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E-Mailing Lists

Several ACT and RFT emailing lists (often called "listservs") have been established to serve as communication forums for interested parties.  Most of our listservs are in house (that is, they are hosted inside our own website), including the main ACT for Professionals and RFT listservs. For more general information about the listservs, as well as information about the ACT for Professionals and RFT listservs, visit this page.

Other than the ACT for the Public list, listservs are only available to members of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS). 


ACT for the Public

This listserv is a forum for non-professionals to discuss ACT. It is not meant to deal with requests for specific professional advice, but it will deal broadly with common personal problems. There are no requirements to join other than interest in the subject. (Not sure what a listserv is or how to join? See our helpful pointers on using the lists through

Click to join the ACT for the Public list

ACT for Professionals

Click here to join the ACT for Professionals listserv.

You will receive listserv messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the listserv, you may post messages by sending an email to:

The prevailing view among both therapists and clients is that a more vital life can be attained by overcoming negative thoughts and feelings. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique behavior change approach based on Relational Frame Theory (RFT) that addresses this question by altering the very ground on which normal change strategies rest, emphasizing instead the role of acceptance, defusion, and values. ACT appears to apply not just to the clinic, but to a wide range of issues faced by human beings. The ACT for Professionals listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) to discuss current conceptual, scientific, and practice developments in ACT and RFT, which are part of a larger effort to create a progressive, coherent, scientific psychology more adequate to the challenges of the human condition.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

Thank you to our listserv moderation team for all the work they do!

  • Chris McCurry: Lead Moderator
  • Kenneth Fung
  • Sahar Moughal
  • Racheal Nuwagaba
  • Tom Szabo
  • Shinji Tani

Click here to join the RFT SIG and its listserv.

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the SIG, you may post messages to the listserv by sending an email to:

This listserv serves as a forum for scientists, scholars, practitioners, and students to discuss Relational Frame Theory (RFT), an explicitly psychological account of human language and cognition. RFT is an approach designed to be a pragmatically useful analysis of complex human behavior, providing empirical and conceptual tools to conduct an experimental analysis of substantive topics in this arena. It is based on the principles of behavior analysis and contextual behavioral science. RFT is looked to as the conceptual basis for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as an increasingly large array of other applied interventions such as language training program, or programs designed to develop a sense of self in developmentally delayed children.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For information about the RFT SIG, we recommend you visit the SIG webpage.


Click here to join the Student SIG and listserv.

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the SIG, you may post messages to the listserv by sending an email to:

All students are encouraged to the join the ACBS Student SIG and to the post on the Student listserv!

The Student listserv usually has posts about
- Job openings
- Grants
- Scholarships
- Webinars
- Student SIG events
- ACBS World Conference submission deadlines
- Any topics that are relevant to ACBS student members

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For information about the Student SIG, we recommend you visit the SIG webpage.


Click Here to Join the Superlab Listserv.

The CBS Superlab aims to provide attendees with a space to learn about ongoing research internationally while also engaging in discussions around the ACBS Task Force Report. The CBS Superlab aims to provide presenters with a space to showcase their research and engage in effective knowledge transfer and exchange. We intend to create a context that promotes genuine connection and collaboration within the CBS community, enabling researchers to share resources and problem-solve together. The CBS Superlab provides a unique opportunity for all researchers, regardless of their stage of study and career, to come together and share cutting-edge research in a collaborative, not competitive, environment.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the CBS Superlab, we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACBS Chapters & Affiliates

Canada - Ontario Chapter

Click here to join the Ontario Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Ontario Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Canada - Western Canada Chapter

Click here to join the Western Canada Chapter listserv

This is the mailing list for the ACBS Western Canada Chapter. We provide a point of contact for professional membership and host development activities in locations in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Yukon.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACBS Western Canada Chapter, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Chile Chapter

Click here to join the Chile Chapter listserv.

This is the official listserv for the ACBS Chile Chapter.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Chile Chapter, we recommend you visit our webpage

China Chapter

Click here to join the China Chapter listserv.

This is the official listserv for the ACBS China Chapter.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the China Chapter, we recommend you visit our webpage

Colombia Chapter

Click here to join the Colombia Chapter listserv.

