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ACT for the Christian Client SIG

ACT for the Christian Client Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2015

Click Here to Join the ACT for the Christian Client SIG and its Listserv!

You will be added as a member to the SIG and to the SIG's email listserv. You will receive those messages in daily digest form (by default). If you would like to change your email delivery preference, you can do so here.

SIG Leaders Contact Information:

Chris Dowdeswell
Saskatchewan, Canada

Wendy D. Shoesmith
Sabah, Malaysia


"The purpose of the ACT for the Christian Client SIG is  to support both religious and non-religious ACT practitioners who are seeking to attend to their Christian clients' unique spiritual values; to conceptually integrate ACT with Christian teaching, and to identify ways to apply ACT in a manner that is consistent with sound scientific and theological principles."

General Interest Area to be Specifically Addressed

1) ACT as a means of treating clients
2) Integrating ACT with Christian teaching (e.g., identifying ways in which ACT is congruent to concepts within Christianity)
3) The clinical application of ACT in a manner that is acceptable to Christian clients and leaders
4) Supporting ACT practitioners who are working with Christian clients

SIG Activities
1) Review and discussion of literature
2) List of resources
3) Symposia, workshops, posters, etc., at ACBS world conferences

Description of Membership

Membership is open to ACBS Members, both Christian and non-Christians, who wish to learn more about how to help their clients. Researchers and academics are also welcome.