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STARTING A NEW AFFILIATE - small, simple, & connected

The ACBS Affiliate program is intended to allow ACBS members to self-organize at the local level. As Chapters are intended for language groups or countries/ large regions/ states, those at the city level may still need a way to organize in a more formal way. Peer Consultation groups may choose to organize as an ACBS Affiliate. (If you have a Peer Consultation group, and would prefer not to register as an affiliate, you may simply post your Peer Consultation group here.)

ACBS Affiliate members are required to be members of ACBS, and are encouraged to be members of or stay connected with their regional/state/country Chapter (where applicable). The Affiliate program does not intend for Affiliate groups to create their own by-laws, have officers/elections, etc., but the Affiliate may choose to do so, if desired. While Affiliate groups are encourageded by ACBS, they are separate entities.

To become an ACBS Affiliate all you need to do is:

  1. Signatures of 10 ACBS members who support the formation of this Affiliate (emailed to the ACBS office or attached below)
  2. Verification that at least 25 ACBS members live or work in the proposed Chapter area. Check Member Directory here.
  3. Names of 4 committed volunteers (Signing volunteers of a new Affiliate are required to make a minimum 2 year commitment as a volunteer supporting the Affiliate).
  4. Affiliates are required to submit an annual report and update your Affiliate's contact information with ACBS.  If the Affiliate does not submit an annual report, it will be disbanded.
  5. Please notify ACBS if you disband the Affiliate.
Example: Canada - Ontario - Ottawa Affiliate of ACBS
Example: Germany - Cologne Affiliate of ACBS OR Deutschland - Köln Affiliate ACBS
Name of the person that ACBS should contact to reach this Affiliate group.
Second volunteer/contact person
Third volunteer/contact person
Fourth volunteer/contact person
Please list describe the geographic area that the affiliate will be serving (Country, State, Province, or City)
Examples of activites are peer-consultation groups, meetings, or workshops.
Website, Listserv, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Have you notified your regional/country/state Chapter of your formation? (where applicable)
Please note, nearby Chapters aren't "over" Affiliates, but rather can be great partners and it's worth connecting.
Do you understand that even though an ACBS Affiliate is a self-governed group, members of Affiliates must maintain an ACBS membership?
Do you understand that you will be required to do a brief annual report related to our activities?
I will send the required list of Signatures (as listed above) to the ACBS office
This is required for the application to be considered.
If you have it now, please upload a copy of your required 25 signatures. These could be a copy of a piece of paper with written signatures/names, or a document with copies of the bodies of emails indicating support for the Affiliate and including the person's email signature information. All signatories must be members of ACBS.
One file only.
120 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
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