WC13 Powerpoints & Handouts

WC13 Powerpoints & Handouts

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WC13 Powerpoints & Handouts 

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WC13 Powerpoints & Handouts

WC13 Powerpoints & Handouts

Powerpoints and handouts files added where available. If you would like your materials to be added to this list, please email it to Brandon at acbsstaff@contextualscience.org.

Pre-Conference Workshops 

14-15 July, 2015

How to Give your Sessions IMPACT: Interpersonal Mindfulness Processes in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Russ Harris, M. D.
Handout 1

ACT with Compassion: Working with Highly Self-Critical and Shame Prone Clients Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Jason Luoma, Ph. D. & Jenna LeJeune, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 5
Handout 6

Functional Analytic Psychothrapy (FAP): Depenin your Clinical Skills of Awareness, Courage, Therapeutic Love and Behavioral Interpretation
Mavis Tsai, Ph. D. & Robert J. Kohlenberg, Ph. D., ABPP
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 5

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Focusing on Values Work, Self-Care, and Self-Compassion
Kelly G. Wilson, Ph. D.
Handout 1

ACT zum Leben und zum Arbeiten - Einführungsworkshop in deutscher Sprache
Jan Martz, MD, Hagen Boeser, MD & Beate Ebert, Ph.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 5
Handout 6
Handout 7
Handout 8
Handout 9

15 July, 2015

Love 2.0: Creating Happiness and Health in Moments of Connection
Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph. D.
Handout 1

Conference Sessions

16 July, 2015

2. Movement into Psychological Flexibility: Promoting Direct Experience of the ACT Processes through Movement Improvisation
Ruth (Jaya) Hartlein, M. A. & Cedric Hall
Handout 1

3. CBS as Evolution Science: Why it matter to the Long Term Global Impact of our Work
Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D.
Handout 1

4. Promoting Psychological Flexibility in Primary Care
Patricia J. Robinson, Ph. D. & Kirk D. Strosahl, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3

7. Schnelleinstieg in die ACT
Valerie Kiel, MSc. & Barbara Annen, Ph.D.
Handout 1

8. When it takes two for ACTing Mindfully: Embodied ACT Experiential Exercises for Couples Work
Manuela O'Connell
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3

11. Applying CBS to Disadvantaged Groups in the Global Community: Data, Action Research and Implications.
Jo Lloyd, Ph.D.
Handout 1

15. ACT in Sports: Enhancing Performance and Measuring Sport-Related Psychological Flexibility
Tobias Lundgren, Ph.D.
Handout 1

17. Online ACT for Chronic Pain: Content, Novel Methods of Delivery, Feasibility, and Efficacy Across three Cultural Contexts
Jiaxi Lin, MSc. & Marianne Lüking
Handout 1

18. A path from psychological inflexibility to psychological flexibility: Analyses of the components involved
Vasilis Vasileiou, Maria Karekla, & Orestis Kasinopoulos
Handout 1

19. Well-being is a skill: Perspectives from affective and contemplative neuroscience
Richard Davidson
Handout 1

25. How to implement ACT in a psychiatric setting: 5 experiences
Eric Morris, Charles Benoy, Trym Jacobson, Tobias Lundgren, Ronald Burian, Joris Corthouts,& Mareike Pleger
Handout 1

27. To Start Learning RFT
Niklas Törneke, M.D.
Handout 1

30. ACTing for Global Smoking Cessation
Nic Hooper, Charlotte Dack, Maria Karekla, Asli Niyazi, & Louise McHugh
Handout 1

31. Living well with Illness: The Contribution of Psychological Flexibility to Identifying Transdiagnostic Treatment Targets.
Nuno B. Ferreira, Tammy Esrich, & David Gillanders / Ashleigh Sinclair, Margaret McLean, Kirsten Jardine, & David Gillanders / Linsay Brassington, Nuno B Ferreira, Shona Yates, & David Gillanders
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3

32. Toward a Coherent Model of Scientific Progress: Translational Research in Contextual Behavioral Science
Brooke M. Smith & Michael P. Twohig, Ph.D.
Handout 1

33. Mindfulness & Acceptance with Children and Parents: Italy Chapter Sponsored
Laura Vanzin, Psy. D., Bosisio Parini, Valentina Mauri, Bosisio Parini, Maria Enrica Sali, Bosisio Parini, Arianna Bonfanti, Bosisio Parini, Giovambattista Presti, Ph.D., M.D., & Massimo Molteni, M.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

