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Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Hi folks,

I created a video of me doing the psychological flexibility warmup. It's the set up for the Matrix.

[[… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Hello Folks:

Just checking in to let you folks on the email list about upcoming training events. Also, my friend and colleague, Benjamin… Read more

Submitted by Randy Burgess on

What's it take to be a good writer for popular audiences? How about a strangely named skill called "reader sensitivity"?

On my writing tips… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

After the salute to the sun, the Monk lighted the incense bar, sat down in the lotus position and shut down his eyelids in searching of the inner… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on


Tras el saludo al sol, el gurú prendió la barra de incienso, adoptó la postura del loto y entrecerró los párpados. Buscó el… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Ceux d'entre vous qui sont familiers avec le modèle développé par Kevin Polk, Jerold Hambright et Mark Webster pourront être interessés par ces… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Ceux d'entre vous qui sont familiers avec le modèle développé par Kevin Polk, Jerold Hambright et Mark Webster pourront être interessés par ces… Read more

Submitted by leanne jackson on

Hi guys. I am interested in devising a specific ACT / Mindfulness protocol for treatment of dental phobia. I would like some advice re any… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Faire face à la souffrance

Mon premier livre (et le… Read more

Submitted by Fabian Maero on

Here is a spanish translation of the Lilis & Luoma's "Case conceptualization form" (is in the book and also in Luoma's website). Any… Read more

Submitted by Fabian Maero on

Here is a spanish translation of the Lilis & Luoma's "Case conceptualization form" (is in the book and also in Luoma's website). Any… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Hi Folks,

Several people were wondering if the Matrix Webinar will be recorded. Thanks to the creativity of Bob D., I will be taping the… Read more

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Le dessinateur Marc Lizano qui a réalisé les belles illustrations de mon livre "Faire Face à la Souffrance" Retz, Paris 2009 les a posté sur son… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on


Attached is a draft of a write-up of a brief Introduction to ACT presentation I do based on The Matrix. I also attached the handout… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on


Attached is a draft of a write-up of a brief Introduction to ACT presentation I do based on The Matrix. I also attached the handout… Read more