Effect of acceptance and commitment based training on psychological well-being and marital satisfaction in divorce applicants couples
Divorce is a fact that family institution has been experiencing it in today's world. In Iran society due to the importance of family, any damage to this institution is unfortunate. The aim of current study was the surveying of effect of acceptance and commitment based training on psychological well being and marital satisfaction in divorce applicants couples. The design of the study is as experimental research with pretest and post test with control group. Statistical population was all clients who exposed to divorce and confer to the courts in Arak city.
Comparing the Effects of Cognitive- Behavioral Couple Therapy & ACT on Marital Happiness of Dissatisfied Couples
Introduction: MARITAL HAPPINESs is one of the most important factors of marital relationship quality. It shows the degree of couples´ happiness regarding different aspects of their relation.It could be said that, more MARITAL HAPPINESs indicates less marital conflicts and dissatisfaction. Regarding ongoing increasing of marital conflicts and divorce, using effective interventions is necessary for improving the quality of marital relationship.
The effect of ACT on the Conflict Resolution Styles of Incompatible Marital Women
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is one of the third-generation behavioral therapies in which it is attempted to increase the psychological relationship of an individual with his or her thoughts and feelings instead of changing cognition. The purpose of this study was the effectiveness of ACT on conflict resolution styles of incompatible marital women.
Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on dysfunctional communicative attitude (DCA) of couples suffering diabetes in Bandar Abbas
Introduction: This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of ACT on the DCA of couples suffering diabetes in Bandar Abbas.
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Reducing Couple Burnout of Couples
Introduction: Acceptance and commitment therapy is one of the third generations of behavioral therapy and instead of trying to change cognitions, person's Psychological relationship with him thoughts and feelings to rise. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of treatment based on acceptance and commitment (ACT) to reduce the couple burnout of married couples. Method: In the form of a quasi-experimental intervention in the form of pre-posttest control group, 20 couples among couples with marital problems that referred to Rastin counseling and psychological services in the spring of 2015 choice with sampling method and were divided into control and experimental groups randomly (each 10 couples).
Couples Therapy in the 21st Century
Workshop Leader:
Sue Johnson, Ed.D.
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Couples Therapy Based on Commitment and Acceptance (ACT) on Reducing Marital Conflict Working Couples in Isfahan Education
This study is based on commitment and acceptance of the effectiveness of marital therapy to
reduce marital conflict in the city of Esfahan. This research is fundamental for the
implementation of the experimental method pretest - posttest control group design was used.
In order to reach the objective of all working couples in the study, 40 patients were selected
randomly 20 patients in the experimental group and 20 patients in the control group. A draft
questionnaire to collect data, marital Barati and Sanaei (1996) commitment and acceptancebased
therapy and training package was used. Data from the questionnaires using the
embodied metaphors for couples work
This are the handouts of the metaphors used in the WC13 in the "When it takes two for acting mindfully workshop".
Coping with Rejection Concerns in Romantic Relationships: An Experimental Investigation of Social Anxiety and Risk Regulation
Social anxiety tends to be examined from an intrapersonal perspective. Only recently have researchers started to explore social anxiety in the context of close relationships. In the current study, we investigated whether people with greater social anxiety respond defensively when the threat of being rejected by one׳s romantic partner becomes salient. Confronted with possible rejection, we hypothesized that people with greater social anxiety would devalue their partners to minimize the impact of the rejection.