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Submitted by odhage on

I have long been puzzled by pasage 48 of the Dao De Jing. Since my occupation is within the world of education, I have

found it… Read more

Submitted by milad khajepoor on
لیست کتاب های ذرحال ترجمه درمان پذیرش و تعهد به زبان فارسی    Get Out of Your Mind and into Your Life: The New Acceptance and… Read more
Submitted by Cerdic on

After 7 years in a training role in a large mental health trust, I have now stepped back into a clinical role.  The role is as a primary… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on


首先觉得叙事治疗的后现代、后结构主义、语境主义的哲学思路还是很清楚,是人类发展至今对自身认识的进步,也是心理治疗的进步。从前现代的皇权、教主等少数掌握所谓真理知识到现代社会重视科学、专家知识,再到后现代强调人文知识是社会建构的。… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Dear Santa: this is just to say
That I don´t like the doll you left.
She is cross-eyed, her hair a mess
It seems to me… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

从更广阔的视角来看,接纳与承诺疗法(ACT)属于语境行为科学(contextual behavioral science,CBS)取向,是一个整合基础与应用、理论与实践的集合体[23]。非常值得注意的是,ACT的理论和实践技术中,融合了很多东方文化,特别是佛学、禅宗的概念。
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Submitted by ramiro on

En cierta ocasión, un forastero llegó a la capital de un remoto lugar. Había viajado largo tiempo en busca del tesoro que,… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Once upon a time there was... a traveler who arrived at the main city in a distant country. He had taken a long journey in order to find… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

今日在所里参加英国马克·海华德(Mark Hayward)学习叙事治疗,他从事家庭治疗30多年,2002年达利奇中心首届国际研究生课程毕业。可以说是叙事疗法创始人“黄埔一期”的王牌力量。他在英国创立叙事疗法研究院(INT)并担任院长。同时担任英国康沃尔(… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

通过这些年对ACT的学习与实践,感到ACT的基本理念非常符合东方文化和价值观,具有很好的大众实用性和适用性。我们中国文化中一些常见的语言也与ACT很契合,大家在遇到苦恼时经常会谈及“活在当下,别想那么多”其实就是与现实接触,减少认知融合。我们常说“… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

今天在课题组讨论ACT时,感受到ACT是一个比较综合的整合治疗法,与叙事疗法有相同的语境主义哲学基础,接纳的技术与叙事的外化也重叠,特别是在明确价值、承诺行动部分有很大的重叠,而CBT中也有distancing的技术,这与ACT中认知解离有重叠。接纳部分及以我为境部分与咨客中心疗法有重叠,… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

今天是2012年11月30日,下午课题组会主要讨论了ACT相关话题,从comprehensive distancing 到ACT的发展,以及比较CBT与ACT对焦虑症的治疗效果。还讨论了ACT六边模型与佛学的六盖“贪嗔痴慢疑见”之间的关系。… Read more

Submitted by humphreyswill on

Just bought a Kindle copy of Russ Harris's primer ACT Made Simple. I first discivered ACT through his self-help books, which have been… Read more

Submitted by milad khajepoor on

از دیدگاه درمان پذیرش و تعهد اختلالات روان شناختی و رنج بردن ناشی از عدم انعطاف پذیری روان شناختی است و با تیدیل عدم انعطاف پذیری… Read more