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Submitted by scottpalasik on

I've just started reading Luama, Hayes, & Walser (2007) and from what I've read so far about experiencial control and acceptance, it sounds…

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Un jeu d'entrainement et de Supervision/intervision


Depuis que nous travaillons avec le modèle…

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Un jeu d'entrainement et de Supervision/intervision


Depuis que nous travaillons avec le modèle…

Submitted by airamaia on

Questionário de Razões

Nome: Data:

Leia as seguintes situações. Para cada uma delas, dê razões (motivos) que uma pessoa…

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Cet atelier, que Jana Grand et moi-même avons facilité, a réuni 20 personnes, dont 9 psychiatres et 8 psychologues, désireuses d'en savoir plus…

Submitted by benjamin schoendorff on

Cet atelier, que Jana Grand et moi-même avons facilité, a réuni 20 personnes, dont 9 psychiatres et 8 psychologues, désireuses d'en savoir plus…

Submitted by vaxljus on

Steven Hayes visited Karolinska Sjukhuset(Astrid Lindgren) today, and I was really inspired.
So I joined.
Great decision.

I wish…

Submitted by scottpalasik on

I'm new to ACT and just starting to compile resources to learn about ACT procedures. I'm an SLP and a person who stutters and am wondering how ACT…

Submitted by christophe cazauvieilh on

Here is my first contribution to this site, a metaphor i used for a few times with my clients that seems to be funny and useful.
In attached…

Submitted by christophe cazauvieilh on

Here is my first contribution to this site, a metaphor i used for a few times with my clients that seems to be funny and useful.
In attached…