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Annual Reports

Annual reports are required for all Chapters, SIGs, and Affiliates.

Annual reporting to ACBS helps ACBS to stay informed about what each chapter, SIG, and affiliate has been up to, what you are planning, what activities occurred during your year, what problems you have encountered, what feedback you would like to give us, your wish list for Chapters, etc. (this data is collected via your Annual reports submitted on the website).

Reporting is requested for the previous calendar year. Chapters/SIGs formed in the final 3 months of a calendar year, are not required to report in the following April. (We know you're just getting started.) Due dates for Annual Reports are as follows:

Chapters annual report deadline - March 15 (changed from April 15)
SIGs annual report deadline - April 15 
Affiliate annual report deadline - October 15

Your main contact person listed (in your report) will be reminded by email on when the annual is report is coming due. He/she or any other board member may be tasked with completing the report. If your Chapter/SIG/Affiliate needs to change your official contact during the year, please email the ACBS office ( at any time, to do so.

Each time someone submits the Annual Report, they will get an emailed copy of your input in text format. We recommend you save a copy of this on your own hardrive for future reference, e.g., so that you don't have to recreate the entire process from scratch the following year, to track your own goals, etc.

You can save, edit and work on the Annual Report over the course of a couple of weeks if you like.  To do this, you must log in prior to submitting the information in the form, and enter at least one keystroke in each required field, you may edit it (via the link emailed to you) until the submission deadline.

Did you know there is a new Chapter & SIG Award?  Learn more here about how to apply and what qualifies - New Chapter & SIG Award/ Grant

Links to the Annual Report forms