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WC11 Pre-Conference Workshops

July 8-9, 2013, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Unforgettable. Inspiring. Cutting-edge. Inviting. ACBS Pre-Conference Workshops are well-known as a source for world-class ACT and RFT trainings. Here is the heart of ACBS. Where therapists and researchers of all ages sharpen their skills, and push their limits. Where expert trainers from across the globe converge as a creative force aiming to shape and support all those in attendance. Where life-long friends reconnect, or meet for the first time.

What to Expect

The 2013 Pre-Conference Workshops offer exciting new opportunities that will engage therapists and researchers of any skill level. Highlights include:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Participate in experiential and didactic workshops to learn this empirically supported therapy
Relational Frame Theory (RFT): Apply this modern perspective on cognition and language to your own research or practice
Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS): Explore the foundations of ACT and RFT to enrich your understanding
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP): Supercharge your therapy practice with FAP's relationship-enhancing approach
Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT): Engage compassionate emotions within your clients in order to target shame and self-criticism

Combining therapy role-plays, experiential exercises, case presentations, data graphics, focused lectures, and small group discussions, you can expect high-quality training from ACBS Pre-Conference Workshops. Continuing Education Credits are available.

Be sure to review the menu below to see your full list of options. These workshops will be held the two days immediately preceding the ACBS World Conference XI.

Monday, July 8, 2013 - 9:00am-5:00pm
Tuesday, July 9, 2013 - 9:00am-5:00pm

*The workshops below run concurrently, therefore please double check the dates of the pre-conference workshops you are interested in. Also note that they require their own registration and fee (they are not included as part of the ACBS World Conference).

Select a workshop from the list below:

Acceptance and Vitality: Building Skills in ACT Beyond the Basics - Walser (Clinical, Professional Issues, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

An Experiential Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (not just for beginners) - Wilson (Clinical, Research, Training, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) - CLOSED

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP): Deepening Your Clinical Skills of Awareness, Courage, Therapeutic Love and Behavioral Interpretation - Tsai & Kohlenberg (Clinical, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

Functional Contextual Analysis and Treatment for Children and Adolescents - L. Hayes & Cairns (Clinical, Relational Frame Theory, Intermediate, Advanced) - CLOSED

Integrating ACT into CBS and Vice Versa - S. Hayes, M. Villatte, & J. Villatte (Clinical, Theoretical and philosophical foundations, Intermediate, Advanced)

Introduction to compassion focused therapy for shame and self-criticism - Gilbert & Tirch (Clinical, Intermediate) - CLOSED

Keeping Your Balls in the Air: Fluent and Flexible ACT on the Fly -Sandoz & Harris (Clinical, Training, Intermediate, Advanced)

RFT for Clinical Use - Törneke (Clinical, Relational Frame Theory, Intermediate)