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APA Citation Download
Eilenberg, T., Fink, P., Jensen, J. S., Rief, W., & Frostholm, L. (2016). Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy (ACT-G) for health anxiety: A randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 46(1), 103-115.
Eilers, H. J., and Hayes, S. C. (2015). Exposure and response prevention therapy with cognitive defusion exercises to reduce repetitive and restrictive behaviors displayed by children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 19, 18-31. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2014.12.014
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Eisenbeck, N., & Szabó-Bartha, A. (2018) Validation of the Hungarian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 9, 80-87.
Eisenbeck, N., Carreno, D. F., & Uclés-Juárez, R. (2019). From psychological distress to academic procrastination: Exploring the role of psychological inflexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 13, 103-108.
Eisenbeck, N., Luciano, C., & Valdivia-Salas, S. (2018). Effects of a Focused Breathing Mindfulness Exercise on Attention, Memory, and Mood: The Importance of Task Characteristics. Behaviour Change, 35(1), 54-70. doi:10.1017/bec.2018.9
Eisenbeck, N., Scheitz, K., & Szekeres, B. (2016). A brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention among violence-prone male inmates delivered by novice therapists. Psychology, Society & Education, 8(3). 187-199. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Eisenbeck, N., Schlosser, K.K., Szondy, M., & Szabó-Bartha, A. (2016). Elfogadás és Elköteleződés Terápia: Elméleti háttér és gyakorlati alkalmazások. [Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Theoretical background and practice]. Psychiatria Hungarica, 31(3):239-247.
Eklund, M., Kiritsis, C., Livheim, F., & Ghaderi, A. (2023). ACT-based self-help for perceived stress and its mental health implications without therapist support: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 27, 98-106.
El Rafihi-Ferreira, R. (2024) (ed). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Insomnia: a session-by-session guide. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Elander, J., Stalker, C., Arborg, M., Coyne, E., Kapadi, R., Taal, M.W., Selby, N.M., & Mitchell, K. (2023). Living well on haemodialysis: Feasibility and acceptability trial of an online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) programme for people receiving kidney haemodialysis. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 41-49.
Ellis, A. (2005). Can Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) resolve their differences and be integrated? Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 23(2), 153-168. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Ellis, A. (2005). Can Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) resolve their differences and be integrated? Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 23(2), 153-168.
England, E. L., Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Rabin, S. J., Juarascio, A., & Goldstein, S. P. (2012). Acceptance-based exposure therapy for public speaking anxiety. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 1, 66-72.
Engle, J. L. & Follette, V. M. (2018). An experimental comparison of two Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) values exercises to increase values-oriented behavior. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 10, 31-40.
Enoch, M. R., & Dixon, M. R. (2017). The use of a child-based acceptance and commitment therapy curriculum to increase attention. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 39(3), 200-224. doi:10.1080/07317107.2017.1338454
Enoch, M., & Dixon, M. (2018). Neuro-Typical Children Outcomes from an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Summer Camp. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12(2), 343-352. doi: 10.1007/s40617-018-00319-0
Epping-Jordan, J., Harris, R., Brown,F.L., Carswell, K., Foley, C., García-Moreno, C., Kogan, C., & van Ommeren, M. (2016). Self-Help Plus (SH+): a new WHO stress management package. World Psychiatry, 15, 295-296.
Epstein, R. (2012). Crying babies. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 1, 43-48.
Epstein, R. (2014). On the orderliness of behavioral variability: Insights from generativity theory. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 279-290.
Ercengiz, M. & Şar, A. H. (2018). Kabul ve Kararlılık Terapisi Yönelimli Karar Verme Becerisi Psikoeğitim Programının Karar Verme Stilleri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Sakarya University Journal of Education, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 4 (Ek Sayı), 109-130. DOI: 10.19126/suje.417797
Ercengiz, M. (2017). Kabul ve kararlılık terapisi yönelimli psiko-eğitim programının karar verme stilleri üzerindeki etkisi. Dissertation: Sakarya Üniversitesi.
Escura, A., Valdivia-Salas, S., Martín-Albo, J., Zaldívar, P. J. L., & López-Crespo, G. (2019). Relation between purpose in life and self-reported health in community and inpatient populations. Universitas Psychologica, 18, 1-9.
Esmaeili, L., Amiri, S., Abedi, M. R., & Molavi, H. (2018). The effect of acceptance and commitment therapy focused on self-compassion on social anxiety of adolescent girls. Quarterly Clinical Psychology Studies, 8, 139-156. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Espel, H. M., Goldstein, S. P., Manasse, S. M., & Juarascio, A. S. (2016). Experiential acceptance, motivation for recovery, and treatment outcome in eating disorders. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 21(2), 205-210. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Esser, K., Barreira, L., Miller, D., Church, P., Major, N., Cohen, E., & Orkin, J. (2020). Exploring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for parents of preterm infants. Paediatrics & Child Health. Download restricted to ACBS members.