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ACT in Education SIG

ACT in Education Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2020

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SIG Leaders

  • Ben Sinclair (Researcher, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Jonathan Weinstein (Clinical Psychologist, New York)


To share and explore the ways in which CBS/ACT can service the users of the various education settings (schools, colleges, universities, adult learning providers, etc.). This encompasses a vast array of ages, institutions, stakeholders and needs, but is unified in its focus on the unique practical and ethical considerations that such educational environments present.

General interest area to be specifically addressed by the SIG:

There are two approaches in using ACT in educational settings: reactive and pro-active. Group members may be interested in the approaches that may be considered ‘reactive’ such as in the counselling of adolescents through their difficulties, or in emotional/behavioural interventions for students. Others may be concerned with ‘proactive' approaches such as continued professional development (CPD) for educators so that they may embed psychological flexibility skills and mindsets in their teaching, or in technologies that support learners. The group with regularly revisit clearer distinctions and unifications.

This SIG may be of interest for:

  • Researchers or practitioners that have experience in an education setting, or those who plan to;
  • Education stakeholders (learners, teachers, counselors, support staff, senior leadership, principals/governors/superintendents) who wants to learn, teach or use ACT;
  • Anyone who values Education, Social Justice and Inclusivity.

SIG Activities