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Submitted by mark webster on

Shifting Sands Metaphor

The purpose of ACT is not to fix symptoms, rather to develop a life life of meaning that is worth living. For the… Read more

Submitted by mark webster on

Between the first part of the reference book 'Experiential Approach to Change' and the second part there is a gap, if you have not received a… Read more

Submitted by Koa Whittingham on

I blog fortnightly about parenting on my own website.  My blog posts draw upon my experiences as a parenting researcher, my clinical… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Every day the same routine: A very early start only to find the everyday sullen colleagues in the rickety van towards the site where they will get… Read more

Submitted by Andrew Brown on

A TED Talk which emphasises Contact with the Present.

Submitted by Kathy Baur on

Whether you went to Sydney or not, the inaugural Rocky Mountain ACBS Conference is shaping up to be the place to be this fall.   The… Read more

Submitted by walterdoege on

A better world can be builded based in Science and Love. This way, Health, Education and Work in a broad sense (labor, employment, job) … Read more

Submitted by Scharifi on

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness for Psychosis [Paperback]

Eric M.J. Morris (Editor), Louise C. Johns (Editor), Joseph E.… Read more

Submitted by norbauer on

Norbauer Apps today announced that we are working on a suite of productivity software, one component of which employs ACT principles in concert… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on


Submitted by mindsetdoc on

Submitted by Kevin Polk on


I have posted a Free ACT 101 video course onto the web. You can click on individual, short videos (8 to 12 minutes), or watch all it… Read more

Submitted by on
Russ presented a lively seminar with appropriate metaphors to be used in understanding mindfulness and ACT. My impression is that the medical… Read more
Submitted by Peter Robinson on

I am CBT trained with 10 years previously as a CBT supervisor and tutor with the South of Scotland Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Course and 20… Read more