Launch Interaction with Prospective Clients: The Facebook fans are typically thought about as followers on your authorities web page. You could decide on one of the most interested site visitors…
As I shared in my last two columns, I used to suffer with tinnitus but not any longer. I still have it. Like I have baldness and other symptoms of being 57 years old. It is present like the clouds…
My dear brother Jim married Karen in June of 2005 in Denver, Colorado. In the months leading up to the wedding I was living in my own private hell. Few knew how much I suffered.
I can’t tell you what year it was. Maybe 1995 but it doesn’t really matter. I was in the first decade of my private practice, long enough to be established but short enough to still feel like a…
Place des Interventions psychologiques Basées sur la Pleine Conscience (IBPC) en Médecine Générale (MG):
Le cas d'un adolescent souffrant de fatigue avec décrochage scolaire
You can register online through Eventbrite:
Incorporating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy into your treatment approach will have a…
After fifteen years that Carmen invited Kelly for the first time to Spain, many things, even the release of their first Spanish Manual written togheter, had happened.
This weekend Kelly was…
学习ACT的过程中,越发感到佛学的影子,似乎这是东方与西方,现代与传统,科学与 佛学的对应。初步思考,必有诸多主观臆断,愿与ACT学者、佛学高僧大德及居士交流切磋。
四法印,又作四法本末、四忧檀那,佛教四法门为:一切和合事物皆无常(诸行无常); 一切情绪皆苦(诸漏皆苦); 一切事物皆无自性(诸法无我); 涅槃超越概念(…
Hi Folks,
I've posted the slides for my webinar Demystifying ACT. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch with me. I am planning on making this webinar…