social work innovation, social justice, and CBS advancement within social work.

Dr. Payne has developed an adaptation of ACT that is culturally tailored to African-Americans suffering from social injustice and race-related trauma. Her upcoming book Out of the fire: Healing Black trauma caused by systemic racism using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy will be released by New Harbinger in December 2022.

Matt Boone, LCSW, nominated Dr. Payne for this award, and noting the importance of her work said, “creating and disseminating culturally competent treatments is inherently a social justice move.”

Dr. Payne currently serves as a research scientist and clinician at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress (CCFTS) and at the Center for the Neuroscience of Social Injustice. She is also an assistant professor in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Within ACBS, Dr. Payne has served on the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, has served as co-coordinator of the DEI SIG, and has presented in SIG webinars. In addition, Dr. Payne serves on the board of MEND, a nonprofit devoted to supporting and training clinicians of color to help alleviate the suffering of intergenerational and racial trauma.

Learn more about Dr. Payne’s work here.

Learn more about the ACBS Social Work award here.


2023 ACBS Social Work Award

2023 ACBS Social Work Award

Congratulations to Marie Vakakis, recipient of the ACBS Social Work SIG Early Career Scholarship, and Amanda Savage Brown, recipient of the Recognition of Excellence in Social Work Award!

The ACBS Social Work SIG Board is delighted to share with you the work of Marie Vakakis, awardee of the 2023 Early Career in Social Work Scholarship!

Marie Vakakis is the deserving recipient of the esteemed 2023 ACBS Early Career in Social Work Scholarship. With a passion for supporting individuals to improve their mental wellbeing and build strong relationships, Marie has made significant contributions to the field of social work as a Mental Health Social Worker, Family Therapist, presenter, podcaster, and trainer.

Throughout her career, Marie has worked with individuals and families in various settings, including schools and community health centers. One of the therapeutic approaches that has been instrumental in her practice is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Marie has skillfully integrated ACT with other modalities and tools to address a wide range of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. She firmly believes in the power of ACT to promote psychological flexibility and build resilience in individuals, particularly in her work with families.

Innovatively incorporating ACT into her online parenting course, "Connected Teens," Marie equips parents with the tools needed to develop greater awareness of their own thoughts and emotions, fostering a more supportive and nurturing environment for their children. Recognizing the importance of reaching a broader audience, Marie has also utilized podcasting as a powerful tool through her podcast, "Inside Social Work." Through this platform, she provides educational resources, shares best practices, and interviews experts on various mental health and wellbeing topics, becoming a go-to resource for social workers seeking guidance, support, and inspiration.

Marie's dedication to promoting open discussions around mental health and breaking down the associated stigma is evident in her work. With over a decade of tertiary studies and clinical experience, she seamlessly combines academic knowledge and practical expertise in her programs, podcast, and workshops. Through her efforts, Marie aims to empower individuals to speak confidently about their experiences and contribute to a more inclusive and understanding society.

The ACBS Early Career in Social Work Scholarship acknowledges Marie Vakakis' exceptional achievements in the field of social work and her commitment to advancing the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Her innovative use of ACT, coupled with her podcasting platform and educational programs, has made a profound impact on the social work community. Marie's dedication to improving mental health outcomes and promoting resilience is truly commendable, and this scholarship recognizes her potential as an emerging leader in the field.

You can learn more about Marie's work at and

The ACBS Social Work SIG Board is delighted to share with you the work of Amanda Savage Brown, awardee of the 2023 Recognition of Excellence in Social Work Award!

Amanda Savage Brown is the recipient of the prestigious 2023 ACBS Annual Recognition of Excellence in Social Work Award from the social work special interest group of the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science. Amanda's dedication to addressing the overlooked psychosocial concerns of women with breast implants and her innovative use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) have made a significant impact in the field of social work.

Driven by her background as a social worker and former public health scientist, Amanda embarked on a mission to raise awareness about the temporary and problem-prone nature of breast implants and the countless women experiencing systemic health effects from them. The FDA has issued safety alerts to warn the public about their risks. Recognizing the lack of resources addressing the psychosocial aspects of living with or removing problematic breast implants, Amanda developed an ACT-based inner healing program for women considering or recovering from silhouette-altering breast surgery.

In 2022, Amanda authored the groundbreaking book "Busting Free," the first self-help guide tailored specifically for women who explant. The book received critical acclaim, winning the 2022 Best Independent Book Award for Women's Wellbeing, the 2023 Eric Hoffer First Horizon Award Finalist, Grand Prize Short List, and Honorable Mention in Health. Her work has been featured in various publications and media outlets, including Ask Us Beauty Magazine, Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine, CBS Chicago, ABC Nightline News, and a Nightline Impact episode on Hulu.

Amanda's commitment to educating mental health providers about the mental well-being of women with breast implants led her to present at Yale's 2023 Women's Mental Health Conference and serve as the keynote speaker for the 2023 Social Work Foundation Conference in Chicago. Through her efforts, she aims to shed light on the hidden psychological impact of breast implants and advocate for the recognition and support of women facing these challenges.

It is our honor to celebrate the innovative nature of her work and its contribution to advancing Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS) within the social work community. Her dedication to meeting the psychosocial needs of women on their journeys with breast implants, while also providing continuing education opportunities for social workers, exemplifies the values of service, social justice, and human dignity upheld by the social work profession. Amanda's efforts have not only challenged societal norms but also brought crucial attention to a marginalized population, making her a deserving recipient of this esteemed award.

You can learn more about Amanda's work here


Interviews with Social Work SIG members

Interviews with Social Work SIG members

This section contains interviews with Social Work SIG members. To view a news item, click on the links listed below.

Douglas Long

Social Work Spotlight - Jennifer Shepard Payne - 2022

Social Work Spotlight - Jennifer Shepard Payne - 2022

Our spotlight is shining once again! This time on Jennifer Shepard Payne, the recipient of the 2022 ACBS Social Work Award.  

-Please introduce yourself.
My name is Jennifer Shepard Payne. I am a Research Scientist and Clinician at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress (CCFTS), and I am affiliated with the newly formed Center for the Neuroscience of Social Injustice. I am also an Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine within the Department of Psychiatry, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. I am the first research scientist with a social work doctorate ever hired at Kennedy Krieger or Johns Hopkins.
I received my doctorate in Social Welfare from UCLA, and I have been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for decades. I have been working on culturally tailoring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for African American communities experiencing racial trauma for several years. I am a board member of MEND, a non-profit for therapists of color being trauma-trained to help oppressed communities: I am also a board member of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work:

-What connected you to the ACBS community?
About eight years ago, I started work as an Assistant Professor at a private college in California. There, I was assigned to revise a class on evidence-based interventions that I would teach to social work master's students. I added a module on mindfulness-related interventions in the course, and I invited a colleague friend to guest teach that module. During her teaching, I first heard about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I took training on ACT and fell in love with it! But I noticed that, at the time, I was the only person with dark skin in the rooms that I was in as I trained. I began to ask other Black clinicians if they had heard of ACT, and few had. So, I decided to commit to action that would help change that.

-How has the ACBS community supported work you want to do?
Certain individuals in the ACBS community have been amazingly supportive! In June 2020, soon after the killing of George Floyd, I met an amazing woman – Carynne Williams, who is the president of the non-profit MEND. When we met, MEND was still a germ of an idea. But the concept was – could there be an organization for clinicians of color where they would be able to be trauma trained in various evidence-based practices at prices more affordable and accessible to them? Would they commit to providing pro-bono services to at least two disadvantaged clients a year in return? When I heard about Carynne's vision, I immediately thought that ACT would be perfect as one of the trauma training offerings. Several ACBS community members jumped fully in to help, and they have been helping ever since. I am grateful to Meg McKelvie, Robyn Walser, Debbie Sorensen, Shawn Whooley, Melissa Connally, Miranda Morris, Temple Morris, Matt Boone, and Joanne Steinwachs. I am grateful for their voluntary commitment of time, attention, and knowledge via the ACT for MEND project that has developed and continues to thrive. I cannot say enough about how they have dug in with their whole hearts and minds into the work of training BIPOC clinicians in ACT.

-What are the most important values that you bring to your work?
One of the aspects of ACT that drew me in was the values work. I live a life of purpose, which is strongly tied to values. My goal has always been to help oppressed and disenfranchised populations. When I was nineteen years old, I had an experience that changed my life. I worked at a summer camp for disadvantaged children and had the privilege of getting to know some of them, their struggles, and their desire for positive attention in a safe space. I left the camp that summer feeling the call to help these children and families, and that call has never dissipated. My ways of helping have changed and shifted over the years, but my values are the same: collective freedom, authenticity, community, purpose, faith, culture, compassion, and integrity.

-Where could we learn more about your work?
I have two websites where you can learn more. The first is my website at The second describes a bit more about the culturally tailored model being piloted in Europe now:

Also, I will be doing training through PRAXIS, which I completed last year and received excellent reviews. The training is a four-week virtually live training on culturally tailored ACT for African Americans, coming up in May 2022: Last, I am happy that my first book is now available for pre-order in several venues, with a December 1st, 2022 release date:


Interview with ACBS Member Michelle Maidenberg - January 2019

Interview with ACBS Member Michelle Maidenberg - January 2019

Welcome to the feature of the ACBS monthly newsletter where we learn more about the inspiring work of ACBS members. For the January 2019 newsletter, Kate Morrissey Stahl interviews the co-founder of “Thru My Eyes” Michelle Maidenberg, PhD, MPH, LCSW, CGP.

Who are you?

I maintain a private practice in Harrison, New York. I am also the Co-Founder and Clinical Director of “Thru My Eyes” a nonprofit organization that offers free clinically-guided videotaping to chronically medically ill individuals who want to leave video legacies for their children and loved ones. A professional videographer and trained counselors are available at no cost to help guide clients through the challenging task of presenting a gift of lasting messages to their children and other family members. The organization was founded to empower those with life-threatening illnesses with the peace and knowledge in knowing that they will be remembered by those whom they loved the most.

In 2009, I met 40-year-old Dede at the gym I attend. Her blazing blue eyes (thus the name “Thru My Eyes”) and beautiful red hair were striking. After my exercise regimen I was standing at the mirror getting ready for work. We got into conversation about children and I expressed that I had four children and she disclosed that she had a daughter who was seven at the time.

Through our encounters at the mirror she eventually shared that she always dreamt of having many children but because of her bout with breast cancer and her extensive treatment, at the time, she accepted that she would remain childless. She described her daughter as being her “true miracle” because she and her doctors believed she would never conceive. She expressed how thankful she was to be in remission and spoke of her journey of discovery and evolution toward committing to live a present and purposeful life.  Approximately a year later, we stood by the mirror and she shared with me the facts about how the cancer had returned and she was receiving aggressive treatment and understood that she was “in the fight” of her life. My heart sank. I watched as her hair fell out, she became progressively weaker and eventually could not make it to the gym any longer. A fighter she was.

Dede worked out until she absolutely couldn’t anymore. I once asked her, how do you do it and muster up enough strength to come to the gym and remain so generous and positive. I’ll never forget her answer; it is forever burnished in my mind. She said during her last bout of cancer that she made the decision to live every moment of the rest of her life with appreciation and joy and planned to carry that out no matter what her demise. I marveled at her courage and motivation.

Further along in her illness, she approached me about wanting to videotape herself discussing important milestones for her daughter so that she could be left with anecdotes and critical lessons for life. She asked if she can consult with me about developmentally appropriate topics to cover. I helped her come up with a structure from which she wanted to be videotaped.

A few women at the gym did research on where they might offer such a service. At Sloan Kettering they had a videographer who came to the hospital only if a patient requested it. They had to be videotaped at the hospital, they had to pay for it, and they would be videotaped without any support or guidance. A few friends chipped in and we were able to get the videographer to come to Dede’s house to videotape.

Out of this experience I was committed to making this service for families readily available, effortless, supportive and empowering. I felt it should be offered at no cost so that all families, despite their socioeconomic status can benefit. Also, that families that are already incurring substantial financial stress do not have to be burdened with this additional expense. In addition, it should be accomplished in the comfort of a person’s home to preserve their dignity and integrity, and lastly, that a licensed mental health professional should be present throughout the taping so that they can offer emotional support and provide a script from which to guide the interview that was based on the topics they personally selected to discuss. Video footage of the family’s interactions (i.e., playing, reading, and practicing family traditions) are also edited into the final video legacy at the discretion of the family.

What connected you to the ACBS community?

My practice is formatively grounded in the contextual behavioral sciences. I have advanced training in ACT, am a member of an ACT supervision group, and use ACT in my direct practice with clients. I am the author of the book that is grounded in ACT, “Free Your Child From Overeating" 53 Mind-Body Strategies For Lifelong Health.”

I greatly appreciate and utilize ACBS’s plethora of valuable resources. I use the research resources, publications, the podcasts, and PowerPoints. I also have tremendous gratitude for the open, generous, and supportive ACBS community. I feel honored and fortunate to be part of this thriving community.

What are the most important values that you bring to your work?

The most important values I bring to my work are: human dignity, integrity, ethnic diversity, self-determination, commitment, perseverance, adaptability/flexibility, curiosity, compassion, learning/competency, and engagement/connectedness.

What got you started in social work?

In college I sought advice from a professor because of my desire to conduct family therapy/treatment. He advised me to consider social work which was the direct route his wife had taken in her studies. After doing research, and learning more about social work, I decided that it would be my chosen profession.

I wanted to do direct clinical practice, so I attended NYU because of its clinical track. After completing my MSW degree, I attended a two-year post Masters training program in Family Therapy and then I completed my doctoral studies in social work at Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University. To complement my social work education, and given my interest in health, I elected to further my education and earned a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) in Community Health Education at Hunter College.

What are your other professional activities and interests?

I created and coordinate the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Program at Camp Shane, a health & weight management camp for children and teens and Shane Diet and Fitness Resorts, a resort focusing on health & weight management for young adults and adults.

I’m an Adjunct Professor at New York University, teaching a graduate course in Mindfulness. I am the author of Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies For Lifelong Health. Utilizing CBT, ACT, and Mindfulness. I am also a blogger for PsychCentral and publish articles in various publications and speak on a variety of topics including trauma, anxiety, mindfulness, ACT, CBT, health and wellness, parenting, grief and bereavement.

I am a Board of Directors member at The Boys & Girls Club in Mount Vernon, NY. I am also a member of American Red Cross Crisis Team and serve on the Board of Directors of the Westchester Trauma Network (WTN). I have advanced training in CBT, ACT, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Structural Family Therapy, and Mindfulness.

Where could we learn more about your work?
Web: My Website:
Thru My Eyes Website:
Facebook: Dr Michelle Maidenberg:
Twitter: @DrMaidenberg:
Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies For Lifelong Health
PsychCentral Blog: Dr. Michelle Maidenberg – Thoughts of A Therapist:



If you have a social worker you would like to have ACBS interview, please email Kate Morrissey Stahl at
If you have an ACBS member that you would like to have ACBS interview, please email Laura Purcell at


Interview with ACBS Member Alison Benedict - August 2018

Interview with ACBS Member Alison Benedict - August 2018

Welcome to a new feature of the ACBS monthly newsletter where we learn more about the inspiring work of ACBS members. In our first installment, Kate Morrissey Stahl interviews Alison Kiawenniserathe Benedict, MSW, RSW, a social worker practicing as a Provincial Aboriginal Training Coordinator in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Who are you?

My name is Alison Kiawenniserathe Benedict, MSW, RSW. I am a member of the Kanienkehaka Nation from Akwesasne, Wolf Clan.

I received my Master’s degree from the University of Michigan with a focus in clinical practice with children and youth, including school social work, and specialized training in child abuse and neglect. The foundation of my clinical practice originates from traditional teachings and teachings of the Peacemaker.

What got you started in social work?

Growing up, I was that kid that people talked to and confided in. In 1979, my family moved from Southern California to Akwesasne. It was a tremendous culture shock. In California, I did not experience racism. My teachers were kind to me and believed in me. I was able to ride my bike and go to the mall and beaches freely. When we moved to Akwesasne, there was no safe place. My love of learning was met with racism and sexism by teachers, principals, and administrators. Although there was some bullying by peers, it was not nearly as shocking as my experiences with adults. It was then that I began to understand the impact of trauma and social toxicity. At 15, as I sat with my friends who were contemplating living or dying, I learned how to stay and be with people who are suffering.

What connected you to the ACBS community?

Several years ago I attended a training in Toronto by Louise Hayes. It was incredible to learn that what I had been doing that had been so successful in my clinical work was an evidence-based practice! What joy! It was so validating. My clinical practice really bridged what I learned in traditional teachings and Western clinical practices. At work, my team was searching for evidence-based practices which could be used to help mental health and addiction workers across the province to support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Although there are some culturally adapted practice modalities, there was not one that was as culturally congruent as ACT. Listening to the wisdom of our Elders really shows how much these ways of helping and being are aligned.

One of the other main reasons that I chose ACT is how it is beneficial to both helper and person seeking help. There has been such systemic and ongoing trauma in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities that no one is unaffected or untouched. The helpers are supporting others, but are also in dire need of support themselves. Our approach to all training, including ACT, is that the training itself is healing medicine.

How has the ACBS community supported work you want to do?

The Ontario ACBS has been a tremendous resource to my work. At the time, Dr. Kenneth Fung was the President of the Ontario Chapter. He has been instrumental in supporting this work and incredibly helpful with connecting me with others who can also support it. Both he and Mary Bell have travelled with me to various Northern communities to train people in ACT.

What would you like to see from ACBS as we move forward in working to reduce suffering in the world?

Making room for everyone to sit equally in voice, knowledge, and spirit. Walking our talk - doing, being, and including. What do we leave behind to the communities after our conference has concluded? What will be our legacy as we move forward? At this year's conference, I wanted to bring a value-based action to our association in the form of reconciliation. It took many months and advocates to support the opening and closing ceremony by the traditional Kanienkehake Faithkeeper, Otsi'tsaken:ra. The beautiful outcome was well received by many. Although, in fact, this was only a small piece of what I had hoped to realize. I originally wanted to arrange outreach to two First Nations communities, Kahnawake, which is just across the Mercier Bridge and Kanesatake, which is the site of the 1990 Oka crisis, about 40 minutes from Montreal. It would have been a valuable opportunity to actually engage and support communities to reduce suffering. We are not going to reduce suffering in the world if we stay in our safe places. We need to challenge ourselves to organize conferences in Africa, South or Central America, and other places. While there, we must connect to the land and the people, inviting them to share their wisdom with us so that we can connect and heal together. Thus, what I would like to see is that ACBS demonstrate inspiring leadership, make this an important priority, and engage all of us in an inclusive planning process to take committed action towards this vision of collective learning and healing.

What are the most important values that you bring to your work?

Love is at the core of all that I do. It is living the Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen (words before all else that acknowledges and thanks all in Creation). Respect is the core value. The action is to do no harm to all in Creation. Respect is responsibility and accountability.

Where could we learn more about your work?

Alison Benedict
Provincial Aboriginal Training Coordinator
Aboriginal Engagement and Outreach
Provincial System Support Program
M. 416 452-2154
T. 613 546-4266 ext. 78063
Find out more about us:



If you have a social worker you would like to have ACBS interview, please email Kate Morrissey Stahl at
If you have an ACBS member that you would like to have ACBS interview, please email Laura Purcell at


Joanne Steinwachs, first social worker peer-reviewed as an ACT trainer, tells of her journey - 2012

Joanne Steinwachs, first social worker peer-reviewed as an ACT trainer, tells of her journey - 2012

Joanne Steinwachs (pictured left) is a social worker in private practice in Denver, Colorado. She recently became the first social worker to be designated a peer-reviewed ACT trainer. She facilitates online and in-person trainings on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), and recently completed a article on using FAP to train ACT with Benjamin Schoendorff. She is a visible social work presence on the ACBS listserv and is the founding president of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of ACBS. She was invited to be interviewed by the Social Work ACT Special Interest Group, and questions were posed by Julie Hamilton (pictured right), a coleader of the Social Work ACT SIG.


Julie: Please share with us your journey of how you came upon CBS/RFT/ACT and the development of CBS in your professional life as a social worker.

Joanne: I was extremely burned out when I came into the ACT community. I came out of my social work graduate training in 1990 with a lot of half formed scientistic theory, and realized pretty quickly I needed to have a better sense of what I was doing. From early on in my career, many of the people who came to see me had pretty serious struggles--major mental illnesses, addictions, very painful marriages, and significant trauma. Sometimes all at once. So I felt pretty incompetent for a lot of the time. I started looking for a theory that would help me organize the work and spent a lot of time in the psychodynamic/psychoanalytic realm, dabbling also in CBT and even got a lot of training in EMDR. However, none of these models helped me understand what was going on in the room much. So I got more and more frustrated and felt like a fraud. I did have a really busy practice, though.

Julie: What was the response of your clients and colleagues to this transition?

Joanne: I really drank the Kool-Aid. I went to the first Summer Institute, and my first workshop was with Steve. I felt like I had the Answer. So I came back to my colleagues and clients to tell them. I lost about 2/3 of my clients and almost all of my referral sources. Remember, I was working from the 2-3 sessions a week for 5 years model, working assiduously to get rid of the pain. People were definitely not impressed. I did connect with the then tiny behavioral community here in Denver, though. It helped a lot, but I had no understanding of behaviorism or learning theory or behavior analysis, so I was kludging ACT onto my "get rid of pain" agenda without even knowing that I was doing it. I realized that I really didn't understand what people were saying in the ACT community, I was fundamentally misconstruing things because I didn't have the basic theoretical grounding-- so I went to John McNeil, who taught the behavioral sequence for the Psy.D program at the University of Denver, and asked him to be my teacher. I had to start with undergraduate texts and work my way up to the basic texts that people in the ACT community suggested. I spent a LOT of time being frustrated and confused, but I think learning the basics of clinical behavior analysis was crucial for my growth as a functional contextualist. I don't know how I could have transformed my life and my practice without it. I'm back up to more than full time and I find myself being able to do clinical and training work that I've never been able to do before.

Julie: You have become a respected leader in the ACT/CBS training community. Can you share how this came about and what you believe is important regarding the training of colleagues?

Joanne: Regarding being a respected leader, I don't really think of myself like that. I have been able with functional contextualism to stand for my values. I value being of service, helping out people who are struggling to do this difficult and often lonely work. So I try to show up as much as I can. I think when I get stuck on thoughts about My Place in the ACT Community, none of that is available to me. So I just try to keep my attention on helping out. That's why I was a part of forming the ACBS chapter here in Denver in 2009. I was really shocked when the people I started it up with asked me to be the first president. It was a huge honor. It's been with great pride I've seen the board transition to all new people, who are doing an amazing job bringing CBS to the Rocky Mountain region. It's also why I became a peer reviewed ACT trainer, I wanted to help out, and I wanted other social workers to see that it can be done, even if you've never taken a philosophy of science class in your life.

Julie: How has this impacted you personally/professionally?

Joanne: Learning to distinguish between who a person is, and what they know how to do, freed me both personally and professionally. Until I came into the ACT community, it was a dark secret of mine that I fulfilled diagnostic criteria for many of the Axis II disorders in the DSM. Not all the time and not all of them, but enough to feel very shameful. I'm really fortunate that that whole worldview has just evaporated for me, and I think my clients probably appreciate it too.

Julie: What do you see the role of the social work community playing in the continued proliferation of CBS?

Joanne: I think that social workers can take over the world with peace love and understanding and functional contextualism. Seriously, I cannot think of a theory that is more in line with social work values than functional contextualism. We provide the bulk of mental health care in this country and it breaks my heart that more social workers don't know about contextual behavioral science. I feel really good coming home to social work after all these years of hanging out with psychologists. There's a deep sense of "these are my people" that I feel when I talk functional contextualism with social workers.

Douglas Long

Social Work SIG Listserv Guidelines

Social Work SIG Listserv Guidelines

Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
Social Work SIG Listserv Guidelines

Our listserv is a collaborative space for social workers to explore the intersection of social work theory, practice, and contextual behavioral science. We hope that this discussion group will help us share ideas and resources with the goal of building a diverse and compassionate online community, connected by our internationally shared social work principles of social justice, human rights, service to others, and the right to self-determination.

Please contribute to this community by adding your voice to the discussion. Be courageous, curious, and compassionate in your posts. And write with an awareness of both the power of language and the limitations of this online medium. We are representatives of the field of social work, this special interest group, and ACBS--let’s work together to create a safe and respectful listserv environment.

1. Be mindful of others. Post thoughtfully and occasionally. Consider our global audience, and post inclusive, prosocial content that invites engagement from members of diverse and intersecting identities including: language, country of residence, national origin, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, occupation, age, marital status, political belief, religion, and physical abilities.

2. Keep posts confidential. ACBS lists are not confidential, and posts can be reviewed by any ACBS member on the website. If you’re writing about a clinical issue, please omit any identifiable information.

3. Identify yourself with your full name and country of residence on all messages. Include credentials and business contact information if you’re comfortable sharing this information.

4. Stay on-topic and do not start new posts using someone else's subject line.

5. Search ACBS for past discussions related to your topic or question to review the history of the topic before posting and to avoid duplication.

6. Communicate with your values. Before posting, it may be helpful to ask yourself if your response is motivated by values you've chosen freely (e.g., curiosity, creativity, collaboration) or by something more automatic (e.g., the urge to look good, to be right, to sound scientific, etc.).

7. Question and challenge. Facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science. Consider the overall vision of ACBS – the alleviation of human suffering and the advancement of human well-being through research and practice grounded in contextual behavioral science. Ask yourself whether your post is aligned with this vision.

8. Backchannel to limit email traffic and target your audience. If your response doesn’t need to be seen by other members, go off-list to continue the conversation. For example, thank you’s and brief comments should be directly emailed to the individual, not the listserv (members’ email addresses are near the top of their post).

9. Solve problems or contact moderators. The listserv moderator is responsible for observing interactions on this list and offering gentle reminders about the spirit of the list and the guidelines. Please resolve problems off-list by directly emailing the member. If you need support or have questions about listserv posts or problems with listserv members, please contact the SIG listserv’s volunteer moderators, a SIG board member, or the ACBS Listserv Lead Moderator by using the Contact form on the ACBS website.

10. Pause before posting: actions have consequences. Hostile or discriminatory content in posts will not be tolerated. If the moderating team has asked you to try writing with a different tone or to take an argument off-list and the request has been ignored, you may temporarily lose your posting privilege until we can discuss the matter further with you. Please note that ACBS reserves the right to suspend ACBS listserv posting privileges at any time.

11. Limit marketing. You may give a one-time post to market for-profit trainings and books you produced. You are welcome to post about free materials that could be beneficial to the community.

12. Use the Digest feature to receive one daily email with a compilation of daily posts. You can opt into this format by going to My Account on the ACBS website, and clicking on Manage Group Subscriptions.


Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG

Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG

Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG

Affiliated 2014

Click Here to Join the Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Join us on Facebook

Contact Information

David Udelf, USA
Manabu Yoshimoto, Japan

SIG Officers

Manabu Yoshimoto: Internal operations coordinator
Kelly Dekker: Member representative and master of ceremonies
Jeffrey Krepps: Member representative and czar of resources
Nicholas Arancibia Levit: Student representative
David Udelf: Public relations and continuing education
Eugene Koh: Advisory member

SIG Mission/Objectives

The mission of the Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG is to promote the practice and research of contextually supported interventions within populations seeking higher levels of performance. This sport, health, and human performance SIG will meet these goals by creating an open, collegial, and supportive environment for all members. This SIG seeks to contribute to the growing body of work in the area of contextual behavior sciences to human performance and healthy living. The SIG encourages its members to creatively apply contextual sciences to their work, trainings, clinical practice, and research.

Description of SIG membership 

Researchers and clinicians interested in the investigating and application of both basic and applied third wave approaches to sports, health, and performance.

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

The general interest for this SIG is to foster a community that promotes the dissemination and collaborative evaluation of contextually based research and practice in the area of sport, health, and human performance.

SIG Activities

To accomplish this mission, this SIG will promote the utilization and research of ACT through the following activities:

Emily Leeming

Student SIG

Student SIG

ACBS Student SIG

Affiliated 2009

Click Here to Join the Student SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Follow us on Join our Facebook, Twitter, Bluesky, and LinkTree!


The ACBS Student SIG will work to support students of contextual behavioral science by advocating for their professional and personal development and facilitating their contribution to ACBS and the larger community.

Description of Membership

Students in fields related to contextual behavioral science.

Student SIG Activities   

Current Student Representative:

Sanna Turakka, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Current Student SIG Co-chair:

Sandro Voi, University of Hertfordshire (UK)


        Bluesky Logo

Houyuan Luo

Student SIG Newsletters

Student SIG Newsletters


2023 Student SIG Newsletter

2023 Student SIG Newsletter

Student Newsletter - November 2023


ACBS Student Special Interest Group

Greetings from the ACBS Student SIG!

With over 1,500 ACBS student members worldwide, we are showcasing the ways that students can participate in ACBS, such as applying for scholarships to the annual World Conference, and, of course, joining the ACBS Student Special Interest Group.

The ACBS Student SIG maintains a list of funding opportunities for students, sponsors the Student Spotlight Program, and hosts webinars. We encourage you to read more about the Student SIG and to join the ACBS Student SIG today.

The ACBS Student SIG has multiple ways to stay in touch! We encourage students to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook, X/Twitter, and the ACBS Student email listserv, so that you can stay informed about what the SIG is doing throughout the year.


Student Spotlight Award Application Deadline is November 30, 2023

The Student Spotlight Program highlights students' work in the CBS community, whether through research, clinical, or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. This program is a great way to celebrate their achievements and let the entire ACBS community know about valuable work students are doing. The spotlighted students will receive a 50% discount off the ACBS World Conference student registration fee. The application deadline is November 30, 2023. Apply here.


ACBS World Conference

Register Your Interest in the 2024 ACBS World Conference

ACBS World Conference
Buenos Aires, Argentina
25 - 28 July, 2024
Click here to register your interest in the 2024 ACBS World Conference


Conference Awards and Scholarships

- Scholarships: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion World Conference Scholarship; Student World Conference Scholarship; ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship; and Developing Nations World Conference Scholarship
- Awards: Junior Investigator Poster Award; Early Career Research Paper Award; and Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Award.
- Learn more about the Conference Awards and Scholarships and the application deadlines.


ACBS Foundation

ACBS Foundation Grant

The aim of the ACBS Foundation Grant is to finance projects and research that advances the understanding of how CBS principles can be used to impact social or environmental issues (these projects are funded through the General Fund or the Aaron S. Luoma Fund for Global Equity); and the Robert J. Kohlenberg Research Award will support graduate student and early career research focused on advancing knowledge and expertise in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy. The Foundation Grant application will open on January 15, 2024. Learn more.


ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship

The ACBS Foundation coordinates the awarding of student scholarships to attend and learn cutting-edge information about contextual science at the ACBS World Conference. The scholarship will cover the full student conference registration fee. Nominees must be student members of ACBS in good standing and currently enrolled as a student in an undergraduate or graduate program. The application deadline is February 15, 2024. Apply here.


Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

ACBS Members Can Read Journal Articles for Free

ACBS members can read the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science for free. JCBS publishes four volumes each year. JCBS also has published special issues: such as "Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and Practice," "ACT for Autism and Related Disorders"," and "Contextual Behavioral Science and the Psychedelic Renaissance." ACBS members can read the current Volume 30, past Volumes 1-29, and the special issues in the JCBS member portal.


Connect, Share, and Grow

ACBS Chapters, Affiliates, and Special Interest Groups

A great way for students to get involved in ACBS is to join a Chapter, Affiliate, or Special Interest Group (SIG). ACBS has Chapters and Affiliates located worldwide. If you are interested in a specific topic, then we encourage you to join one of our Special Interest Groups. Each SIG has a list of resources and most SIGs have an email listserv and social media that you can join. Chapters, Affiliates, and SIGs host meetings, webinars, and peer consultation groups throughout the year. Click here to view upcoming Chapter, Affiliate, and SIG events.


CBS Superlab

The CBS Superlab is an international research lab meeting held once a quarter via Zoom. These hour-long meetings will involve a research presentation delivered by a CBS lab that showcases ongoing advances, developments, and innovations in the field of CBS and a group discussion among the attendees. All ACBS members are invited to attend the CBS Superlab events. The next Superlab with Carmen Luciano will be held January 17, 2024. Learn more about the CBS Superlab


Post-Doc Fellowships

Did you know that ACBS allows its members to post information about their institutions' CBS-friendly Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Pre-Doctoral Internships? You can see the full list of internships and fellowships on the ACBS website.  If you know of a CBS-friendly fellowship or internship, please email the information to


Submit Your Dissertations to Be Added on the ACBS Website

Do you have a CBS dissertation? Then please email your dissertation and citation to and we will add it in the list of publications on the ACBS website. We know you put a lot of work into your dissertation, so we encourage you to share your dissertation so that other ACBS members may read it!



2021 Student SIG Newsletter

2021 Student SIG Newsletter

Student Newsletter - November 2021


ACBS Student Special Interest Group

Greetings from the ACBS Student SIG!

With over 1,900 ACBS student members worldwide, we are showcasing the ways that students can participate in ACBS, such as attending webinars, applying for scholarships to the annual World Conference, and, of course, joining the Student SIG.

ACBS has a Student Special Interest Group (SIG) for our student members to join. The Student SIG hosts webinars, maintains a list of funding opportunities for students, and sponsors the Student Spotlight Program. We encourage you to read more about the Student SIG and to join the ACBS Student SIG today. The ACBS Student SIG has three different ways to stay in touch! We encourage students to join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and the ACBS Student listserv, so that you can stay informed about what the SIG is doing throughout the year.

The 2021-22 Student SIG leaders are the Student Representative to the ACBS Board of Directors, Marianna Zacharia, University of Cyprus, and the Student SIG Co-Chair, Lam Ching Yee, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thank you Marianna and Lam for volunteering for ACBS!


Student Spotlight Award Application Deadline is November 30, 2021

The Student Spotlight Program highlights students who are doing important work in the CBS community, whether through research, clinical, or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. This program is a great way to celebrate their achievements and let the entire ACBS community know about valuable work students are doing. The spotlighted students will receive a 50% discount off the ACBS World Conference student registration fee. The application deadline is November 30, 2021. Apply here.


Be a Reviewer for the Student SIG Awards Committee

We are currently seeking motivated students to review the awards for the ACBS Student SIG. This would require a time commitment of approximately one hour in the fall semester and spring semester. You would be asked to review a small number of award submissions and grade them based on a rubric. This is also a cool CV line and an additive service to ACBS. Please email to express interest.


Student SIG Webinars

In 2021, the Student SIG hosted 2 webinars: In The Room Where It Happens - Introduction to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and Student Spotlight Award Video Series. Since 2015, the Student SIG has sponsored 17 webinars on ACT, RFT, FAP, and Prosocial. We record the Student SIG webinars so that students may watch the webinars at anytime. You can view the list of the 17 webinars on the Student SIG Resources webpage.


ACBS World Conference

Register Your Interest in the 2022 ACBS World Conference

ACBS World Conference 20
San Francisco, California, USA
June 14 - 19, 2022
Click here to register your interest in the 2022 ACBS World Conference


Conference Awards and Scholarships

- Scholarships: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion World Conference Scholarship; Student World Conference Scholarship; ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship; and Developing Nations World Conference Scholarship
- Awards: Junior Investigator Poster Award; Early Career Research Paper Award; and Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Award.
- Learn more about the Conference Awards and Scholarships and the application deadlines.


Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

ACBS Members Can Read Journal Articles for Free

ACBS members can read the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science for free. JCBS publishes four volumes each year. JCBS also has published special issues: such as "CBS Perspectives on COVID-19," "Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and Practice," "ACT for Autism and Related Disorders"," and "Contextual Behavioral Science and the Psychedelic Renaissance." ACBS members can read the current Volume 22, past Volumes 1-21, and the special issues in the JCBS member portal.


Connect, Share, and Grow

ACBS Chapters, Affiliates, and Special Interest Groups

A great way to get involved in ACBS is to join a Chapter, Affiliate, or Special Interest Groups (SIGs). ACBS has 45 Chapters and 19 Affiliates located in 38 countries worldwide. If you are interested in a specific topic, then we encourage you to join one of our 42 SIGs. Each SIG has a list of resources and most SIGs have an email listserv or a Facebook group that you can join. Chapters, Affiliates, and SIGs host meetings, webinars, peer consultation groups, and congresses throughout the year. Click here to view upcoming Chapter, Affiliate, and SIG events.


CBS Superlab

The CBS Superlab is an international research lab meeting held once a month via Zoom. These hour-long monthly meetings will involve a research presentation delivered by one student in a CBS lab that showcases ongoing advances, developments, and innovations in the field of CBS and a group discussion among the attendees. All ACBS members are invited to attend the CBS Superlab events. Learn more about the CBS Superlab


Internships and Post-Doc Fellowships

Did you know that ACBS allows its members to post information about their institutions' CBS-friendly Pre-Doctoral Internships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships? You can see the full list of internships and fellowships on the ACBS website.  If you know of a CBS-friendly internship or fellowship, please email the information to


Submit Your Dissertations to Be Added on the ACBS Website

Do you have a CBS dissertation? Then please email your dissertation and citation to and we will add it in the list of publications on the ACBS website. We know you put a lot of work into your dissertation, so we encourage you to share your dissertation so that other ACBS members may read it!


Upcoming Deadlines

Interdisciplinary Science Capacity Building Seed Grant Application Deadline is December 1, 2021

ACBS has a new grant to promote and support ACBS researchers in developing high quality and competitive interdisciplinary grant proposals. This seed grant focuses on facilitating the early, formative stage of interdisciplinary grant proposal development. The support offered would be to help the principal investigator assemble a high-quality interdisciplinary team of investigators to support a competitive grant application. We encourage all independent investigators to apply, particularly junior investigators. Learn more and apply for the grant here.


Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards Application Deadline is February 1, 2022

The Awards Committee will open the Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards application on December 1. The Michael J. Asher Awards will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposals related to the use of Contextual Behavioral Science with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be two monetary awards of $750.00 USD to be used in support of research and/or to facilitate travel to the ACBS World Conference. The application deadline is February 1, 2022. Read more.


In Case You Missed It . . .

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy exceeds 800 Randomized Controlled Trials

The milestone of 800 Randomized Controlled Trials represents the culmination of more than 30 years of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy research. The ACBS Communications Committee maintains the list of RCTs on the ACT Randomized Controlled Trials webpage. It is a great resource with information about each study's trial area, trial conditions, and sample size, plus a link to the full text of each study.


World Health Organization recommends ACT for the management of chronic pain in children

The World Health Organization (WHO) published its “Guidelines on the management of chronic pain in children.” The WHO guidelines contain exciting news for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy researchers and practitioners: ACT is specifically recommended for use. The guidelines state there is “moderate certainty evidence" in support of ACT in improving functional disability. Read more.

The State of ACT Evidence webpage has the full list of organizations that describe ACT, or areas of ACT, as evidence based.


2020 Student SIG Newsletter

2020 Student SIG Newsletter

Student Newsletter - November 2020

ACBS Student Special Interest Group

Welcome to the ACBS Student Newsletter! With almost 1,900 ACBS student members worldwide, we are showcasing what the ACBS Student Special Interest Group (SIG) has to offer. There are many ways that students can participate in ACBS, such as attending webinars, applying for scholarships to the annual World Conference, or volunteering for Chapters. We encourage you to read more about the Student SIG on the ACBS website and to take this opportunity to
join the ACBS Student SIG today.

The 2020-21 Student SIG leaders are the Student Representative to the ACBS Board of Directors, Lam Ching Yee (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and the Student SIG Co-Chair, Benjamin Ramos (University of Edinburgh, UK). Thank you Lam Ching Yee and Benjamin Ramos for volunteering for ACBS!

The ACBS Student SIG has three different ways to stay in touch! You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. The Student SIG also has an email listserv, on which ACBS members post information about webinars, workshops, scholarships, post-doctoral fellowships, job postings, and other resources and events relevant to students. We encourage you to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and the Student SIG listserv, so that you can stay informed about what our special interest group is doing throughout the year.

DEI SIG Webinars

We are pleased announce the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG, in partnership with the Asian Culture and CBS SIG, is hosting the webinar "Cultural Humility in Counseling and Clinical Supervision with Dr. Peitao Zhu" on December 5, 2020. Register here. This will be the DEI SIG's fifth webinar of 2020. We encourage you to watch the recordings of the previous webinars on the DEI SIG Resources webpage and check out the ACBS community calendar for upcoming ACBS Chapters and SIG events.

2021 ACBS World Conference

ACBS Virtual World Conference 19 - June 24-27, 2021
Call for Submissions is Open
List of conference Awards and Scholarships
Register your interest in the 2021 ACBS World Conference

Student Spotlight Award Application Deadline is November 28, 2020

The Student Spotlight Program highlights students who are doing important work in the CBS community, whether through research, clinical, or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. This program is a great way to celebrate their achievements and let the entire ACBS community know about valuable work students are doing. The spotlighted students will receive a 30% discount off the ACBS World Conference student registration fee. The application deadline is November 28, 2020. Apply here.

Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards Application Deadline is February 1, 2021

The Awards Committee will open the Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Awards application on December 1, 2020. The Michael J. Asher Awards will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposals related to the use of Contextual Behavioral Science with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be two monetary awards of $750.00 USD to be used in support of research and/or to facilitate travel to the ACBS World Conference. Read more.

ACBS Foundation: Funding Opportunities for Students

- The ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship covers the full registration fee for two students to attend the ACBS World Conference. The application deadline is February 15th. Apply here.
- The Foundation is proud to announce a new grant funding opportunity for CBS projects related to the environment, social justice, and behavior in real life contexts. The grant application will open on January 15, 2021 and close on March 1, 2021. Read more about the ACBS Foundation Grant.

ACBS Chapters and Special Interest Groups

A great way to get involved in ACBS is to join a local Chapter. ACBS has 44 Chapters located in 32 countries worldwide. Click here for the list of the ACBS Chapters. If you want to learn more about a specific topic, then we encourage you to check out the list of 40 Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Most SIGs have email listservs that you can join and a webpage containing SIG-related resources. Please submit the SIG membership form for each SIG that you interested in joining. Click here for the list of ACBS SIGs.

Internships and Post-Doc Fellowships on website

Did you know that ACBS allows its members to post information about their institutions' CBS-friendly Pre-Doctoral Internships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships? You can see the full list of internships and fellowships on the ACBS website.  If you know of a CBS-friendly internship or fellowship, please email the information to

Submit Your Dissertations to Be Added on the ACBS Website

Do you have a CBS dissertation? Then please email your dissertation and citation to and we will add it in the list of publications on the ACBS website. We know you put a lot of work into your dissertation, so we encourage you to share your dissertation so that other ACBS members may read it!

ACBS Members can read the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science for free

ACBS members can read the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science for free. JCBS publishes four volumes each year. Recently, JCBS also had three special issues: CBS Perspectives on COVID-19; Interbehaviorism as Contextualism; and Contextual Behavioral Science and the Psychedelic Renaissance. ACBS members can read the current Volume 19, past Volumes 1-18, and the special issues for free in the JCBS member portal.

In case you missed it . . .

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy exceeds 400 Randomized Controlled Trials

September 2020: The milestone of 400 Randomized Controlled Trials represents the culmination of more than 30 years of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy research. The ACBS Communications Committee maintains the list of RCTs on the ACT Randomized Controlled Trials webpage. It is a great resource with information about each study's trial area, trial conditions, and sample size, plus a link to the full text of each study.

Student Committed Action Fuels Growth of ACBS Pennsylvania Chapter and Delaware Valley Affiliate

February 2020: The Pennsylvania Chapter and the Delaware Valley Affiliate in the Philadelphia region have benefitted greatly from the students volunteering for them. In return, volunteering for the chapter has given the students opportunities to further their research, leadership skills, and professional networks. Read more.

Renew Your Membership in ACBS Today!


2019 Student SIG Newsletter

2019 Student SIG Newsletter

Student Newsletter - Summer 2019


Greetings from the Student SIG

Welcome to the ACBS Student Newsletter! With over 1,700 ACBS student members worldwide, we are showcasing what the ACBS Student Special Interest Group (SIG) has to offer and to highlight some of the interesting things that students are doing. There are many ways that students can participate in ACBS, such as watching Student SIG Webinars and applying for scholarships to the World Conference. We are excited to announce the new Student Representative to the ACBS Board of Directors, Varsha Eswara Murthy. Thank you to Sonia Singh for serving as the Student Representative and to Maureen Satyshur for serving as the Student SIG Co-Chair for the past year, you will be missed! The Student SIG will be electing a new Co-Chair soon, so stay tuned for the co-chair elections this summer. We hope you enjoy reading the Student Newsletter!

Interview with ACBS member Amanda Muñoz-Martínez

We love to learn about what the ACBS student members are doing. For our Summer 2019 student newsletter, we interviewed Amanda Muñoz-Martínez, a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Nevada-Reno and currently an Intern in the Counseling and Mental Health Center at The University of Texas at Austin.

Graduate Student Publications

We are proud to showcase our students publishing their work and contributing to the literature of CBS. Congratulations to Orla Moran, a doctoral student at University College, Ireland, and Clarissa Ong, a graduate student at Utah State University, USA, for publishing articles about CBS in the Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders and the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. You can read more about the articles here.

Student SIG Webinars

We are pleased about the return of the Student SIG Webinar Series this year. All of our webinars are recorded and can be found here. We had two webinars in the month of May, “What’s So Special about Behavior Analysis? A Chat with Emily Sandoz” and “Dreams Do Come True (With A Lot of Work): How Becca Epps Emerged From Amy ReBEKAH EPStein Murrell” with Dr. Amy Murrell. We hope to have more webinars in 2019. Stay tuned!

Internships and Post-Doc Fellowships on website

Did you know that ACBS allows its members to post information about their institutions' CBS-friendly Pre-Doctoral Internships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships. You can see the full list of internships and fellowships on the ACBS website.  If you know of a CBS-friendly internship or fellowship, please email the information to

Submit Your Dissertations to Be Put on the ACBS Website

Do you have a CBS dissertation? Then please email your dissertation and citation to and we will post it in the list of publications on the ACBS website. We know you put a lot of work into your dissertation, so we encourage you to share your dissertation so that other ACBS members may read it!