This is the official listserv for the ACBS Colombia Chapter.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Colombia Chapter, we recommend you visit our webpage

India Chapter

Click here to join the India Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS India Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

México - Sur Chapter

Click here to join the México - Sur Chapter and listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS México - Sur Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.

Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, please visit our webpage.

Sweden Chapter

Click here to join the Sweden Chapter listserv. Klicka här för att gå med i ACBS Swedens e-postlista.

Välkommen till ACBS svenska avdelnings e-postlista. Vi hoppas att detta kommer att bli en värdefull resurs för vår gemenskap för att kunna fråga varandra, få tillgång till resurser, och vara i kontakt med varandra i allmänhet! Använd gärna denna möjlighet samtidigt som du högtidlighåller de riktlinjer som rekommenderas av ACBS:

ACBS e-postlistor (listservs) är avsedda att underlätta diskussioner som rör kontextuell beteendevetenskap, kontextuell vetenskapsfilosofi och det praktiska utövandet. Ta gärna en kort stund för en perspektivskiftesövning innan du lägger upp ett inlägg. Tänk på vem som kan tänkas läsa ditt inlägg - deras värdefulla tid, deras sårbarhet. Publicera innehåll som är inkluderande och som inbjuder till engagemang från personer av olika hudfärg, nationellt eller etniskt ursprung, religion, könstillhörighet, sexuell läggning, ålder, politisk tillhörighet eller mentalt eller fysiskt funktionshinder.

Om du vill skicka e-post direkt till denna e-postlista, skicka meddelanden till:

För mer information eller om du vill gå med i Svenska avdelningen av Association for Contextual Behavioral Science rekommenderar vi att du besöker vår webbsida.

Welcome to the ACBS Sweden Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

UK and Republic of Ireland Chapter

Click here to join the UK and Republic of Ireland Chapter listserv.

This is the emailing listserv for the ACBS UK and Republic of Ireland chapter. The purpose of the listserv is to be the primary means of communication between the board and the membership, as well as a point of contact for the chapter membership to share and discuss ideas, make connections and to keep each other up to date with CBS activities and events within the UK and Republic of Ireland.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Ukraine Affiliate

Click here to join the ACBS Ukraine listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Ukraine listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, please visit our webpage.

USA - Arizona Chapter

Click here to join the Arizona Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Arizona Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

USA - Chicago Chapter

Click here to join the Chicago Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Chicago Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

USA - Michigan Chapter

Click here to join the Michigan Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Michigan Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

USA - NYC & Greater NY Region

Click here to join the USA - NYC & Greater NY Region listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS USA - NYC & Greater NY Region listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

USA - Ohio Chapter

Click here to join the Ohio Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Ohio Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information, we recommend you visit our webpage.

USA - Pennsylvania Chapter

Click here to join the Pennsylvania Chapter listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS Pennsylvania Chapter listserv! We hope this will be a valuable resource to our community for resourcing, consulting, and generally being connected to one another! Please do use this opportunity while honoring the guidelines recommended by ACBS:

  • ACBS listservs are meant to facilitate discussions related to contextual behavior science, practice, and contextual philosophy of science.
  • Take perspective before you post. Think about who might read your post – their precious time, their vulnerabilities. Post inclusive content that invites engagement from those of diverse race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information or if you would like to to join the ACBS Pennsylvania Chapter, please visit our webpage.

ACBS Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

ACT Across Cultures SIG

Click here to join the ACT Across Cultures SIG and its listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the ACT across Cultures Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT across Cultures Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACT and Autism SIG

Click here to join the ACT and Autism SIG and its listserv.

The ACT and Autism Special Interest Group (SIG) thrives to connect ACBS members who work with people on the autism spectrum and have a passion for ACT, RFT, and CBS. The ACT and Autism SIG listserv is a great way to connect members with each other and to share resources. Our ultimate goal is to assist and therefore decrease unnecessary suffering for the families we see.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT and Autism SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACT and Buddhism SIG

Click here to join the ACT and Buddhism SIG and its listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the ACT and Buddhism Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT and Buddhism SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACT and Judaism SIG

Click here to join the ACT and Judaism SIG and its listserv.

