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Submitted by Nick Berens on

Inspired by J. Lumo I will give this blog thing a shot. The primary purpose of it will be admittedly selfish. I am currently working through… Read more

Submitted by Jason Luoma on

For the full article see:

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 18 — David Baltimore, the… Read more

Submitted by Jason Luoma on

I'm gonna try out this blog thing. This blog will contain information on interesting news stories which relate to science and mental health. Feel… Read more

Submitted by JKesselring on

For many years I’ve used a metaphor that I’ll call “Looking for the Keys” and I thought I’d share it here. I probably borrowed it from somebody… Read more

Submitted by Gary Powell on

On this page -


- are two… Read more

Submitted by Todd A. Ward on

Hello everyone. I came here today thinking I would find the RFT online tutorial, where it always is, and a whole community of RFT/ACT people has… Read more

Submitted by Steven Hayes on

Forgive me if this seems too self-focused, but I regularly get asked about career influences. In this attachment (revised in January 2008) I try… Read more

Submitted by Steven Hayes on

Forgive me if this seems too self-focused, but I regularly get asked about career influences. In this attachment (revised in January 2008) I try… Read more

Submitted by Steven Hayes on

If you need a short bio (for introducing talks or whatever) one is attached. It has various flabors you can use and some weird facts, in case you… Read more

Submitted by Steven Hayes on

If you need a short bio (for introducing talks or whatever) one is attached. It has various flabors you can use and some weird facts, in case you… Read more

Submitted by Eric Fox on

I just added a cool translation module to the site that allows us to provide a translation of any page into multiple languages. When a site is… Read more

Submitted by Eric Fox on

So I'm getting close to having ready to launch. I still need to migrate a bit of the content from the RFT site over to… Read more

Submitted by Kelly G. Wilson on

Eric this new website is entirely cool. I love it. You are a super genius!