Chapter/SIG meeting deadline: May 1, 2025
Poster submission deadline: March 20, 2025
Results of poster submissions will be emailed out in April.
Oral submission deadline: February 15, 2025
IGNITE - Panel - Symposium - Paper - Workshop - Plenary/Invited
Results of oral submissions will be emailed out in the last week of March or the first week of April 2025.
*Due to local technological capabilities, all presenters will need to be at the conference in New Orleans and present in-person. No virtual presentation option will be available.
General Submission Tips and Information
Submission types:
Chapter/SIG/Committee Meeting
This gives Chapters/SIGs (or forming chapters and sigs) the opportunity to reserve a space and time to get together to network with others who share the same area of interest or geographic setting. This form allows SIGs and Chapters to request a time in the program for this purpose. Deadline: May 1, 2025
The Ignite presentation is a short, structured talk in which presenters present on ideas and issues they are most passionate about using a “deck” of 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds (no exceptions). Exactly 5 minutes total. Topics may be empirical, conceptual, philosophical, historical, or methodological. Presentation should be well-practiced and high energy (perhaps even... fun!).
In addition to any topic within CBS, we are specifically soliciting research-related submissions as these are a unique opportunity for oral presentation of research. We encourage researchers to consider this format for pilot data; what you would do differently if you could re-run your study; theoretical innovations (ideas that have not been yet tested but are either up and coming or something they want feedback on); program evaluations/ reflections on running CBS interventions with specific populations; conceptual innovations/ new models; "what if" presentations (what if research was conducted this way); methodology presentations on something very concrete (like sampling in CBS or recruitment best practices); qualitative research (focus groups, needs assessments) done with stakeholders receiving CBS services; and more!
Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
For more on Ignite presentations, see:
Panel Discussion
Panel discussions are 75-90 minute sessions and consist of 3 to 5 speakers selected for some shared interest or expertise in an area. Panelists respond to one or more questions or issues, with time allotted for interaction among the speakers and with the audience. A panel discussion is organized by a chairperson who serves as the session’s moderator. Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
Symposia (chair, 3 - 5 papers and a discussant)
Organized by a chairperson who moderates the 75 or 90 minute session, symposia are a series of three to four 15-20 minute presentations focused on either empirical research or conceptual, philosophical, historical, or methodological issues. A discussant highlights and integrates the contributions of various speakers in the symposium and moderates questions from the audience. Chairpersons are encouraged to use symposia as an opportunity to integrate related work by: 1) bringing speakers of different affiliations together rather than showcasing the work of a single group and 2) incorporating different kinds of talks (e.g., historical, conceptual, and research-based) on the same topic into one symposium. Papers from submissions that are not accepted may be considered for a poster session. This year, we are prioritizing submissions that are research and data driven. In service of being more data aware, we encourage you to include research citations (data citations) with your proposal. The Program Committee will not split apart symposia that are submitted together. Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
Symposium organizers: You may send this document to the presenter of each of the papers in your symposium to collect the needed information from them. The symposium organizer will then submit all of the information for the session to ACBS via the submission link below (prior to the February 15 deadline):
Paper (not part of a pre-arranged symposium)
Paper submissions are individual, oral presentations, usually concerned with conceptual, philosophical, historical, or methodological issues. A paper submission will usually report on data. All paper presentations will be 15-20 minutes long. Accepted submissions will be organized into paper sessions of 75 or 90 minutes. Submissions not accepted will be considered for a poster session. We are prioritizing submissions that are research and data driven. In service of being more data aware, we encourage you to include research citations (data citations) with your proposal. Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
Workshops are training sessions of 1.25/1.5 or 2.75 hours and usually focus on a combination of experiential and/or didactic exercises. Workshop submissions are highly competitive (note: based on past events, the acceptance rate for workshops is approximately 60-70%, and of workshops submitted only 20%-35% receive 2.75 hour slots). Please put your best workshop/abstract forward keeping this in mind when determining your desired length. Keep in mind as well that most workshops selected are for the 1.25/1.5 hour slots. Be sure to clearly state your goals and objectives for participant education in your submissions. Workshops should be regarded as opportunities to directly train specific skills rather than to present research findings, discuss conceptual, philosophical, or methodological issues, or share opinions. However, in service of being more data aware, we encourage you to include research and data citations supporting your topic with your proposal, and to briefly present these (1-2 slides) during your workshop. Submissions that are not clearly focused on training should be submitted for other formats. Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
Posters usually report empirical research and will be organized into one or more sessions, during which attendees will be invited to review the research presented and discuss findings with poster presenters. Presenters must be at their poster during their assigned time of the poster session and may choose to provide handouts. (Poster size: no larger than 36 inches tall by 48 inches wide, or A0 size. Smaller is also permitted). Abstract word limit: 175 words maximum
Plenary/ Invited Address (use only if instructed)
Tips for Submissions
- Questions about the submission website? Check out some FAQs here.
- Are you wondering how to increase the chance of acceptance for your submission? Click here for tips.
- Unsure about writing Educational Objectives? Click here to learn more about them.
- Are you submitting a poster? Check out the poster guidelines here.