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ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship

A goal of the ACBS Foundation is to support existing activities within ACBS. The ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship will enable students to attend the annual ACBS World Conference. The scholarship will cover the full student conference registration fee. To read more about the ACBS Foundation or donate to the Foundation click here.

Apply here!

Award Recipients:

ACBS World Conference 2024 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paula Rodríguez, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz 
• Ezaeza Gaby Sanz Galvan, Edge Hill University  


ACBS World Conference 2023 - Nicosia, Cypress
• Yass Radd, City University of London
• Xu Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong  

ACBS World Conference 2022 - San Francisco, USA
• Zacharias Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 
• Jiayin Ruan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China 

ACBS Virtual World Conference 2021
• Jin Xiaohuan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
• Pinelopi Konstantinou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

ACBS World Conference 2020
• Nadina Pantea, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
• Alison Stapleton, University College Dublin, Ireland


Nominees must be:

  1. Student members of ACBS in good standing (i.e., membership dues are up to date);
  2. Currently enrolled as a student in an undergraduate or graduate program;
  3. Presenting a poster, a paper as part of a symposium, or IGNITE presentation. Please note that these submissions MUST be submitted by February 15, even though the general poster submission deadline is later for the conference. (In the event that your oral/symposium presentation is not accepted, scholarship recipients will be guaranteed a poster acceptance on the same topic/research.)
  4. Willing to write a brief report highlighting the benefits to my work/study that I received from attending the ACBS World Conference. This write up may be used by the ACBS Foundation for promotional purposes.

We encourage applications from first time ACBS conference attendees, students from under-represented groups in ACBS (e.g. developing nations), and students who demonstrate financial need. We define “financial need” as including one or more of the following, but understand that there might be other examples:

  • Your school will not provide any reimbursement or funding for this trip. You are funding this trip 100% by yourself.
  • You have recently gone through personal situations that have put a strain on you financially.
  • You do not have student assistantships (i.e., paid Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant appointments). You are funding all of your studies with student loans and/or working other jobs outside of school.

This scholarship must be used in in the year awarded and can not be delayed to future years. This scholarship may only be used to offset the main conference registration fees (the scholarship may not be applied to any other expense). If an individual is awarded more than one scholarship in the same conference year, the total value of all scholarships may not exceed the total cost of the ACBS World Conference registration fee.