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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Asle Elen

Asle Elen

Stiftelsen Catosenteret
Clinical psychologist (psykologspesialist))
Son, Akershus
Highest Degree Held: Psy.D.
Specialties: Adult clinical, group therapy
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Couples, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English, Norsk
Licensures/Certifications: Licenced psychologist in Norway
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Clinical psychologist
2 + 2 + 2 days workshop with Steven Hayes
3 + 2 + 2 days workshop with Kelly Wilson
5 days Kirk Strosahl, Patrica Robinson and Thomas Gustavson.
1 day workshop with Frank Bond and D.J. Moran
1 day workshop with Törneke and Blackledge
World congress of ACBS in Parma 2011 (3 day of lectures and workshops), Berlin 2015, Seattle 2016, Sevilla 2017. Dublin 2019 Emotion revolution, Bergen 2018
Held multiple training for both inpatient and out-patient clinics as well as primary care.
2019: World con Dublin
ACT immersion (Hayes) 2019
ACT in practice (Hayes) 2020
2021: ACBS world conference (Digital)
2022: ACBS world conference (San Francisco)
2023: ACBS world conference Cyprus
ACT/CBS Experience: Since 2010
Additional Information: Individual and group therapy
Providing ACT training and supervision
Organizational psychology

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