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ACT Peer Consultation Groups

The best way to get connected with ACT clinicians and other ACBS folk near you is to find out if there is a chapter or affiliate in your area. Often, chapters will contain several peer consultation groups. If there is a chapter, it can be found here.  You can find the list of affiliates here.

Peer consultation groups are sometimes formed in areas where there is not yet a chapter or affiliate. See below for a list of such groups. If you are a member of such a group, and are open to new members, please fill out this form to describe your group.

If you are looking for a peer consultation group, and do not see one here that fits your needs consider:
- contacting a local ACBS chapter. If one exists, it may be found by clicking here.
- contacting a local ACBS affiliate.  If one exists, it may be found be clicking here.
- emailing the ACT for Professionals listserv (Members of ACBS can learn how to join here.)
- join the Online Act Peer Supervision Group
Perhaps you could be the first to form one in your area!

For tips on how to run an ACT Peer Consultation group