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Submitted by Cherie Haig on

Hi, I am looking for  a script,to use as a guide,  for an exercise I completed in a workshop. The exercise was about… Read more

Submitted by Martinmyhre on

Vi starter i kjelleren for å fortsette med metaforen som avsluttet forrige innlegg. Her finner vi grunnmuren huset står på: de… Read more

Submitted by rachel.collis on

For many years I had this quote on my wall.

'If You Knew You Would Suceed, You Could Enjoy The Journey'

It was a reminder… Read more

Submitted by rachel.collis on

For most of my adult life I have worked in roles where people told me the truth about how they felt. This privilege has meant that I know an… Read more

Submitted by Martinmyhre on

Aksept- og forpliktelsesterapi (ACT) er en del av det Stephen Hayes (2004) kaller den kognitiv-atferdmessige (eng: Cognitive behavioral)… Read more

Submitted by ginger on

I am reasonably new to ACT, still skilling up. However, I am looking at doing some group sessions with my work colleagues. The aim is to introduce… Read more

Submitted by Martinmyhre on

I denne bloggen vil jeg ha som mål å formidle aksept og forpliktelsesterapi (ACT) og relational frame theory (RFT) på norsk med… Read more

Submitted by Stephan Hoyndorf on

The more I think and work with ACT and metaphors the more I remember hypnotherapy (Milton Erickson style). I am not aware that this issue has ben… Read more

Submitted by henric.hagelberg on

Dear ACBS members,

I'm a psychologist from Sweden who recently started working in the occupational health field.

Is there any… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on


I'm looking for a female who would like to share a room at the Marriott Bethesda North. I have the room from 7/21-7/25 and am a… Read more

Submitted by Brooks Witter on

So in the past year I have taken up running in those Vibram 5-Finger funky toe-shoes. There is a long back story about that which I won’t… Read more

Submitted by Brooks Witter on
Many clients come in to therapy looking to get more self-confidence so that they will then be able to do things they would like to do – get out… Read more
Submitted by alillelien on

A norwegian group of clinicians, researchers and patients are currently working to adjust and further develop a web tool called "web choice… Read more

Submitted by Rui D. Ramos on

Sou psicólogo clínico, trabalho no Porto (Portugal) em meio hospitalar (Hospital Pedro Hispano) e ainda sou … Read more

Submitted by on
This is a 2 1/2 hour workshop facilitated by Brenda Bomgardner that focuses on values clarification and committed action which are two components of… Read more