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Ansiedad generalizada. Un estudio de caso. (Generalized Anxiety: A case study)

APA Citation

Huerta, F. R., Gomez, S., Molina, A. M., & Luciano, C. (1998). Ansiedad generalizada. Un estudio de caso. (Generalized Anxiety: A case study). Analisis y Modificacion de Conducta, 24, 751-766.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
psychosocial treatment, 26-yr-old female with generalized anxiety, 12 mo follow up

Describes the successful 18-session psychosocial treatment of a 26-yr-old woman with generalized anxiety. Prior 1-yr psychopharmacological therapy was ineffective. Clinical treatment incorporated progressive relaxation training, the shaping of S's verbal behavior about her problem and its solutions, some strategies from acceptance and commitment therapy, and self-monitoring. Positive results were maintained at 1-mo and 12-mo follow-up.