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Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Cet atelier, que Jana Grand et moi-même avons facilité, a réuni 20 personnes, dont 9 psychiatres et 8 psychologues, désireuses d'en savoir plus… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Cet atelier, que Jana Grand et moi-même avons facilité, a réuni 20 personnes, dont 9 psychiatres et 8 psychologues, désireuses d'en savoir plus… Read more

Submitted by vaxljus on

Steven Hayes visited Karolinska Sjukhuset(Astrid Lindgren) today, and I was really inspired.
So I joined.
Great decision.

I wish… Read more

Submitted by scottpalasik on

I'm new to ACT and just starting to compile resources to learn about ACT procedures. I'm an SLP and a person who stutters and am wondering how ACT… Read more

Submitted by christophe cazauvieilh on

Here is my first contribution to this site, a metaphor i used for a few times with my clients that seems to be funny and useful.
In attached… Read more

Submitted by christophe cazauvieilh on

Here is my first contribution to this site, a metaphor i used for a few times with my clients that seems to be funny and useful.
In attached… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Hello to All:

For all of those who have asked for a video of me presenting the iView...

I posted a video of me performing the iView… Read more

Submitted by john agee on

from the Tao te Ching...

"Welcome disgrace as a pleasant surprise.
Prize calamities as your own body."

Submitted by Jim Cosenza LCSW on

Psychotherapy Support Group for Women whose husbands and significant others are transitioning from male to female.

Beginning Saturday… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

TE BEST TOY IN THE WORLD (A Tale for a Christmas in Crisis)

He didn’t remember the toy-shop to be there. Perhaps it was a temporary shop… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on


No recordaba que hubiera allí antes una juguetería. Seguramente era una de… Read more

Submitted by Marcella Brimo on

I have started an ACT group at the Community Mental Health Clinic- The population consists of clients with addiction, trauma and possibly other… Read more

Submitted by john agee on

Behavioral Utilization of Dependent Arising

Coming soon to a blinded peer-review near you.

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Below is a values exercise that I posted on the listserv and some people told me they liked.


Kelly and All:

I have a… Read more

Submitted by John Merladet on

Wondering if anyone is using ACT to manage clients having problems in coping on the job or in moving into a career change...