Stay in Touch with Facebook, Twitter, and the Listserv

The Student Special Interest Group (SIG) has four different ways to stay in touch!  You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and the Student SIG listserv. We have also re-vamped our blog. You can visit the Student SIG blog here. With these you can stay informed about what the ACBS Student SIG is doing throughout the year.

Student SIG Meeting at the ACBS Annual World Conference: Thursday 27 June at 12:45

The Student SIG will have our annual meeting on Thursday 27 June at 12:45 in Room QG15 in the Business School. We will discuss the progress of the SIG, upcoming projects, and goals that students would like to see accomplished within the organization. We will also spend some time getting to know each other in an informal setting. All are welcome to attend this event. (The Student SIG Meeting will be led by Student Representative Varsha Eswara Murthy.)

ACBS World Conference Sessions of Interest to Students

- "Rookies Retreat: First ACBS Conference" Wednesday at 18:00 in the Blue Room in The Helix. Join Jessica Borushok & Kori Schagunn as they welcome you to your first (or one of your first) ACBS World Conferences. They’ll give you a little information about the conference, and do some icebreakers.
- ACBS Research Mentoring Lunch, Thursday at 12:05 in the Gallery in The Helix. Are you a graduate student who is interested in conducting CBS research? Then grab your lunch and bring it to this first-ever mentoring lunch with established ACBS researchers whose interests may align with yours. In this informal setting, ask about their research, how they entered the field and overcame obstacles, or any other relevant topics. All conference attendee researchers are welcome - no prior sign-up required.
- Poster Session and Networking Event at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Thursday at 18:45. This offsite event includes St. Patrick’s Cathedral entry, light appetizers, three drinks and motor coach transportation to/from DCU. Conference name badge required to access busing and entry to St. Patrick’s.
- Session 115. "Secrets of Getting your Behavioral Science Research Grant Funded Workshop" Saturday at 13:20 - 16:30 in Room QG13. This workshop provides training in what grant reviewers look for when they critique a behavioral research proposal.
- Session 160. "Ask the Editors: An Open Floor Panel Discussion with Members of JCBS' Editorial Team" Sunday at 10:35 in Room Q121. The current Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors of JCBS, will open the floor for potential authors to guide a discussion of the review process, criteria for acceptance, policies and procedures, and any other topics that might help prepare ACBS members, including those without prior authorship experience, to submit for publication in JCBS.

2019 Awards and Scholarships

We are excited to announce that several ACBS Student SIG Members received awards and scholarships at the ACBS World Conference 17 in Dublin, Ireland. Click here to view the complete list of scholarship and award recipients.

Download the Conference App

Instructions for installing the ACBS Conference App: (1)Go to your phone’s app store. Search for Yapp. Install Yapp on your phone. (2)Open Yapp. (3) Click on “+”at the top. (4)Type ACBS in the box that says Enter Yapp Id and click Add. (5)The ACBS World Conference logo will appear on your screen. Click on the logo and the app will open.

ACT in Context Podcast

The ACT in Context Podcast is freely available to anyone. This podcast will primarily focus on ACT, but it will often touch upon several related issues such as behavioral principles, the underlying theory of language (Relational Frame Theory) and philosophy of science. You can listen to the podcast on the ACBS website.

ACBS Members can read the JCBS for free

ACBS members can read the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science for free. The JCBS releases four volumes per year. Recently, the JCBS released 2 special issues: ACT for Autism and Related Disorders and ACT Process Measurement. ACBS members can read these papers for in the JCBS member portal.

Renew Your Membership in ACBS Today!

If this link does not work for you, email your unsubscribe request to



Graduate Student Publications

Graduate Student Publications

We are proud to display the great work our students are doing by contributing to meaningful science. Orla Moran is earning her PhD in Psychology at University College, Dublin in Dublin, Ireland and recently published this meaningful paper examining the contributions of self-as- distinction and self-as-hierarchy on relevant mental health variables. Clarissa Ong is a graduate student in the combined Clinical/Counseling PhD program at Utah State University. She has recently published a study utilizing ACT vs. waitlist control to treat clinical perfectionism. All of our students work extremely hard to publish, present, and disseminate their research and we are pleased to feature some of their articles below:

Moran, O., & McHugh, L. (2019). Patterns of relational responding and a healthy self in older adolescents. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2019.02.002

Evidence from Contextual Behavioral Science indicates that two patterns of relating facilitate a sense of self, namely, self-as-distinction and self-as-hierarchy. Although the latter has been associated with better mental health outcomes relative to self-as-distinction, to date these types of relating have not been examined directly at a baseline level, wherein manipulation has not occurred. The present study examined the relative contribution of self-as-distinction and self-as- hierarchy on depression, stress, and anxiety in a sample of 102 young people, while controlling for deictic ability and gender. The role of psychological flexibility was also examined using mediation analysis. While self-as-hierarchy emerged as a significant predictor of lower levels of stress and depression, psychological flexibility was not found to mediate this relationship. Self- as-distinction did not emerge as a significant predictor of any outcome variable. Suggestions for future research on the basis of these findings are discussed.

Ong, C. W., Lee, E. B., Krafft, J., Terry, C. L., Barrett, T. S., Levin, M. E., & Twohig, M. P. (2019). A randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for clinical perfectionism. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.

Clinical perfectionism is characterized by imposing excessively high standards on oneself and experiencing severe distress when standards are not met. It has been found to contribute to the development and maintenance of various clinical presentations including anxiety, obsessive- compulsive, and eating disorders. The present study tested the efficacy of ten weekly individual sessions of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) relative to a waitlist control on clinical perfectionism and global outcomes among 53 individuals with clinical perfectionism. ACT is a process-based therapy that targets maladaptive underlying processes (e.g., rigid adherence to unrealistic high standards) rather than symptom topography (e.g., anxiety, depression). Participants completed assessments at pretreatment, posttreatment, and one-month follow-up. Results indicated compared to the waitlist condition, the ACT condition led to greater improvements in clinical perfectionism as well as outcomes related to wellbeing, functional impairment, distress, and processes of change. Our study suggests targeting core dysfunctional processes (i.e., clinical perfectionism) rather than symptom topography with treatments like ACT is feasible and efficacious, supporting a shift from symptom-focused to process-based care. We also note potential weaknesses in our treatment protocol and study methodology that should be addressed in future research. Study limitations included a small sample size and high dropout rate (35.7%).


Interview with ACBS member Amanda Muñoz-Martínez.

Interview with ACBS member Amanda Muñoz-Martínez.

Who are you?

My name is Amanda Muñoz-Martínez. I’m currently doing my clinical internship in the Counseling and Mental Health Center at The University of Texas at Austin. I’m also a last year student in the doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Nevada-Reno.

I identify as a Latina woman from Colombia. My identity as woman has been particularly important over my life. I have had extraordinary women mentors, starting with mom. To honor her, I decided keeping her last name (Martínez). So, when people ask me about my two last names, I always have the opportunity of describing the role of my mom in my life and other important women.

What got you started in the field? 

I have been always fascinated by people’s behavior. I remember myself reflecting on why people make decisions even though these might lead them to a negative end. Coming from Colombia, a developing country, where social problems abound, I remember discussing in our family reunions the social inequalities with which we had to deal, and during out reunions we would end up saying “that is what we have and it is never going to change.” However, I never could accept that our situation couldn’t change because I witnessed how my parents were able to change the course of their life by working hard pursuing their goals. They both came from rural areas where the violence and the political corruption took the wealth of their families away, requiring that they migrate with their hands empty to the big city to start a new life. I remember seeing the effort they put to make our life conditions better. I remember thinking to myself, if my parents were able to change their lives, maybe I could help to change another people’s life for better.

My parents’ example also fostered in me a unique sense of responsibility. They always encouraged me to observe the circumstances that led me to behave in different ways and take responsibility for the consequences of my actions without blaming myself or others. They cultivated in me a sense of mutual responsibility by identifying the relation between individuals’ behaviors and their contexts.

Growing up in this environment planted the initial seeds for my interest in understanding individuals’ behavior and helping others to achieve a meaningful life, which inevitably led me to study psychology. During my undergraduate years, I was attracted to behavioral psychology because the core assumptions of this perspective fit nicely with the values I was taught at home and provided me with a rationale that strengthens my belief that people can change under the appropriate circumstances. Later, on my master’s in clinical psychology, I got in touch with verbal behavior and relational frame theory. I was encouraged by my mentors to analyze and explain the behavior of typically developed individuals based on contextual behavioral approaches. This process was open-eyed, I discovered the role of rules and poor socio-verbal communities in the acquisition and maintenance of psychological problems while learn to implement process-based interventions such as FAP, ACT, and behavioral activation to aid clients’ functioning better in their world.

How did you get connected to the ACBS community?

I’m coming from a master’s program with a strong emphasis on the relationship between philosophical principles and clinical practice. While I was in my master’s at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia), my mentors Monica Novoa-Gómez Ph.D and Blanca P. Ballesteros, M.S. invited me to a study group in contextual behavioral science. At my first year, I studied the basic principles of relational frame theory and their relationship with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In my second year, Monica recommended me to read the first published book of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP). She believed I would feel fascinated by their approach to the therapeutic relationship and its emphasis in the present moment. She was right! After reading the first three chapters of this book, I was in love with FAP. I wanted to know everything about its principles and applications. This led me to contact Mavis Tsai Ph.D., who was my first contact with the English-speaking community in the ACBS. Mavis was strongly supportive and encouraging. She recommended me to contact Jonathan Kanter Ph.D. for conducting a training in FAP and Behavioral Activation in Bogota. Jonathan’s visit to Bogota was enlightened; he provided me with tons of information on FAP and other contextual behavioral science. He also recommended me to participate in the ACBS so that I would connect with other contextual scientists. All of them have supported me in a way or another to be a member of the ACBS community.

How has the ACBS community supported you as a student?

The ACBS community has allowed be to build strong connection with other colleges that are interested in the same areas than me. ACBS has provided an intellectually supportive environment. I have had the opportunity to think and design projects with other members as well as move construct a reliable source of knowledge.

What would you like to see from ACBS as we move forward in working to reduce suffering in the world?

One of the biggest factors associated with suffering is loneliness. I think that underrepresented communities within the ACBS get to feel lonely sometimes. Non-English speakers lack access to training and intervention materials or struggle with translating them with fidelity. Implementation and dissemination of contextual therapies have been limited by language and cultural validity, and as a consequence, they have not been fully utilized in these contexts. Promotion of conferences, seminars, and webinars in a foreign language could be food alternatives to overcoming the barriers of language while enhancing equity, multiculturalism, and accessibility in the ACBS. In addition, providing funding for full researchers and students that work with Non-English speaker’s population, it’s an important step to generate a global impact on psychological suffering.

Another area that requires more support to reduce suffering is translational research. Changes on criteria for validating interventions require a more in-depth analysis of the explanatory process of therapy. Improving knowledge on the mechanisms of change of treatment would aid effectiveness and efficiency by providing information on why, to whom, and under what conditions interventions work. Developing personalized interventions based on clinical science is the opportunity to start including clients underserved and underrepresent who have been ignored by the science of “normality.”

What are the most important values that you bring to your work?

“Connection” is one of my more critical values that permeates my life. Having a strong interpersonal connection has helped me to grow and flourish in my professional life. My dissertation would not be possible without my research team; we all support and learned together. Our connection allowed us to thrive, finding meaning and fun on difficult times. I have learned that good company makes your life better. In this path, I found that understanding, explaining, and providing opportunities to nurture connection is one of my passions. I want to explore this area in my work as a researcher and develop clinical tools for clinicians pursuing a similar path with their clients.

“Balance” is another principal value for me. I try the best as I can to be fair with myself and others. I have an incredible sense of justice. I believe that hard work requires a high dose of self-care. For years, I tended to put a lot of attention on my work and often found myself burnout. By the time I learned to place some weighs in the self-care side, I had become aware of other areas in my life that I wanted to pay attention and care such as family and friends. I discovered that productive work is the result of investing time on my job while taking care of other meaningful domains in my life. Often, I find myself thinking about how to satisfy I am with the way I’m distributing my daily activities. This ongoing self-reflection allowed me to redistribute my activities and even my balance.

What's next for you?

I will graduate from my program in May 2019. I will start a one-year position as a postdoc that will transition to an assistant professorship on the Fall, 2020 in the Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. I will start a research lab to study social competence and connection as well as process-based interventions. This lab will be based on CBS and will extend the knowledge in explanatory processes of interpersonal functioning while developing process-based interventions for enhancing people social competence.


Scholarship and Award Recipients

Scholarship and Award Recipients

Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Award

  • Self-compassion: Promoting resilience and well-being in adolescent populations – Madeleine Ferrari, The University of Sydney, Australia

Student World Conference Scholarships

  • Kate Barrett, University College Dublin, Ireland
  • Catriona Connelly, University College Dublin, Ireland
  • Lauren Johnson, Drexel University, USA
  • Stephen Richer, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
  • Eric Tifft, University at Albany, SUNY, USA

Student Spotlight Program

  • Sérgio Andrade Carvalho, Portugal
  • Lynn Farrell, Ireland
  • Lauren B. Johnson, USA
  • Ethan Lester, USA
  • Raul Vaz Manzione, Brazil
  • Amanda Rhodes, USA

Junior Investigator Poster Award

  • How to act with narrative: A single case experimental design pilot study using a process-based psychotherapy informed by RFT- Daniel Wallsten, Thomas Parling, Ph.D., Ciara McEnteggart, Ph.D., Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, Ph.D., Colin Harte
  • The Meta-Analytic Evidence of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Review - Noemi Walder, BSc, Michael Levin, Ph.D., Michael Twohig, Ph.D., Maria Karekla, Ph.D., Andrew Gloster, Ph.D.
  • Acceptance-based exposure and behavioral measurement: A case study of an elderly woman with obsessive compulsive disorder - Atsushi Seguchi, M.A.
  • A mobile game for improving psychological flexibility skills in elementary school children - Katariina Keinonen, Anna-Lotta Lappalainen, M.S., Päivi Lappalainen, Ph.D., Raimo Lappalainen, Ph.D.
  • Self-Compassion Moderates Hopelessness in Predicting Suicide Ideation Among People Living With HIV/AIDS - Lauren B. Johnson, M.Ed., M.S., C. Virginia O' Hayer, Ph.D., Chelsi Nurse, B.S.
  • Assessing the efficacy of an ACT hybrid intervention for anxiety disorders and the added value of a weekly phone call: preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial - Lauriane Lapointe, Joel Gagnon, Guillaume Foldes-Busque, Ph.D., Nadia Gagnon, M.Ps., Frédérick Dionne, Ph.D.

Developing Nations World Conference Scholarships

  • Meryem Laamouri, Morocco
  • Dario Lipovac, Bosnia/Herzegovina
  • Gabriel Sebastian Lizada, Philippines
  • Khamisi Musanje, Uganda

Diversity World Conference Scholarships

  • Lais Nicolodi, Brazil
  • Taslim Tharani, United Kingdom
  • Jan Topczewski, Poland

Women in ACBS SIG Scholarship

  • Burcak Kapar, Türkiye

Student Rep. Varsha Eswara Murthy

Student Rep. Varsha Eswara Murthy

Varsha Eswara Murthy, University College Dublin (Ireland)
Student SIG Co-Chair and ACBS Board of Directors Student Representative
Varsha Eswara Murthy is a doctoral research student in University College Dublin (UCD). Varsha completed her undergraduate and master’s degrees at UCD, graduating top of her Masters of Psychological Science class. Varsha’s thesis focuses on developing and evaluating CBS interventions for marginalised populations, specifically those experiencing homelessness. With rising rates of homelessness and the resulting human suffering, the development of practicable and empirically validated interventions with a strong theoretical basis that will serve this population has been a goal of hers for some time. Alongside researching the development and efficacy of ACT interventions, Varsha has a background in basic science research and translating this research into applied contexts. She has published research in the area. Varsha has been a member of ACBS since 2015 and has presented her research at international conferences. Varsha hopes to continue researching and developing empirically supported CBS interventions for marginalised populations and the general public.