Welcome to the ACBS ACT and Judaism Special Interest Group (SIG). This listserv is a forum for members of the ACT and Judaism SIG.

Listserv members can email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT and Judaism Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage

ACT for Health SIG

Click here to join the ACT for Health SIG and its listserv.

We hope that the ACT for Health SIG listserv will be an opportunity for members to share articles and case examples (including anecdotes) that relate to the wide field of applying ACT and Contextual Science for health behaviors and health related problems. It is a platform to discuss various topics such as the development of evidence based protocols, new scientific findings and practical issues related to working with patients, families and health care providers in the areas such as oncology, palliative care, cardiac care, neurology, bariatric care and weight management etc. Additionally our SIG and this listserv is about optimizing health in service of valued driven behaviors.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT for Health Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.  

ACT for Military SIG

Click here to join the ACT for Health SIG and its listserv.

Active Duty Military (ADM) and their families experience elevated stress and associated problems of living that are often untreated and persist. Despite high needs, access to evidence-based care is limited due cultural and logistical factors. We believe that ACT and other CBS-consistent approaches are well-suited for ADM and their family members as context-sensitive, functioning-focused, evidence-based methods of promoting psychological flexibility to alleviate suffering and foster wellbeing. However, the ACT/CBS footprint in international military care settings remains small and research is limited. This listserv serves as a forum for international clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) to discuss the advancement of ACT/CBS research, clinical practice and training for ADM and their families.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT for Military SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage and resources.

ACT for the Christian Client SIG

Click here to join the ACT for the Christian Client SIG and its listserv.

Welcome to the ACT for the Christian Client Special Interest Group (SIG)!  We look forward to hearing your point of view and supporting one another in our work.  The purpose of this group is to support practitioners in the application of Contextual Behavioral Sciences (CBS), specifically Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), to the Christian client population. This is the official listserv for the SIG which is part of the larger ACBS community.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT for the Christian Client Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage


Christian clients have a specific worldview which presents individual opportunities and challenges within the psychotherapy and behavior analysis processes. This group investigates this worldview from the perspective of the client’s values and beliefs to support practitioners in appropriate and effective accommodation. Researchers have supported the need to adjust standard treatments to accommodate for religious clients (Worthington et. al., 2013). The intention of this group is to support both religious and non-religious ACT practitioners who are seeking to attend to their Christian clients' unique spiritual values, to conceptually integrate ACT with Christian teaching, and to identify ways to apply ACT in a manner that is consistent with sound scientific and theological principles.

The target audience is psychotherapists, mental health professionals, and behavioral analysts but also welcomes people from all professions and all walks of life. There is no restriction regarding the beliefs of the participants.  However, this is not a forum for discussions about the veracity of Christian beliefs or a comparison with any other beliefs, unless such a reference is relevant to the discussion focused on the clients’ perspectives and beliefs. Please be sensitive to the beliefs and values of all participants. In the same way the ethical standards of mental health professionals prohibit the imposition of our values onto our clients, let us respect the personal values and beliefs of each group participant.

We look forward to your posts and discussion points.  May we each engage in these discussions with kindness, compassion, and a non-judgmental attitude as we seek to offer support to our group members and the ACBS community.

Thank you for joining us.


Worthington, E. L., Jr., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Gartner, A. L., & Jennings, D. J. II. (2013). Conducting empirical research on religiously accommodative interventions. In K. I. Pargament, A. Mahoney, & E. P. Shafranske (Eds.), APA handbooks in psychology®. APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol. 2): An applied psychology of religion and spirituality (p. 651–669). American Psychological Association.

ACT in Education SIG

Click here to join the ACT in Education SIG and its listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the ACT in Education Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT in Education Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACT in Perinatal SIG

Click here to join the ACT in Perinatal SIG and its listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the ACT in Perinatal Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT in Perinatal Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACT in Primary Care SIG

Click here to join the ACT in Primary Care SIG and its listserv.

