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Below is a list of publications relevant to contextual behavioral science. Many publications are available for download by clicking "more info" and clicking the file link on the publication's page. Please note that only paid ACBS Members are able to view and download files on this website. Learn how to add a publication here.

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APA Citation Download
O'Hora, D., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2001). The referential nature of rules and instructions: A response to instructions, rules, and abstraction: A misconstrued relation by Emilio Ribes-Iñesta. Behavior and Philosophy, 29, 21-25. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2001). The referential nature of rules and instructions: A response to instructions, rules, and abstraction: A misconstrued relation by Emilio Ribes-Iñesta. Behavior and Philosophy, 29, 21-25.
O'Hora, D., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2001b). Stepping up to the challenge of complex human behavior: A response to Ribes-Iñesta's response. Behavior and Philosophy, 29, 59-60. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2001b). Stepping up to the challenge of complex human behavior: A response to Ribes-Iñesta's response. Behavior and Philosophy, 29, 59-60.
O'Hora, D., & Maglieri, K. A. (2006). Goal Statements and Goal-Directed Behavior: A Relational Frame Account of Goal Setting in Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 26(1/2), 131-170. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., & Maglieri, K. A. (2006). Goal Statements and Goal-Directed Behavior: A Relational Frame Account of Goal Setting in Organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 26(1/2), 131-170.
O'Hora, D., Barnes-Holmes, D., Roche, B., & Smeets, P. M. (2004). Derived relational networks and control by novel instructions: A possible model of generative verbal responding. The Psychological Record, 54, 437-460. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., Barnes-Holmes, D., Roche, B., & Smeets, P. M. (2004). Derived relational networks and control by novel instructions: A possible model of generative verbal responding. The Psychological Record, 54, 437-460.
O'Hora, D., Pelaez, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Amesty, L. (2005). Derived relational responding and human language: Evidence from the WAIS-III. The Psychological Record, 55, 155-174. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., Pelaez, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Amesty, L. (2005). Derived relational responding and human language: Evidence from the WAIS-III. The Psychological Record, 55, 155-174.
O'Hora, D., Pelaez, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., Rae, G., Robinson, K., & Chaudhary, T. (2008). Temporal relations and intelligence: Correlating relational performance with performance on the WAIS-III. The Psychological Record, 58, 569-584. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., Pelaez, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., Rae, G., Robinson, K., & Chaudhary, T. (2008). Temporal relations and intelligence: Correlating relational performance with performance on the WAIS-III. The Psychological Record, 58, 569-584.
O'Hora, D., Roche, B., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Smeets, P. M. (2002). Response latencies to multiple derived stimulus relations: Testing two predictions of relational frame theory. The Psychological Record, 52, 51-76. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Hora, D., Roche, B., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Smeets, P. M. (2002). Response latencies to multiple derived stimulus relations: Testing two predictions of relational frame theory. The Psychological Record, 52, 51-76.
O'Loughlin, C. M., Bennett, D. S., & O'Hayer, C. V. (2020). The nomological network of cognitive fusion among people living with HIV: Associations with rumination, shame, and depressive symptoms. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 245-252.
O'Neill, J. & Weil, T. M. (2014). Training Deictic Relational Responding in People Diagnosed with Schizophrenia. The Psychological Record, 64, 301-310. doi 10.1007/s40732-014-0005-3
Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Neill, L., Latchford, G., McCracken, L. M., & Graham, C. D. (2019). The development of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fidelity Measure (ACT-FM): A delphi study and field test. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 111-118.
O'Reilly, G. A., Cook, L., Spruijt‐Metz, D., & Black, D. S. (2014). Mindfulness‐based interventions for obesity‐related eating behaviours: a literature review. Obesity reviews, 15(6), 453-461. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Sullivan, R & Alhakim, J. (2025). A mixed methods study investigating alexithymia, experiential avoidance, and psychological distress: Insights into men with high externally oriented thinking. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 35, 100866.
O'Toole, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2009). Three chronometric indices of relational responding as predictors of performance on a brief intelligence test: The importance of relational flexibility. The Psychological Record, 59, 119-132. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Toole, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2009). Three chronometric indices of relational responding as predictors of performance on a brief intelligence test: The importance of relational flexibility. The Psychological Record, 59, 119-132.
O'Toole, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Smyth, S. (2007). A derived transfer of functions and the Implicit Association Test. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 88(2), 263-283. Download restricted to ACBS members.
O'Toole, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Smyth, S. (2007). A derived transfer of functions and the Implicit Association Test. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 88(2), 263-283.
Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Ochuba, D.A., & Abamara, N.C. (2019). Comparative effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and psycho-education on rehabilitation of patients suffering with psychoactive drugs in a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. International Journal of Health and Social Inquiry, 5, 1–18.