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APA Citation Download
Medvedev, O. N., Siegert, R. J., Feng, X. J., Billington, D. R., Jang, J. Y., & Krägeloh, C. U. (2016). Measuring trait mindfulness: how to improve the precision of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale using a Rasch model. Mindfulness, 7(2), 384-395.
Meek, C., Moghaddam, N. G., Evangelou, N., Oates, L. L., Topcu, G., Allen, C., & das Nair, R. (2021). Acceptance based telephone support around the time of transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 158-170.
Mehrdoost, Z., Neshatdoost, H., & Abedi, A. (2013). Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the decrease of self-focused attention and improving self-efficacy. Journal of Psychological Models and Methods, 3, 67-81.
Mei, X., Yao, L., Liu, N. & Zhang, A. (2020). Intervention effect of acceptance and commitment therapy for patients with chronic pain:a Meta-analysis. Chinese Nursing Research, 2020(13), 2365-2370.
Melekhin A.I. (2021). Дистанционная форма терапии принятия и ответственности для минимизации хронической бессонницы [A remote form of acceptance and responsibility therapy to minimize chronic insomnia.] Russian journal of telemedicine and e-health, 7(3), 52-64.
Melendez, J. L., Tan, I.M.C., Lau, J.C., & Leung, J. (2021). Practical Resources for Talking to Children with Autism about Systemic Racism. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14, 451–461.
Melissa N. Galea Holmes, Vari Wileman, Lance M.McCracken, Duncan Critchley, Marie K. March, Sam Norton, Rona Moss-Morris, Sandra Noonan, Massimo Barcellona, Emma Godfrey (2021). Experiences of training and delivery of Physical therapy informed by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (PACT): a longitudinal qualitative study. Physiotherapy, 112, 41-48.
Mellick, W. H., Mills, J. A., Kroska, E. B., Calarge, C. A., Sharp, C., & Dindo, L. N. (2019). Experiential avoidance predicts persistence of major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in late adolescence. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 80(6), 18m12265. DOI: 10.4088/JCP.18m12265
Melton, L. (2016). Development of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workshop for Diabetes. Clinical Diabetes, 34(4), 211-213. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Menand, L. (2001). The metaphysical club: A story of ideas in America. New York: Farra, Straus, and Giroux.
Mendes-Santos, C., Weiderpass, E., Santana, R., & Andersson, G. (2019). A guided internet-delivered individually-tailored ACT-influenced cognitive behavioral intervention to improve psychosocial outcomes in breast cancer survivors (iNNOVBC): Study protocol. Internet Interventions, 17, 100236.
Mendoza, H., Tully, E. C., Goodnight, B., Gray, J., & Masudad, A. (2018). The indirect effect of self-concealment on distress through psychological inflexibility in Asian American, Black American, and White American college students. Personality and Individual Differences, 126, 93-98. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2018.01.024
Merwin, R. & Wilson, K. (2009). Understanding and treating eating disorders: An ACT perspective. In T J. Blackledge, J. Ciarrochi, & F. Deane (Eds). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Current directions. Australian Academic Press.
Merwin, R. M. (2011). Anorexia nervosa as a disorder of emotion regulation: Theory, evidence, and treatment implications. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 18(3), 208-214. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., & Wilson, K. G. (2005). Preliminary findings on the effects of self-referring and evaluative stimuli on stimulus equivalence class formation. Psychological Record, 55, 561-575. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., & Wilson, K. G. (2005). Preliminary findings on the effects of self-referring and evaluative stimuli on stimulus equivalence class formation. Psychological Record, 55, 561-575.
Merwin, R. M., Dmitrieva, N. O., Honeycutt, L. K., Moskovich, A. A., Lane, J. D., Zucker, N. L., ... & Kuo, J. (2015). Momentary Predictors of Insulin Restriction Among Adults With Type 1 Diabetes and Eating Disorder Symptomatology. Diabetes care, 38(11), 2025-2032. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., Moskovich, A. A., Dmitrieva, N. O., Pieper, C. F., Honeycutt, L. K., Zucker, N. L., ... & Buhi, L. (2014). Disinhibited eating and weight-related insulin mismanagement among individuals with type 1 diabetes. Appetite, 81, 123-130. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., Moskovich, A. A., Wagner, H. R., Ritschel, L. A., Craighead, L. W., & Zucker, N. L. (2013). Emotion regulation difficulties in anorexia nervosa: Relationship to self-perceived sensory sensitivity. Cognition & emotion, 27(3), 441-452. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., Nikolaou, P., Moskovich, A. A., Babyak, M., Smith, P. J., & Karekla, M. (2023). Change in body image flexibility and correspondence with outcomes in a digital early intervention for eating disorders based on acceptance and commitment therapy. Body Image, 44, 131-135.
Merwin, R. M., Rosenthal, M. Z., & Coffey, K. A. (2009). Experiential avoidance mediates the relationship between sexual victimization and psychological symptoms: Replicating findings with an ethnically diverse sample. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 33, 537-542. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., Rosenthal, M. Z., & Coffey, K. A. (2009). Experiential avoidance mediates the relationship between sexual victimization and psychological symptoms: Replicating findings with an ethnically diverse sample. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 33, 537-542.
Merwin, R. M., Timko, C. A., Moskovich, A. A., Ingle, K. K., Bulik, C. M., & Zucker, N. L. (2010). Psychological inflexibility and symptom expression in anorexia nervosa. Eating Disorders, 19(1), 62-82. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., Zucker, N. L., & Timko, C. A. (2013). A pilot study of an acceptance-based separated family treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 20(4), 485-500. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Merwin, R. M., Zucker, N. L., & Wilson, K. G. (2019). ACT for Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide for Clinicians. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.