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Submitted by GMK on

Dear Reader,

We at the University of Edinburgh are begining a project to try and develop a self-report questionnaire that assesses… Read more

Submitted by Barbara Anna Kossakowska on


Submitted by Eric Morris on

How can we understand delusional beliefs in behavioural terms?

A recent paper published in the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science by… Read more

Submitted by ruthjaegerlcsw on

Ruth Jaeger, LCSW and Liz Salin, MFT are very excited to announce the start of a 6 week class in San Rafael, CA for parents who are experiencing a… Read more

Submitted by hannarod_mcneese on

How can people who are counselors work through our own fears and insecurities? In my latest post for the American Counseling Association, I open… Read more

Submitted by kdclues on

In an effort to obtain approval from insurance companies for an ACT focused Anxiety Intensive Outpatient Group, we are exploring the statistics of… Read more

Submitted by margieireland on

Hi folks

I am seeking information and contact with those who have had some success developing community based programs using ACT for… Read more

Submitted by Michael Lalic on

I have recently and unfortunately on a personal level experienced the effectiveness of ACT on anticipitory grief. I won't go into detail but let… Read more

Submitted by jcirigliano1 on

As I am currently in between my academic studies and getting ready for internship, I have began writing articles for a website under the domain… Read more

Submitted by abidazam on

It is often said that human beings are motivated by self-interest. If this is true, then it explains why deep meditation and self-reflection comes… Read more

Submitted by Eric Morris on

Is it important to understand behaviour in context?

Psychology has a myriad of models about understanding humans and their behaviour. For… Read more

Submitted by Adele S. on

I'm very new to ACT. Ive been a GP (family physician) who by default does a lot of counselling for over 20 years in Australia and a daily… Read more

Submitted by thwellingt on

Has anyone seen any exmaples of safety contracts written from an ACT and/or RFT perspective?


Greatly appreciate any response… Read more

Submitted by tamerpsychiatrist on

hello everybody, wherever i read about ACT or RFT, i always find the word "context" , they say we manipulate the context, and the self has three… Read more

Submitted by wiston_91206 on


    Behavior research has developed a methodology for people suffering from severe autism to engage in a task by… Read more