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Submitted by DJ Moran on

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Hey Folks,
I thought it would be a fun idea to… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

VA practitioners are invited to train at the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for PTSD at the Togus, Maine VA. Twenty-six weekly cohorts are… Read more

Submitted by Jason Luoma on

Who is using the website? For those who are new to web 2.0 concepts (which is was how this website was designed), it… Read more

Submitted by Jason Luoma on

The ACBS website is part of what is generally referred to as Web 2.0 in web-lingo. It allows people to interact socially with each other by… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

This is a PowerPoint presentation connecting a bit of Functional Contextualism, RFT and the Hexaflex. My colleague, Dr. Hambright, came up with… Read more

Submitted by Kevin Polk on

This is a PowerPoint presentation connecting a bit of Functional Contextualism, RFT and the Hexaflex. My colleague, Dr. Hambright, came up with… Read more

Submitted by Marco Kleen on

Sinds februari 2007 bied ik via de site online behandeling aan, gebaseerd op acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). De site richt… Read more

Submitted by Marco Kleen on

I am very pleased to announce that february 2007 the research project on Acceptance and Motivation in Chronic Pain in Groningen, the Netherlands,… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Con mis mejores deseos para todos.

Best wishes for everybody.

Meilleurs voeux à tous.

Mit den besten Wünschen.

Os meus… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Con mis mejores deseos para todos.

Best wishes for everybody.

Meilleurs voeux à tous.

Mit den besten Wünschen.

Os meus… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Spanish version (see below english version)

ACEPTACIÓN, COMPROMISO: unidos como luz y sombra. Comprometerse con la propia vida es aceptar… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

A blog, my blog, I own a blog!

And I had forgotten it; so many weeks without an entry -the hot long summer and the works for the new… Read more

Submitted by Marco Kleen on

The rehabilitation department of the University Medical Centre in Groningen (UMCG), the Netherlands, are preparing an extensive research on the… Read more

Submitted by Marco Kleen on

The rehabilitation department of the University Medical Centre in Groningen (UMCG), the Netherlands, are preparing an extensive research on the… Read more

Submitted by Jason Luoma on

I thought this story could be used in teaching concepts like the arbitrariness of language (the idea of arbitrarily applicable relational… Read more