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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Dr. Dawn Chandler-Holtz

Dawn Chandler-Holtz

Palmentera and Associates
Psychological Associate
Oberlin, Ohio
United States
Highest Degree Held: Ph.D.
Specialties: anxiety, OCD
Types of Clients: Children, Adolescents, Adults
Languages spoken: English
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I was initially trained in CBT in graduate school. Over the past two years I have been self-educating myself and eventually making ACT my primary type of therapy - I have read several of Russ Harris and Steven Hayes' books, as well as Tamara Black's book on using ACT with children, have done some additional webinar trainings through, and listend to many podcasts by ACT founders and practitioners. Have also read and used with clients the OCD workbook by Mazza and the Pure O OCD Letting Go of Obsessive Thoughts with ACT by LeJeune.
ACT/CBS Experience: Have been using as my primary focus in therapy for the past 1.5 years