This listserv is a forum for ACBS members to discuss the application of ACT principles in a primary care setting. Participants are invited to discuss the integration of behavioral healthcare into primary care settings, and to share scientific information as well as personal experiences related to the treatment of medical, mental health, and substance use issues in primary care, through the lens of ACT and related models.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACT in Primary Care Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

ACTing with Technology SIG

Click here to join the ACTing with Technology SIG listserv.

The ACting with Technology SIG's primary aim is to support and encourage the development and use of effective technological tools (e.g., internet-based interventions, mobile technology, apps and dedicated devices) within a contextual behavioural science framework. We hope that, through promoting open and robust discussion and the sharing of ideas and resources on the SIG listserv, we can both contribute to and benefit from an evidence base around the development and use of practical and effective technological tools.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the ACTing with Technology Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Aging in Context SIG

Click here to join the Aging in Context SIG and listserv.

Older adult populations are the fastest growing demographic worldwide. The very term “older adult” refers to a highly diverse group of individuals whose ages span decades at the end of the life. Assessment, treatment, and advocacy for aging persons occurs within a broad and complex medical, psychological, sociocultural, environmental, political, and spiritual context. This listserv is a multidisciplinary discussion forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the ACBS Aging in Context SIG and passionate about fostering the use of contextual behavioral science to alleviate human suffering and promote wellbeing among older adults.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Aging in Context Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Applying ACT to Addictions SIG

Click here to join the Applying ACT to Addictions SIG and listserv.

This is the ACBS Applying ACT to Addictions Special Interest Group (SIG) listserv for clinicians, researchers, academics, trainers, AODA counselors, students and others interested in the application of ACT to people dealing with addictions (the addicted, those working with such clients/patients, and the addicted person’s family, friends and concerned others).

Though addictions and their treatment can be complex, it appears that people with addictions are almost always following an avoidance agenda and have become disconnected from their higher values or their commitment to those values. This listserv will serve as a venue for sharing research, clinical techniques, insights, experience, opinions, and other information, so that we can improve our approaches to understanding and overcoming addictions. By bringing all the aspects of ACT - mindfulness, acceptance, defusion, perspective taking, commitment and values - to addiction treatment and by actively promoting this approach, we will bring better treatment options to people with addictions and the people who want to help them.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Applying ACT to Addictions Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Asian Culture and CBS SIG

Click here to join the Asian Culture and CBS SIG and listserv.

Asia is the largest continent with the largest population in the world. There is so much going on in this land and lots of contextual behaviors to be discovered and experienced. It is vital that we are able to connect with each other to network, share resources and, ultimately, make our land a better place to live. This listserv is a forum for clinicians, researchers, and students who are members of the Asian Culture and CBS Special Interest Group (SIG) to discuss current conceptual, scientific, and practice developments in ACT and RFT from Asian perspectives.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Asian Culture and CBS Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage and resources.

CBS and Cancer SIG

Click here to join the CBS and Cancer SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the CBS and Cancer Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the CBS and Cancer Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Children, Adolescents, and Families SIG

Click here to join the Children, Adolescents, and Families SIG and listserv.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an empirically based behavior change approach based on Relational Frame Theory (RFT) that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies to promote committed value driven behavior. ACT encourages psychological flexibility, which involves contacting the present moment and changing or persisting in valued actions without attempts to change the form or frequency of painful internal experiences. This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Children, Adolescents, and Families Special Interest Group (CAF SIG) to discuss the current research and clinical applications of ACT and RFT for children, teens, parents, and teachers.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Children, Adolescents, and Families Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Climate Justice and Action SIG

Click here to join the Climate Justice and Action SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Climate Justice and Action Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Climate Justice and Action Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Clinical Behavior Analysis SIG

Click here to join the Clinical Behavior Analysis SIG and listserv.

The ACBS Clinical Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group (CBA SIG) explores the ways in which behavior analysis can be applied to understanding, designing, and evaluating interventions that are primarily language-based (i.e., "talk therapies”) with limited appeal to middle-level terms or treatment packages. In short, the CBA SIG aims to support clinical work that focuses on the systematic establishment of functional relations between context and behavior. 

