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Coaching SIG

Coaching Special Interest Group

Affiliated 2012

Click Here to Join the Coaching SIG and its Listserv!

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Join us on Facebook


Contact Information

Michael Herold

Aprilia West


Mission Statement

The Coaching SIG will provide opportunities for coaches to access relevant resources and materials and to network within the ACBS community in all areas, including research, education, job opportunities, consultation, program development, and supervision. In this SIG, coaches who have integrated ACT principles and practices into their work or are interested in learning how to do so can come together to share information, ask questions, receive support, and strengthen their practice. An additional focus of this SIG will be to ensure that ACT-based coaching is addressed in symposia, panels, workshops, and trainings at ACBS world, regional, and local conferences.


Description of SIG membership

This SIG will be comprised of ACBS members in good standing who are interested in coaching and are committed to integrating ACT principles and practices in their work.


SIG Activities

• Virtual Networking Meetings
• Virtual Workshops and Masterclasses
Coaching SIG Listserv
Facebook group
• Hold Coaching SIG meetings at ACBS Annual World Conference
Coaching SIG Resources webpage


Promotions via this SIG

This SIG is not in favor of promotions, especially self-promotion (aka "buy my course", "register for my workshop"), through it's platforms.
However, the SIG also recognises the need to spread information about new products, training abilities, resources, etc.
As a workable compromise, we therefore ask that any promotional posts or messages
a) be limited to Mondays
b) must be related to ACT or Coaching (preferably both)