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What You Feel Is Not All There Is: Free your choices and your life from the default world of the emotional matrix

APA Citation

West, A. (2021). What you feel is not all there is. EnMasse Media.

Publication Topic
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type
Emotion efficacy, psychological flexibility, emotional intelligence, resilience

Life is a series of moments of choice. You make up to 35,000 choices each day, each of which shapes the way your life unfolds. Yet, you may not realize how much more capable you are and how much more is possible. In fact, you are operating in the simulation of the emotional default world where forces other than your deepest interests, desires and yearnings shape what you do in each moment-forces that may help you survive, but not necessarily thrive.

The good news is you have the technology to unplug from the emotional matrix. You can become skillful with your emotional life and become a boss-level choice maker-to bring to life what really matters in any moment. As you increase your emotional efficacy, you'll naturally become millions of moments of choice more powerful, even in the face of stress, challenges and pain.

Grounded in evidence-based research and positive psychology, What You Feel Is Not All There Is delivers an engaging and powerful self-help guide for anyone who wants to navigate their emotions and choices more skillfully. In this book, you'll learn to:

  • differentiate emotional signals from emotional noise
  • rewire unhelpful patterns of behavior
  • design actions that align with your innermost interests, desires, and yearnings
  • imagine and unlock your full potential


'This compelling and potent book, What You Feel Is Not All There Is, not only illuminates exactly how emotions shape your choices for better and for worse, it also helps you tap the power of infinite games to play your way to being the best version of yourself in any moment. Dr. West takes the reader through a state-of-the-art evidence-based skills training to harness choice points by decoding emotions, overriding unhelpful defaults, rewiring unhelpful patterns and making values-based moves-even in the face of intense stress, challenge and pain. By increasing your emotional efficacy you'll learn to become the hero of your own story, transforming what's possible for you and the future you're living into.'

JANE MCGONIGAL, PhD, #1NYT bestselling author of SuperBetter, Reality Is Broken and Imaginable, and Director of Games Research & Development at the Institute for the Future

'In What You Feel Is Not All There Is, Dr. Aprilia West delivers an engaging, practical and powerful skills training based on a transformative idea grounded in scientific research: when people break the trance of emotional reactivity, they become more resilient, psychologically flexible and emotionally intelligent. This is an extremely well-considered, conceptualized, and accessible book. Highly recommended.'

RICK HANSON, PhD, NYT bestselling author of Resilient, Hardwiring Happiness and Buddha's Brain

'A must-read for anyone who wants a more powerful relationship with their emotions.'

KIRK STROSAHL, PhD, cofounder of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and coauthor of Brief Interventions for Radical Change

'If everyone wrote with this level of clarity and poignancy the world would be a healthier place.'

TODD B. KASHDAN, PhD, professor of psychology, director of the Wellbeing Lab at George Mason University, and author of The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively and Curious

'This is a book that will change lives.'

MATTHEW MCKAY, PhD, #1 bestselling author of The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook and ACT for Interpersonal Problems