The CBA SIG serves as a nexus for psychotherapist, counselors, behavior analysts, and other professionals (or aspiring professionals) invested in developing CBA as a basis for clinical conceptualization, intervention, and evaluation independent of particular treatment packages. The CBA SIG listserv connects individuals with this common interest, supports the synergy of research projects in this area, and strengthens our common commitment to CBA as a progressive and important part of the behavioral health profession. The CBA SIG listserv is a forum for clinicians, researchers, and students who share a common commitment to behavior analysis as a primary clinical intervention for language-able individuals. To this end, we welcome discussion on conceptual, scientific, practice-related, and training-related developments in the field of clinical behavior analysis as conceptualized above.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Clinical Behavior Analysis Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Coaching SIG

Click here to join the Coaching SIG and listserv.

The Coaching Special Interest Group (SIG) listserv provides opportunities for coaches to access relevant resources and materials and to network within the ACBS community in all areas, including research, education, job opportunities, consultation, program development, and supervision. In this SIG, coaches who have integrated ACT principles and practices into their work or are interested in learning how to do so can come together to share information, ask questions, receive support, and strengthen their practice. An additional focus of this SIG is to ensure that ACT-based coaching is addressed in symposia, panels, workshops, and trainings at ACBS world, regional, and local conferences.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Coaching Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

College/University Student Mental Health SIG

Click here to join the College/University Student Mental Health SIG and listserv.

This listserv is as a forum for clinicians, scientists, and trainees who are members of the ACBS College/University Student Mental Health Special Interest Group (SIG) to discuss college/university students' mental health issues for purposes of professional consultation, collaboration, and more effectively helping this population.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the College/University Student Mental Health Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Compassion Focused SIG

Click here to join the Compassion Focused SIG and listserv.

The Contextual Behavioral Science movement, functional contextualist philosophy, RFT research and clinical applications all can expand and refine our science of compassion. The account of perspective taking, empathy and compassion that continue to evolve within the CBS community can allow us to understand compassion with increasing clarity, which allows us to frame scientific, testable questions. This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Compassion Focused SIG to discuss bringing the lens of CBS to a focus on compassion in service of our common mission in creating create a progressive, coherent approach to the alleviation of human suffering.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Compassion Focused Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG

Click here to join the Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG and listserv.

This is the official listserv of the ACBS Contextual Philosophy of Science Special Interest Group (SIG). The goal of this listserv is to provide a forum for dialogue and education regarding the role of philosophy in human inquiry and psychosocial practices. The Contextual Philosophy of Science SIG aims to explore interpretations and implications of functional contextualism and related worldviews, and to build bridges with communities and scholars who share interests in pragmatism and contextualism.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Contextual Philosophy of Science Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG

Click here to join the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion SIG and listserv.

ACBS is an international organization which values understanding human behaviour within contexts. In order to fulfill this vision, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group (DEI SIG) aims to help members with different backgrounds share their perspectives within the organization through different channels, including but not limited to access to leadership, organizing and/or attending professional activities (e.g., World Conference, regional conference, etc.), communicating with people with different backgrounds, and initiating DEI-related activities. We endorse a broad definition of different backgrounds, including but not limited to nationality, professional discipline and setting, age and generational influences, gender identity and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion and spiritual orientation, and disability.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

Listserv Moderators:

Jacob Martinez

Jennifer Payne

For more information about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Evolution Science SIG

Click here to join the Evolution Science SIG and listserv.

This is the official listserv of the ACBS Evolution Science Special Interest Group (SIG). The purpose of the Evolution Science SIG is to explore and foster the relationship between modern evolution science and contextual behavioral science. This SIG examines the nature and interaction of evolutionary streams (genetic, epigenetic, behavioral, symbolic, and so on), considered at multiple levels of selection (individual and group), from the viewpoint that contextual behavioral science is part of evolution science, emphasizing as it does issues of variation and selective retention, but is integrated into a matrix of related science and disciplines.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Evolution Science Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Forensic & Corrections SIG

Click here to join the Forensic & Corrections SIG and listserv.