34. Programs for Children and Parents: Implementation and Effectiveness
Angela Dixon, PhD, Jessica Swain, MPsych, Karen Hancock, PhD, Siew Koo, M.Psych, Cassandra Hainsworth, M.Psych, & Karen Munro, M.Psych
Handout 1

36. ACT for People with Severe Personality Problems
Lucas Goessens, M.D. & Annika Cornelissen, MSc.
Handout 1

38. Moving Forward on a Contextual Approach to Public Health
Michael Levin, Ph.D., Jason Lillis, Ph.D. & Jack Haeger, Ph.D.
Handout 1

39. Brief ACT Interventions: Understanding their benefit and processes of change: Mexico Chapter Sponsored
Michel Reyes Ortega Psy.D., Nathalia Vargas Psy.D., & Edgar Miranda M.Ps. / Andreas Larsson & Nic Hooper
Handout 1
Handout 2

41. Advances in ACT for Psychosis: Adaptations, Expansions, Adherence and Mechanisms
Eric Morris, Ph.D., Emma O'Donoghue, Dr Joseph Oliver, Louise Johns, & Suzanne Jolley, Ph.D.
Handout 1

17 July, 2015

45. Inside this Moment: Mastering the Use of Present Moment Awareness Interventions to Promote Radical Change
Patricia J. Robinson, Ph. D. & Kirk D. Strosahl, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

46. A New ACT Protocol for Treating Couples
Avigail Lev, Ph. D. & Matthew McKay, Ph. D.
Handout 1

47. The Power of Peer Intervision: Experience the Value First-Hand of Learning from and with your Peers
Valerie Kiel, MSc., Chris McConnell, MSc., & Christophe P. Cazauvieilh
Handout 1

49. Accelerating Performance in the Workplace... Including the Clinic!
Sonja Batten, Ph. D., & D. J. Moran, Ph. D.
Handout 1

51. ACT, Willingness and the Ethics of Informed Consent
Rich Niolon, Ph.D. & Sandra Georgescu, Psy.D.
Handout 1

53. Acceptance and Values-Based Approaches for Youth and Young Adults
Fredrik Livheim, Ph.D.
Handout 1

56. The Power of Love: Using FAP's Model of Social Connection to Address Global Concerns
Joanna E. Dudek, M.A.,  Jonathan W. Kanter, Ph.D.,  Mavis Tsai, Ph.D.,  Adam M. Kuczynski, B.S.,  Pawel Ostaszewski, Ph.D.,  Robert J. Kohlenberg, Ph.D.,  Mavis Tsai, Ph.D.,  Glenn Callaghan, Ph.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

57. ACT at Work: The impact of PF on mental health and organizational factors 
Leena Hassinen, MEd, & Jouni Riihimäki
Handout 1

62. Delivering ACT in Group Format: Learning how to Promote Mental Health, Resilience, and Productivity using ACT
Fredrik Livheim, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

63. There's No One Right Answer: Using the Matrix to Support Gender Diverse Clients in Counseling
Lauren Grousd, M.A.
Handout 1

64. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health Coaching: A Practical Workshop
Joseph Ciarrochi 
Handout 1

66. Experiences and reflections of ACT in Different Psychiatric Settings: Contextual Medicine SIG Sponsored
Direnc Sakarya, Ronald Burian, Elisabeth Herzberge, Joséphine Loftus, Megan Oser, & Direnc Sakarya
Handout 1
Handout 2

69. Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living
Erik van den Brink, Ph. D.
Handout 1

71. Von den Grundlage zur Praxis: drei kontextuelle Psychotherapiemethoden in der Depressionsbehandlung
Philipp Klein, M.D.
Handout 1

72. Healthier lifestyle and Better Wellbeing by Using ACT - Affecting Intuitive Eating, Physical Activity and Self-Stigma
Emma Wallin, MSc., Erik Olsson, Thomas Parling, Ph.D., Sandra Weineland, Ph.D. & Joanne Dahl, Ph.D. / Essi Sairanen, MSc.
Handout 1
Handout 2

