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Submitted by Pavel Somov on
Suzuki reports the following curious exchange between Yun-men (a Zen master) and a fellow monk. When asked “Who is Buddha?” Yun-men said: “The… Read more
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As a therapist in private practice my greatest joy is in working with people who are survivors of catastrophic violence and are ready to move… Read more

Submitted by Tara.Deliberto on

It doesn't seem to me that ACT and CT are incompatible.  For argument's sake, let's assume that the two treatments can… Read more

Submitted by Jen Plumb on



My first reaction to this book is a simple and powerful: "FINALLY." 

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Submitted by Tom Lavin on

Jennnifer C. Plumb TV interview: The co-author of "The Art and Science of Valuing in Psychotherapy" discusses the ACT… Read more

Submitted by Tom Lavin on

Kelly G. Wilson TV interview on addressing anxiety from an ACT perspective and his new book addressing anxiety : "Things Might Go… Read more

Submitted by Patrick Murphy on

This is really oversimplified, but might be a good introduction for some into Relational Frame Theory (I am not the author):

http://www… Read more

Submitted by Tom Lavin on

ACT TV interviews with Steve, Jacque, Victoria, Robyn, Barbara and others have been helpful to clients in-session and as adjuncts to homework… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Hi folks.

I fixed the Go To Training signup page for the Webinar this Wednesday.

Thanks to those who let me know about the… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on


This is the text of an email response on the list serve. Sharon had asked for a possible weight loss protocol. I sent her this one… Read more
Submitted by Kevin Polk on

Hi Folks interested in the Matrix:

Thanks for all of your kind words in Reno!

Here is a version of the Matrix Life Manual. The… Read more

Submitted by Pavel Somov on

Small Knowledge said: "Ji Zhen holds that the world was not created by anything, and Jiezi holds that it was created by something. Which is… Read more

Submitted by john agee on
and choices are made
Submitted by Pavel Somov on
At my epistemological best, I am a lucid dreamer, dreaming that I am awake. At my epistemological worst, I am blissfully asleep, believing in a… Read more
Submitted by Annecy Baez on

The Last Group Session:

The group took on its own structure, and it became an opened group where students who had registered to participate… Read more