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Submitted by Kevin Polk on

I just finished taping a new video for my stress management business called

Surfing Your Stress to Success.

It's based on Valued… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Dr. Hambright and I have been diligently working out in our community-based practice; working on something that much more emphasizes values and… Read more

Submitted by Joel Guarna on

ACT in New England List
Mailing #6: November2008
1. Welcome
2. ACT Trainings in New England
3. Next Major ACT… Read more

Submitted by Joel Guarna on

ACT in New England List
Mailing #6: November2008
1. Welcome
2. ACT Trainings in New England
3. Next Major ACT… Read more

Submitted by Jon Kaplan on

Hi folks,

I maintain a website dedicated to the practice of mindfulness and meditation in New York City. In addition to an active blog… Read more

Submitted by john agee on

This exciting new treatment for baldness will quickly outshine Rogaine, Just for Men, and everything else on the market. In helping clients… Read more

Submitted by Tara.Deliberto on

I have only four years of experience in the field of psychology. For the majority of the first two years, I collected and analyzed data in a… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Ces journées d'automne ont été un succès impressionant et il faut remercierl'Afforthecc qui a bien voulu prendre le pari que la venue de Kelly… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Ces journées d'automne ont été un succès impressionant et il faut remercierl'Afforthecc qui a bien voulu prendre le pari que la venue de Kelly… Read more

Submitted by Joel Guarna on

ACT in New England List
Mailing #5: October 2008
1. Welcome
2. ACT Trainings in New England
3. Online Trainings… Read more

Submitted by Joel Guarna on

ACT in New England List
Mailing #5: October 2008
1. Welcome
2. ACT Trainings in New England
3. Online Trainings… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Relucían como soles en sus pies y, lo que era mejor todavía, le resultaban cómodos como guantes. Fue girándose ante el espejo para ver el efecto… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

They were shinning at his feet and, even best, he could feel them as confortable as gloves. He turned himself in front of the full-length mirror… Read more

Submitted by john agee on

Master Seong Am Eon used to call to himself every day, "Master!" and would answer, "Yes?"
"You must keep clear!"
"Never be… Read more

Submitted by john agee on

Listening to Erykah Badu's "Bag Lady" for the first time in a while the other day, really hearing her...

Bag lady, you gon' hurt your back… Read more