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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Pinky Agrawal (Jimenez)

Pinky Agrawal (Jimenez)

Kings College London, The Wellness Script, CLLSupport, Care Oncology Clinic, RCOT, HCPC
Wellbeing and Mental Health Practitioner
Sandwich, Kent
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: None
Specialties: Mental Health, Cancer Care
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults, Elderly, Families, Couples, Groups (group therapy), Organizations
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: HCPC and RCOT
ACT/CBS Background and Training: MSc in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health at Kings College London.
Occupational Therapist specialises in mental health and wellbeing.
ACT training with Russ Harris - ACT for mindfulness and trauma
ACT as brief intervention, Act for Adolescents
DBT skills training with Marsha Linehan
Emotionally Focused Therapy with Sue Johnson
Provides wellbeing support for members of Charity CLLSupport and author of web based SupportACT for the charity.
Provided wellbeing support for clients of The Care Oncology Clinic in Canada, US and UK.
Wellbeing Therapist and ACT Practitioner for children aged 11-18years.
Give talks in conferences or workshops run by cancer charities and pharmaceutical companies about holistic support for cancer.
Bereavement Counsellor
Trained First Responder for Victims of Terrorism and Major Incidents

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