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How do I see the recent archives of listservs I am on or fine tune my delivery preferences?

We did a major listserv move in February 2024.  The directions below allow you to access listserv message history starting at that time.

Login to Listserv System to View Message Archives
Please go here: Password Reset
Enter the email address that you use for your ACBS email/account. 
It will recognize that email (and only that email), and send you a password reset.  Note, your password for the listserv system can be completely different from your ACBS email account, as the passwords are not shared between those 2 systems.
After you sign in via the Password Reset go here: Listserv Archives
Then click on the name of the listserv you want to visit.
Then the threads will load, and will show the ones with the most recent activity at the top.

If you click on one with multiple messages in the thread (indicated by the numbers to the right of the title), you will see all of those messages together.
You may also post a new message in the listserv using "start a new thread" or open a message and click "reply" at the bottom of the thread to respond.
Change Delivery Preferences and Behavior
After you have logged in to the listserv system, you can "Manage Subscription" and change delivery preferences from individual email, to summary digest, etc., receive notifications and copies of your own emails, etc. 
Default delivery when joining any new listserv is "summary digest".
Delivery preferences include:
  • Individual emails (select "Regular" from the dropdown in the "Delivery mode" column) - Receive individual emails of all posts and replies to the listserv
  • Digest email (select "Summary Digests" from the dropdown in the "Delivery mode" column) - Receive one email per day including all posts and replies within the past 24 hours
  • Plain text digest email (select "Plain Text Digests" from the dropdown in the "Delivery mode" column) - If you have been receiving the digest emails as an attachment, select this version to receive them in plain text format
  • No email (select "Disabled" from the dropdown in the "Delivery status" column) - Access the listserv online only, but still receive messages from Chapter/SIG leadership


Join or Leave a Listserv
Note that the "unsubscribe" on the listserv archive website will work, but it won't update our ACBS site.  Joining and leaving a listserv is wholly controlled in the ACBS site, not in the listserv site. That means that clicking "unsubscribe" won't permanently remove you from the listserv, and if we share a list of "SIG members" (for example) with SIG leadership, you would still be in there.
To add/delete a listserv, and have it update everywhere, it's best to do that via your dashboard link on the ACBS website with the "Manage SIG Membership & Listservs" or "Manage Chapter Membership & Listservs" as seen below, clicking "Submit" at the bottom of the dashboard page to update your selection(s).
SIG add remove page screenshot