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Coaching SIG
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Using peer-support coaching to improve adherence to online ACT self-help for college mental health: A randomized controlled trial

Online self-help programs such as the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Guide address significant barriers to receiving therapy but suffer from low adherence rates. Peer-delivered coaching, using undergraduate students as coaches, is an innovative alternative to traditional coaching methods which may improve adherence in a more scalable format. To test the efficacy of peer-support coaching for college students using ACT Guide in a naturalistic setting, we conducted a pragmatic randomized controlled trial with three conditions (phone coaching, text message coaching, and a no support control group; N = 230). Participants were block randomized, and program adherence (i.e., number of modules completed) was the primary outcome.

Räsänen, Muotka, & Lappalainen. 2023

Internet-delivered cognitive and behavioral interventions have been shown to be effective in enhancing university students' well-being and reducing symptoms of stress and depression. However, few studies have examined the active components that may contribute to their effectiveness. The present study aimed to explore what kind of online written coach feedback would be useful on participants’ outcomes and satisfaction in two Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) blended interventions.

Hochard, Hulbert-Williams, Ashcroft, & McLoughlin. 2021

Low social resilience (e.g., susceptibility to social anxiety, and social avoidance) has been associated with poor mental and physical health outcomes, and can lead to ostracism. Support services such as university counselling centres, which deal with non-diagnosable psychological distress, linked to low social resilience, require effective yet brief interventions deliverable by non-experts to meet service demands. As it is not always possible to prevent subjectively negative experiences, acceptance-based interventions aim to change how we respond behaviourally to such experiences.

Vilardaga, Davies, Vowles, & Sullivan. 2020

To report the theoretical basis and design of a novel digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention for people with chronic pain, the Pain Tracker Self Manager (PTSM), which had promising efficacy in a recent pilot trial.

Content development by a multidisciplinary panel of experts in psychiatry, clinical psychology, nursing and social work, with feedback from a group of patients with chronic pain and their providers. Materials included paper-based sketching of a story character, visual metaphors, and a series of stories designed to deliver the theory-based components of our behavioral intervention.


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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Health Coaching: A Practical Workshop

Presented at ACBS World Conference 13, Berlin, Germany, 2015

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