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Free guide available to help psychologists write for the general public

For those in the ACT community new to writing book & articles for popular audiences, I've posted a free guide to a technique often overlooked, but very useful for helping readers stay with, understand, and enjoy what you’re telling them at each stage of your content. Professional writers often call this technique a “road map,” after the wonderful piece of crumpled-up technology still to be found in many automobile glove boxes.

[img_assist|nid=4086|title=|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=100|height=92]Road maps are simple to use, yet surprisingly powerful. I explain why & how in a 10-page article I've written called "Using road maps: how experts can write clearly for popular audiences." The article is based on my experience teaching writing classes at New York University, as well as on my work as a freelance editor and coach over the past 7 years, helping expert authors write & revise books and articles for the general public.

Getting the guide is easy: it's available as a downloadable PDF from - just register & fill out an email form (that's how I keep track of downloads). Feedback is most welcome. With so many good ACT books coming out, hopefully this can be a small way of helping authors reach as many readers as possible.