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Special Interest Groups

Official ACBS SIGs
The official ACBS SIGs are listed as links at the bottom of this page. Information about joining a SIG is available on each SIG's page. 

What are SIGs?

SIGs are a group of individuals who have come together to further a particular topic of interest in scholarship, intervention development, or to promote a particular scholarly agenda within the society. SIGs provide an excellent way for members from all over the world to become involved based on their specific interests. SIGs typically form to develop, promote, and enhance the study of a particular topic or the treatment of a particular population, but SIGs can also be formed to help groups of members who may require special attention within the society, such as the Student SIG.

Who Can Join?

Anyone who is a current paid member of ACBS is eligible to join -- students, professionals, and affiliates.

What can SIGs do?

Each SIG has an email listserv on which SIG members can post messages.

SIGs have many options for activities, such as webinars, peer consultation groups, book clubs, monthly meetings, and activities at the annual ACBS World Conference. Here are a more suggestions.

Interested in Starting a New SIG? Click here to find out how. 

Calendar of SIG Events

Click here for the calendar of upcoming SIG, Chapter, and Affiliate events