This is the official listserv of the ACBS Forensic and Corrections Special Interest Group (FC SIG). The goal of this listserve is to provide a forum for dialogue, education and integration between the principles of risk, need, and responsivity (RNR) and ACBS. This field is ripe with potential - corrections has a long way to go in implementing evidence based, scientifically validated principles and practices and members of the ACBS community have an opportunity to play an important role. This listserve has particular interest in exploring the intersections of ACT and the fields of forensics, corrections, specialty courts, or research on specific populations often represented in this environment (e.g., domestic violence, sexual offending, substance misuse, mandated treatment, etc…).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Forensic & Corrections SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.


Click here to join the FAP SIG and listserv.

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is a contextual-behavioral approach to psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of natural contingencies (e.g. reinforcement) embedded in the therapeutic relationship as a mechanism of change. FAP promotes use of the functional assessment and therapeutic techniques and skills such as mindful attention and awareness, radical acceptance, and genuine and authentic self-expression in the service of improving the quality of life of our clients. The FAP Special Interest Group (SIG) seeks to promote the use and development of FAP across different cultures and languages, encourage and support research on FAP that integrates findings from basic and applied science, and disseminate behavioral principles of FAP in a user-friendly manner. We are committed to the contextual behavioral approach to science and therapy, which places high emphasis on the prediction and influence of behavior, based on a successful working criteria (utility). The FAP SIG has members from all around the world, including professors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, and others. We are continually searching for new members who can contribute uniquely to this mission. Finally, we aim to keep this mission statement a work in progress; an ever-changing world requires ever-changing behavior.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Special Interest Group (FAP SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Gender and Sexual Diversity SIG

Click here to join the FAP SIG and listserv.

This is the listserv for the Gender and Sexual Diversity SIG, which focuses on the following areas (although not limited to): building a supportive environment for LGBTQA providers and researchers within ACBS; to better understand issues of sexual orientation, gender non-conformity, and sexual minority communities; applying contextual science to increase understanding contexts that foster heterocentrism, self-stigma, and shame; the development of training toward cultural competency among providers who work with LGBTQA individuals. The group also works to cultivate and maintain a safe atmosphere for LGBTQA individuals to network, meet, and discuss their work at the annual conference of ACBS.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Gender and Sexual Diversity Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management and Public Policy SIG

Click here to join the Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG (LOPP-SIG) and listserv.

This is the official listserv of the ACBS Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG (LOPP-SIG). The SIG's mission is to scale the psychological flexibility model up to the level of organizations, public policy, and social institutions more generally. We believe it is especially important to consider the interrelationship between environment (toxic or nurturing) and psychological flexibility in our efforts to provide something of value to the world. Our social world is built on the past decisions of others trying to solve the problems of particular contexts. Some of those past decisions have had unintended and toxic effects. But everything that was built by people can be rebuilt by people. If we are to design and implement new systems of social cooperation in organizations, policies and social institutions, we need the psychological flexibility to make sure that what we build reflects and embodies our shared values. Concurrently, to work effectively at this scale, we need to address psychological toxicity in the environments we wish to influence.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Leadership, Organizational Behavior Management, & Public Policy SIG (LOPP-SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage and resources.

Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG

Click here to join the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:    

For more information about the Neurodiversity-Affirming Research and Practice SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG

Click here to join the Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG and listserv.

The prevailing view of Occupational Therapy is to be client-centered, exploring the quality of one's life with a focus on daily occupation (Self-care, Productivity and Leisure). Occupational Therapists believe occupational engagement is created through doing, being, becoming and belonging. This includes - Volition (Values, Interests, Personal causation), Performance Patterns (Habits, Roles, Routines) and Performance Capacity (Mental and physical attributes including lived experiences). Occupational Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are interrelated and complimentary in nature. This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the ACBS Occupational Therapy & ACT SIG to share, discuss and support current developments between ACT and OT. This includes how the two can continue to bring change to not only the people we meet within our roles and routines but also as individuals who embrace these concepts as their own.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Occupational Therapy & ACT Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

OCD and Related Disorders SIG

Click here to join the OCD and Related Disorders SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for members of the OCD and Related Disorders Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the OCD and Related Disorders Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Pain SIG

Click here to join the Pain SIG and listserv.