I am passionate about science communication, researching and translating basic science into applied practices. I will explore different avenues where students can highlight their research and get excited about basic science and its applications. I will put more robust formal supports in place that encourage members to communicate research within their communities, in academic and public contexts. My goal is to build supports for student members to collaborate on innovative research and to provide training by experts in the association. Working with marginalised populations, I am sensitive to the need to create safe and welcoming environments to people from diverse backgrounds. I will find new avenues to enhance the continued growth of a diverse student membership. I am confident that I can bring your ideas and concerns to the board, in order to enhance student involvement and help foster the development of the next generation of clinicians and scientists.


2018 Student SIG Newsletter

2018 Student SIG Newsletter

ACBS Student Newsletter

December 2018


Greetings from the Student SIG Co-Chairs Sonia Singh and Maureen Satyshur

Welcome to the inaugural ACBS Student Newsletter! With over 1,700 ACBS student members worldwide, we decided to showcase what the ACBS Student Special Interest Group (SIG) has to offer and to highlight some of the interesting things that students are doing. There are many ways that students can participate in ACBS, such as the JCBS Student Editorial Board, scholarships to the World Conference, and being a reviewer for student awards. We hope you enjoy reading the Student Newsletter!  - Sonia and Mo


Interview with ACBS member Kim Gushanas

We love to learn about what the ACBS student members are doing. For our inaugural student newsletter, we interviewed Kim Gushanas, a Doctoral Candidate in school psychology from the University of Texas at Austin and currently an Intern in Integrated Pediatric Psychology with the Texas Child Study Center at Dell Children's Hospital in Austin, Texas, USA.


Graduate Student Publications

We are proud to showcase our students publishing their work and contributing to the literature of CBS. Congratulations to Eric Lee, a 5th year student at Utah State University, and Leah Bogusch, a 4th year student at Bowling Green State University, for publishing articles about ACT in the journals Behavior Modification and Clinical Case Studies. You can read more about the artilces here.


Student Spotlight Award

The ACBS Student Spotlight Program highlights students who are doing important work in the CBS community, whether for research, clinical, and/or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. This program is a great way to highlight their achievements and let the ACBS community know about important work students are doing. The spotlighted students will get 30% off the ACBS World Conference student registration fee.  Applications will be accepted from March 1, 2019 to  March 29, 2019.


JCBS Student Editorial Board

The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science plans to seat a Student Editorial Board (SEB), comprised of graduate students interested in CBS. Once appointed, SEB members will review JCBS articles, gaining invaluable experience in the peer-review process and helping to steer the content of JCBS.


Internships and Post-Doc Fellowships on website

Did you know that ACBS allows its members to post information about their institutions' CBS-friendly Pre-Doctoral Internships and Post-Doctoral Fellowships. You can see the full list of internships and fellowships on the ACBS website.  If you know of a CBS-friendly internship or fellowship, please email the information to


Submit Your Dissertations to Be Put on the ACBS Website

Do you have a CBS dissertation? Then please email your dissertation and citation to and we will post it in the list of publications on the ACBS website. We know you put a lot of work into your dissertation, so we encourage you to share your dissertation so that other ACBS members may read it!


Be a Reviewer for the ACBS Student SIG Awards Committee!

We are currently seeking motivated students to review the awards for the ACBS Student SIG. This would require a time commitment of approximately one hour in the fall semester and spring semester. You would be asked to review a small number of award submissions and grade them based on a rubric. This is also a cool CV line and additive service to ACBS and the Student SIG. Please email Sonia Singh at to express interest.


ACBS Annual World Conference 17: Dublin, Ireland

25-30 June, 2019
Reserve your room now!
Click here for information about World Conference 17 accommodations.

Call for Submissions

We are excited to invite you to join us in Dublin, Ireland for the 17th Annual World Conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) 25-30 June, 2019. We are accepting submissions for symposia, papers, panels, workshops, Ignite sessions, and posters. Oral Presentation deadline is February 15,  2019.  Poster deadline is March 20, 2019.  Please click here for more information.

Scholarships to the ACBS World Conference are now open

- Diversity Conference Scholarships - Deadline is February 1, 2019
- Developing Nations Conference Scholarships - Deadline is February 1, 2019
- Student Conference Scholarships - Deadline is February 15, 2019

ACBS Junior Investigator Poster Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize and help develop junior investigators conducting research in Contextual Behavioral Science and who are presenting the results of this research at the ACBS annual world conference. Eligible candidates for this award include undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows presenting first-authored posters at the annual world conference. To be considered for the award, please self-nominate by indicating your interest when you submit your poster for the ACBS World Conference.  Read more about the award here.

Asher Dissertation Award: Application Deadline is February 1, 2019

The Asher Dissertation Awards will be given to two students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of Contextual Behavioral Science with children/adolescents. Accompanying this honor will be a monetary award of $750 USD and $250 USD to be used in support of research (e.g., to pay participants, to purchase testing equipment) and/or to facilitate travel to the ACBS annual conference.  The deadline to apply is February 1, 2019.

Stay in Touch with Facebook, Twitter, and the Listserv

The Student Special Interest Group (SIG) has three different ways to stay in touch!  You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and the Student SIG listserv. These are three fun ways to stay informed about what the ACBS Student SIG is doing throughout the year.


Graduate Student Publications

Graduate Student Publications

Eric Lee is a 5th year student at Utah State University working with Mike Twohig. This study is a randomized controlled trial utilizing a 10-session standalone ACT protocol for trichotillomania. This study provides evidence that ACT alone is an effective treatment for people with trichotillomania.

Lee, E. B., Homan, K. J., Morrison, K. L., Ong, C. W., Levin, M. E., & Twohig, M. P. (2018). Acceptance and commitment therapy for trichotillomania: A randomized controlled trial of adults and adolescents. Behavior modification, 0145445518794366.

The purpose of this study was to examine acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as a standalone treatment for trichotillomania in a randomized controlled trial of adults and adolescents. Participants consisted of a community sample of treatment seeking adults and adolescents with trichotillomania. Of the eligible 39 participants randomized into treatment and waitlist groups, 25 completed treatment and were included in the final analysis. Treatment consisted of a 10-session ACT protocol. Multiple mixed models repeated measures analyses were utilized to evaluate changes in trichotillomania symptom severity, daily number of hairs pulled and urges experienced, and experiential avoidance from pretreatment to posttreatment. Findings indicated significant changes in symptom severity and daily hairs pulled, but not daily urges experienced or psychological flexibility. However, psychological flexibility saw a 24.5% decrease in the treatment group and reduced from clinical to subclinical levels on average. This study suggests that ACT alone is an effective treatment for adults and adolescents with trichotillomania. Outcomes appear to be similar to trials that combined ACT and habit reversal training (HRT).


Leah Bogusch is a 4th year student at Bowling Green State University. This study is a case study in which the authors utilize ACT as a treatment for a client with emetophobia (phobia of vomiting). The results indicate symptom improvement from pre-treatment, post-treatment, 6-month follow up, and 12-month follow up.

Bogusch, L. M., Moeller, M. T., & O’Brien, W. H. (2018). Case Study of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Functional Analysis for Emetophobia. Clinical Case Studies, 17(2), 77-90.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third-wave behavioral therapy that is an empirically supported treatment for various mental health concerns. ACT has been found to be efficacious for treating different types of anxiety disorders. This case study presents the conceptualization (functional analysis), treatment (ACT), and treatment outcomes of a client who presented with emetophobia, a phobia of vomiting, complicated by a metabolic disorder. Measures of emetophobia symptoms, mindfulness, cognitive fusion, thought control strategies, and believability of anxious thoughts and feelings, were collected at pretreatment, posttreatment, 6-month follow-up, and 12-month follow-up. The Reliable Change Index was used to evaluate changes across time. Large and clinically significant decreases on all measures were observed at posttreatment. At 12-month follow-up, improvements were maintained on all measures except the Reappraisal subscale of the Thought Control scale. The implications of this study are discussed, and recommendations are made for clinicians using ACT for the treatment of emetophobia.


Interview with ACBS member Kim Gushanas

Interview with ACBS member Kim Gushanas

Who are you?

Kim Gushanas, MA, Doctoral Candidate in school psychology from the University of Texas at Austin and currently an Intern in Integrated Pediatric Psychology with the Texas Child Study Center at Dell Children's Hospital in Austin, TX. When I was a child I desperately wanted to grow up to be a dolphin trainer... and in my first graduate school class, I knew I had made it when we read a book by Karen Pryor- a behavioral psychologist and former dolphin trainer!!

What got you started in the field? 

I actually always knew I would be in the field somehow. From a very young age, I was fascinated by what made people who they are- I read books about different cultures, religions, foods, folklore, evolution... and then I took my first psychology class in high school and knew that I had found where I was meant to be. Something about giving people a space to tell (and retell) their story felt like home to me.

How did you get connected to the ACBS community?

I had an amazing graduate professor in my clinical master's program at the University of Houston Clear Lake- Dub Norwood. He decided one semester to start teaching us about ACT and it blew me away! I had some practice in mindfulness but hadn't yet learned anything that felt as honest and truthful to the human experience. It was very inspiring, and although I didn't understand half of what we were learning, it stuck with me.

How has the ACBS community supported you as a student?

As a professional, it's really been a resource for me throughout my training and now with my current research and dissertation. I have relied on the website often to brainstorm when I get stuck with a client or to seek consultation/supervision when I feel out of touch. There aren't many who practice within the ACBS community in Austin, so it's really important to have such a great resource to draw from. As an individual, I have grown so much through my study and practice. I have never felt more connected to others than when I am attending to my values. It has really shaped my life in incredible ways to take what I have learned and apply it to myself and my career.

What would you like to see from ACBS as we move forward in working to reduce suffering in the world?

There are two things... As a pediatric psychology student working in primary and integrated care settings, I would love to see more research focusing on brief interventions with trauma populations, especially youth and their families. In Texas, the majority of individuals I work with are first-generation Americans or immigrants who have suffered significant trauma throughout their short lives. And unfortunately, this population is growing. I think this is definitely an area of growth for our community.

Second, I am a member of the Women's SIG, and I have seen so much beautiful honesty and stretching of the limits in that group in the last year. The women there are using our collective voice to show up for each other, and to help remind those who are listening what it means to truly value another for who and what they are. I hope that we can use that strength to disseminate the same level of compassion in a way that is accessible and inclusive to everyone.

What are the most important values that you bring to your work?

Self-awareness as a clinician and trying to remember to check myself during and between sessions. Respect- for myself, my clients, my colleagues, my community, and really humanity as a whole- especially when our values don't align. Everyone deserves to be heard.

What's next for you?

First, finish collecting data for my dissertation- I am looking at the transmission of anxiety from parent to child by studying parental experiential avoidance as a mediator in the accommodation of children with OCD. If anyone knows of parents who are interested in participating- please send them my way for a screening:

Then, Post-Doc, hopefully in a position where I am able to focus on pediatric trauma, maladjustment, and anxiety in an integrated setting.


Student SIG/Committee Fundraising

Student SIG/Committee Fundraising

Funds collected via the Student SIG/Committee are used for scholarships to support attendance to the ACBS World Conference (registration/travel). Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated!

Please note that this contribution does not qualify as a tax-deductible charitable contribution, according to USA tax law ... but it's a nice thing to do.


Trauma SIG

Trauma SIG

Trauma SIG

Affiliated 2025

Click Here to Join the Trauma SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

SIG Leaders

Laurie Gallo
Laura Neal
Brooke White
Sevinc Ulusoy


The Trauma SIG is dedicated to alleviating human suffering by promoting psychological flexibility in individuals affected by trauma, as well as naming and engaging the broader contextual and structural forces that contribute to, and maintain, the experience of trauma. We are committed to supporting the advancement of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other CBS based psychotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of various forms of trauma related suffering.


Our vision is to create a professional network dedicated to understanding and addressing the impact of trauma on individuals' behavioral repertoires through evidence-based contextual behavioral approaches. By fostering collaboration among researchers and practitioners in the fields of ACT and contextual behavioral sciences, the Trauma SIG aims to alleviate human suffering through the sharing of knowledge and experiences, strengthening communities impacted by trauma.

We envision a compassionate global community that improves clinical outcomes, advocates for marginalized populations, and ensures that trauma-informed care is accessible to all.

SIG Activities

Description of Membership

All members of ACBS are welcome.


Trauma SIG Resources

Trauma SIG Resources

Trauma SIG Resources

JCBS Articles

  • Schachter, J., Ajayi, A.A., & Delgado, J.E. (2024). Evaluating the core processes of a hybrid trauma-informed acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for college students. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 34, 100852.
  • Kapel Lev-ari, R., Aloni, R., Margalit, D., Ben Ari, A. (2024). Shared trauma: Examining the moderating role of parental psychological flexibility and self-compassion on PTSD and distress in refugee families. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 33, 100826.
  • LoPresti, J.R., Abdullah-Swain, T., Borrero, G., & Scott, D. (2023). Racial microaggressions and trauma symptoms in a black American sample: The moderating role of self-compassion. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 209-218.
  • Mabunda Baluku, M., Nansubuga, F., Milly Kibanja, G., Ouma, S., Balikoowa, R., Nansamba, J., Ruto, G., Kawooya, K., & Musanje, K. (2023). Associations of psychological inflexibility with posttraumatic stress disorder and adherence to COVID-19 control measures among refugees in Uganda: The moderating role of coping strategies. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 28, 278-288.
  • Landi, G., Pakenham, K.I., Mattioli, E., Crocetti, E., Agostini, A., Grandi, S., & Tossani, E. (2022). Post-traumatic growth in people experiencing high post-traumatic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: The protective role of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 26, 44-55.
  • Akbari, M., Seydavi, M., Hosseini, Z.S., Krafft, J., & Levin, M.E. (2022). Experiential avoidance in depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive related, and posttraumatic stress disorders: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 24, 65-78.
  • Byrne, A. & Kangas, M. (2022). Emotion regulation and memory in response to a trauma analogue: An online experimental comparison of humor and acceptance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 24, 23-30.
  • Benfer, N., Rogers, T. A., & Bardeen, J. R. (2020). Cognitive fusion potentiates the effect of maladaptive posttraumatic cognitions on posttraumatic stress symptoms. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 17, 55-61.
  • Fiorillo, D., Mclean, C., Pistorello, J., Hayes, S. C., & Follette, V. M. (2017). Evaluation of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program for women with trauma-related problems: A pilot study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(1), 104-113.
  • Donahue, J. J., Khan's, H., Huggins, J., & Marrow, T. (2017). Posttraumatic stress symptom severity and functional impairment in a trauma-exposed sample: A preliminary examination into the moderating role of valued living. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(1), 13-20.
  • Bardeen, J. R., & Fergus, T. A. (2016). The interactive effect of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance on anxiety, depression, stress and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5, 1–6.
  • Bardeen, J. R., Tull, M. T., Stevens, E. N., & Gratz, K. L. (2015) Further investigation of the association between anxiety sensitivity and posttraumatic stress disorder: Examining the influence of emotional avoidance. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 163-169.
  • Boals, A., Murrell, A. R., Berntsen, D., Southard-Dobbs, S., & Agtarap, S. (2015). Experimentally reducing event centrality using a modified expressive writing intervention. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 269–276.
  • Bordien, M. J., Tull, M. T., McDermott, M. J., & Gratz, K. L. (2014). The moderating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and cannabis dependence. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 273-278.

