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APA Citation Download
Munnelly, A., Stewart, I., & Dymond, S. (2019). Symbolic Generalization of Discriminative Functions in Accordance with a Five-Member Comparative Relational Network. The Psychological Record, 69(4), 525-540. doi: 10.1007/s40732-019-00350-9
Muñoz-Martínez, A.M., Otto-Scheiber, C.S., Zuluaga-Jassir, S., Medina-Díaz, A., Pulido-Rozo, J., Venegas-Ramírez, M., & Igua-Jojoa, A. (2022). Scalability of an ACT-based strategy for improving well-being in health care providers: A mix-method and preliminary evaluation of efficacy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 25, 136-144.
Munoz-Martinez, A.M., Stanton, C.E., Ta, J.D., Molaie, A.M., & Follette, W.C. (2022). Linking process to outcome in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: Evaluating the behavioral mechanism of change of a process-based therapy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 24, 102-111.
Murphy, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2009). Establishing derived manding for specific amounts with three children: An attempt at synthesizing Skinner's verbal behavior and relational frame theory. The Psychological Record, 59 (1), 75-91. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Murphy, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2009). Establishing derived manding for specific amounts with three children: An attempt at synthesizing Skinner's verbal behavior and relational frame theory. The Psychological Record, 59 (1), 75-91.
Murphy, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2005). Derived manding in children with autism: Synthesizing Skinner's verbal behavior with relational frame theory. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38 (4), 445-462. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Murphy, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2005). Derived manding in children with autism: Synthesizing Skinner's verbal behavior with relational frame theory. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38 (4), 445-462.
Murphy, C., Hussey, T., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Kelly, M. E. (2015). The Implicit Relational Assessment procedure (IRAP) and attractiveness bias. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 292–299.
Murphy, C., Lyons, K., Kelly, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2018). Using the Teacher IRAP (T-IRAP) interactive computerized programme to teach complex flexible relational responding with children with diagnosed autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(1),52-65. doi: 10.1007/s40617-018-00302-9
Murphy, C., Lyons, K., Kelly, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2019). Using the Teacher IRAP (T-IRAP) interactive computerized programme to teach complex flexible relational responding with children with diagnosed autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(1), 52-65. doi: 10.1007/s40617-018-00302-9
Murrell, A. R, Schmaltz, J. E., & Sinha, A. (2014). Acceptance, mindfulness, and spirituality. In A. Masuda, (Ed.), Mindfulness and acceptance in multicultural competency: A contextual approach to sociocultural diversity in theory and practice. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Murrell, A. R., & Kapadia, V. (2011). Brief report on experiential avoidance and valuing in at-risk adolescents. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 17(1), 38-42.
Murrell, A. R., & Scherbarth, A. J. (2006). State of the research & literature address: ACT with children, adolescents and parents. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 2, 531-543. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Murrell, A. R., & Scherbarth, A. J. (2006). State of the research & literature address: ACT with children, adolescents and parents. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 2, 531-543.
Murrell, A. R., Jackson, R., Lester, E. G., & Hulsey, T. (2018). Psychological Flexibility and Resilience in Parentally Bereaved College Students. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 76(3), 207–226. doi: 10.1177/0030222817693154
Murrell, A.R., Steinberg, D.S., Connally, M.L. et al. (2015). Acting Out to ACTing On: A Preliminary Investigation in Youth with ADHD and Co-morbid Disorders. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 2174–2181.
Murthy, V. E., Stapleton, A., & McHugh, L. (2021). Self and rules in a sample of adults experiencing homelessness: Relationships to shame, well-being, and psychological inflexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 88-97.
Musanje, K., Kamya, M.R., Kasujja, R., Hooper, N., Katahoire, A.R., White, R.G., Kimera, E., Getahun, M., Sinclair, D.L., Ojiambo, D., & Camlin, C.S. (2023). Acceptability of an adapted mindfulness and acceptance-based intervention to support adolescents with HIV: A qualitative study with Ugandan health care providers. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 160-168.
Mutikainen, S., Föhr, T., Karhunen, L., Kolehmainen, M., Kainulainen, H., Lappalainen, R., & Kujala, U. (2015). Predictors of increase in physical activity during a 6-month follow-up period among overweight and physically inactive healthy young adults. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 13 (2), 63-71. doi:10.1016/j.jesf.2015.05.001
Muto, T. & Hayes, S. C. (2008). What is a best balance between abduction and induction in pursuing symmetry bias? Congnitive Studies, 15(3), 482-495.
Muto, T. & Mitamura, T. (2011). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a transdiagnostic approach: Toward shifting to a "concurrent-habits" paradigm. Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, 51(12), 1105-1110. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Muto, T. & Mitamura, T. (2015) 慢性化したうつを抱えた日本人クライエント「太郎」に対する アクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピー: トリートメント評価による再現可能性検証 [Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for "Taro," a Japanese Client with Chronic Depression: A Replicated Treatment-Evaluation]. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 11(2), J-55 - J-95.
Muto, T. (2012). A treatment-evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for an adult with chronic depression: Toward bridging between traditional case reports and randomized controlled trails. Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, 52(9), 810-818. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Muto, T. (Ed.) (2011).The ACT handbook in Japanese. Tokyo: Seiwa Shoten Publishers.
Muto, T. (Ed.) (2017). 55歳からのアクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピー(ACT)超高齢化社会のための認知行動療法の新展開 [Turning 55 years old in super-aging society: Living oldness with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy]. Kyoto: Ratik.