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Knowledge structure of domestic cognitive behavioral therapy research: analysis of co-expression words

APA Citation

Kim, D.-H., Kim, H.-J., & An, D.-H. (2019). Knowledge structure of domestic cognitive behavioral therapy research: analysis of co-expression words. Digital Convergence Research, 17 (12), 509–521.

Publication Topic
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type
한국어 (Korean)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Research Trend; Knowledge structure; Co-word Analysis; Network

The purpose of this study is to examine the patterns of the keywords in journals in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to identify the knowledge structure of CBT studies in Korea. To compare CBT studies from Korea and abroad, 234 articles (2008-2019) published on "Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Korea" and 2,316 articles (1977-2019) published on "Cognitive Therapy and Research" were collected. The data were analyzed using NetMiner 4.3. The co-word analysis was done by calculating the cosine similarity matrix of major keywords, followed by visualizing the network. The results of this study identified the main interests of Korean CBT scholars, and categorized the knowledge structure of CBT in Korea into 9 research areas: "scale validation"; "perfectionism and entrapment"; "cognitive, emotional, and relationship characteristics of schizophrenic patients"; "cognitive characteristics and treatment of borderline personality disorder and depression/bipolar disorder patients"; "adaptation and psychological health"; "cognitive characteristics and treatment of patients with social anxiety disorder"; "causes and co-morbidities of depression"; "acceptance and commitment therapy"; and "understanding and the treatment of binge eating disorder patients." This study is meaningful in that it has reviewed the accumulated knowledge in the CBT field in Korea for the past 11 years, and suggests future tasks for development to improve the standards of CBT practice.