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APA Citation Download
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2011). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Second Edition: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2015). Terapia de aceptación y compromiso: Proceso y práctica del cambio consciente (R. Álvarez, Trans.). Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., Wilson, K. G., Bissett, R. T., Pistorello, J., Toarmino, D., Polusny, M., A., Dykstra, T. A., Batten, S. V., Bergan, J., Stewart, S. H., Zvolensky, M. J., Eifert, G. H., Bond, F. W., Forsyth J. P., Karekla, M., & McCurry, S. M. (2004). Measuring experiential avoidance: A preliminary test of a working model. The Psychological Record, 54, 553-578. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., Wilson, K. G., Bissett, R. T., Pistorello, J., Toarmino, D., Polusny, M., A., Dykstra, T. A., Batten, S. V., Bergan, J., Stewart, S. H., Zvolensky, M. J., Eifert, G. H., Bond, F. W., Forsyth J. P., Karekla, M., & McCurry, S. M. (2004). Measuring experiential avoidance: A preliminary test of a working model. The Psychological Record, 54, 553-578.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K., & Wilson, K. G. (1999). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An experiential approach to behavior change. New York: Guilford Press.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K., & Wilson, K. G. (2014). תרפיית קבלה ומחויבות: תהליך ועבודה מעשית ליצירת שינוי קשוב (2nd edition) [Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change (second edition)]. Haifa, Israel: Ach Publishers.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K., & Wilson, K. G. (2018) Aksept og verdibasert adferdsterapi (ACT) Mindfull endring - prosess og praksis. Oslo: Arneberg Forlag.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K., & Wilson, K. G. (2021). Terapia de aceitacao e compromisso: a processo e a practica da mundanca consciente (2a editcao). Translation edited by Sandra Maria Mallmann da Rosa. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Artmed.
Hayes, S. C., White, D., & Bissett, R. T. (1998). Protocol analysis and the “silent dog” method of analyzing the impact of self-generated rules. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 15, 57-63. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hayes, S. C., White, D., & Bissett, R. T. (1998). Protocol analysis and the “silent dog” method of analyzing the impact of self-generated rules. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 15, 57-63.
Hayes, S. C., Wilson, K. G., & Gifford, E. V. (1999). A Contemporary Behavioral Perspective on Private Events and Consciousness. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The philosophical legacy of behaviorism (pp. 153-187). Lancaster, UK: Kluwer. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hayes, S. C., Wilson, K. G., & Gifford, E. V. (1999). A Contemporary Behavioral Perspective on Private Events and Consciousness. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The philosophical legacy of behaviorism (pp. 153-187). Lancaster, UK: Kluwer.
Hayes, S. C., Wilson, K. G., Gifford, E. V., Bissett, R., Piasecki, M., Batten, S. V., Byrd, M., & Gregg, J. (2004). A preliminary trial of Twelve-Step Facilitation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with polysubstance-abusing methadone-maintained opiate addicts. Behavior Therapy, 35(4), 667-688. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hayes, S. C., Wilson, K. G., Gifford, E. V., Bissett, R., Piasecki, M., Batten, S. V., Byrd, M., & Gregg, J. (2004). A preliminary trial of Twelve-Step Facilitation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with polysubstance-abusing methadone-maintained opiate addicts. Behavior Therapy, 35(4), 667-688.
Hayes, S. C., Wilson, K. W., Gifford, E. V., Follette, V. M., & Strosahl, K. (1996). Experiential avoidance and behavioral disorders: A functional dimensional approach to diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(6), 1152-1168. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Hayes, S. C., Wilson, K. W., Gifford, E. V., Follette, V. M., & Strosahl, K. (1996). Experiential avoidance and behavioral disorders: A functional dimensional approach to diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(6), 1152-1168.
Hayes, S. C., Zettle, R. D., & Rosenfarb, I. (1989). Rule following. In S. C. Hayes (Ed.), Rule-governed behavior: Cognition, contingencies, and instructional control (pp. 191-220). New York: Plenum.
Hayes, S. C., Zettle, R. D., Barnes‐Holmes, D., & Biglan, A. (2015). Examining the Partially Completed Crossword Puzzle. The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science, 1-6.
Hayes, S.C, Strosahl, K.D., & Wilson, K.G. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy: The process and practice of mindful change (2nd edition). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Hayes, S.C. & King, G.A. (2024). Acceptance and commitment therapy: What the history of ACT and the first 1,000 randomized controlled trials reveal. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 33, 100809.
Hayes, S.C. & Smith, S. (2020). Thoát Khỏi Tâm Trí và Bước Vào Cuộc Sống. Minh Long. (Nguyễn Ngọc Ưu Translator)
Hayes, S.C., & Lillis, J. (2012). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. American Psychological Association (Theories of Psychotherapy Series).
Hayes, S.C., Villatte, M., Levin, M. & Hildebrandt, M. (2011). Open, aware, and active: Contextual approaches as an emerging trend in the behavioral and cognitive therapies. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 7, 141-168.
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Hayes-Skelton, S. A., Roemer, L., & Orsillo, S. M. (2013). A randomized clinical trial comparing an acceptance-based behavior therapy to applied relaxation for generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(5), 761-773.
Healy, H. A., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., Keogh, C., Luciano, C. & Wilson, K. (2008). An experimental test of a cognitive defusion exercise: Coping with negative and positive self-statements. The Psychological Record, 58, 623-640. Download restricted to ACBS members.