Values and Meaning-Making SIG

Values and Meaning-Making SIG

Values and Meaning-Making Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2024

Click Here to Join the Values and Meaning-Making SIG! You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Steering Committee

Casey Rosengren, Alex Buhk, Ali Flukes, Carrie Hayward, Teresa Lanza, Michael Silverman, Kyler Jackson, Xander Johns, Alyson Negreira

SIG's Mission/Objectives

The Values and Meaning-Making SIG aims to establish a community of practice within ACBS focused on integrating values at the heart of therapy, coaching, and organizational work. Additionally, we aim to create discourse and encourage new research to enhance understanding of values and meaning-making in individuals and organizations.

We are specifically interested in more deeply exploring values and meaning-making from a CBS perspective. We want to explore how to more fully embody our lives as researchers & clinicians, how to help clients move toward values in their lives, and how to understand what other academic disciplines have said about meaning-making through a CBS-lens.

Possible SIG Activities

The Values and Meaning-Making SIG will engage in a range of activities designed to further the discourse and practice around values and meaning-making within the ACBS community:

  • SIG-wide meetings: Bringing together ACBS members who have an interest in values to connect with each other and share resources and ideas.
  • SIG Resources: Curate a list of resources that elevate knowledge and expertise.
  • Listserv: The Values and Meaning-Making SIG will facilitate an ongoing discussion via the SIG's email listserv.
  • Small Group Studies: Organize small group discussions focused on values-related literature within the ACBS, such as Values in Therapy and The Art and Science of Valuing, and books from outside ACBS, like Man’s Search for Meaning.
  • Research Discussions: Discuss research papers from within and outside the ACBS community on topics related to meaning-making and values.
  • Peer Supervision Groups: Establish peer supervision groups to practice values-centered approaches to therapy and coaching.

Veterans Affairs (VA) ACT SIG

Veterans Affairs (VA) ACT SIG

Department of Veterans Affairs ACT Special Interest Group (VA ACT SIG)

Affiliated 2011

Click Here to Join the Veteran Affairs ACT (VA ACT) SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information


2024/2025 Leadership

Wyatt Evans, PhD, ABPP - President

Paige Novick-Kline, PsyD - Vice-President

Carter Davis, PhD - Secretary

Levi Wampler, MS, LCPC - Member-At-Large

Ali Molaie, PhD - Early Career Professional (ECP) Representative

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed by SIG

The general interest area is the promotion and evaluation of members' practice of ACT and the dissemination of these findings.


The Department of Veterans Affairs ACT Special Interest Group's (VA ACT SIG) mission is to promote the clinical practice and research of ACT within the VA by creating an open, collegial, and supportive environment for all VA clinicians and researchers (interns, fellows, and full-time staff) to learn, practice, and study ACT. This SIG seeks to promote the evaluation of members' practices and dissemination of these findings. The SIG encourages its members to creatively apply ACT principles to their work environment, training programs, clinical practice, research, and VA-public sector cooperative efforts.

SIG Activities

To accomplish this mission, this SIG will promote the utilization and research of ACT through the following activities:

  • VA ACT SIG listserv
  • Resources on the ACBS website.



Women in ACBS SIG

Women in ACBS SIG

Women in ACBS Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2016

Click here to join the Women in ACBS SIG and its Listserv!

Contact Information

Sarah Pegrum

SIG Board

Maira Orive (Co-President, 2024-2026)  
Sarah Pegrum (Co-President, 2023-2025) 
Natalia De Gorgue (Co-Manager, 2024-2026) 
Francesca Brandolin (Co-Manager, 2023-2025) 
Melisa Quintero (Member at large, 2024-2026) 
Camille Summers (Member at large, 2023-2025)
Racheli Miller (Member at large, 2023-2025) 
Vicotria Leonard (Student Representative) 
Weronica Skoczylas (Student Representative)

SIG Mission

Gender disparities are reflected in the field of behavioral science, as well as in ACBS. These issues, however, are not specific to our organization, but rather, are a worldwide problem that we believe requires patient, relentless attention and engagement in order to foster prosocial change. We believe that women’s lack of a platform from which to share their perspectives diminishes us as a scientific organization, and limits our ability to represent and serve others who may become part of, or benefit from, our work as a professional body. We suggest that the best way to address this issue is to create a space in which women and allies interested in women’s issues may speak and listen to one another. In so doing, we hope that this space will reflect a more balanced and diverse perspective capable of effecting meaningful change in our organization and our world. Thus, we propose the development of a Women’s SIG.

The ACBS Women’s SIG will reflect diversity not just as a value, but also as a practical strategy for facilitating more individual, innovative approaches that include challenges to the organization to overcome disparity as well as to support meaningful growth. As well, we hope that a women's SIG will support the development of a more diverse organization by providing a safe space in which individuals may speak from or share women’s perspectives. We hope that this SIG will allow us to raise issues pertaining to women, and to create sensitivity to the context in which women live, as that context often inherently reflects discrimination and a power differential, to different degrees, across most environments. It is our hope that this SIG will enrich the conversation for all, regardless of gender. We will strive to engage in the community in prosocial ways that help ACBS identify policies and practices that need to change, and to follow those discoveries with action. We would like this group to be a powerful advocate for women of color, for women in oppressive cultures, for young women clinicians and behavioral scientists. Our goal will be to lift them up by its example, help build their strengths, and help them speak with authority and expertise as well as to feel comfortable in bringing the unique and valuable perspective of women to bear on the growth and development of ACBS.

SIG Activities

1. Conference presentation at the ACBS World Conference
2. SIG meeting at the ACBS World Conference
3. Email listserv
4. Work to further equity for women across the world through small projects

Go here to give to the Women in ACBS SIG

Robyn Walser

WIACBS Resources and Activities

WIACBS Resources and Activities

In an effort to connect and empower each other, we’ve created this page to amplify the work of our members.

If you have something to share, please contact any of our board members.

Social Media Contacts


Sabrina Norwood @sabrina_norwood Lynn Farrel @LynnTFarrell
Deirdre Waters @deirdremwaters  Amy House @AmyHousePhD
Lauren Borges @laurenmborges Janina Scarlet @ShadowQuill
Dianne Shumay @dianneSF Helen McGillivray @CompassTherapy
Dr Claire Milligan @ClaireMilliga11 Brenda Bomgardner @BrendaBomgardnr
Louise Hayes @_louise_hayes Leann Harris @TTReadThis
Natalie Roberts @DrNatalieDawn1 Dr. Graciela Rovner @GracielaRovner
Taslim Tharani @TaslimTharani Jennifer Kemp @jenniferkemp2
Tiffany Rochester @thesamemountain  
Dr Helen Sinclair @DrHelenPsych Jill Stoddard @jill_stoddard
Vanessa del Aguila @vanemindful Priscilla Almada @PriscillaAlmada
Sari harenwall @harenwall Nealon Lennox @NealonLennox
Laura Silberstein-Tirch @SilbersteinPsyD  



Abigail Twyman - @afapw  



Abigail Twyman -  

Grant funding

- 2019 – 2022 VA Rehabilitation Research and Development, VA Merit Award Borges & Barnes (PIs)
Thriving in the Midst of Moral Pain: The Acceptability and Feasibility of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI) Among Warzone Veterans. Within this project Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury is being developed and its acceptability and feasibility in the VA system is being evaluated among warzone Veterans at the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center. 1I01RX002854-01A1
Role: Co-Principal Investigators: Lauren M. Borges, Ph.D. and Sean M. Barnes, Ph.D. 
Study Team : Co-Investigators: Jacob K. Farnsworth, Ph.D., Robyn D. Walser, Ph.D., Kent Drescher, Ph.D., Wyatt Evans, Ph.D., and Craig Rosen, Ph.D.; Consultants: Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D., Joseph Currier, Ph.D., and Jason Nieuwsma, Ph.D.
Total Direct Costs: $572,499 



- Borges, L. M. (2019). A Service Member’s experience of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI): “Learning to accept my pain and injury by reconnecting with my values and starting to live a meaningful life.” Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 13, 134-140. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2019.08.002

- Borges, L. M., Bahraini, N. H., Holliman, B. D., Gissen, M. R., Lawson, W. C., & Barnes, S. M. (2019). Veterans’ perspectives on discussing moral injury in the context of evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD and other VA treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychology. doi:10.1002/jclp.22887

- Borges, L. M., Nazem, S., Matarazzo, B., Barnes, S. M. & Wortzel, H. (2019) Therapeutic Risk Management: Chain Analysis of Suicidal Ideation and Behavior. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 25(1), 46-53. doi:10.1097/PRA.0000000000000358

- Currier, J. M, McDermott, R. C., Farnsworth, J. K., & Borges, L. M. (2019). Temporal associations between moral injury and PTSD symptom clusters in military veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(3), 382-392. doi:10.1002/jts.22367


Books by WIACBS

- Dr. Janina L. Scarlet has a book coming out March 1, 2020 titled Dark Agents, Book One: Violet and the Trial of Trama, which is a graphic novel for teens and young adults. She also has a book coming on March 5, 2020 titled Super-Women: Super hero Therapy for Women Battling Depression, Anxiety and Trauma. Her previously written books include Superhero Therapy: A Hero's Journey Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Therapy Quest: An Interactive Journey Through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

- Dr. Jill Stoddard published a new book in January 2020 titled Be Mighty: A Women's Guide to Liberation from Anxiety, Worry, and Stress Using Mindfulness and Acceptance

- Dr. Robyn Walser published a book in October 2019 titled The Heart of ACT: Developoing a Flexible, Process-Based, and Client- Centered Practice Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

- Dr Jenna LeJeune published a book in December 2019 titled Values In Therapy: A clinician's Guide to Helping Clients Explore Values, Increase Psychological Flexibility, and LIve a More Meaningful Life.

- Dr. Carissa Gustafson published a book in January 2020 titled Reclaim Your LIfe: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 7 Weeks.

- Dr Giulia Suro published a book in October 2019 titled Learning to Thrive: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook

- Dr Laura Silberstein-Tirch published a book in June 2019 titled How to Be Nice to Yourself: The Everyday Guide to Self Compassion: Effective Strategies to Increase Self-Love and Acceptance

Articles / Blog Posts by WIACBS

Jill Stoddard on Scary Mommy:

Jill Stoddard's column on Psychology Today:


- Psychologists Off The Clock - a podcast about the science and practice of living well. This podcast has four psychologist who love to chat about the best ideas from psychology. They are Debbie Sorensen, Ph.D., Diana Hill, Ph.D., Yal Schonbrun, Ph.D., Jill Stoddard, Ph.D. You can find them on the web at or on Apply Podcasts, Sticher, Spotify, Tunin, iHeartRadio, Deezer, and Google Podcasts.

- Huggins, J. (Producer), Barnes, S. M. (Host), & Borges, L.M. (Guest). (2019 Aug 13). Chain Analysis for Therapeutic Risk Management of Suicidal Ideation and Behavior. Rocky Mountain MIRECC Short Takes on Suicide Prevention [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

- Jill Stoddard was a guest on Katlin Harkess podcast Wisdom for Wellbeing:

- Jill Stoddard was a guess on Leann Harris's podcast Shelf Aware Books:


Give to Women in ACBS SIG via Paypal

Give to Women in ACBS SIG via Paypal

Donate Here

Your donations are not tax deductible according to U.S. tax law.


SIG Member Experience, Expertise and Availability to Support

SIG Member Experience, Expertise and Availability to Support

Want to learn more about the members of the Women's SIG?  Need support?  Want to let us know about your areas of expertise, your areas of development, you ability to offer support to other members?   We have a growing database expressly for these purposes.  Feel free to follow a link below to familiarize yourself with the community.  Please feel equally free to add yourself to the data base.  

Two options:

1. If you'd like to have a look at the database, follow this link:!AgUt68QYvQ7IixCfIupI_AmkZPgO
2. If you'd like to add yourself to our database, follow this link:!AgUt68QYvQ7IixCfJwXIgeT2YxRy

Stronger together,

The Women's SIG Board


WOMEN’S SIG MONTHLY SERIES: Connecting and supporting women in the ACBS community

WOMEN’S SIG MONTHLY SERIES: Connecting and supporting women in the ACBS community

The Women's ACBS SIG is hosting a monthly webinar/workshop series for the year. This is to connect and support women, as well as create open spaces to share our voices.


Women's SIG-sponsored webinar "The Client's Journey: Understanding Women's Experiences with Trauma" (5/9/2021 live presentation) - link to recording

Women's SIG-sponsored webinar "The Client's Journey: Understanding Women's Experiences with Trauma" (5/9/2021 live presentation) - link to recording

Please find below a link to a recording of the 5/9/2021 ACBS Women's SIG-sponsored webinar: "The Client’s Journey: Understanding Women’s Experiences with Trauma." If you were not able to attend this helpful workshop, I hope you will check out the recording!
Thanks to the presenters: Katelyn Kendrick, Dawn Johnson, Lisa Thoman, Sari Harenwall, Mary Hill, Robyn Walser, and Janina Scarlet.

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: *M?Aw1Mb    

For ACBS members, you will find the recording on the ACBS website here.




Official ACBS Affiliates
The official ACBS Affiliates are listed as links at the bottom of this page. Contact information is available on each Affiliate’s webpage.

What are Affiliates?

Affiliates are membership organizations associated with ACBS through their interest in the dissemination and growth of the ACBS mission. Advancing the mission and values of ACBS has become an international effort as witnessed by the countries represented by our members. Affiliates provide an excellent way for members to become involved at the local level.

ACBS Affiliates are a quicker, smaller, and simpler way to coordinate a local ACBS group. Affiliates are much simpler than chapters to form, but can do most of the activities that chapters do. The ACBS Affiliate program is intended to allow ACBS members to self-organize at the local level. The Affiliate program does not intend for Affiliate groups to create their own by-laws or have officers/elections, but the Affiliate may choose to do so, if desired. While Affiliate groups are recognized by ACBS, they are separate, self-governed entities. Becoming an Affiliate is a good place to start for a local group that may eventually want to convert to a becoming an official ACBS Chapter, or is happy to stay simple, administratively.

Affiliates are not required to be formally associated with a larger regional or national chapter. If an Affiliate is within an existing chapter’s geographic region, then the Affiliate should inform their chapter of their intention to form a local Affiliate. Affiliates also should try to coordinate their efforts with larger chapters in their region, although this is not required. Local Peer Consultation groups may choose to organize as an ACBS Affiliate. (If you have a Peer Consultation group, and would prefer not to register as an affiliate, you may simply post your Peer Consultation group here.)

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is a current paid member of ACBS is eligible to join and who live or work in the locality encompassed by the Affiliate. Members of Affiliates are encouraged to also be members of their regional or national ACBS Chapter (where applicable).

What Can Affiliates Do?

Affiliates have many options for activities, such as networking events, peer consultation groups, and webinars. Here are more suggestions.

Interested in Starting a New Affiliate? Click here to find out how.