An estimated 20-30% of individuals worldwide will have been experiencing physical pain for at least 3 months. The pooled prevalence of pain in the general population of patients with mental health symptoms is reported to be 48%. The Pain Special Interest Group's goals are to promote rigorous empirical investigation, encourage collaboration and mutual support in the work with pain patients and their families, foster communication between researchers and clinicians working with these patients, support public health and public policy initiatives to improve the care of these patients, and to network with other professional and lay organizations serving these patients. Come help us do this.

To email this group directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Pain Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Process-Based Therapy SIG

Click here to join the Process-Based Therapy SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for members of the Process-Based Therapy Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Process-Based Therapy Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG

Click here to join the Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness SIG and listserv.

Interest in the scientific study of psychedelic drugs and the associated non-ordinary states of consciousness that they evoke has grown tremendously in the past decade. Once considered a highly promising class of drugs for therapeutic and personal benefit, cultural taboos and legal restrictions effectively ended their study for over 30 years. As those sanctions begin to lift, many questions are left under investigated, and no form of behavioral psychology has ever attempted to study or explain the positive psychological benefits that are strongly suggested by current evidence.

To email this group directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Psychedelic and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness Special Interest Group (SIG), we recommend you visit our webpage.

Psychodynamic CBS SIG

Click here to join the Psychodynamic CBS SIG and listserv.

The Psychodynamic CBS SIG was created for ACBS members who are interested in the interface between psychodynamic thinking and contextual behavioral science. It's purpose is to further the dialogue between these two substantial and intellectually impactful traditions. We hope that you will join the SIG with an open and curious mind, and a willingness to engage in respectful and fruitful debate and discussion. This listerv is our virtual meeting place. We envision that it will be used as a place where we can talk about ideas, plan activities and share resources.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to: 

For more information about the Psychodynamic CBS Special Interest Group, we recommend you visit our webpage and resources.

Psychosis SIG

Click here to join the Psychosis SIG and listserv.

Psychosis and other severe mental health difficulties cause great suffering among those afflicted. Even though there are a number of efficient pharmacological alternatives for this group, many still suffer from recurring symptoms such as hearing voices or experiencing delusions. Furthermore, there are substantial social costs connected to these diagnoses, where the sufferer often has limited social connections, struggles to work and where family relations are strained. ACT has shown promise for this group both in inpatient and outpatient contexts. This listserv hopes to connect clinicians, researchers, students, policy makers and others who are interested in advancing psychological treatment for psychosis and other severe mental health difficulties from a contextual perspective.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Psychosis Special Interest Group, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative SIG

Click here to join the Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative SIG and listserv.

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the SIG, you may post messages to the listserv by sending an email to:

The ACBS community is home to a wonderfully diverse group of professionals. It includes those who practice ACT and other therapies with clients (whether clinically or in other contexts such as the workplace), those who do research on the basic and applied science of ACT, and those who split their time between research and practice. Researchers often have to spend a huge amount of time and effort collecting data, while practitioners have easy access to data in the daily work, but may lack the time or experience to analyse it and write up publications. This list provides a forum for ACBS members to come together and discuss how best to link up those with access to data and those with experience in using data. The aim of the listserv is to establish a way to share resources in order to further knowledge and contribute to the alleviation of suffering.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Research in Clinical Practice Collaborative SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.


Click here to join the RFT SIG and its listserv.

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the SIG, you may post messages to the listserv by sending an email to:

This listserv serves as a forum for scientists, scholars, practitioners, and students to discuss Relational Frame Theory (RFT), an explicitly psychological account of human language and cognition. RFT is an approach designed to be a pragmatically useful analysis of complex human behavior, providing empirical and conceptual tools to conduct an experimental analysis of substantive topics in this arena. It is based on the principles of behavior analysis and contextual behavioral science. RFT is looked to as the conceptual basis for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as an increasingly large array of other applied interventions such as language training program, or programs designed to develop a sense of self in developmentally delayed children.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For information about the RFT SIG, we recommend you visit the SIG webpage.

Social Work SIG

Click here to join the Social Work SIG and listserv.

