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Aaron S. Luoma Fund for Global Equity

Aaron S. Luoma Fund for Global Equity Mission

The Aaron S. Luoma Fund aims to advance global health, reduce global disparities, and promote global equity.

This fund is intended to support the application of CBS principles by individuals or organizations operating in or residing in low and low-middle income countries.

Possible uses of this fund include (amongst others):

  • scholarships for individuals to obtain CBS-related training (such through attending the ACBS annual conference)
  • support of scientific research projects or research capacity building by investigators residing in low and low-middle income countries
  • support for organizations or individuals located in low and low-middle income countries to enable public health projects informed by CBS principles


About Aaron

Just because a person has died, their story doesn’t need to end. Aaron was one of the many people who walk this world as quiet revolutionaries, building bridges of love and compassion. He called himself a “citizen of the world” and identified with a global community above his identity as part of a particular nation, place, or group. Throughout his life, he worked to transcend geography, political borders, ethnicity, race, and other aspects of group identity. This fund is intended to continue that legacy.