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Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adults living with cancer: A single case experimental design (SCED)

A randomised multiple-baseline design assessed the preliminary efficacy of a low-intensity, minimally-guided, online, self-hel

Evaluating the core processes of a hybrid trauma-informed acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for college students

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is based on the psychological flexibility model, underpinned by six core processes: co

Chatbot-Delivered Cognitive Defusion versus Cognitive Restructuring for Negative Self-Referential Thoughts: A Pilot Study

Conversational agents or chatbots are a novel, highly accessible, and low-resource method of psychological intervention delivery. The present research aims to compare two brief chatbot interventions that delivered cognitive restructuring and defusion interventions, respectively. It was hypothesized that a defusion chatbot would lead to reduced cognitive fusion and decreased thought believability relative to cognitive restructuring and a nonactive control. Participants (N = 223; M age of 28.01 [SD = 10.29]; 47 identified as male, 174 as female, and 2 as nonbinary) were randomized into one of three conditions (defusion, restructuring, control), engaged for 5 days completing thought and mood measures pre- and postintervention.

Sasaki, Imamura, Nishi, Watanabe, Asaoka, Sekiya, ... & Kawakami. 2023.

Working mothers with small child face work and life difficulties and show low psychological well-being (PWB).

This randomized controlled trial aimed to examine the effectiveness of a newly developed, fully automated internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (iACT) program, ‘Happiness Mom,’ on improving Ryff's PWB of working mothers with a preschool child.

Vilardaga, Davies, Vowles, & Sullivan. 2020

To report the theoretical basis and design of a novel digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for people with chronic pain, the Pain Tracker Self Manager (PTSM), which had promising efficacy in a recent pilot trial.

Content development by a multidisciplinary panel of experts in psychiatry, clinical psychology, nursing and social work, with feedback from a group of patients with chronic pain and their providers. Materials included paper-based sketching of a story character, visual metaphors, and a series of stories designed to deliver the theory-based components of our behavioral intervention.

SweetSpot: An ACT based App for Young People with Type 1 Diabetes

See the Barker, E. (2016) The Utility of ACT Based Apps in Healthcare. Dissertation, The University of Edinburgh

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