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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Eleanor Bigden

Eleanor Bigden

Private therapy and coaching practice in London
EMDR Therapist, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Coach
London, London
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: BS
Specialties: Indenting, meaning, purpose, Trauma, Anxiety, stress, depression, confidence, self esteem, relationships, perfectionism, overeating, addictions, therapist supervision
Types of Clients: Adults
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: HCPC Memb, BABCP accredited, EMDR Association Accredited
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I have been training in ACT since 2008 and I have been enthusiastically sharing the many benefits of this approach with ALL my clients, to great success! It's a fantastic model that fits with my very practical style of teamwork. Everyone seems to find it really helpful to work with me in this way, whatever issue they are bringing. I'm delighted! I really enjoy helping people learn the strategies, tools and techniques that they can then use to be their own therapist and coach.

I'm passionately committed to walking my talk! I have not only had ACT specific supervision for over 10 years, but also ACT specific mentoring for 3 years, in order for me to be able to deeply LIVE this approach from the inside out. I've used many ACT self help book I can find on myself! This has been a highly effective way to learn and grow, and pass on to others the many fantastic insights and strategies I've gained along the way!

I trained in FAP - Functional Analytic Psychotherapy - in 2016 and 17 and regularly use this model, alongside AEDP - Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy- with my clients who wish to transform their relational patterns, and grow in deeper awareness, intimacy, courage and love in their current and future relationships.

I have found the models of AEDP and FAP “Awareness Courage Love” to create a much deeper relational approach to my therapy, coaching, supervision and mentoring with everyone I work with. My intent is to work at relational depth in an empathically attuned, genuinely engaged and responsive way wherever the moment brings in the journey of teamwork.

I find it comes naturally to me to integrate the many different approaches I have trained in alongside ACT and Contextual Behavioural Sciences - whether that’s schema Therapy, CBT, EMDR, NVC, Internal Family Systems, Voice Dialogue, Compassion Focused Therapy or Bio-Spiritual-Focusing.

I have been holding both integrative and model specific supervision and mentoring to therapists and therapists in training for the past 17 years.
ACT/CBS Experience: 15 years
Additional Information: Hello, I'm Eleanor and I love the work I do! As well as a key focus on ACT, I'm a fully accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and EMDR Therapist. My teamwork style is practical, encouraging and down to earth, with a focus on EMPOWERING YOU to live with greater authenticity, wisdom and wellbeing.

My aim is to help you take SUCCESSFUL ACTION, and move from struggle to strength in the areas of your life that you care about. I greatly enjoy assisting people to develop an effective toolkit to build confidence, resilience and resourcefulness amidst any kind of difficulty.

I now have almost 3 decades of helping others, as I started on a wonderfully rich journey of extensive voluntary work alongside therapists since the age of 13 (!). I trained to become a therapist myself in 1995, because of the hugely inspiring changes I could see in my own journey out of depression, social anxiety and addiction, as a consequence of therapeutic teamwork. I am dedicated to continuing to walk my talk and paying the gift of health and healing forwards.

My 18 years of mindfulness practice means you will have my full presence, attentiveness and empathy throughout your sessions. My hope is that you will feel safe enough to share with me whatever may help you move forwards in a positive way. I'm enthusiastic about helping people find deeper meaning, purpose and celebrate what it means to be alive, whilst handling the complexity, uncertainty and instability that life inevitably brings to us all!

You're most welcome to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A FREE 30 MIN PHONE CONSULTATION. It's an opportunity to ask any questions about my approach, and talk through options likely to help you most, without any pressure to commit. Integrity is core to the way I work, so I will give you clear information to help you make a choice that's genuinely right for you. Get in touch and we'll get the ball rolling!

If you decide to work with me, I will tailor the most relevant tools, techniques and strategies to your specific needs and help you:
- Constructively and creatively respond to challenges and obstacles that have been holding you back
- Build greater confidence, motivation, skilfulness and insight
- Positively enhance the way you relate to yourself, other people and life in general.

I'm fascinated in learning from a broad base of research into what makes therapy, coaching mindfulness and authentic teamwork effective, especially in terms of a scientific understanding of natural mind-body processes and interpersonal neurobiology. This means I can work with you in a way that's very realistic: it will be grounded in a thorough understanding of how to work constructively with the natural patterning of human emotions, thinking, drives and habits.

I also offer supervision and training to therapists. I have taught CBT at Advanced Diploma level and hold a Post Graduate Diploma of Teaching Adults in Lifelong Learning. I have 17 years experience of supervising therapists and 8 years of teaching experience in further education settings.

Contact Eleanor

Contact Eleanor Bigden