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NYC has at least two running supervision groups running and intermittently taking new members. They usually require a willingness to commit to attending monthly meetings for a least a period of several months to a year. These groups are primarially focused on peer case presentation & ACT case conceptualization. They sometimes assign books and/or chapters for dicussion. Other activites may include role-playing, ACT experientials, & rehearsing specific ACT interventions. They are usually hosted by at least one ACT experienced professional.

1. ACT-NYCE (ACT in NYC Environs):

Meets fourth Wed., of every month at the New School; contact Jonathan Kaplan, PhD:, or Brian Pilecki, MA:

2. Union Square ACT Study Group:

Meets monthly, at 41 Union Square W, Suite 736, Contact Rob Handelman, PsyD,

3. Monthly ACT Open Practice/Study Group:

Not structured as a peer-to-peer supervision group, but as an open and rotating audience of ACT interested professionals. Monthly format alternates between one month ACT case conference, the alternate month emphasizes facilitated practice/experientials (with rotating experienced ACT facilitators). Regular monthly meetings the third Thursday of every month, from 7:00-8:45, at The Village Community School, 272-278 West 10th Street, N Contact: Brian Pilecki,

For more information on ACT in NYC see NYC-ACBS webpage: