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Below is a list of publications relevant to contextual behavioral science. Many publications are available for download by clicking "more info" and clicking the file link on the publication's page. Please note that only paid ACBS Members are able to view and download files on this website. Learn how to add a publication here.

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APA Citation Download
Hughes, S. & Barnes-Holmes D. (2011). On the formation and persistence of implicit attitudes: New evidence from the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP). The Psychological Record, 61.
Hughes, S. and Barnes-Holmes, D. (2015) Relational Frame Theory. The Wiley Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science, 129-178.
Hughes, S., & Barnes‐Holmes, D. (2016). Relational frame theory. The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science, 179-226.
Hughes, S., Barnes-Holmes, D., Vahey, N. (2012). Holding on to our functional roots when exploring new intellectual islands: A voyage through implicit cognition research. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 1, 17-38.
Hughs, S., Barnes-Holmes, D. & Houwer, J. D. (2011). The dominance of associative theorizing in implicit attitude research: Propositional and behavioral alternatives. The Psychological Record, 61.
Hulbert-Williams, L., Hochard, K., Hulbert-Williams, N., Archer, R., Nicholls, W., & Wilson, K. (2016). Contextual behavioural coaching: An evidence-based model for supporting behaviour change. International Coaching Psychology Review, 11(2), 142–154. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hulbert-Williams, L., Hulbert-Williams, N. J., Nicholls, W., Williamson, S., Poonia, J., & Hochard, K. D. (2019). Ultra-brief non-expert-delivered defusion and acceptance exercises for food cravings: A partial replication study. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(12), 1698-1709.
Hulbert-Williams, L., Pendrous, R., Hochard, K. D., & Hulbert-Williams, N. J. (2020). In search of scope: A response to Ruiz et al. (2020). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 306-311. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.10.008
Hulbert-Williams, L., Pendrous, R., Hochard, K. D., & Hulbert-Williams, N. J. (2021). Corrigendum to “In search of scope: A response to Ruiz et al.(2020)”[Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 18 (2020) 306–311]. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 222.
Hulbert-Williams, N. J., Norwood, S., Gillanders, Finucane, A., Spiller, J., Strachan, J., Millington, S., & Swash, B. (2019). Brief Engagement and Acceptance Coaching for Community and Hospice Settings (the BEACHeS Study): Protocol for the development and pilot testing of an evidence-based psychological intervention to enhance wellbeing and aid transition into palliative care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5, 104. doi: 10.1186/s40814-019-0488-4
Hulbert-Williams, N., Gillanders, D., Finucane, A., Millington, S., Norwood, S., Spiller, J., Strachan, J., & Swash, B. (2018). 18 Brief engagement and acceptance coaching in community and hospice settings (the beaches study): protocol for developing and pilot testing an evidence-based intervention to enhance wellbeing at transition into palliative care. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 8(3), 366.
Hulbert‐Williams, N. J., Storey, L., & Wilson, K. G. (2015). Psychological interventions for patients with cancer: psychological flexibility and the potential utility of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. European journal of cancer care, 24(1), 15-27. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hummelen, J. W., & Rokx, T. A. J. J. (2007). Individual-context interaction as a guide in the treatment of personality disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 71(1), 42-55. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hummelen, J. W., & Rokx, T. A. J. J. (2007). Individual-context interaction as a guide in the treatment of personality disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 71(1), 42-55.
Hummelen, J. W., & Rokx, T. A. J. J. (2007). Individual-context interaction as a guide in the treatment of personality disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 71(1), 42-55. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hussey, I., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2015). From Relational Frame Theory to implicit attitudes and back again: clarifying the link between RFT and IRAP research. Current Opinion in Psychology, (2), 11-15. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hussey, I., Thompson, M., McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2015). Interpreting and inverting with less cursing: A guide to interpreting IRAP data. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 157-162.
Hussey. I. (2023). A systematic review of null hypothesis significance testing, sample sizes, and statistical power in research using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 86-97.
Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M. & Gross, J. J. (2008). Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness. Emotion, 8, 720-724. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M. & Gross, J. J. (2008). Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness. Emotion, 8, 720-724.
Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M., & Gross, J. J. (2008). Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness. Emotion, 8(5), 720-724. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M., & Gross, J. J. (2008). Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness. Emotion, 8(5), 720-724.
Hutchinson, V.D., Rehfeldt, R.A., Hertel, I. & Root, W.B. (2019). Exploring the Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Interview Skills to Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3, 450–456.
Hutchison, L., Belisle, J., Matthews, M., & Sickman, E. (2023). Applying concepts of relational density theory to climate related consumer behavior: A contextual extension study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 30, 8-19.
Hwang, S. O., & Park, S. H. (2010). The Effects of the acceptance & commitment therapy model on the middle school students’ test-anxiety. The Korean Journal of East West Science, 13(2), 83-95.