Calendar of Affiliates Events

Click here for the calendar of upcoming Chapter, Affiliate. and SIG events


Online - ACT Peer Supervision Group - Affiliate of ACBS

Online - ACT Peer Supervision Group - Affiliate of ACBS

Free Online Peer Supervision

Please note that the facilitators of these peer supervision groups do not hold legal responsibility for your professional practice. Professional bodies around the globe will differ in what counts as ‘official’ supervision or professional development activities. This is a structured peer learning forum. Do consult your professional body for clarity.


Support and Grow Together!

Welcome to the Online Peer Supervision Affiliate Page

Are you interested in connecting with other ACBS members online to learn together how to be more skilled with using ACT? Then Register for Drop-In Meeting Here or, if you need more information than what you see below, contact us by email:


What is Peer Supervision?

The ACT Peer Supervision Group is a global forum that aims to provide learning between colleagues on the experiential practice of ACT, in a supported and safe group environment. The groups meet every two weeks. Once you’ve registered you can ‘drop-in’ to any of the groups without having to pre-book. The groups are hosted and facilitated by Peer Facilitators via the video conferencing service, Zoom. The Peer Facilitators are volunteers committed to providing a forum for collaborative learning and expanding our skills as ACT therapists. Anyone who participates can become a facilitator in due course, if they are interested.

When is it on?

Peer supervision groups meet twice a month on Fridays.

          Group          Mid-March - Early November           Early November -  Mid-March
       Earlier Group          11 am - 12:30 pm UTC                 12 pm - 1:30 pm UTC
       Later Group           2 pm - 3:30 pm UTC                  3 pm - 4:30 pm UTC

You can use this link to convert Universal time to your local time time and date converter.

Once you have registered, you will also receive a welcome email and then a reminder email every two weeks regarding the next group.

Why is Peer Supervision useful?

There are a number of reasons:

1. Opportunity to learn from ACT practitioners from around the world.
ACT is relatively new, so it can feel isolating using this approach without the support of colleagues nearby. This ACT peer supervision group allows us to learn from one another and create a community of people collaboratively learning, supporting and sharing knowledge.

2. Low cost (it's FREE!)
Regular skills development is vital but cost can be a barrier to practitioner development. These peer supervision groups are free for ACBS members.

3. Learning in a safe and supportive community
Peer supervision allows people at all levels of practice, from ACT trainers to people curious about how ACT works, to practice their skills, in a safe environment. As peers, everyone in the group including the facilitators take turns in the different learning roles. Growing personally and professionally requires us to be vulnerable. The facilitators of the peer supervision groups are aware of this and work to create a supportive environment that allows everyone to give and receive guidance and feedback in a positive and respectful way.

4. Convenient
In our busy, and sometimes quickly changing, schedules it is not always possible to commit to regular meetings. We have ‘drop-in’ groups every other week allowing you to attend when your schedule suits you, so if you miss one group you can always join another one.

5. Unique ‘real-play’ experiential learning
Reading, hearing or watching someone doing ACT gives us some idea about this approach, but it is through the actual practice of using the different elements within the ACT Hexaflex that deeper understanding, learning and growth takes place. These groups provide an opportunity to learn through experiential practice. All of our facilitators are trained and aware of the goal to keep the meetings as “experiential” as possible and will help the group to stay on track.

These groups have been adapted from the Portland Model of peer consultation. This model sets out a number of roles that participants can try out. This allows everyone the chance to develop their own therapeutic style, and observe other peoples’ ways of working. This model uses a ‘real-play’ approach where participants work with experiences that occur in the present moment, rather than with a memory or pretend scenario, as you would through ‘role-play’. This unique approach creates opportunities for participants to experience the different elements of the ACT Hexaflex.

What you can expect at the meetings

The meetings are hosted by Peer Facilitators. These are volunteers who have made a commitment to support participants and themselves be more skilful ACT therapists. Everyone is expected to participate to make the meetings work and support each other with feedback and encouragement.
Meetings are structured to help maintain purpose and focus for the group, with distinct roles for all participants

1. Welcome: When you join the Zoom meeting two facilitators will be there to welcome you. Please arrive 5 minutes before the start so that we can start promptly. When the group starts the room will be locked to create safety within the group. Facilitators will move the group through the different activities in a timely way. They will also encourage everyone to participate and feel comfortable contributing to the group, by balancing the needs of new or established members, or participants who are more or less vocal.

2. Brief Mindfulness exercise: One participant volunteers to guide the group in a 3-5min mindfulness exercise. This gives them the opportunity to practice running a brief mindfulness exercise and receive feedback from the group if they wish. It also gives participants a chance to clarify what they would like to offer others and achieve for themselves at the meeting.

3. The Skills Builder: this role gives one or two participants a great opportunity to practice particular metaphors and skills or general ACT skills with another participant as the ‘client’. We all want to improve our skills, but it takes courage to learn and grow. All participants (whatever their experience) are encouraged to take on this role, and the whole group serves this growth with encouragement and respectful reflections. Two people can share the role as Skills Builder and Assistant Skills Builder. The latter is called on by the skills builder for ideas if they feel stuck.

4. The Presenter: a participant offers to step into the ‘client’ role with a personal or professional issue that the Skills Builder can use as ‘material’ as they work on their ACT skills. Experiencing ACT interventions from the “client” perspective can be a powerful way to learn. The Presenter can talk about anything, e.g. how nervous they feel to join a new group! We rely on you to judge what is appropriate to share because it is not a therapy group and the focus will be supporting the Skills Builder with their professional development.

5. Time Keeper: a participant agrees to keep time for the Skills Builder during their 10-20 minute inter-vision exercise.

6. Hexaflex Monitors: The remaining participants mute their microphones so that only the pair in ‘real-play’ can be heard. However, they have the important role of supporting the Skills Builder by feeding back their observations on how they saw the Skills Builder relate to the Presenter and how they moved within the ACT Hexaflex, what they saw that worked particularly well or admired and what they might have done differently.

7. The Inter-vision (Real-Play) exerciseThe Inter-vision (Real-Play) exercise

The relationship between the Skills Builder and Presenter mirrors a supervisor-therapist or therapist-client pairing. At the end of the ‘real-play’ exercise the Presenter provides their experiential feedback first to the Skills Builder. Then the Skills Builder shares their experience before listening to feedback from all the other participants.The Skills Builder can have time at the end of the feedback for answering any questions raised or comment on the feedback.

8. The group ends with each participant sharing one word to describe their current emotional state (energised, gratitude etc.) or an intention that they would like to work on.

Even though each group is unique, this structure helps to guide our meetings. We find that this promotes learning and provides safety for participants to join in as and when they can.


Group requirements

  • As a courtesy to others and minimise disruption during the meeting we ask participants to commit to the entire 90 minutes of the meeting or choose to attend on another day.
  • Participants are asked to arrive 5 minutes before the start time to log on. Access to the meeting will not be possible 5 minutes after the start time.
  • Respect Confidentiality in the group.


If you would like to join us, take these three simple steps and we’ll see you soon!

1. Register - This is a one-time registration allowing you to drop-in on days and times that work for you.  Register here: registration form.

2. Check your time zone – We receive participants from around the globe spanning several time zones. It is your responsibility to check what time the meetings take place in your time zone. This global time zone calculator may help: time and date converter. Please note that summer and wintertime changes vary from country to country. Please check when times change where you are.

3. Download the video conference application Zoom onto your computer.  You can find out about Zoom here. You will be given our Zoom Room ID's once your register. The early and late groups have different Zoom ID's which you use each week to join the meeting.

Current Peer Facilitators:

Early group
Cindy Winski
Kristin Kumpf
Michael Kremer
Richard Pollard
Later group
Em Perera
Laurie Krauth
Sara Freeman
Orson Wajih
Sean Swaby




(This webpage was updated January 2023)


Arabic-Speaking - Affiliate of ACBS

Arabic-Speaking - Affiliate of ACBS

Arabic-Speaking Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2022

Click here to join the Arabic-Speaking Affiliate

Contact Information:

Dr. Fady Safwat, Egypt

Description of Membership

We welcome all Arabic speaking ACBS members from all countries.

Possible Activities:


Resources in Arabic

Resources in Arabic

Resources in Arabic


Scholarships and Grants for ACBS Members Living in LMIC

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to ACBS members living in low and middle income countries.


International Conference

International Conference

Registration is now open !
‎المؤتمر الدولي الثاني لرابطة متحدثي اللغة العربية فى جمعية العلوم السياقية السلوكية
‎سيقام المؤتمر اونلاين يوم الجمعة و السبت
‎١، ٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣ على برنامج زوم.

The Second Online International Conference of the Arabic Speaking Affiliate in the Association for Contextual and Behavioral
Sciences (ACBS)
The conference was held online on Friday and Saturday, December 1 and 2 , 2023 on Zoom.


مساهمة بروتوكول علاجي مختصر قائم على التقبل والالتزام في تحقيق التوافق الزواجي دراسة عيادية – - The contribution of a brief therapeutic protocol based on acceptance and commitment to achieving marital compatibility –A clinical study-

مساهمة بروتوكول علاجي مختصر قائم على التقبل والالتزام في تحقيق التوافق الزواجي دراسة عيادية – - The contribution of a brief therapeutic protocol based on acceptance and commitment to achieving marital compatibility –A clinical study-

مساهمة بروتوكول علاجي مختصر قائم على التقبل والالتزام في تحقيق التوافق الزواجي
دراسة عيادية –
The contribution of a brief therapeutic protocol based on acceptance and commitment
to achieving marital compatibility –A clinical study-



Austria - ACT in Austria - Affiliate of ACBS

Austria - ACT in Austria - Affiliate of ACBS

Austria - ACT in Austria - Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2021

With this affiliate, we want to connect the Austrian ACBS community through our passion for ACT. We intend to organize get-togethers , knowledge exchange and workshops (Schnitzel and Lederhosen optional). 

Click here to join the ACT In Austria Affiliate!

Click here to join the email group (via Google Groups). Please make sure you join the SIG first!

(If you're not a registered member of this SIG, your request to join the email group will be denied)

Past Events:

February 28, 2024: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

March 29, 2023: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

February 8, 2023: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

November 16, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

September 21, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

July 6, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

May 4, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together

March 2, 2022: The Austrian ACT - Get Together 

December 1st, 2021: The Austrian ACT - Glühwein Get Together (cancelled due to lockdown)

November 3rd, 2021: The Austrian ACT - Get Together


For more information about the Austria Affiliate, please contact Michael Herold at or Marilena Bertacco at


Canada - Manitoba Affiliate of ACBS

Canada - Manitoba Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2018

Click Here to Join the Manitoba Affiliate!

The Manitoba affiliate of ACBS is open to Psychologist and Behaviour Analysts within Manitoba who are interested in ACT and/or who have adopted ACT as their primary approaches to work and life.  Our group meets on a monthly basis to:

• Foster a supportive environment in which members can learn more about and develop their proficiency with ACT and incorporate ACT/RFT into their work and personal lives;
• Provide opportunities for ACT peer supervision;
• Provide an opportunity for members to network with other ACT practitioners and to share ACT resources (e.g., books, internet resources, trainings, etc.);
• Provide a forum for members to share their own ACT related activities (research projects, clinical experiences, etc.);
• Keep members informed about local, national, and international ACT related events;
• Explore opportunities for members to become involved in promoting, facilitating, and advocating for local ACT training opportunities. 

Our contact person is James Ediger, Ph.D., C.Psych.   email:

Dr. James Ediger

Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS

Canada - Ontario - Ottawa - Affiliate of ACBS

Click Here to Join the Ontario, Canada Affiliate!

The Ottawa Affiliate of ACBS is a group open to professionals in the Ottawa community who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). We welcome clinicians of all levels of experience who share an enthusiasm for third wave approaches. Together, we are working towards the development of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) community in the greater Ottawa area.

At the current time, there are no Ottawa meetings scheduled. Our activities have been paused throughout the pandemic. At the the provincial level, the Ontario chapter has moved all their events online which has facilitated greater participation across the province. Please refer to the Ontario chapter's website ( and Facebook page ( to learn more about the events and activities happening with the ACBS Ontario chapter. 


Please reach out to Elizabeth Francoeur if you have any questions or check us out on Facebook.

Currently our contact persons are:

Elizabeth Francoeur
Ottawa, ON

Melisa Arias-Valenzuela
Ottawa, ON

Facebook Group:


(This webpage was updated on 11/28/2023)


Czech Republic - Affiliate of ACBS

Czech Republic - Affiliate of ACBS

Czech Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Czech Affiliate!

Affiliated 2020

For more information about the Czech Affiliate, please contact Helena Vontorčíková at or Lucie Zernerová at


Kazakhstan - Affiliate of ACBS

Kazakhstan - Affiliate of ACBS

Kazakhstan Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2023

We welcome all ACBS members from Kazakhstan and all the colleagues working within the Kazakhstani or Central Asian context.

To join our telegram-chat, please, write a letter to Dinara or Zhadra. 

Click here to join the Kazakhstan Affiliate

Contact Information:

Dinara Tussupkaliyeva:
Zhadra Sekrekova:


Lebanon - Affiliate of ACBS

Lebanon - Affiliate of ACBS

Lebanon Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2023

We welcome all ACBS members from Lebanon and the neighboring Arab Levant.

The Lebanon Affiliate of ACBS was founded in 2023 to bring together enthusiasts about contextual behavioral sciences in Lebanon and the Arab Levant region. This area of the world is unique in many ways, from the beauty and diversity of its nature, history, and peoples to the dire challenges posed for professionals who share the burden of instability and ongoing traumatic realities with the people they serve. This group aims to offer a stable, safe community of support and growth for those living in Lebanon and other countries in the Arab Levant.


Click here to join the Lebanon Affiliate

Contact Information:

Check us out on FaceBook


Romania - Mures County - Targu Mures - Affiliate of ACBS

Romania - Mures County - Targu Mures - Affiliate of ACBS

Mures County - Targu Mures Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Mures County - Targu Mures Affiliate of ACBS Affiliate!

Affiliated 2019


Cosmin PopaCristiana-Manuela Cojocaru


George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureş (UMPhST)

Bachelor's Program in Psychology
Center of Counseling and Career Orientation (CCOC)
Targu Mures, Mures County, 540142

The Bachelor's Program in Psychology within UMPhST provides an integrative curriculum based on international standards on psychological education, research and practice, integrating an interdisciplinary approach. As part of this integrative teaching process, the process-based framework emphasizing acceptance, mindfulness and values-based techniques has a central role in the training journey of future specialists in various fields of psychology, including the clinical, organizational, vocational or forensic psychology. 

Futhermore, our counseling center provides psychological different approaches in psychotherapy, such as Process-Based Therapy (PBT-T). These activities are achieved through an integrative approach that incorporates the use of Acceptance and Commintment Therapy (ACT) techniques in order to facilitate psychological flexibility, including mindfulness, acceptance, cognitive defusion strategies, as well as and values-based exercises and action plans. The final purposes of these programs are to reduce academic stress by improving emotional management and to promote a values-based living.

In addition, the implementation of research projects on the psychotherapeutic field represents an important goal in our professional activity. In this respect, the simplified model of ACT is an important evidence-based psychotherapeutic method regarding psychological interventions for individuals who face anxiety, depression or another emotional disorders. Nevertheless, the disseminations of ACT, CBS and RFT model in our profesional communities represents another important objective. Therefore, this will consist in scientific presentations at conferences, clinical workshops and publications regarding the psychological treatment from the ACT perspective.

Moreover, another research area that involves our team is related to the fields of clinical psychology. Specifically, we are interested in the implications of psychological flexibility/ inflexibility processes in emotional disorders co-occuring with serious menthal health conditions like schizophrenia, psychiosis and personality disordes, as wel as chronic medical conditions. Also, the investigation of psychological difficulties that accompany various medical procedures, such as surgical interventions using the ACT framework is another important focus of our Affiliate.