74. Self-Acceptance: The Compassionate Alternative to Self-Esteem
Richard Bennett, ClinPsyD
Handout 1

75. Training Therapists in Awareness, Courage, and Love: New Data for the Functional Analytic Psychotherapy Group Training Model
Michel A. Reyes Ortega, Psy.D., Jonathan Kanter, Ph.D., & Maria Santos, M.S. / Emma Waddington, Ph.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

77. Ignite #1
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4
Handout 5

78. The Challenges of Self-Forgiveness - A Workshop that Provides ACT and RFT Based Responses to Produce Compassionate and Workable Responses to Struggle
Grant Dewar, Ph. D
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3

81. Working the Matrix on Interpersonal Settings: Building Empaty, Pro-Sociability and ACL
Michel André Reyes Ortega, Psy D.
Handout 1

83.  Implementing 3rd Wave Therapies in Multidisciplinary Psychiatric Settings- Is it Feasible, is it Working?: Contextual Medicine SIG Sponsored
Mårten Tyrberg, M.Sc. Psych., Tobias Lundgren, Ph.D., Per Carlbring, & Thomas Fydrich, Ph.D / Joris Corthouts, Eric Morris, Trym Jacobson, Marten Tyrberg, Karolin Treppner, & Mareike Pleger / Arne Lillelien, M. & Trym Nordstrand Jacobsen
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3
Handout 4

84. ACT for Autism, Classroom-stress and at risk parents
Mark Donovan & Kathryn Briscoe-Hough
Handout 1
Handout 2

85. ACT Loops: An introduction to Applied Functional Contextualism
Mark Webster
Handout 1

86. Accepting the Unacceptable: How to integrate components of ACT in psychotherapy of severely abused women with Borderline Personality Disorder
Martin Bohus, M.D.
Handout 1

18 July, 2015

88. Things That Happened Along the Way to an ACT “Success” Story 
JoAnne Dahl, Lance M. McCracken
Handout 1

89. Uncovering the Process of "Creative Hopelessness"
Rikke Kjelgaard, MSc., Robyn Walser, Ph.D.
Handout 1

90. ACT in Groups
M. Joann Wright, Ph.D.
Handout 1

91. Mindfulness and Acceptance for Gender and Sexual Minorities: Contextual Strategies to Foster Self-Compassion,Connection, and Equality: LGBTQA SIG

Matthew D. Skinta, Ph.D. & Aisling Curtin, MSc.
Handout 1

95. Continuing Developments in Measuring ACT Processes
Hester Trompetter, Ph.D. Ernst Bohlmeijer, Ph.D. Peter ten Klooster, Ph.D. Philine Knirsch, MSc. Karlein Schreurs, Ph.D. / David T. Gillanders & Helen Bolderston
Handout 1
Handout 2

97. Ignite #2
Handout 1
Handout 2

98. ACT for Spiritual Development: Accept, Choose, Teach others
Hank Robb, Ph.D.
Handout 1

99. Applying Contextual Behavioural Science to Meet the Needs of People with Intellectual Disabilities and Those who Support them: A multiple systems approach
Nick Gore, Mark Oliver, Janet Harrison, & Matthew Selman
Handout 1

100. New findings and procedures in the field of Relational Frame Theory
Diana Bast & Dermot Barnes-Holmes
Handout 1

102. From Computer Games to Avatar Led Treatments: Adapting ACT to Creative Internet Based Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Various Problems
Orestis Kassinopoulos, Vasilis Vasileiou, & Maria Karekla
Handout 1

103. Embracing Psychological Flexibility: Relationship with Life Quality and Satisfaction and Executive Functioning
Gabriella Svanberg & Ingrid Munck Ph. D.

104. Big heart, open wide: Moving from shame and fear to empathy, compassion, and connection in our clinical work and communities
Jason Luoma, Ph.D.
Handout 1

108.  Meditation and Perspective-Taking: A Perfect Couple?
Georg H. Eifert Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

109. A Functional Contextual Approach to the Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders
Michael P. Twohig, Ph.D.
Handout 1

110. ACT and Spirituality – A Dialogue of 3 Perspectives
Zhuohong Zhu ,Ph.D.
Handout 1

111. Using Web/Mobile Technology to Enhance your Clinical Work
Michael E. Levin, Ph.D., Megan Oser, Ph.D., & Jack Haeger, Ph.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

