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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Mr. Peter Bullock

Peter Bullock

Global ESD
Director of Training and Consulting Services
Keene, New York
United States
Highest Degree Held: BA
Languages spoken: English
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I was trained in ACT by Paul Atkins in 2018. In my work with schools I apply CBS with teachers and students as both practice and curricula.
ACT/CBS Experience: Six years
Additional Information: As Director of Consulting and Training Services at Global ESD, Peter draws on his experience as head, curriculum specialist, and science teacher at several independent K-8 schools in Vermont and New York. Recently Peter helped to shape the primary focus of a successful $3.1 MM grant to the John Templeton Foundation to foster and study community-based cultural evolution. His interests include participatory and design based research, contextual behavioral science, improvement science and learning that transfers. For 13 years Peter developed and taught school and summer youth programs reaching 7,000 P-16 students annually at Shelburne Farms, a National Historic Landmark and leader in education for sustainability.

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