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Submitted by ramiro on


Al ajustar su cinturón de seguridad, Personaje Junior notó la molestia de la rosa olvidada en la solapa. Una tontería… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

Celebrity Junior felt the forgotten rose on his lapel jacket. An stupid thing of his housekeeper. He pulled out the flower and a sting pricked his… Read more

Submitted by Joel Guarna on

Welcome! You or someone you know subscribed you to the ACT in New England List. If you would prefer not to receive these emails, you can… Read more

Submitted by Jason Luoma on

I'm officially discontinuing this blog that never really got going, in favor of my blog as [[]] that is posting regular updates… Read more

Submitted by Steven Hayes on

For folks who want to download my vita (e.g., to search for articles; etc) here is a recent (April 2010) one to download. - S

Submitted by Steven Hayes on

For folks who want to download my vita (e.g., to search for articles; etc) here is a recent (April 2010) one to download. - S

Submitted by john agee on

mindfulness is really no-mindfulness; therefore it is called mindfulness.

acceptance is really no-acceptance; therefore it is called… Read more

Submitted by Mary Ann Griffin on

Mary Ann Griffin has developed a private practice utilising ACT at Health Hub, 1 Welfare Parade, Ashburton Vic 3147. Mary Ann provides… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on


La pulga de la oreja paseó su mirada por todo el territorio: la blanda llanura suave se ondulaba al soplo de la… Read more

Submitted by DJ Moran on

[img_assist|nid=2201|title=D.J. Moran|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=67|height=100]
OK, I've knocked out a second edition of Functionally… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

see below english version

El libro ya le estaba resultando cargante y se preguntaba si no habría otras cosas más interesantes que hacer.… Read more

Submitted by Todd A. Ward on

If anyone has any thoughts or, even better, could recommend any literature on this topic, it would be greatly appreciated...

I have been… Read more

Submitted by ramiro on

ACEPTACIÓN Y COMPROMISO: Reflexiones, actitudes, ánimos

(see english and french versions below)

1.- El problema no es tu malestar.… Read more

Submitted by Marco Kleen on

Due to circumstances the research on the relation between acceptance of chronic pain and motivation to change behavior (motivational interviewing/… Read more

Submitted by DJ Moran on

[img_assist|nid=2201|title=D.J. Moran|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=67|height=100]
Hey Folks,
I thought it would be a fun idea to… Read more