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Submitted by Marisa Páez on

After fifteen years that Carmen invited Kelly for the first time to Spain, many things, even the release of their first Spanish Manual… Read more

Submitted by zhuzhuohong on

学习ACT的过程中,越发感到佛学的影子,似乎这是东方与西方,现代与传统,科学与 佛学的对应。初步思考,必有诸多主观臆断,愿与ACT学者、佛学高僧大德及居士交流切磋。


​四法印,又作四法本末、四忧檀那,佛教四法门为:… Read more

Submitted by DJ Moran on

Hi Folks,

I've posted the slides for my webinar Demystifying ACT.  If you have questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch with… Read more

Submitted by rjocall on

Just joined you .... catching up ...

Submitted by brunocarraca on

" Between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response, in our response lies our growth and our… Read more

Submitted by Richard Bennett on

So, my web designer, and all round great guy, Paul has advised me that if thinkPSYCHOLOGY is going to have a website, it should probably have a… Read more

Submitted by ashleighpeterson on

“Peace- it does mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be… Read more

Submitted by marial on

En el siguiente enlace podréis encontrar información más detallada y estudios técnicos sobre la psicología… Read more

Submitted by fakemanager20 on

Launch Interaction with Possible Clients: The Facebook fans are normally thought about as followers on your authorities web page. You could select… Read more

Submitted by j.kirby on

New Years Resolution & Self-Compassion

By Clinical Psychologist Dr James Kirby

When the clock strikes midnight on… Read more

Submitted by larryberkelhammer on

As of Sept 2014 I have just started teaching an ACT course at an active senior center and a course proposal I submitted for an ACT course at a… Read more

Submitted by Eric Morris on

Feeling on edge while walking down an empty street at night; thinking you are being gossiped about at work; feeling like you need to be on guard… Read more

Submitted by hetongbo on

2016/12/7編修;作者: 蘇益賢臨床心理師(台灣)


接納與承諾療法(Acceptance and commitment therapy, ACT, 通常不拆開來念,而是直接發act的音),1980年代後期,由Steven C. Hayes、Kelly G… Read more

Submitted by Frank Masterpasqua on

One of the great advances offered by conextual sciences is the recognition of the importance of value/purpose in all of our lives. The attached… Read more

Submitted by hetongbo on

Author:蘇益賢(臨床心理師)@ 台灣

Su Yi-Hsien, Clinical Psychologist, Taiwan



  每位助人工作者,在學習與實務的路上,… Read more