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Official ACBS Chapters
This community is truly international with Chapters in Asia, Europe, South America, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, and North America. Please click a link below to view the ACBS Chapters in an area near you.

What are Chapters?

Affiliated chapters are membership organizations associated with ACBS through their interest in the dissemination and growth of ACBS values. Advancing the values of ACBS has become an international effort as witnessed by the countries represented by our members. Chapters provide an excellent way for members to become involved at the local and regional level. Chapters are established within regions, countries, or localities, or within language communities to promote the work of CBS in a particular language community or geographical area. Chapters are formal entities with an officer structure, membership base, formalized mission and goals, and plan diverse activities in regions within the Chapter (such as workshops, institutes, peer supervision groups, training & dissemination initiatives, research projects, grant collaboration, and small conferences) as well as at the annual World Conferences. While Chapters are formally approved and recognized by the board of directors, Chapters are self-governed entities. 

Interested in Starting a New Chapter? Go here to find out how.

Affiliates: Want a quick start up ACBS group in your area, consider starting an official ACBS Affiliate. Affiliates are smaller & simpler to form than chapters, however Affiliates can do most of the same activities that chapters do. Affiliates can be formally associated within a larger chapter (but they don't have to have any formal sponsorship with the larger chapter). Affiliates may eventually convert to a becoming an ACBS chapter.

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is a current paid member of ACBS is eligible to join -- students, professionals and affiliates -- and who live or work in the language community or geographical region encompassed by the Chapter.

What can Chapters do?

Chapters have many options for activities. Here are a few suggestions.

Calendar of Chapter Events

Click here for the calendar of upcoming Chapter, Affiliate, and SIG events