114.  Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Treat Individuals with Eating Disorders in an Outpatient Setting
Mary L. Hill, M.A. & Akihiko Masuda, Ph.D.
Handout 1

117. Do it yourself: Innovative Delivery Methods on the Rise
Andreas Larsson, , Nic Hooper, & Louise McHugh / Ditte Hoffmann Jensen, Charlotte Ulrikka Rask, M.D., Ph.D., & Lisbeth Frostholm, Ph.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

119. Prosociality and Prevention: Evolution Science SIG Sponsored
Larry Dumka, Ph.D. / Felicity L. Brown, Ph.D., Mark van Ommeren, Ph.D., & Wietse Tol / Josephine Loftus
Handout 1
Handout 2
Handout 3

121. Using Positive Psychology to Enhance Psychological Flexibility and Therapist Self-Care
Lanaya L. Ethington, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

122. Overcoming the stigma of getting therapy: New technology-based ACT interventions with Potential for Broad Scale Impact on Mental Health: ACTing with Technology SIG Sponsored
Michael E. Levin, Ph.D., Jack Haeger, Ph.D., Michael Twohig, Ph.D., & Kirsikka Kaipainen, Ph.D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

123. One of us: A Sierra Leonean health worker courageously uses Contextual Behavioral Science to prevent the further spread of Ebola in her country: CBS Dissemination in Developing Nations SIG Sponsored 
Hannah Bockarie
Handout 1

124. Brief Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Interventions in Group Settings
Carlos E. Rivera, M.S., Lisa Coyne, Ph.D., & Mitch Abblett, Ph.D.
Handout 1

127. ACT for sleeping problems and PTSD
Elisabeth Hertenstein, 
Nicola Thiel, Marianne Lüking, Dieter Riemann, Kai Spiegelhalder, & Christoph Nissen
Handout 1

128. FIELD TRIP! ACT in an Inpatient Hospital Setting: a Hands-on“ Workshop / Ausflug! ACT im stationären Setting: ein „praktischer“ Workshop
Claudia Dambacher, Conny Hoermann, Claudia Meissner, Christoph Schade, M.D., Ronald Burian, M.D., & Annegret Dreher
Handout 1

19 July, 2015

129. The flexible therapist: ACTing on your Values when Facing Struggle
Rikke Kjelgaard, MSc. & Trym Nordstrand Jacobsen, MSc.
Handout 1

131. Das Monster Futtern: ACT Bei Zwansstorungen
Anne Rotthaus Ph. D. & Johanna Schriefer, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2

133. Frontiers of Contextual Behavioral Science of Self-Compassion
Jason Luoma, Ph.D., Maarten Aalberse, Ph.D., Stanislaw Malicki, MSc., Dennis Tirch, Ph.D., & Kelly Wilson,Ph.D.
Handout 1

135. Taking to the field: Applying the Third Wave to Sports and Athletics: Sport, Health, and Human Performance SIG Sponsored
Patrick Smith, Emily Leeming, M.A., & Steve Hayes, Ph.D. / Tobias Lundgren, Ph.D.
Handout 1 Handout 2

138. ACTing Across Contexts: Religion, Diagnostics and Private Events
Henrique Mesquita Pompermaier, MSc.
Handout 1

140. Treatment of Personality Disorder and Comorbid Substance Addiction: Clinical Approaches Suggested by ACT, DBT and Schema Therapy
Core strategies in Schema Therapy (ST) for Patients with Personality Disorder and Comorbid Addiction
Eckhard Roediger, M.D.
Handout 1
Core Strategies in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Patients with Personality Disorder and Comorbid Addiction
Maria Kensche
Handout 1

141. Thinking Outside the Box: ACT Interventions with Non-Clinical Populations
Olof Molander, Ph.D.
Handout 1

142. The Many Faces of FAP: International Perspectives: FAP SIG Sponsored
Joanna Dudek, M.A.
Handout 1

143. Values Measurement: Clinically Useful but (and) a Research Headache?
Tobias Lundgren, Ph.D.
Handout 1

144. The Future of Human Connection: What Therapists Should Know about Sex, Lies, Love, and Relating on the Internet - and Some Key Skills 
Robert Allegri, Ph.D., Gareth Ian Holman, Ph.D., & Katia Manduchi
Handout 1

150. Current Findings in RFT and Implications
Grant Dewar, Ph. D.
Handout 1
Handout 2 