Ukraine - Affiliate of ACBS

Ukraine - Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2023

Join the Ukraine Affiliate:

Click here to join the Ukraine Affiliate We welcome all ACBS members from Ukraine. If you are from other country and want to stand with Ukrainians we are welcoming you too.

Click here to join the email listserv For the Ukraine listserv, you will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default).  If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

Contact Information:

Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk -
Olena Sushan -


Upcoming Events:

  • Each even Wednesday at 19.00 Kyiv time (GTM+3) - The reading club
  • Each odd Wednesday at 19.00 Kyiv time (GTM+3) - ACT Talks

Past Events:

18/07/2023 - Workshop "Living with Difficult Emotions: Integrating ACT and DBT Strategies" by Olga V. Berkout, Ph.D.
05/07/2023 - Online meeting with dr. Steven C. Hayes
28/06/2023 - The workshop "From Values ​​to Action: Proactivity in Life and Therapy" facilitated by Olena Sushan
20/06/2023 - The peer-intervision facilitated by Aliona Kaminska
18/06/2023 - The webinar "Autism: understanding and modern therapy as an example of behavioral analysis" speaker ABA Therapist Anastasiia Angelova
07/06/2023 - The webinar "Nuts and bolts of giving psychological help for LGBTQ+ people" speaker Anna Sharygina
24/05/2023 - The workshop "Building flexible sence of self" facilitated by Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk 
17/05/2023 - The webinar "The Hunger Spectrum: Demystifying Eating Disorders" facilitated by Olena Sushan
13/04/2023 - The meeting with dr. Janina Scarlet "How to overcome the war impact on the mental health with the help of Superhero therapy"
16/03/2023 - The workshop "How to setup behavioral goals" facilitated by Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk
03/03/2023 - The peer-intervision "ACT for narcistic clients" facilitated by Kateryna Solomianova-Kyrylchuk
23/02/2023 - The kick-off meeting


Venezuela - Affiliate of ACBS

Venezuela - Affiliate of ACBS

Venezuela Affiliate of ACBS - Grupo de Afiliación ACBS Venezuela

Affiliated 2022

Click here to join the Venezuela Affiliate

Contact Information:
Jhonnathan Sulbaran
Ricardo Perez

Description of Membership

We welcome all ACBS members from Venezuela.

Possible Activities:


Western Balkans - Affiliate of ACBS

Western Balkans - Affiliate of ACBS

Western Balkans Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Western Balkans Affiliate!

The Western Balkans Affiliate of ACBS is a group open to professionals from Western Balkans who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioural Science (ACBS). We welcome clinicians and researchers of all levels of experience who share an enthusiasm for third wave approaches (ACT, CFT, DBT, FAP, etc). Together, we are working towards the development of an community in Western Balkans. Through this group, there are opportunities for networking, sharing resources and organising trainings and supervisions (including face-to-face or online supervisions).

The Western Balkans Affiliate of ACBS includes several countries *u kojim se priča naš jezik*: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro.

Please reach out to Professor Igor Krnetić training website or check out Facebook Group (Behavioral, Cognitive and Mindfulness Therapies in the Western Balkans - for the date and location of meetings, trainings, supervisions or to get more information about events.

For online group ACT & CFT supervision click here:

Igor Krnetic

USA - Austin TX & Surrounding Areas - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - Austin TX & Surrounding Areas - Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliate Contacts: Mike Strand, PsyD; Claire Palmer, LPC


Click here to join the Austin, Texas Affiliate!

This newly formed ACBS Affiliate group will provide monthly ACT peer consultation, professional trainings, and opportunities for social connection and community building to interested ACBSers in Austin, TX, and the surrounding Central Texas region.

Each month, we will plan to meet for 1 hour of  peer consultation in Austin. After the meetings, you're invited to come hang out with us for some more casual, fun social activities (hiking the greenbelt, mindfulness walks, ziplining, axe throwing...or maybe just grabbing a bite to eat - we'll be open to possibilities and suggestions!)

We hope that you'll join us in creating something new - come connect and learn with your fellow ACBS members, and help us serve our local Austin and Central Texas communities!


USA - Delaware Valley - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - Delaware Valley - Affiliate of ACBS

Contacts:  Steve Bisgaier, Psy.D. 


Click here to join the Delaware Valley Affiliate!

Please join our PA chapter affiliate by going to our page where we make anouncements about meetings, trainings, presentations, etc.:  

We currently have over 400 members of the Delaware Valley ACT Learners to help us spread the word about our activities.  Join at:

Back in 2014, at the ACBS World Conference in Minneapolis, a few of us spent time together discussing our interests in some of the following and decided to create an affiliate as a vehicle to our committed action:

1) Building a local community of ACBS members.  We define local as within (or to be inclusive, near) the Delaware Valley.  Generally we think of this as South Eastern PA (Philly area), South Jersey, and Northern Delaware.  There are no real boundaries though.  The affiliate is more a state of mind then a place.  The place is just where we imagine the activities happening.

2) Increasing opportunities for ACT, RFT, FAP, CFT, etc. training.  We have a number of well qualified trainers in our area, and we are also very interested in attracting some internationally recognized trainers to present full day or perhaps two day trainings.  

3) We have piloted a Portland Model Peer Consultation Group that has been meeting since September 2018.

4) Developing opportunties for expanded referrals for ACT (ACBS) clinicians and agencies.

5) Strong partnership with the Pennsylvania ACBS Chapter 


Please join our


Past workshops and events:

Using ACT and Affective Science to Address Shame and Self-Criticism (May 20, 2022)

Introduction to ACT (November 8, 2021)

Life After Trauma: Using ACT to Revitalize Interrupted Lives (May 22, 2021)
Robyn Walser

Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (November 15, 2020)
Kate Deatrich and Rachel Steen

Making a Meaningful Difference in the Room: Using Clinical Behavior Analysis to Enhance Experiential Training of Psychological Flexibility (May 21, 2020)
Emily K. Sandoz

Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (March 1, 2020)
Steve Bisgaier, Kate Deatrich, and Rachel Steen

ACT Video Training and Use of ACT Fidelity Measure (November 10, 2019)
Frank Masterpasqua

Treating OCD from an ACT/RFT Perspective (July 14, 2019)
Andy D'Amico

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Learning to Thrive (April 28, 2019) 
Lisa Coyne

Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (March 3, 2019)
Frank Masterpasqua

Video Training and Using RFT to Motivate Clients (July 15, 2019)
Andy D'Amico and Frank Masterpasqua

Getting to the Heart of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT): An Experiential (Re)Introduction (May 19, 2018)
Matthew Boone

Diagnostic and Treatment Implications in Lyme Disease & Chronic Illness: Utilizing an ACT Approach (March 10, 2018)
Joesph Trunzo

ACT: Introduction, Demonstration, Discussion (October 8, 2017)
Frank Masterpasqua

Relational Frame Theory: An Introduction and Role-Play (August 27, 2017)
Andrew J. D’Amico

ACT for Perfectionism (August 27, 2017)
Steven Bisgaier

An Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy for ACT & CBT Practitioners (May 21, 2017)
Dennis Tirch

Practicing ACT and Bringing ACT into Practice (October 16, 2016)
John Armando

Using Relational Frame Theory to Activate ACT (July 31, 2016)
Andy D'Amico and Dina Harth

Integrating Mindfulness Acceptance Based Therapies (May 22, 2016)
James Herbert and Frank Masterpasqua

Midsummer Mindfulness Exercise workshop (July 19, 2015)
Andy D'Amico and Dina Harth

Demystifying ACT: Practical Applications of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (June 3, 2015)
Daniel Joseph Moran

Free Webinar Introduction to ACT (April 6, 2015)
Daniel Joseph Moran

Experiential Mindfulness and ACT workshop (February 22, 2015)
Yaacov Kravitz and Andrew J. D'Amico

ACT in Communities: Utilizing Prosocial Principles (November 23, 2014)
Steve Hayes

Thank you so much everyone!

Steering Committee:

John Armando, Andy D'Amico, Steve Bisgaier, Frank Masterpasqua, Alisa Kamis-Brinda, Yaacov Kravitz, Dina Harth, Rachel Steen, Lauren Johnson, Kate Deatrich, Joanna Chen, Erin Wolff



USA - Georgia - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - Georgia - Affiliate of ACBS

Georgia Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2022

Click here to join the Georgia Affiliate

Welcome to the Georgia Affiliate of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science!
This is a brand new ACBS Affiliate. We are currently in the process of planning future activities.
If you are a member of ACBS living in Georgia and you are interested in membership in this affiliate, please click the link above and complete the membership form so that your information will be added to the mailing list. 
Our goal is to create a supportive and collaborative network for practitioners of ACT and other contextual behavioral therapies.  Stay tuned!

ACBS Georgia Affiliate Coordinators:

Amy House, Ph.D. and Aubrey Moore, Ph.D.

Contact us at:


USA - Louisiana and Mississippi (LaMiss) - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - Louisiana and Mississippi (LaMiss) - Affiliate of ACBS

LaMiss Affiliate of ACBS

Affiliated 2017

Click here to join the LaMiss Affiliate!

Join ACBS members who live in or have big love for the Louisiana-Mississippi (LaMiss) region for regular networking via our email list, along with biannual dissemination and training events. To get involved, make sure your ACBS membership is current, then email Emily Sandoz at or Karen Kate Kellum at


Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate Membership Form

Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate Membership Form

Please enter your information below to become a member of the Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate.

By filling out the form below, you agree to allow your contact information to be shared with the Louisiana-Mississippi Affiliate.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

USA - Minnesota Northland - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - Minnesota Northland - Affiliate of ACBS

Minnesota Northland Affiliate of ACBS (MN-ACBS)

Click here to join the Minnesota Northland Affiliate!

Affiliated 2021

Geographic boundaries of the Affiliate: Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Northern Iowa, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 

Contact Information

You must be a member of ACBS to join the affiliate but there is no additional cost to join this group.


USA - New Mexico - Albuquerque & Santa Fe Affiliate of ACBS

USA - New Mexico - Albuquerque & Santa Fe Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Albuquerque & Santa Fe, New Mexico Affiliate

Albuquerque & Santa Fe

Affiliated 2017

Contact Information

Rae Littlewood, PhD


ABQ/SF - ACBS is a local community for those interested in learning more about ACT, third generation CBT, contextual behavioral science (CBS), and other acceptance/mindfulness informed psychotherapies (ACT, DBT, MBSR, FAP, CFT, MBCT, etc). The purpose of ABQ/SF - ACBS is to keep affiliates informed about local events and/or if you so choose, to become more involved in the ACT & CBS community, by hosting or attending local ACT & related workshops, study groups, training, and networking opportunities within the third generation CBT and more generally the evidence based psychotherapy community.

ABQ/SF - ACBS is a local affiliate of the international organization ACBS, (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science). A New Mexico chapter does not yet exist but hopefully as the community comes together and grows, forming a chapter for New Mexico is a next step. While ABQ/SF - ACBS membership is free, affiliates are required to be a current member of the international ACBS organization (dues are value based, which means you pay what you can afford given the value of what you receive, one time per year). The ACBS website is an awesome resource. There are many free ACT related resources, from assessments and worksheets for clinical practice, to audio/video resources for training or clinical use, and published materials related to theory and evidence for ACT efficacy.

Community Gatherings for the ACBS (Association of Contextual and Behavioral Science) Affiliate in Albuquerque & Santa Fe: There are currently no plans for in-person meetings. 


USA - New York - Long Island - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - New York - Long Island - Affiliate of ACBS

Long Island Affiliate of ACBS (LI-ACBS)

Affiliated 2015

Click Here to Join the Long Island Affiliate!

Contact Information

Contact Person:  Mark Sisti, PhD


If you live in and around Long Island NY and are curious about and/or  interested in advancing your knowledge about ACT & CBS drop us a line.

For more information click on the child page on the link directly here and below.

Also be sure to join our LI-ACBS facebook group

MarK Sisti

Long Island, NY ACBS Affiliate

Long Island, NY ACBS Affiliate

LI-ACBS is a newly formed (6/2015) Long Island based community, for those interested in learning more about ACT, third generation CBT, contextual behavioral science (CBS), and other acceptance/mindfulness informed psychotherapies (ACT, DBT, MBSR, FAP, CFT, MBCT, etc). LI-ACBS will provide an excellent way for its Long Island members to stay informed about local events and/or if you so choose, to become even more personally involved in the ACT & CBS community. Mutual peer ACT supervision groups, local ACT & related workshops, discounts to registering for such workshops, study groups, training, as well as networking opportunities within the third generation CBT and more generally the contextually based psychotherapy community. 

LI-ACBS Peer Supervision Group:
For all new LI-ACBS members, a separate email will subsequently go out inviting you to learn more about 2 newly forming ACT peer supervision groups (one focused more on children/adolescents, the other more on adults).

LI-ACBS is a local affiliate of the international organization ACBS, (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science) and with the regional NY Metro area chapter NYC-ACBS.
While LI-ACBS membership is free, If you are interested in becoming a member of LI-ACBS member, over the next few weeks, you must take one additional step, join our international ACBS organization, dues are value based, which means you pay what you can afford given the value of what you receive, one time per year. The international ACBS website is jammed full of free ACT related resources, from documents, to audios, videos, power-points, referral lists, list-serv, …..all well worth your support. You can take care of that international membership now, by clicking here ACBS joining.
If you are not interested in joining either group, but might like to here about local mindfulness & acceptance oriented informed trainings, events, etc…feel free to friend our Facebook LIACBS Group

Membership:  to join simply send a request to or if you have any questions 

MarK Sisti

USA - New York - Rochester - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - New York - Rochester - Affiliate of ACBS

Rochester Affiliate of ACBS (ROC ACT)

Affiliated 2022

Click here to join the Rochester, NY Affiliate

Contact Information:
Janette Funk
Mike Morde

Description of Membership

We welcome all ACBS members from Western New York (Including the Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse regions).

Possible Activities:

  • Peer Consultation Group
  • Presentations about ACT and CBS

USA - North Carolina & South Carolina - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - North Carolina & South Carolina - Affiliate of ACBS

North Carolina & South Carolina Affiliate of ACBS (ACT Carolinas)

Affiliated 2014

Click Here to Join the North Carolina & South Carolina Affiliate!

Contact Information

Valerie Akins or Leslie Veach

ACT Carolinas—an affiliate of the Mid—Atlantic Chapter—is an evolving collection of ACT-oriented therapists and trainers in North and South Carolina. We host a listserv where clinicians consult about ACT-related issues, give updates, and sponsor area trainings and events. Please search for “ACT Carolinas " in Google Groups and request to join. 


USA - Pennsylvania - ACT in Erie - Affiliate of ACBS

USA - Pennsylvania - ACT in Erie - Affiliate of ACBS

Click Here to Join the USA - Pennsylvania - ACT in Erie Affiliate!

The intention of this group is to promote connecting local individuals in the Erie, PA area interested in ACT. The puprpose will be to develop opportunities for peer supervision group(s), coordinating trainers and speakers, and further development utilizing the RFT/ACT model. Creating and fostering a supportive context of learning to bring fourth into the local community practitioners with a focus of implementing ACT/RFT.  The hope is to have a wide range of disciplines and interests within the group as possible, starting from the ground up.The ACBS Affiliate program is intended to allow ACBS members to self-organize at the local level. 

Contact should be directed to:        Tom Wellington, L.P.C.        (814)392-7962 /


Chapter and SIG Events

Chapter and SIG Events Community