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Conference Awards & Scholarships

ACBS Junior Investigator Poster Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize and help develop junior investigators conducting research in contextual behavioral science and who are presenting the results of this research at the Association's annual meeting.

ACBS Student Spotlight Program: (Accepted March 1- March 31)

The Student Spotlight Program highlights students who are doing important work in the CBS community whether for research, clinical, and/or volunteer-humanitarian efforts. It is a way to highlight their achievements, let the ACBS community know important work students are doing, and provides a platform for mentoring/collaboration/professional development/conversations around highlighted areas.

Developing Nations World Conference Scholars: (Application closes February 1)

ACBS is an international society but in many corners of the world it is difficult for professionals to attend ACBS conferences and trainings due simply to cost. The Developing Nations Fund helps disseminate CBS in the developing world and provides scholarships for attendees and presenters from developing nations to attend the world conference.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion World Conference Scholars: (Application closes February 1)

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is aiming to bring increased diversity to our annual conferences by providing funds for individuals who come from diverse backgrounds and who would not be able to attend an ACBS conference without this added financial support. Both trainees and professionals are eligible for this competitive award.

Early Career Research Paper Award: (Accepted papers will be emailed regarding eligibility)

The Award recognizes an outstanding empirical research abstract from an early career researcher, with the goal of stimulating that person’s long term participation in the ACBS conference as an outlet for presenting empirical science within the broad domain of CBS.

Michael J. Asher Student Dissertation Award: (Application closes February 1)

This award is given to students based on their doctoral dissertation proposal related to the use of Contextual Behavioral Science with children/adolescents. Michael J. Asher, Ph.D., ABPP passed away in 2016 and was a clinical psychologist at Behavior Therapy Associates, P.A. since 1988. He was passionate about his work, loved psychology, cognitive behavior therapy, and especially enjoyed learning about and practicing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship: (Application closes February 15)

The goal of the ACBS Foundation is to support existing activities within ACBS and explore areas for future development. The ACBS Foundation Student Scholarship that will cover the full student registration fee for attending the annual ACBS World Conference.

Student World Conference Scholars: (Application closes February 15)

The mission of the ACBS Student Special Interest Group is to work to support students of contextual behavioral science by advocating for their professional and personal development and facilitating their contribution to ACBS and the larger community. One step in moving towards this mission has been to create a Student World Conference Scholarship that will help subsidize the costs of attending the annual ACBS World Conference.