This listserv discussion group is for social workers, social work students, and others interested in the values of social work who are members of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS). This is a compassionate and collaborative space for social workers to explore the intersection of social work theory, practice, and contextual behavioral science.  We hope that this discussion group will help us share ideas and resources with the goal of building a strong and diverse online community. Our Social Work SIG is unique as a discipline-specific group, and we also hope that this space helps connect us based on our internationally shared social work principles of social justice, human rights, service to others, and the right to self-determination.

We welcome you to this ACBS community of social workers.  

To email this listserv directly, send messages to: 

To review the Social Work SIG Listserv Guidelines go here -

Volunteer Listserv Moderator: Sarah Cheney 

For more information about the Social Work SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG

Click here to join the Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG and listserv.

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the SIG, you may post messages to the listserv by sending an email to:

The mission of this Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG is to promote the practice and research of contextually supported interventions within populations seeking higher levels of performance. This sport, health and performance SIG will meet these goals by creating an open, collegial, and supportive environment for all members. This SIG seeks to contribute to the growing body of work within the area of third wave approaches to human performance and healthy living. The SIG encourages its members to creatively apply third-wave models to their work, training programs, clinical practice, and research.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Student SIG

Click here to join the Student SIG and listserv.

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here. After joining the SIG, you may post messages to the listserv by sending an email to:

All students are encouraged to the join the ACBS Student SIG and to the post on the Student listserv!

The Student listserv usually has posts about
- Job openings
- Grants
- Scholarships
- Webinars
- Student SIG events
- ACBS World Conference submission deadlines
- Any topics that are relevant to ACBS student members

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For information about the Student SIG, we recommend you visit the SIG webpage.

Trauma SIG

Click here to join the Trauma SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Trauma Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For information about the Trauma SIG, we recommend you visit the SIG webpage.

Values and Meaning-Making SIG

Click here to join the Values and Meaning-Making SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Values and Meaning-Making Special Interest Group (SIG).

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For information about the Values and Meaning-Making SIG, we recommend you visit the SIG webpage.

Veterans Affairs (VA) ACT SIG

Click here to join the Veterans Affairs (VA) ACT SIG and listserv.

This listserv is a forum for clinicians, scientists, and students who are members of the Veterans Affairs (VA) ACT SIG.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:        

For more information about the Veterans Affairs (VA) ACT SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.

Women in ACBS SIG

Click here to join the Women in ACBS SIG and listserv.

Gender disparities are reflected in the field of behavioral science, as well as in ACBS. These issues, however, are not specific to our organization, but rather, are a worldwide problem that we believe requires patient, relentless attention and engagement in order to foster prosocial change. We believe that women’s lack of a platform from which to share their perspectives diminishes us as a scientific organization, and limits our ability to represent and serve others who may become part of, or benefit from, our work as a professional body. We suggest that the best way to address this issue is to create a space in which women and allies interested in women’s issues may speak and listen to one another. In so doing, we hope that this space will reflect a more balanced and diverse perspective capable of effecting meaningful change in our organization and our world. Thus, we propose the development of a Women’s SIG.

The Women in ACBS SIG will reflect diversity not just as a value, but also as a practical strategy for facilitating more individual, innovative approaches that include challenges to the organization to overcome disparity as well as to support meaningful growth. As well, we hope that a women's SIG will support the development of a more diverse organization by providing a safe space in which individuals may speak from or share women’s perspectives. We hope that this SIG will allow us to raise issues pertaining to women, and to create sensitivity to the context in which women live, as that context often inherently reflects discrimination and a power differential, to different degrees, across most environments. It is our hope that this SIG will enrich the conversation for all, regardless of gender. We will strive to engage in the community in prosocial ways that help ACBS identify policies and practices that need to change, and to follow those discoveries with action. We would like this group to be a powerful advocate for women of color, for women in oppressive cultures, for young women clinicians and behavioral scientists. Our goal will be to lift them up by its example, help build their strengths, and help them speak with authority and expertise as well as to feel comfortable in bringing the unique and valuable perspective of women to bear on the growth and development of ACBS.

To email this listserv directly, send messages to:

For more information about the Women in ACBS SIG, we recommend you visit our webpage.